# For a description of the syntax of this configuration file,
# see the file kconfig-language.txt in the NuttX tools repository.

menuconfig NET_6LOWPAN
	bool "IEEE 802.15.4 6LoWPAN support"
	default n
	depends on EXPERIMENTAL && NET_IPv6
		Enable support for IEEE 802.15.4 Low power Wireless Personal Area
		Networking (6LoWPAN).


	int "6LoWPAN packet buffer size (MTU)"
	default 1294
	range 590 1518
		Packet buffer size.  This size includes the TCP/UDP payload plus the
		size of TCP/UDP header, the IP header, and data link layer headers.
		This value is normally referred to as the MTU (Maximum Transmission
		Unit); the payload is the MSS (Maximum Segment Size).

		IPv6 hosts are required to be able to handle an MSS of 1220 octets,
		resulting in a minimum buffer size of of 1220+20+40+xx = xx. REVISIT!

	int "6LoWPAN TCP receive window size"
	default 1220
	depends on NET_TCP
		The size of the advertised receiver's window.   Should be set low
		(i.e., to the size of the MSS) if the application is slow to process
		incoming data, or high (32768 bytes) if the application processes
		data quickly. REVISIT!

endif # NET_6LOWPAN