 * fs/nxffs/nxffs_inode.c
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
 * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <debug.h>

#include <nuttx/crc32.h>
#include <nuttx/kmalloc.h>
#include <nuttx/mtd/mtd.h>

#include "nxffs.h"

 * Private Functions

 * Name: nxffs_rdentry
 * Description:
 *   Read the inode entry at this offset.  Called only from
 *   nxffs_nextentry().
 * Input Parameters:
 *   volume - Describes the current volume.
 *   offset - The byte offset from the beginning of FLASH where the inode
 *     header is expected.
 *   entry  - A memory location to return the expanded inode header
 *     information.
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero on success.  Otherwise, a negated errno value is returned
 *   indicating the nature of the failure.

static int nxffs_rdentry(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume, off_t offset,
                         FAR struct nxffs_entry_s *entry)
  struct nxffs_inode_s inode;
  uint32_t ecrc;
  uint32_t crc;
  uint8_t state;
  int namlen;
  int ret;

  DEBUGASSERT(volume && entry);
  memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct nxffs_entry_s));

  /* Read the header at the FLASH offset */

  nxffs_ioseek(volume, offset);
  memcpy(&inode, &volume->cache[volume->iooffset], SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR);

  /* Check if the file state is recognized. */

  state = inode.state;
  if (state != INODE_STATE_FILE && state != INODE_STATE_DELETED)
      /* This can't be a valid inode.. don't bother with the rest */

      ret = -ENOENT;
      goto errout_no_offset;

  /* Copy the packed header into the user-friendly buffer */

  entry->hoffset = offset;
  entry->noffset = nxffs_rdle32(inode.noffs);
  entry->doffset = nxffs_rdle32(inode.doffs);
  entry->utc     = nxffs_rdle32(inode.utc);
  entry->datlen  = nxffs_rdle32(inode.datlen);

  /* Modify the packed header and perform the (partial) CRC calculation */

  ecrc           = nxffs_rdle32(inode.crc);
  inode.state    = CONFIG_NXFFS_ERASEDSTATE;
  memset(inode.crc, 0, 4);
  crc            = crc32((FAR const uint8_t *)&inode,

  /* Allocate memory to hold the variable-length file name */

  namlen = inode.namlen;
  entry->name = (FAR char *)kmm_malloc(namlen + 1);
  if (!entry->name)
      ferr("ERROR: Failed to allocate name, namlen: %d\n", namlen);
      ret = -ENOMEM;
      goto errout_no_offset;

  /* Seek to the expected location of the name in FLASH */

  nxffs_ioseek(volume, entry->noffset);

  /* Make sure that the block is in memory (the name may not be in the
   * same block as the inode header.

  ret = nxffs_rdcache(volume, volume->ioblock);
  if (ret < 0)
      ferr("ERROR: nxffsx_rdcache failed: %d\n", -ret);
      goto errout_with_name;

  /* Read the file name from the expected offset in FLASH */

  memcpy(entry->name, &volume->cache[volume->iooffset], namlen);
  entry->name[namlen] = '\0';

  /* Finish the CRC calculation and verify the entry */

  crc = crc32part((FAR const uint8_t *)entry->name, namlen, crc);
  if (crc != ecrc)
      ferr("ERROR: CRC entry: %08" PRIx32
           " CRC calculated: %08" PRIx32 "\n", ecrc, crc);
      ret = -EIO;
      goto errout_with_name;

  /* We have a good inode header.. but it still could a deleted file.
   * Check the file state.

  if (state != INODE_STATE_FILE)
      /* It is a deleted file.  But still, the data offset and the
       * start size are good so we can use this information to advance
       * further in FLASH memory and reduce the search time.

      offset = nxffs_inodeend(volume, entry);
      ret = -ENOENT;
      goto errout;

  /* Everything is good.. leave the offset pointing to the valid inode
   * header.

  return OK;

  /* On errors where we are suspicious of the validity of the inode header,
   * we need to increment the file position to just after the "good" magic
   * word.

  offset += NXFFS_MAGICSIZE;
  nxffs_ioseek(volume, offset);
  return ret;

 * Public Functions

 * Name: nxffs_freeentry
 * Description:
 *   The inode values returned by nxffs_nextentry() include allocated memory
 *   (specifically, the file name string).  This function should be called
 *   to dispose of that memory when the inode entry is no longer needed.
 *   Note that the nxffs_entry_s containing structure is not freed.  The
 *   caller may call kmm_free upon return of this function if necessary to
 *   free the entry container.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   entry  - The entry to be freed.
 * Returned Value:
 *   None

void nxffs_freeentry(FAR struct nxffs_entry_s *entry)
  if (entry->name)
      entry->name = NULL;

 * Name: nxffs_nextentry
 * Description:
 *   Search for the next valid inode starting at the provided FLASH offset.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   volume - Describes the NXFFS volume.
 *   offset - The FLASH memory offset to begin searching.
 *   entry  - A pointer to memory provided by the caller in which to return
 *     the inode description.
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero is returned on success. Otherwise, a negated errno is returned
 *   that indicates the nature of the failure.

int nxffs_nextentry(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume, off_t offset,
                    FAR struct nxffs_entry_s *entry)
  int nmagic;
  int ch;
  int nerased;
  int ret;

  /* Seek to the first FLASH offset provided by the caller. */

  nxffs_ioseek(volume, offset);

  /* Then begin searching */

  nerased = 0;
  nmagic  = 0;
  for (; ; )
      /* Read the next character */

      ch = nxffs_getc(volume, SIZEOF_NXFFS_INODE_HDR - nmagic);
      if (ch < 0)
          ferr("ERROR: nxffs_getc failed: %d\n", -ch);
          return ch;

      /* Check for another erased byte */

      else if (ch == CONFIG_NXFFS_ERASEDSTATE)
          /* If we have encountered NXFFS_NERASED number of consecutive
           * erased bytes, then presume we have reached the end of valid
           * data.

          if (++nerased >= NXFFS_NERASED)
              finfo("No entry found\n");
              return -ENOENT;
          nerased = 0;

          /* Check for the magic sequence indicating the start of an NXFFS
           * inode. There is the possibility of this magic sequnce occurring
           * in FLASH data.  However, the header CRC should distinguish
           * between real NXFFS inode headers and such false alarms.

          if (ch != g_inodemagic[nmagic])
              /* Ooops... this is the not the right character for the magic
               * Sequence.  Check if we need to restart or to cancel the
               * sequence:

              if (ch == g_inodemagic[0])
                  nmagic = 1;
                  nmagic = 0;
          else if (nmagic < NXFFS_MAGICSIZE - 1)
              /* We have one more character in the magic sequence */


          /* We have found the magic sequence in the FLASH data that may
           * indicate the beginning of an NXFFS inode.

              /* The the FLASH offset where we found the matching magic
               * number

              offset = nxffs_iotell(volume) - NXFFS_MAGICSIZE;

              /* Try to extract the inode header from that position */

              ret = nxffs_rdentry(volume, offset, entry);
              if (ret == OK)
                  finfo("Found a valid fileheader, offset: %jd\n",
                  return OK;

              /* False alarm.. keep looking */

              nmagic = 0;

  /* We won't get here, but to keep some compilers happy: */

  return -ENOENT;

 * Name: nxffs_findinode
 * Description:
 *   Search for an inode with the provided name starting with the first
 *   valid inode and proceeding to the end FLASH or until the matching
 *   inode is found.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   volume - Describes the NXFFS volume
 *   name   - The name of the inode to find
 *   entry  - The location to return information about the inode.
 * Returned Value:
 *   Zero is returned on success. Otherwise, a negated errno is returned
 *   that indicates the nature of the failure.

int nxffs_findinode(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume, FAR const char *name,
                    FAR struct nxffs_entry_s *entry)
  off_t offset;
  int ret;

  /* Start with the first valid inode that was discovered when the volume
   * was created (or modified after the last file system re-packing).

  offset = volume->inoffset;

  /* Loop, checking each NXFFS inode until either: (1) we find the NXFFS
   * inode with the matching name, or (2) we reach the end of data written
   * on the media.

  for (; ; )
      /* Get the next, valid NXFFS inode entry */

      ret = nxffs_nextentry(volume, offset, entry);
      if (ret < 0)
          finfo("No inode found: %d\n", -ret);
          return ret;

      /* Is this the NXFFS inode we are looking for? */

      else if (strcmp(name, entry->name) == 0)
          /* Yes, return success with the entry data in 'entry' */

          return OK;

      /* Discard this entry and try the next one.  Here we set the
       * next offset using the raw data length as the offset
       * increment.  This is, of course, not accurate because it
       * does not account for the data headers that enclose the
       * data.  But it is guaranteed to be less than or equal to
       * the correct offset and, hence, better then searching
       * byte-for-byte.

      offset = nxffs_inodeend(volume, entry);

  /* We won't get here, but for some compilers: */

  return -ENOENT;

 * Name: nxffs_inodeend
 * Description:
 *   Return an *approximiate* FLASH offset to end of the inode data.  The
 *   returned value is guaranteed to be be less then or equal to the offset
 *   of the thing-of-interest in FLASH.  Parsing for interesting things
 *   can begin at that point.
 *   Assumption:  The inode header has been verified by the caller and is
 *   known to contain valid data.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   volume - Describes the NXFFS volume
 *   entry  - Describes the inode.
 * Returned Value:
 *   A FLASH offset to the (approximate) end of the inode data.  No errors
 *   are detected.

off_t nxffs_inodeend(FAR struct nxffs_volume_s *volume,
                     FAR struct nxffs_entry_s *entry)
  /* A zero length file will have no data blocks */

  if (entry->doffset)
      /* This is the maximum size of one data block.  It is the physcal size
       * of the block minus the minimum number of headers: block sna data

      uint16_t maxsize = volume->geo.blocksize - SIZEOF_NXFFS_BLOCK_HDR -

      /* This is the minimum number of blocks require to span all of the
       * inode data.  One additional block could possibly be required -- we
       * could make this accurate by looking at the size of the first,
       * perhaps partial, data block.

      off_t minblocks = (entry->datlen + maxsize - 1) / maxsize;

      /* And this is our best, simple guess at the end of the inode data */

      return entry->doffset + entry->datlen +
             minblocks * SIZEOF_NXFFS_DATA_HDR;

  /* Otherwise, return an offset that accounts only for the inode header and
   * the inode name.

  /* All valid inodes will have a name associated with them */

  return entry->noffset + strlen(entry->name);