 * fs/nxffs/nxffs_dump.c
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
 * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <nuttx/crc32.h>
#include <nuttx/kmalloc.h>
#include <nuttx/fs/ioctl.h>
#include <nuttx/mtd/mtd.h>

#include "nxffs.h"

 * Pre-processor Definitions

 * Private Types

struct nxffs_blkinfo_s
  struct mtd_geometry_s geo;
  FAR uint8_t *buffer;
  off_t nblocks;
  off_t block;
  off_t offset;
  bool verbose;

 * Private Data

static const char g_hdrformat[] = "  BLOCK:OFFS  TYPE  STATE   LENGTH\n";
static const char g_format[]    = "  %5d:%-5d %s %s %5d\n";

 * Private Functions

 * Name: nxffs_analyzeinode
 * Description:
 *   Analyze one candidate inode found in the block.

static inline ssize_t nxffs_analyzeinode(FAR struct nxffs_blkinfo_s *blkinfo,
                                         int offset)
  FAR struct nxffs_inode_s inode;
  off_t nextblock;
  uint8_t  state;
  uint32_t noffs;
  uint32_t doffs;
#if 0
  uint32_t utc;
  uint32_t ecrc;
  uint32_t datlen;
  uint32_t crc;
  size_t   spaceleft;

  /* Verify that there is space for an inode header remaining in the block */

  if (offset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR > blkinfo->geo.blocksize)
      /* No.. then this can't be an inode header */

      return ERROR;

  /* Unpack the header */

  memcpy(&inode, &blkinfo->buffer[offset], SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR);
  noffs  = nxffs_rdle32(inode.noffs);
  doffs  = nxffs_rdle32(inode.doffs);
#if 0
  utc    = nxffs_rdle32(inode.utc);
  ecrc   = nxffs_rdle32(inode.crc);
  datlen = nxffs_rdle32(inode.datlen);

  /* Misc. sanity checks */

  if (noffs < blkinfo->offset + offset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR)
      /* The name begins before the inode header.  This can't can't be
       * a real inode header (or it is a corrupted one).

      return ERROR;

  /* Can we verify the inode?  We need to have the inode name in the same
   * block to do that (or get access to the next block)

  if (doffs < blkinfo->offset + offset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR)
      /* The first data block begins before the inode header.  This can't
       * can't be a real inode header (or it is a corrupted one).

      return ERROR;

  spaceleft = (blkinfo->nblocks - blkinfo->block) * blkinfo->geo.blocksize;
  spaceleft -= (offset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR);
  if (datlen > spaceleft)
      /* The data length is greater than what would fit in the rest of FLASH
       * (even ignoring block and data header sizes.

      return ERROR;

  /* The name begins after the inode header.  Does it begin in this block? */

  nextblock = blkinfo->offset + blkinfo->geo.blocksize;
  if (noffs > nextblock)
      /* Note than we cannot verify the inode header */

      if (blkinfo->verbose)
          syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
                 blkinfo->block, offset, "INODE", "UNVERFD", datlen);

      return ERROR;

  /* The name begins in this block.  Does it also end in this block? */

  if (noffs + inode.namlen > nextblock)
      /* No..  Assume that this is not an inode. */

      return ERROR;

  /* Calculate the CRC */

  state       = inode.state;
  nxffs_wrle32(inode.crc, 0);

  crc = crc32((FAR const uint8_t *)&inode, SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR);
  crc = crc32part(&blkinfo->buffer[noffs - blkinfo->offset],
                  inode.namlen, crc);

  if (crc != ecrc)
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
             blkinfo->block, offset, "INODE", "CRC BAD", datlen);
      return ERROR;

  /* If must be a good header */

  if (state == INODE_STATE_FILE)
      if (blkinfo->verbose)
          syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
                 blkinfo->block, offset, "INODE", "OK     ", datlen);
  else if (state == INODE_STATE_DELETED)
      if (blkinfo->verbose)
          syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
                 blkinfo->block, offset, "INODE", "DELETED", datlen);
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
             blkinfo->block, offset, "INODE", "CORRUPT", datlen);

  /* Return the block-relative offset to the next byte after the inode name */

  return noffs + inode.namlen - offset - blkinfo->offset;

 * Name: nxffs_analyzedata
 * Description:
 *   Analyze one candidate inode found in the block.

static inline ssize_t nxffs_analyzedata(FAR struct nxffs_blkinfo_s *blkinfo,
                                        int offset)
  struct nxffs_data_s dathdr;
  uint32_t ecrc;
  uint16_t datlen;
  uint32_t crc;

  /* Copy and unpack the data block header */

  memcpy(&dathdr, &blkinfo->buffer[offset], SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR);
  ecrc   = nxffs_rdle32(dathdr.crc);
  datlen = nxffs_rdle16(dathdr.datlen);

  /* Sanity checks */

  if (offset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR + datlen > blkinfo->geo.blocksize)
      /* Data does not fit in within the block, this can't be a data block */

      return ERROR;

  /* Calculate the CRC */

  nxffs_wrle32(dathdr.crc, 0);

  crc = crc32((FAR const uint8_t *)&dathdr, SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR);
  crc = crc32part(&blkinfo->buffer[offset + SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR],
                  datlen, crc);

  if (crc != ecrc)
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
             blkinfo->block, offset, "DATA ", "CRC BAD", datlen);
      return ERROR;

  /* If must be a good header */

  if (blkinfo->verbose)
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format,
             blkinfo->block, offset, "DATA ", "OK     ", datlen);

  return SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR + datlen;

 * Name: nxffs_analyze
 * Description:
 *   Analyze the content of one block.

static inline void nxffs_analyze(FAR struct nxffs_blkinfo_s *blkinfo)
  FAR struct nxffs_block_s *blkhdr;
  ssize_t nbytes;
  int hdrndx;
  int datndx;
  int inndx;
  int i;

  /* Verify that there is a header on the block */

  blkhdr = (FAR struct nxffs_block_s *)blkinfo->buffer;
  if (memcmp(blkhdr->magic, g_blockmagic, NXFFS_MAGICSIZE) != 0)
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format, blkinfo->block, 0, "BLOCK", "NO FRMT",
  else if (blkhdr->state == BLOCK_STATE_GOOD)
      size_t datsize = blkinfo->geo.blocksize - SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR;
      size_t nerased = nxffs_erased(blkinfo->buffer + SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR,
      if (nerased == datsize)
          if (blkinfo->verbose)
                     "ERASED ",

#if 0 /* Too much output, to little information */
          syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format, blkinfo->block, 0, "BLOCK", "IN USE ",
  else if (blkhdr->state == BLOCK_STATE_BAD)
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format, blkinfo->block, 0, "BLOCK", "BAD    ",
      syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format, blkinfo->block, 0, "BLOCK", "CORRUPT",

  /* Search for Inode and data block headers.  */

  inndx = 0;
  datndx = 0;

  for (i = SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR; i < blkinfo->geo.blocksize; i++)
      uint8_t ch = blkinfo->buffer[i];

      if (ch == g_inodemagic[inndx])
          datndx = 0;

          if (inndx == NXFFS_MAGICSIZE)
              hdrndx = i - NXFFS_MAGICSIZE + 1;
              nbytes = nxffs_analyzeinode(blkinfo, hdrndx);
              if (nbytes > 0)
                  i = hdrndx + nbytes - 1;

              inndx = 0;
      else if (ch == g_datamagic[datndx])
          inndx = 0;

          if (datndx == NXFFS_MAGICSIZE)
              hdrndx = i - NXFFS_MAGICSIZE + 1;
              nbytes = nxffs_analyzedata(blkinfo, hdrndx);
              if (nbytes > 0)
                  i = hdrndx + nbytes - 1;

              datndx = 0;

 * Public Functions

 * Name: nxffs_dump
 * Description:
 *   Dump a summary of the contents of an NXFFS file system.
 *   for this function to do anything.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   mtd - The MTD device that provides the interface to NXFFS-formatted
 *     media.
 *   verbose - FALSE: only show errors
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero is returned on success.  Otherwise, a negated errno value is
 *   returned to indicate the nature of the failure.

int nxffs_dump(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *mtd, bool verbose)
  struct nxffs_blkinfo_s blkinfo;
  int ret;

  /* Get the volume geometry. (casting to uintptr_t first eliminates
   * complaints on some architectures where the sizeof long is different
   * from the size of a pointer).

  memset(&blkinfo, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_blkinfo_s));
  ret = MTD_IOCTL(mtd,
                  (unsigned long)((uintptr_t)&blkinfo.geo));
  if (ret < 0)
      ferr("ERROR: MTD ioctl(MTDIOC_GEOMETRY) failed: %d\n", -ret);
      return ret;

  /* Save the verbose output indication */

  blkinfo.verbose = verbose;

  /* Allocate a buffer to hold one block */

  blkinfo.buffer = (FAR uint8_t *)kmm_malloc(blkinfo.geo.blocksize);
  if (!blkinfo.buffer)
      ferr("ERROR: Failed to allocate block cache\n");
      return -ENOMEM;

  /* Now read every block on the device */

  syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "NXFFS Dump:\n");
  syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_hdrformat);

  blkinfo.nblocks = blkinfo.geo.erasesize * blkinfo.geo.neraseblocks /
  for (blkinfo.block = 0, blkinfo.offset = 0;
       blkinfo.block < blkinfo.nblocks;
       blkinfo.block++, blkinfo.offset += blkinfo.geo.blocksize)
      /* Read the next block */

      ret = MTD_BREAD(mtd, blkinfo.block, 1, blkinfo.buffer);
      if (ret < 0)
          /* Read errors are fatal */

          ferr("ERROR: Failed to read block %d\n", blkinfo.block);
          return ret;
          /* A read error is probably fatal on all media but NAND.
           * On NAND, the read error probably just signifies a block
           * with an uncorrectable ECC failure.  So, to handle NAND,
           * just report the read error and continue.

          syslog(LOG_NOTICE, g_format, blkinfo.block, 0, "BLOCK", "RD FAIL",
          /* Analyze the block that we just read */


  syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%d blocks analyzed\n", blkinfo.nblocks);

  return OK;

  return -ENOSYS;