#!/bin/bash #**************************************************************************** # tools/simwifi/sim_wifi.sh # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The # ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #**************************************************************************** # NUTTX_BR_IF="nuttx0" RUN_DIR="/var/run/simwifi" LINK_DIR="/usr/bin" CUR_DIR="" DBG_LEVEL=1 WPA_PID_FILE="$RUN_DIR/wpa_supplicant.pid" WPA_CONF_FILE="$RUN_DIR/wpa_supplicant.conf" HOSTAPD_PID_FILE="$RUN_DIR/hostapd.pid" HOSTAPD_CONF_FILE="$RUN_DIR/hostapd.conf" DNSMASQ_PID="$RUN_DIR/dnsmasq.pid" DNSMASQ_CONF="$RUN_DIR/dnsmasq.conf" UDHCPC_PID="$RUN_DIR/udhcpc.pid" UDHCPC_SCRIPT="/var/udhcpc.script" LOG_FILE="$RUN_DIR/simwifi.log" STATE_FILE="$RUN_DIR/simwifi.state" DEFCONF_FILE="$RUN_DIR/simwifi.conf" DHCP_CLIENT=$(which udhcpc) DNSMASQ=$(which dnsmasq) WPA_SUPPLICANT=$(which wpa_supplicant) HOSTAPD=$(which hostapd) # print the debug message sw_dbg() { [ $1 -ge $DBG_LEVEL ] && { echo "$2" } } # get var from the file # $1:key $2:file get_var() { cat $2 | grep $1 | awk -F':' '{print $2}' } check_state() { old_state=$(get_var state $STATE_FILE) sw_dbg 1 "new state:$1, old_state:$old_state" if [ "$1" = "$old_state" ]; then sw_dbg 1 "cur_state is $1" exit 0 fi } # set simwifi state set_state() { state=$1 wlan_if=$2 br_if=$3 wan_if=$4 sw_dbg 1 "[set_state] new state:$1" if [ "$state" != "SW_INIT" -a "$state" != "SW_HWSIM" -a \ "$state" != "SW_NET" -a "$state" != "SW_STA" -a \ "$state" != "SW_AP" -a "$state" != "SW_STAAP" ]; then echo "no state: $1" exit -1 fi sw_dbg 1 "state:$state wlan_if:$wlan_if, br_if:$br_if wan_if:$wan_if" echo "state:$state" > $STATE_FILE [ -n "$wlan_if" ] && echo "wlan:$wlan_if" >> $STATE_FILE [ -n "$br_if" ] && echo "br:$br_if" >> $STATE_FILE [ -n "$wan_if" ] && echo "wan:$wan_if" >> $STATE_FILE } # recover the simwifi state to SW_INIT recovery_to_init() { cur_state=$(get_var state $STATE_FILE) wlan_if=$(get_var wlan $STATE_FILE) br_if=$(get_var br $STATE_FILE) sw_dbg 1 "[recovery_to_init] cur_s:$cur_state" case $cur_state in SW_INIT) ;; SW_HWSIM) stop_hwsim;; SW_STAAP) stop_staap;; SW_NET) stop_net $wlan_if;; SW_STA) stop_sta;; SW_AP) stop_ap $wlan_if;; *) set_state SW_INIT;; esac } # Get the absolute pathname of sim_wifi.sh get_script_path() { SOURCE=$1 while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do SOURCE=$(readlink $SOURCE) done CUR_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $SOURCE) && pwd) } # Copy the configure file to the $RUN_DIR init_env() { sw_dbg 1 "init env" [ -f "$STATE_FILE" ] && { check_hwsim_mode recovery_to_init } mkdir -p $RUN_DIR touch $STATE_FILE if [ "$1" = "hwsim" ]; then cp -fr $CUR_DIR/hostapd_hwsim.conf $HOSTAPD_CONF_FILE cp -fr $CUR_DIR/wpa_supplicant_hwsim.conf $WPA_CONF_FILE else cp -fr $CUR_DIR/hostapd.conf $HOSTAPD_CONF_FILE cp -fr $CUR_DIR/wpa_supplicant.conf $WPA_CONF_FILE fi cp -fr $CUR_DIR/dnsmasq.conf $DNSMASQ_CONF cp -fr $CUR_DIR/udhcpc.script $UDHCPC_SCRIPT chmod +x $UDHCPC_SCRIPT } # Rename the interface name rename_ifdev() { old_name=$1 new_name=$2 ifconfig $old_name down && ip link set $old_name name $new_name ifconfig $new_name up } kill_service() { service_name=$(basename $1 .pid) sw_dbg 1 "kill $service_name" if [ -f "$1" ]; then pid=$(cat $1) kill -9 $pid rm $1 else sw_dbg 1 "$1 isn't existed." killall $service_name fi } stop_wpa() { kill_service $WPA_PID_FILE } stop_hostapd() { kill_service $HOSTAPD_PID_FILE } start_hostapd() { sw_dbg 1 "start ap on $1" #Waiting 1s. If not, the hostapd starting maybe fail on switching mode. sleep 1 $HOSTAPD -B -i$1 -P $HOSTAPD_PID_FILE $HOSTAPD_CONF_FILE -t &>>$LOG_FILE } start_wpa() { sw_dbg 1 "start sta on $1" #Waiting 1s. If not, the wap_supplicant starting maybe fail on switching mode. sleep 1 $WPA_SUPPLICANT -B -c $WPA_CONF_FILE -i$1 -P $WPA_PID_FILE &>>$LOG_FILE } start_udhcpc() { sw_dbg 1 "start dhcp client on $1" [ -n "$2" ] && script_opt=" -s $UDHCPC_SCRIPT" $DHCP_CLIENT -i $1 -p $UDHCPC_PID $script_opt &>>$LOG_FILE & } stop_udhcpc() { kill_service $UDHCPC_PID } start_bridge() { sw_dbg 1 "start bridge to $1" $CUR_DIR/../simhostroute.sh $1 on &>>$LOG_FILE } stop_bridge() { sw_dbg 1 "stop bridge to $1" sw_dbg 1 "Warning: The $NUTTX_BR_IF will be deleted!" $CUR_DIR/../simhostroute.sh $1 off &>>$LOG_FILE } start_dhcp_server() { sw_dbg 1 "start dhcp server on $1" dbg_option=$($DNSMASQ --help|grep log-debug | awk '{print $1}') $DNSMASQ -i$1 -C $DNSMASQ_CONF $dbg_option -x $DNSMASQ_PID &>>$LOG_FILE } stop_dhcp_server() { kill_service $DNSMASQ_PID } check_hwsim_mode() { cur_state=$(get_var state $STATE_FILE) sw_dbg 1 "[check_hwsim_mode]state: $cur_state" if [ "$cur_state" = "SW_HWSIM" ]; then sw_dbg 1 "cur_state is hwsim mode. \ Don't set the sta/ap mode." exit 0 fi } start_hwsim() { sta_if=${1:-wlan0} ap_if=${2:-wlan1} sw_dbg 1 "start hwsim on $sta_if $ap_if" init_env hwsim start_hostapd $ap_if start_wpa $sta_if start_dhcp_server $NUTTX_BR_IF set_state SW_HWSIM } stop_hwsim() { stop_wpa stop_hostapd stop_dhcp_server set_state SW_INIT } start_net() { init_env start_wpa $1 start_udhcpc $1 start_bridge $1 start_dhcp_server $NUTTX_BR_IF set_state SW_NET $1 $NUTTX_BR_IF $1 } # Warning:The function will delete nuttx0 stop_net() { stop_wpa stop_udhcpc stop_bridge $1 stop_dhcp_server set_state SW_INIT } start_sta() { [ -z "$(ifconfig | grep "$NUTTX_BR_IF")" ] && { sw_dbg 1 "Please ensure that the $NUTTX_BR_IF is existed." exit -2 } check_state SW_STA check_state SW_STAAP init_env start_wpa $1 start_udhcpc $1 s start_dhcp_server $NUTTX_BR_IF set_state SW_STA $1 $NUTTX_BR_IF; exit 0 } del_gw_wlan() { wlan_if=$1 router=$(ip route show | grep default | grep $wlan_if) [ -n "$router" ] && { ip route del $router sw_dbg 1 "del the default router on $wlan_if" } ifconfig $wlan_if } stop_sta() { stop_wpa stop_udhcpc stop_dhcp_server #check and delete default on wlan0 wlan_if=$(get_var wlan $STATE_FILE) del_gw_wlan $wlan_if set_state SW_INIT } start_ap() { [ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Missing parameter wlan interface." exit -1 } [ -z "$2" ] && { [ -z "$(ifconfig | grep "$NUTTX_BR_IF")" ] && { echo "Missing parameter wan interface." echo "Please ensure that the $NUTTX_BR_IF is existed." exit -2 } wan_if="" } || { wan_if=$2 } check_state SW_AP check_state SW_STAAP init_env start_hostapd $1 # nuttx0 doesn't exist and wan_if is configured. [ -z "$(ifconfig | grep "$NUTTX_BR_IF")" -a -n "$wan_if" ] && { start_bridge $wan_if } ip link set dev $1 master $NUTTX_BR_IF start_dhcp_server $NUTTX_BR_IF set_state SW_AP $1 $wan_if; exit 0 } stop_ap() { stop_hostapd [ -z "$2" ] || stop_bridge $2 sw_dbg 1 "stop_ap $1" ip link set dev $1 nomaster stop_dhcp_server set_state SW_INIT } check_ifname() { [ -z "$(ifconfig | grep "$1")" ] && { echo "The $1 does not exist." exit -1 } } start_staap() { sta_if=${1:-wlan0} ap_if=${2:-wlan1} sw_dbg 1 "start staap $sta_if $ap_if" for i in $sta_if $ap_if $NUTTX_BR_IF; do check_ifname $i done check_state SW_STAAP init_env start_hostapd $ap_if sleep 1 start_wpa $sta_if ip link set dev $ap_if master $NUTTX_BR_IF start_udhcpc $sta_if start_dhcp_server $NUTTX_BR_IF set_state SW_STAAP "$sta_if,$ap_if" $NUTTX_BR_IF } stop_staap() { stop_wpa stop_hostapd stop_udhcpc stop_dhcp_server ip link set dev wlan1 nomaster set_state SW_INIT } show_process() { ps -ef | grep "$1 " | grep -v grep } show_status() { #1.env conf [ -d "$RUN_DIR" ] && { echo "$RUN_DIR" ls $RUN_DIR } #2. key services echo -e "\nservices list" for i in wpa_supplicant hostapd dnsmasq udhcpc; do show_process $i done #3. bridge nuttx0 info [ -n "$(ifconfig | grep $NUTTX_BR_IF)" ] && { echo -e "\nbridge $NUTTX_BR_IF" ip link show master $NUTTX_BR_IF } #4.show DEFCONF_FILE echo -e "\ndefault config" cat $DEFCONF_FILE #5. show state echo "" cat $STATE_FILE #6. show router echo "" ip route show } # $1 is the default wan interface for start_sta # $2 is the simwifi mode, (rnc/hwsim) init() { [ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Missing the default wan interface." exit -1 } [ -z "$2" ] && { echo "Missing the simwifi mode." exit -2 } init_env ln -s $CUR_DIR/sim_wifi.sh $LINK_DIR/sim_wifi.sh echo "defwan:$1" > $DEFCONF_FILE [ -n "$1" -a -n "$(ifconfig | grep $1)" ] && start_bridge $1 echo "mode:$2" >> $DEFCONF_FILE [ "$2" = "hwsim" ] && modprobe mac80211_hwsim set_state SW_INIT "" $NUTTX_BR_IF $1 } clean() { [ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Missing the default wan interface." exit -1 } recovery_to_init rm $LINK_DIR/sim_wifi.sh cur_mode=$(get_var mode $DEFCONF_FILE) [ "$cur_mode" = "hwsim" ] && modprobe -r mac80211_hwsim echo "defwan:$1" > $DEFCONF_FILE [ -n "$1" -a -n "$(ifconfig | grep $1)" ] && stop_bridge $1 rm -fr $RUN_DIR rm -f $UDHCPC_SCRIPT } usage() { echo "$(basename $SOURCE) (rename |" echo -e "\t init |clean |" echo -e "\t start_wpa |stop_wpa |" echo -e "\t start_hostapd |stop_hostapd |" echo -e "\t start_udhcpc |stop_udhcpc |" echo -e "\t start_dhcp |stop_dhcp |" echo -e "\t start_hwsim |stop_hwsim |up_hwsim |" echo -e "\t start_staap |stop_staap |" echo -e "\t start_net |stop_net |" echo -e "\t start_sta |stop_sta |" echo -e "\t start_ap [eth0] |stop_ap [eth0] |" echo -e "\t start_bridge |stop_bridge |" echo -e "\t show | help)" } # locate the directory of the sim_wifi.sh. get_script_path $0 case $1 in init) init $2 $3;; clean) clean $2;; start_bridge) start_bridge $2;; stop_bridge) stop_bridge $2;; start_hwsim) start_hwsim $2 $3;; stop_hwsim) stop_hwsim;; up_hwsim) ifconfig hwsim0 up;; start_wpa) start_wpa $2;; stop_wpa) stop_wpa;; start_hostapd) start_hostapd $2;; stop_hostapd) stop_hostapd;; rename) rename_ifdev $2 $3;; start_udhcpc) start_udhcpc $2;; stop_udhcpc) stop_udhcpc;; start_dhcp) start_dhcp_server $2;; stop_dhcp) stop_dhcp_server;; start_net) start_net $2;; stop_net) stop_net $2;; start_sta) start_sta $2;; stop_sta) stop_sta;; start_ap) start_ap $2 $3;; stop_ap) stop_ap $2 $3;; start_staap) start_staap;; stop_staap) stop_staap;; show) show_status;; help|*) usage;; esac