############################################################################ # arch/z80/src/Makefile.sdccw # # Copyright (C) 2008, 2011-2012, 2014 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved. # Author: Gregory Nutt # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ # Tools # CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, ASFLAGS, LDFLAGS are set in $(TOPDIR)\Make.defs CFLAGS += ${shell $(INCDIR) "$(CC)" $(ARCH_SRCDIR)$(DELIM)chip} CFLAGS += ${shell $(INCDIR) "$(CC)" $(ARCH_SRCDIR)$(DELIM)common} CFLAGS += ${shell $(INCDIR) "$(CC)" $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM)sched} CPPFLAGS += -D__ASSEMBLY__ # Files and directories # There should be one head source (.asm file) HEAD_OBJ = $(HEAD_ASRC:$(ASMEXT)=$(OBJEXT)) STARTUP_OBJS ?= $(HEAD_OBJ) # Assembly sources and objects ASRCS = $(CHIP_ASRCS) $(CMN_ASRCS) AOBJS = $(ASRCS:$(ASMEXT)=$(OBJEXT)) # C sources and objects CSRCS = $(CHIP_CSRCS) $(CMN_CSRCS) COBJS = $(CSRCS:.c=$(OBJEXT)) # All sources and objcts SRCS = $(ASRCS) $(CSRCS) OBJS = $(AOBJS) $(COBJS) # Sources that can have dependencies (no .asm files) DEPSRCS = $(CSRCS) # Directories ARCH_SRCDIR = $(TOPDIR)\arch\$(CONFIG_ARCH)\src BOARDDIR = $(TOPDIR)\arch\$(CONFIG_ARCH)\src\board VPATH = chip:common:board # Targets all: $(HEAD_OBJ) libarch$(LIBEXT) .PHONY: board\libboard$(LIBEXT) nuttx.lnk $(AOBJS) $(HEAD_OBJ): %$(OBJEXT): %$(ASMEXT) $(call ASSEMBLE, $<, $@) $(COBJS): %$(OBJEXT): %.c $(call COMPILE, $<, $@) # This is a kludge to work around some conflicting symbols in the SDCC libraries $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB): $(SDCC_LIBDIR)\$(SDCCLIB) $(Q) cp $(SDCC_LIBDIR)\$(SDCCLIB) $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) calloc.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) malloc.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) realloc.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) free.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) printf_large.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) sprintf.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) vprintf.rel ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_STRCPY),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) strcpy.rel endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_STRLEN),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) strlen.rel endif $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strcat.rel ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_STRCHR),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strchr.rel endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_STRCMP),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strcmp.rel endif $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strcspn.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strncat.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strncmp.rel ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_STRNCPY),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strncpy.rel endif $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strpbrk.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strrchr.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strspn.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strstr.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _strtok.rel $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _memchr.rel ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMCMP),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _memcmp.rel endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMCPY),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _memcpy.rel endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_LIBC_ARCH_MEMSET),y) $(Q) sdar d $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) _memset.rel endif # Create a header file that contains addressing information needed by the # assemlby language start-up code. Locate the IDLE thread stack at the # end of RAM. The heap then extends from s__HEAP to the bottom of the # IDLE thread stack asm_mem.h: @echo CONFIG_STACK_END == ($(CONFIG_RAM_SIZE) - 1)>>asm_mem.h @echo CONFIG_STACK_BASE == (CONFIG_STACK_END - $(CONFIG_IDLETHREAD_STACKSIZE))>>asm_mem.h # Combine all objects in this directory into a library libarch$(LIBEXT): asm_mem.h $(OBJS) $(call ARCHIVE, $@, $(OBJS)) # This builds the libboard library in the board\ subdirectory board\libboard$(LIBEXT): $(Q) $(MAKE) -C board TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" libboard$(LIBEXT) EXTRAFLAGS="$(KDEFINE) $(EXTRAFLAGS)" # This target builds the final executable nuttx.lnk: @echo LD: nuttx.lnk @echo -->nuttx.lnk @echo -k $(BOARDDIR)>>nuttx.lnk @echo -k $(TOPDIR)\staging>>nuttx.lnk @echo -l libboard$(LIBEXT)>>nuttx.lnk $(Q) for %%G in ($(LINKLIBS)) do ( echo -l $(TOPDIR)\staging\%%G>> nuttx.lnk ) @echo -l $(SDCCLIB)>>nuttx.lnk ifneq ($(CONFIG_LINKER_HOME_AREA),) @echo -b _HOME=$(CONFIG_LINKER_HOME_AREA)>>nuttx.lnk endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_LINKER_CODE_AREA),) @echo -b _CODE=$(CONFIG_LINKER_CODE_AREA)>>nuttx.lnk else @echo -b _CODE=0x0200>>nuttx.lnk endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_LINKER_DATA_AREA),) @echo -b _DATA=$(CONFIG_LINKER_DATA_AREA)>>nuttx.lnk else @echo -b _DATA=0x8000>>nuttx.lnk endif @echo -i>>nuttx.lnk @echo -x>>nuttx.lnk @echo -m>>nuttx.lnk @echo -j>>nuttx.lnk @echo nuttx.ihx>>nuttx.lnk @echo $(HEAD_OBJ)>>nuttx.lnk @echo -e>>nuttx.lnk nuttx$(EXEEXT): asm_mem.h $(TOPDIR)\staging\$(SDCCLIB) $(HEAD_OBJ) board\libboard$(LIBEXT) nuttx.lnk @echo LD: nuttx.ihx $(Q) $(LD) -f nuttx.lnk $(Q) cp -f nuttx.map $(TOPDIR)\. ifeq ($(EXEEXT),.cmd) sed s/:00000001FF/:00520001AD/ nuttx.ihx | \ hex2cmd > $(TOPDIR)\nuttx.cmd else $(Q) packihx nuttx.ihx > $(TOPDIR)\nuttx$(EXEEXT) endif # This is part of the top-level export target export_startup: board\libboard$(LIBEXT) $(STARTUP_OBJS) $(Q) if not exist board\Makefile ( echo $(EXPORT_DIR)\startup does not exist ) $(Q) if exist board\Makefile ( cp -f $(STARTUP_OBJS) "$(EXPORT_DIR)\startup" ) # Build dependencies .depend: Makefile asm_mem.h chip\Make.defs $(DEPSRCS) $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM).config $(Q) if exist board\Makefile ( $(MAKE) -C board TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" depend ) $(Q) $(MKDEP) --dep-path chip --dep-path common "$(CC)" -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(DEPSRCS) >Make.dep $(Q) touch $@ depend: .depend clean: $(Q) if exist board\Makefile ( $(MAKE) -C board TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" clean ) $(call DELFILE, asm_mem.h) $(call DELFILE, nuttx.*) $(call DELFILE, libarch$(LIBEXT)) $(call CLEAN) distclean: clean $(Q) if exist board\Makefile ( $(MAKE) -C board TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" distclean ) $(call DELFILE, Make.dep) $(call DELFILE, .depend) -include Make.dep