############################################################################ # tools/esp32c3/Config.mk # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The # ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ############################################################################ # These are the macros that will be used in the NuttX make system to compile # and assemble source files and to insert the resulting object files into an # archive. These replace the default definitions at tools/Config.mk ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_2M),y) FLASH_SIZE := 2MB else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_4M),y) FLASH_SIZE := 4MB else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_8M),y) FLASH_SIZE := 8MB else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_16M),y) FLASH_SIZE := 16MB endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_MODE_DIO),y) FLASH_MODE := dio else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_MODE_DOUT),y) FLASH_MODE := dout else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_MODE_QIO),y) FLASH_MODE := qio else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_MODE_QOUT),y) FLASH_MODE := qout endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_FREQ_80M),y) FLASH_FREQ := 80m else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_FREQ_40M),y) FLASH_FREQ := 40m else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_FREQ_26M),y) FLASH_FREQ := 26m else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_FREQ_20M),y) FLASH_FREQ := 20m endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_FLASH_DETECT),y) ESPTOOL_WRITEFLASH_OPTS := -fs detect -fm dio -ff $(FLASH_FREQ) else ESPTOOL_WRITEFLASH_OPTS := -fs $(FLASH_SIZE) -fm dio -ff $(FLASH_FREQ) endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT)$(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED),) ESPTOOL_RESET_OPTS += --after no_reset endif ESPTOOL_FLASH_OPTS := -fs $(FLASH_SIZE) -fm $(FLASH_MODE) -ff $(FLASH_FREQ) # Configure the variables according to build environment ifdef ESPTOOL_BINDIR ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_FORMAT_LEGACY),y) BL_OFFSET := 0x0 PT_OFFSET := $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET) BOOTLOADER := $(ESPTOOL_BINDIR)/bootloader-esp32c3.bin PARTITION_TABLE := $(ESPTOOL_BINDIR)/partition-table-esp32c3.bin FLASH_BL := $(BL_OFFSET) $(BOOTLOADER) FLASH_PT := $(PT_OFFSET) $(PARTITION_TABLE) ESPTOOL_BINS := $(FLASH_BL) $(FLASH_PT) else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_FORMAT_MCUBOOT),y) BL_OFFSET := 0x0 ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT),y) BOOTLOADER := $(ESPTOOL_BINDIR)/mcuboot-esp32c3.signed.bin else BOOTLOADER := $(ESPTOOL_BINDIR)/mcuboot-esp32c3.bin endif FLASH_BL := $(BL_OFFSET) $(BOOTLOADER) ifneq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT)$(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED),) ESPTOOL_BINS := else ESPTOOL_BINS := $(FLASH_BL) endif endif endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_FORMAT_LEGACY),y) APP_OFFSET := 0x10000 APP_IMAGE := nuttx.bin FLASH_APP := $(APP_OFFSET) $(APP_IMAGE) else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_FORMAT_MCUBOOT),y) ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_ESPTOOL_TARGET_PRIMARY),y) VERIFIED := --confirm APP_OFFSET := $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_OTA_PRIMARY_SLOT_OFFSET) else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_ESPTOOL_TARGET_SECONDARY),y) VERIFIED := APP_OFFSET := $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_OTA_SECONDARY_SLOT_OFFSET) endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT),y) APP_IMAGE := nuttx.signed.bin else APP_IMAGE := nuttx.bin endif FLASH_APP := $(APP_OFFSET) $(APP_IMAGE) ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED),y) IMGTOOL_ALIGN_ARGS := --align 32 --max-align 32 else IMGTOOL_ALIGN_ARGS := --align 4 endif IMGTOOL_SIGN_ARGS := --pad $(VERIFIED) $(IMGTOOL_ALIGN_ARGS) -v 0 -s auto \ -H $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_MCUBOOT_HEADER_SIZE) --pad-header \ -S $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_OTA_SLOT_SIZE) endif ESPTOOL_BINS += $(FLASH_APP) ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED),y) ESPTOOL_BINS += $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_USER_IMAGE_OFFSET) nuttx_user.bin endif # Commands for colored and formatted output RED = \033[1;31m YELLOW = \033[1;33m BOLD = \033[1m RST = \033[0m # Functions for printing help messages define HELP_SIGN_APP $(Q) echo "" $(Q) echo "$(YELLOW)Application not signed. Sign the application before flashing.$(RST)" $(Q) echo "To sign the application, you can use this command:" $(Q) echo " imgtool sign -k $(ESPSEC_KEYDIR)/$(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT_APP_SIGNING_KEY) --public-key-format hash $(IMGTOOL_SIGN_ARGS) nuttx.hex nuttx.signed.bin" $(Q) echo "" endef define HELP_FLASH_BOOTLOADER $(Q) echo "" $(Q) echo "$(YELLOW)Security features enabled, so bootloader not flashed automatically.$(RST)" $(Q) echo "Use the following command to flash the bootloader:" $(Q) echo " esptool.py $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash $(ESPTOOL_WRITEFLASH_OPTS) $(FLASH_BL)" $(Q) echo "" endef # MERGEBIN -- Merge raw binary files into a single file define MERGEBIN $(Q) if [ -z $(ESPTOOL_BINDIR) ]; then \ echo "MERGEBIN error: Missing argument for binary files directory."; \ echo "USAGE: make ESPTOOL_BINDIR="; \ exit 1; \ fi $(Q) if [ -z $(FLASH_SIZE) ]; then \ echo "Missing Flash memory size configuration for the ESP32-C3 chip."; \ exit 1; \ fi esptool.py -c esp32c3 merge_bin --output nuttx.merged.bin $(ESPTOOL_FLASH_OPTS) $(ESPTOOL_BINS) $(Q) echo nuttx.merged.bin >> nuttx.manifest $(Q) echo "Generated: nuttx.merged.bin" endef # SIGNBIN -- Create the signed binary image file for Secure Boot define SIGNBIN $(Q) echo "SIGNBIN: ESP32-C3 signed binary" $(Q) if ! imgtool version 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo ""; \ echo "imgtool not found. Please run: \"pip install imgtool\""; \ echo ""; \ echo "Run make again to create the nuttx.signed.bin image."; \ exit 1; \ fi $(Q) if [ -z "$(ESPSEC_KEYDIR)" ]; then \ echo "SIGNBIN error: Missing argument for secure boot keys directory."; \ echo "USAGE: make ESPSEC_KEYDIR="; \ exit 1; \ fi $(eval APP_SIGN_KEY := $(ESPSEC_KEYDIR)/$(subst ",,$(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT_APP_SIGNING_KEY))) $(Q) if [ ! -f "$(APP_SIGN_KEY)" ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "$(RED)SIGNBIN error:$(RST) Application signing key $(BOLD)$(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT_APP_SIGNING_KEY)$(RST) does not exist."; \ echo "Generate using:"; \ echo " imgtool keygen --key $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT_APP_SIGNING_KEY) --type "; \ echo ""; \ exit 1; \ fi imgtool sign -k $(APP_SIGN_KEY) --public-key-format hash $(IMGTOOL_SIGN_ARGS) nuttx.hex nuttx.signed.bin $(Q) echo nuttx.signed.bin >> nuttx.manifest $(Q) echo "Generated: nuttx.signed.bin (MCUboot compatible)" endef # MKIMAGE -- Convert an ELF file into a compatible binary file ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT),y) define MKIMAGE $(if $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT_BUILD_SIGNED_BINARIES),$(call SIGNBIN),$(call HELP_SIGN_APP)) endef else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_FORMAT_LEGACY),y) define MKIMAGE $(Q) echo "MKIMAGE: ESP32-C3 binary" $(Q) if ! esptool.py version 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo ""; \ echo "esptool.py not found. Please run: \"pip install esptool\""; \ echo ""; \ echo "Run make again to create the nuttx.bin image."; \ exit 1; \ fi $(Q) if [ -z $(FLASH_SIZE) ]; then \ echo "Missing Flash memory size configuration for the ESP32-C3 chip."; \ exit 1; \ fi esptool.py -c esp32c3 elf2image $(ESPTOOL_FLASH_OPTS) -o nuttx.bin nuttx $(Q) echo "Generated: nuttx.bin (ESP32-C3 compatible)" endef else ifeq ($(CONFIG_ESP32C3_APP_FORMAT_MCUBOOT),y) define MKIMAGE $(Q) echo "MKIMAGE: ESP32-C3 binary" $(Q) if ! imgtool version 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then \ echo ""; \ echo "imgtool not found. Please run: \"pip install imgtool\""; \ echo ""; \ echo "Run make again to create the nuttx.bin image."; \ exit 1; \ fi imgtool sign $(IMGTOOL_SIGN_ARGS) nuttx.hex nuttx.bin $(Q) echo "Generated: nuttx.bin (MCUboot compatible)" endef endif endif # POSTBUILD -- Perform post build operations define POSTBUILD $(call MKIMAGE) $(if $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_MERGE_BINS),$(call MERGEBIN)) endef # ESPTOOL_BAUD -- Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading via esptool.py ESPTOOL_BAUD ?= 921600 # FLASH -- Download a binary image via esptool.py define FLASH $(Q) if [ -z $(ESPTOOL_PORT) ]; then \ echo "FLASH error: Missing serial port device argument."; \ echo "USAGE: make flash ESPTOOL_PORT= [ ESPTOOL_BAUD= ]"; \ exit 1; \ fi $(eval ESPTOOL_OPTS := -c esp32c3 -p $(ESPTOOL_PORT) -b $(ESPTOOL_BAUD) $(ESPTOOL_RESET_OPTS) $(if $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_ESPTOOLPY_NO_STUB),--no-stub)) esptool.py $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash $(ESPTOOL_WRITEFLASH_OPTS) $(ESPTOOL_BINS) $(if $(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_BOOT)$(CONFIG_ESP32C3_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED),$(call HELP_FLASH_BOOTLOADER)) endef