#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") usage() { echo "" echo "USAGE: ${SCRIPT_NAME} [-h] -c <chip> -f <config> -p <path> -e <hal>" echo "" echo "Where:" echo " -c <chip> Target chip" echo " -f <config> Path to file containing configuration options" echo " -p <path> Path to execute the script" echo " -e <hal> Path to HAL directory" echo " -h Show usage and terminate" echo "" } build_mcuboot() { local target=${1} local config=${2} local mcuboot_dir="${exec_path}/mcuboot" local build_dir=".build-${target}" local source_dir="boot/espressif" local output_dir="${exec_path}/out" local toolchain_file="tools/toolchain-${target}.cmake" local mcuboot_config local mcuboot_flashsize local mcuboot_flashmode local mcuboot_flashfreq local make_generator mcuboot_config=$(realpath "${config:-${exec_path}/mcuboot.conf}") # Try parsing Flash parameters from the mcuboot config file. # If not found, let's assume some commonplace values. mcuboot_flashsize=$(sed -n 's/^CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE_\(.*\)MB=1/\1MB/p' "${mcuboot_config}") if [ -z "${mcuboot_flashsize}" ]; then mcuboot_flashsize="4MB" fi mcuboot_flashmode=$(sed -n 's/^CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHMODE_\(.*\)=1/\L\1/p' "${mcuboot_config}") if [ -z "${mcuboot_flashmode}" ]; then mcuboot_flashmode="dio" fi mcuboot_flashfreq=$(sed -n 's/^CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHFREQ_\(.*\)M=1/\1m/p' "${mcuboot_config}") if [ -z "${mcuboot_flashfreq}" ]; then mcuboot_flashfreq="40m" fi pushd "${exec_path}" &>/dev/null mkdir -p "${output_dir}" &>/dev/null # Build with Ninja if installed if command -v ninja &>/dev/null; then make_generator="-GNinja" fi # Build bootloader for selected target cd "${mcuboot_dir}" &>/dev/null cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${toolchain_file}" \ -DMCUBOOT_TARGET="${target}" \ -DMCUBOOT_CONFIG_FILE="${mcuboot_config}" \ -DESP_HAL_PATH="${esp_hal}" \ -DCONFIG_ESP_FLASH_SIZE="${mcuboot_flashsize}" \ -DESP_FLASH_MODE="${mcuboot_flashmode}" \ -DESP_FLASH_FREQ="${mcuboot_flashfreq}" \ -B "${build_dir}" \ "${make_generator}" \ "${source_dir}" cmake --build "${build_dir}"/ # Copy bootloader binary file to output directory cp "${build_dir}"/mcuboot_"${target}".bin "${output_dir}"/mcuboot-"${target}".bin &>/dev/null # Remove build directory rm -rf "${build_dir}" &>/dev/null popd &>/dev/null } while getopts ":hc:f:p:e:" arg; do case "${arg}" in c) chip=${OPTARG} ;; f) config=${OPTARG} ;; p) exec_path=${OPTARG} ;; e) esp_hal=${OPTARG} ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; *) usage exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z "${chip}" ]; then printf "ERROR: Missing target chip.\n" usage exit 1 fi if ! [ -d "${esp_hal}" ]; then printf "ERROR: Invalid HAL path.\n" usage exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${exec_path}" ]; then printf "ERROR: Invalid exec path.\n" usage exit 1 fi if [ -n "${config}" ] && [ ! -f "${config}" ]; then printf "ERROR: Configuration file %s not found.\n" "${config}" usage exit 1 fi build_mcuboot "${chip}" "${config}"