 * boards/arm/sama5/sama5d3x-ek/include/board.h
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
 * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <nuttx/irq.h>

/* Clocking *****************************************************************/

/* After power-on reset, the SAMA5 device is running on a 12MHz internal RC.
 * These definitions will configure operational clocking.

/* On-board crystal frequencies */

#define BOARD_MAINOSC_FREQUENCY    (12000000)  /* MAINOSC: 12MHz crystal on-board */
#define BOARD_SLOWCLK_FREQUENCY    (32768)     /* Slow Clock: 32.768KHz */

/* When booting from SDRAM, NuttX is loaded in SDRAM by an intermediate
 * bootloader.
 * That bootloader had to have already configured the PLL and SDRAM for
 * proper operation.
 * In this case, we don not reconfigure the clocking.
 * Rather, we need to query the register settings to determine the clock
 * frequencies.  We can only assume that the Main clock source is the
 * on-board 12MHz crystal.

#  include <arch/board/board_sdram.h>

#elif defined(CONFIG_SAMA5D3XEK_384MHZ)
/* OHCI Only.
 * This is an alternative slower configuration that will produce a 48MHz
 * USB clock with the required accuracy using only PLLA.
 * When PPLA is used to clock OHCI, an additional requirement is the PLLACK
 * be a multiple of 48MHz.
 * This setup results in a CPU clock of 384MHz.
 * This case is only interesting for experimentation.

#  include <arch/board/board_384mhz.h>

#elif defined(CONFIG_SAMA5D3XEK_528MHZ)
/* This is the configuration results in a CPU clock of 528MHz.
 * In this configuration, UPLL is the source of the UHPHS clock (if enabled).

#  include <arch/board/board_528mhz.h>

#else /* #elif defined(CONFIG_SAMA5D3XEK_396MHZ) */
/* This is the configuration provided in the Atmel example code.
 * This setup results in a CPU clock of 396MHz.
 * In this configuration, UPLL is the source of the UHPHS clock (if enabled).

#  include <arch/board/board_396mhz.h>


 * Pre-processor Definitions

/* LCD Interface, Geometry and Timing */

#define BOARD_LCDC_OUTPUT_BPP 24       /* Output format to H/W is 24BPP RGB */
#define BOARD_LCDC_WIDTH      800      /* Display width (pixels) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_HEIGHT     480      /* Display height (rows) */
#undef  BOARD_LCDC_MCK_MUL2            /* Source clock is Mck (vs 2*Mck) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_PIXCLK_INV 1        /* Invert pixel clock, use falling edge */
#define BOARD_LCDC_PIXELCLOCK 33260000 /* Pixel clock frequency */
#define BOARD_LCDC_GUARDTIME  9        /* Guard time (frames) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_VSPW       2        /* Vertical pulse width (lines) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_HSPW       128      /* Horizontal pulse width (LCDDOTCLK) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_VFPW       37       /* Vertical front porch (lines) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_VBPW       8        /* Vertical back porch (lines) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_HFPW       168      /* Horizontal front porch (LCDDOTCLK) */
#define BOARD_LCDC_HBPW       88       /* Horizontal back porch (LCDDOTCLK) */

/* Backlight prescaler value and PWM output polarity */


/* LED definitions **********************************************************/

/* There are two LEDs on the SAMA5D3 series-CM board that can be controlled
 * by software.  A  blue LED is controlled via PIO pins.  A red LED normally
 * provides an indication that power is supplied to the board but can also
 * be controlled via software.
 *   PE25.  This blue LED is pulled high and is illuminated by pulling PE25
 *   low.
 *   PE24.  The red LED is also pulled high but is driven by a transistor so
 *   that it is illuminated when power is applied even if PE24 is not
 *   configured as an output.  If PE24 is configured as an output, then the
 *   LCD is illuminated by a high output.

/* LED index values for use with board_userled() */

#define BOARD_BLUE        0
#  define BOARD_NLEDS     1
#  define BOARD_RED       1
#  define BOARD_NLEDS     2

/* LED bits for use with board_userled_all() */

#define BOARD_BLUE_BIT    (1 << BOARD_BLUE)
#  define BOARD_RED_BIT   (1 << BOARD_RED)

/* These LEDs are not used by the board port unless CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is
 * defined.  In that case, the usage by the board port is defined in
 * include/board.h and src/sam_leds.c. The LEDs are used to encode OS-related
 * events as follows when the red LED (PE24) is available:
 *      SYMBOL            Val    Meaning                     LED state
 *                                                         Blue     Red
 *      ----------------- ---   -----------------------  -------- --------

#define LED_STARTED       0  /* NuttX has been started     OFF      OFF      */
#define LED_HEAPALLOCATE  0  /* Heap has been allocated    OFF      OFF      */
#define LED_IRQSENABLED   0  /* Interrupts enabled         OFF      OFF      */
#define LED_STACKCREATED  1  /* Idle stack created         ON       OFF      */
#define LED_INIRQ         2  /* In an interrupt              No change       */
#define LED_SIGNAL        2  /* In a signal handler          No change       */
#define LED_ASSERTION     2  /* An assertion failed          No change       */
#define LED_PANIC         3  /* The system has crashed     OFF      Blinking */
#undef  LED_IDLE             /* MCU is is sleep mode         Not used        */

/* If CONFIG_SAMA5D3XEK_NOREDLED=y, then the red LED is not used by the
 * system.  The only difference from the above is that it is the blue, not
 * the red LED that blinks in the event of an PANIC.
 * Thus if the blue LED is statically on, NuttX has successfully booted and
 * is, apparently, running normally.  If the red (or blue) LED is flashing
 * at approximately 2Hz, then a fatal error has been detected and the system
 * has halted.

/* Button definitions *******************************************************/

/* There are five push button switches on the SAMA5D3X-EK base board:
 *   1. One Reset, board reset (BP1)
 *   2. One Wake up, push button to bring the processor out of low power mode
 *     (BP2)
 *   3. One User momentary Push Button
 *   4. One Disable CS Push Button
 * Only the momentary push button is controllable by software (labelled
 * "PB_USER1" on the board):
 *   - PE27.  Pressing the switch connect PE27 to grounded.  Therefore, PE27
 *     must be pulled high internally.  When the button is pressed the SAMA5
 *     will sense "0" is on PE27.

#define BUTTON_USER1      0
#define NUM_BUTTONS       1


/* NAND *********************************************************************/

/* Address for transferring command bytes to the nandflash, CLE A22 */

#define BOARD_EBICS3_NAND_CMDADDR   0x60400000

/* Address for transferring address bytes to the nandflash, ALE A21 */

#define BOARD_EBICS3_NAND_ADDRADDR  0x60200000

/* Address for transferring data bytes to the nandflash. */

#define BOARD_EBICS3_NAND_DATAADDR  0x60000000

/* PIO configuration ********************************************************/

/* LCDC */

#define PIO_LCD_DAT16     PIO_LCD_DAT16_2
#define PIO_LCD_DAT17     PIO_LCD_DAT17_2
#define PIO_LCD_DAT18     PIO_LCD_DAT18_2
#define PIO_LCD_DAT19     PIO_LCD_DAT19_2
#define PIO_LCD_DAT20     PIO_LCD_DAT20_2
#define PIO_LCD_DAT21     PIO_LCD_DAT21_2
#define PIO_LCD_DAT22     PIO_LCD_DAT22_1
#define PIO_LCD_DAT23     PIO_LCD_DAT23_1

/* PWM.
 * There are no dedicated PWM output pins available to the user for PWM
 * testing.
 * Care must be taken because all PWM output pins conflict with some other
 * usage of the pin by other devices. Furthermore, many of these pins have
 * not been brought out to an external connector:
 *    -----+---+---+----+------+----------------
 *    -----+---+---+----+------+----------------
 *     PWM0 FI   B  PC28 J2.30  SPI1, ISI
 *          H    B  PB0   ---   GMAC
 *               B  PA20 J1.14  LCDC, ISI
 *          L    B  PB1   ---   GMAC
 *               B  PA21 J1.16  LCDC, ISI
 *    -----+---+---+----+------+----------------
 *     PWM1 FI   B  PC31 J2.36  HDMI
 *          H    B  PB4   ---   GMAC
 *               B  PA22 J1.18  LCDC, ISI
 *          L    B  PB5   ---   GMAC
 *               B  PE31 J3.20  ISI, HDMI
 *               B  PA23 J1.20  LCDC, ISI
 *    -----+---+---+----+------+----------------
 *     PWM2 FI   B  PC29 J2.29  UART0, ISI, HDMI
 *          H    C  PD5   ---   HSMCI0
 *               B  PB8   ---   GMAC
 *          L    C  PD6   ---   HSMCI0
 *               B  PB9   ---   GMAC
 *    -----+---+---+----+------+----------------
 *     PWM3 FI   C  PD16  ---  SPI0, Audio
 *          H    C  PD7   ---  HSMCI0
 *               B  PB12 J3.7  GMAC
 *          L    C  PD8   ---  HSMCI0
 *               B  PB13  ---  GMAC
 *    -----+---+---+----+------+----------------

/* PWM channel 0:
 * PA20 and PA21 can be used if the LCDC or ISI are not selected.
 *  These outputs are available on J1, pins 14 and 16, respectively.
 * If the GMAC is not selected, then PB0 and PB1 could also be used.
 * However, these pins are not available at the I/O expansion connectors.

#if !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_LCDC) && !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_ISI)
#  define PIO_PWM0_H  PIO_PWM0_H_2
#  define PIO_PWM0_L  PIO_PWM0_L_2
#elif !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC)
#  define PIO_PWM0_H  PIO_PWM0_H_1
#  define PIO_PWM0_L  PIO_PWM0_L_1

/* PWM channel 1:
 * PA22 and PA23 can be used if the LCDC or ISI are not selected.
 * These outputs are available on J1, pins 18 and 20, respectively.
 * PE31 can be used if the ISI is not selected
 * (and the HDMI is not being used).
 * That signal is available at J3 pin 20.
 * If the GMAC is not selected, then PB4 and PB5 could also be used.
 * However, these pins are not available at the I/O expansion connectors.

#if !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_LCDC) && !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_ISI)
#  define PIO_PWM1_H  PIO_PWM1_H_2
#elif !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC)
#  define PIO_PWM1_H  PIO_PWM1_H_1

#if !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_LCDC) && !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_ISI)
#  define PIO_PWM1_L  PIO_PWM1_L_3
#elif !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_ISI)
#  define PIO_PWM1_L  PIO_PWM1_L_2
#elif !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC)
#  define PIO_PWM1_L  PIO_PWM1_L_1

/* PWM channel 2:
 * None of the output pin options are available at any of the I/O expansion
 * connectors for PWM channel 2

#if !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI0)
#  define PIO_PWM2_H  PIO_PWM2_H_1
#  define PIO_PWM2_L  PIO_PWM2_L_1
#elif !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC)
#  define PIO_PWM2_H  PIO_PWM2_H_2
#  define PIO_PWM2_L  PIO_PWM2_L_2

/* PWM channel 3:
 * If the GMAC is not selected, then PB12 can used and is available at
 * J3 pin 7.
 * None of the other output pins are accessible at the I/O expansion
 * connectors.

#if !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC)
#  define PIO_PWM3_H  PIO_PWM3_H_2
#  define PIO_PWM3_L  PIO_PWM3_L_2
#elif !defined(CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI0)
#  define PIO_PWM3_H  PIO_PWM3_H_1
#  define PIO_PWM3_L  PIO_PWM3_L_1

 * Assembly Language Macros

#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
  .macro config_sdram
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */