============================ ``mcuboot`` MCUboot examples ============================ ``swap_test`` ------------- Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ MCUboot Swap Image is an application to demostrate firmware upgrade using internal flash memory. It simulate MCUboot API steps to switch between two valid images. This application add 3 Builtin Apps to NuttX NSH: version, set_img and confirm. After application is build and ``nuttx.bin`` be generated, the binary must be signed. Consult your board documentation page to get instructions how to do it. How to build and flash ...................... First step is build your board configuraton using ``mcuboot-loader`` as target. That create the bootloader itself. The ``nuttx.bin`` must be flash as usual. After that, clean up environment and set ``mcuboot-swap-test`` as target. The build output will generate the ``nuttx.bin`` file. You should execute the MCUboot script called ``imgtool.py`` and sign the binary file two times. The first time you will use ``--version 1.0.0`` and ``signedv1.bin`` as output file. Then, the second sign you need change to ``--version 2.0.0`` and ``signedv2.bin`` as output file. The ``signedv1.bin`` file must be at MCUboot Slot-0 partition and ``signedv2.bin`` at Slot-1. More instructions about how to sign and flash can be found at board documentation page. Running swap image test ....................... Open you terminal and reboot your board. You can see a similar output as below. You can check builtin apps using command ``?``:: *** Booting MCUboot build 7c890f4b075aed73e4c825ccf875b2fb9ebf2ded *** NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0 nsh> ? help usage: help [-v] [] . cd echo hexdump mv rmdir true xd [ cp exec kill printf set truncate ? cmp exit ls ps sleep uname basename dirname false mkdir pwd source umount break dd free mkrd reboot test unset cat df help mount rm time usleep Builtin Apps: mcuboot_set_img mcuboot_confirm sh mcuboot_version ramtest nsh nsh> First step (check version):: nsh> mcuboot_version Image version nsh> Second step (mark image as good because it is running). This is an optional step that must be executed if you ran ``imgtool.py`` without optional parameter ``--confirm``:: nsh> mcuboot_confirm Application Image successfully confirmed! nsh> Third step (let's reboot and see whats happen):: nsh> reboot *** Booting MCUboot build 7c890f4b075aed73e4c825ccf875b2fb9ebf2ded *** NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0 nsh> mcuboot_version Image version nsh> Fourth step (let's switch image):: nsh> mcuboot_set_img Requested update for next boot. Restarting... *** Booting MCUboot build 7c890f4b075aed73e4c825ccf875b2fb9ebf2ded *** NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0 nsh> mcuboot_version Image version nsh> Now, we switched from image version 1.0.0 to image 2.0.0. However, we intentionaly will not run ``mcuboot_confirm`` app:: nsh> reboot *** Booting MCUboot build 7c890f4b075aed73e4c825ccf875b2fb9ebf2ded *** NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0 nsh> mcuboot_version Image version nsh> This means that if for any reason App reboot, have a malfunctioning or not boot, MCUboot will switch back to old ``good`` image! Remember that we executed ``mcuboot_confirm`` at step two. Fifth step (switch to image version 2 and mark as permanent):: nsh> mcuboot_set_img Requested update for next boot. Restarting... *** Booting MCUboot build 7c890f4b075aed73e4c825ccf875b2fb9ebf2ded *** NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0 nsh> mcuboot_confirm Application Image successfully confirmed! nsh> mcuboot_version Image version nsh> Sixth step (Reboot and confirm V2 image):: nsh> reboot *** Booting MCUboot build 7c890f4b075aed73e4c825ccf875b2fb9ebf2ded *** NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0 nsh> mcuboot_version Image version nsh> Conclusion, once we boot a newer image and confirm it MCUboot always run that image, unless you instruct it to swap again!