# tools/Makefile.unix
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
# License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

TOPDIR := ${shell echo $(CURDIR) | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g'}
include $(TOPDIR)/Make.defs

# GIT directory present

GIT_DIR = $(if $(wildcard $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM).git),y,)

ifeq ($(GIT_DIR),y)
GIT_PRESENT = `git rev-parse --git-dir 2> /dev/null`

# In case we cannot get version information from GIT

ifeq ($(GIT_PRESENT),)
-include $(TOPDIR)/.version

# In case the version file does not exist



# Generate .version every time from GIT history

.PHONY: $(TOPDIR)/.version

# Process architecture specific directories

ARCH_INC = $(ARCH_DIR)/include

# CONFIG_APPS_DIR can be over-ridden from the command line or in the .config file.
# The default value of CONFIG_APPS_DIR is ../apps.  Ultimately, the application
# will be built if APPDIR is defined.  APPDIR will be defined if a directory containing
# a Makefile is found at the path provided by CONFIG_APPS_DIR

ifeq ($(CONFIG_APPS_DIR),)
APPDIR := $(realpath ${shell if [ -r $(CONFIG_APPS_DIR)/Makefile ]; then echo "$(CONFIG_APPS_DIR)"; fi})

# CONTEXTDIRS include directories that have special, one-time pre-build
#   requirements.  Normally this includes things like auto-generation of
#   configuration specific files or creation of configurable symbolic links
# CLEANDIRS are the directories that the clean target will executed in.
#   These are all directories that we know about.
# CCLEANDIRS are directories that the clean_context target will execute in.
#   The clean_context target "undoes" the actions of the context target.
#   Only directories known to require cleaning are included.
# KERNDEPDIRS are the directories in which we will build target dependencies.
#   If NuttX and applications are built separately (CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED or
#   CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL), then this holds only the directories containing
#   kernel files.
# USERDEPDIRS. If NuttX and applications are built separately (CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED),
#   then this holds only the directories containing user files. If
#   CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL is selected, then applications are not build at all.

include tools/Directories.mk

# Extra objects used in the final link.
# Pass 1 Incremental (relative) link objects should be put into the
# processor-specific source directory (where other link objects will
# be created).  If the pass1 object is an archive, it could go anywhere.

ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_2PASS),y)

# Library build selections
# NUTTXLIBS is the list of NuttX libraries that is passed to the
#   processor-specific Makefile to build the final NuttX target.
# USERLIBS is the list of libraries used to build the final user-space
#   application
# EXPORTLIBS is the list of libraries that should be exported by
#   'make export' is

include tools/ProtectedLibs.mk
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL),y)
include tools/KernelLibs.mk
include tools/FlatLibs.mk

# LINKLIBS derives from NUTTXLIBS and is simply the same list with the
#   subdirectory removed

LINKLIBS = $(patsubst staging/%,%,$(NUTTXLIBS))

# Export tool definitions

MKEXPORT= tools/mkexport.sh

ifneq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_FLAT),y)

ifneq ($(APPDIR),)
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(APPDIR)/Makefile ] && echo yes),)

ifeq ($(V),2)

# This is the name of the final target (relative to the top level directory)


all: $(BIN)
.PHONY: dirlinks context clean_context config oldconfig menuconfig nconfig qconfig gconfig export subdir_clean clean subdir_distclean distclean apps_clean apps_distclean
.PHONY: pass1 pass1dep
.PHONY: pass2 pass2dep

# Target used to copy include/nuttx/lib/math.h.  If CONFIG_ARCH_MATH_H is
# defined, then there is an architecture specific math.h header file
# that will be included indirectly from include/math.h.  But first, we
# have to copy math.h from include/nuttx/. to include/.  Logic within
# include/nuttx/lib/math.h will hand the redirection to the architecture-
# specific math.h header file.
# If the CONFIG_LIBM is defined, the Rhombus libm will be built at libc/math.
# Definitions and prototypes for the Rhombus libm are also contained in
# include/nuttx/lib/math.h and so the file must also be copied in that case.
# If neither CONFIG_ARCH_MATH_H nor CONFIG_LIBM is defined, then no math.h
# header file will be provided.  You would want that behavior if (1) you
# don't use libm, or (2) you want to use the math.h and libm provided
# within your toolchain.

ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_MATH_H),y)
else ifeq ($(CONFIG_LIBM),y)

ifeq ($(NEED_MATH_H),y)
include/math.h: include/nuttx/lib/math.h .clean_context
	$(Q) cp -f include/nuttx/lib/math.h include/math.h

# The float.h header file defines the properties of your floating point
# implementation.  It would always be best to use your toolchain's float.h
# header file but if none is available, a default float.h header file will
# provided if this option is selected.  However there is no assurance that
# the settings in this float.h are actually correct for your platform!

include/float.h: include/nuttx/lib/float.h .clean_context
	$(Q) cp -f include/nuttx/lib/float.h include/float.h

# Target used to copy include/nuttx/lib/stdarg.h.  If CONFIG_ARCH_STDARG_H is
# defined, then there is an architecture specific stdarg.h header file
# that will be included indirectly from include/lib/stdarg.h.  But first, we
# have to copy stdarg.h from include/nuttx/. to include/.

include/stdarg.h: include/nuttx/lib/stdarg.h .clean_context
	$(Q) cp -f include/nuttx/lib/stdarg.h include/stdarg.h

# Target used to copy include/nuttx/lib/setjmp.h.  If CONFIG_ARCH_SETJMP_H is
# defined, then there is an architecture specific setjmp.h header file
# that will be included indirectly from include/lib/setjmp.h.  But first, we
# have to copy setjmp.h from include/nuttx/. to include/.

include/setjmp.h: include/nuttx/lib/setjmp.h .clean_context
	$(Q) cp -f include/nuttx/lib/setjmp.h include/setjmp.h

# Targets used to build include/nuttx/version.h.  Creation of version.h is
# part of the overall NuttX configuration sequence. Notice that the
# tools/mkversion tool is built and used to create include/nuttx/version.h

	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C tools -f Makefile.host TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" mkversion$(HOSTEXEEXT)

# [Re-]create .version if it doesn't already exist.

	$(Q) echo "Create .version"
	$(Q) tools/version.sh $(VERSION_ARG) .version
	$(Q) chmod 755 .version

include/nuttx/version.h: $(TOPDIR)/.version tools/mkversion$(HOSTEXEEXT) .clean_context
	$(Q) echo "Create version.h"
	$(Q) tools/mkversion $(TOPDIR) > $@.tmp
	$(Q) $(call TESTANDREPLACEFILE, $@.tmp, $@)

# Targets used to build include/nuttx/config.h.  Creation of config.h is
# part of the overall NuttX configuration sequence. Notice that the
# tools/mkconfig tool is built and used to create include/nuttx/config.h

	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C tools -f Makefile.host TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" mkconfig$(HOSTEXEEXT)

include/nuttx/config.h: $(TOPDIR)/.config tools/mkconfig$(HOSTEXEEXT) .clean_context
	$(Q) tools/mkconfig $(TOPDIR) > $@.tmp
	$(Q) $(call TESTANDREPLACEFILE, $@.tmp, $@)

# Targets used to create dependencies

	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C tools -f Makefile.host TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" mkdeps$(HOSTEXEEXT)

	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C tools -f Makefile.host TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" cnvwindeps$(HOSTEXEEXT)

# dirlinks, and helpers
# Directories links.  Most of establishing the NuttX configuration involves
# setting up symbolic links with 'generic' directory names to specific,
# configured directories.

# Link the arch/<arch-name>/include directory to include/arch

include/arch: .clean_context
	@echo "LN: include/arch to $(ARCH_DIR)/include"
	$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(TOPDIR)/$(ARCH_DIR)/include include/arch
	$(Q) touch $@

# Link the boards/<arch>/<chip>/<board>/include directory to include/arch/board

include/arch/board: include/arch
	@echo "LN: include/arch/board to $(BOARD_DIR)/include"
	$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(BOARD_DIR)/include include/arch/board
	$(Q) touch $@

ifneq ($(BOARD_COMMON_DIR),)
# Link the boards/<arch>/<chip>/common dir to arch/<arch-name>/src/board
# Link the boards/<arch>/<chip>/<board>/src dir to arch/<arch-name>/src/board/board

$(ARCH_SRC)/board: .clean_context
	@echo "LN: $(ARCH_SRC)/board to $(BOARD_COMMON_DIR)"
	@echo "LN: $(ARCH_SRC)/board/board to $(BOARD_DIR)/src"
	$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(BOARD_DIR)/src $(ARCH_SRC)/board/board
	$(Q) touch $@
# Link the boards/<arch>/<chip>/<board>/src dir to arch/<arch-name>/src/board

$(ARCH_SRC)/board: .clean_context
	@echo "LN: $(ARCH_SRC)/board to $(BOARD_DIR)/src"
	$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(BOARD_DIR)/src $(ARCH_SRC)/board
	$(Q) touch $@

# Link the boards/<arch>/<chip>/drivers dir to drivers/platform

drivers/platform: .clean_context
	@echo "LN: $(TOPDIR)/drivers/platform to $(BOARD_DRIVERS_DIR)"
	$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(BOARD_DRIVERS_DIR) $(TOPDIR)/drivers/platform
	$(Q) touch $@

# Link arch/<arch-name>/src/<chip-name> to arch/<arch-name>/src/chip

$(ARCH_SRC)/chip: .clean_context
ifneq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP),)
	@echo "LN: $(ARCH_SRC)/chip to $(ARCH_SRC)/$(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP)"
	$(Q) touch $@

# Link arch/<arch-name>/include/<chip-name> to include/arch/chip

include/arch/chip: include/arch
ifneq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP),)
	@echo "LN: include/arch/chip to $(ARCH_INC)/$(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP)"
	$(Q) $(DIRLINK) $(TOPDIR)/$(ARCH_INC)/$(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP) include/arch/chip
	$(Q) touch $@

dirlinks: include/arch include/arch/board include/arch/chip $(ARCH_SRC)/board $(ARCH_SRC)/chip drivers/platform
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C libs/libxx dirlinks TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)"
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C boards dirlinks TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)"
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C openamp dirlinks TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)"
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C $(CONFIG_APPS_DIR) dirlinks TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)"

# context
# The context target is invoked on each target build to assure that NuttX is
# properly configured.  The basic configuration steps include creation of the
# the config.h and version.h header files in the include/nuttx directory and
# the establishment of symbolic links to configured directories.

context: include/nuttx/config.h include/nuttx/version.h include/math.h include/float.h include/stdarg.h include/setjmp.h dirlinks
	$(Q) mkdir -p staging
	$(Q) for dir in $(CONTEXTDIRS) ; do \
		$(MAKE) -C $$dir TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" context || exit; \

# clean_context
# This is part of the distclean target.  It removes all of the header files
# and symbolic links created by the context target.

	$(Q) for dir in $(CCLEANDIRS) ; do \
		if [ -e $$dir/Makefile ]; then \
			$(MAKE) -C $$dir TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" clean_context ; \
		fi \
	$(call DELFILE, include/nuttx/config.h)
	$(call DELFILE, include/nuttx/version.h)
	$(call DELFILE, include/float.h)
	$(call DELFILE, include/math.h)
	$(call DELFILE, include/stdarg.h)
	$(call DELFILE, include/setjmp.h)

.clean_context: .config
	+$(Q) $(MAKE) clean_context
	$(Q) touch $@

# Archive targets.  The target build sequence will first create a series of
# libraries, one per configured source file directory.  The final NuttX
# execution will then be built from those libraries.  The following targets
# build those libraries.

include tools/LibTargets.mk

# pass1 and pass2
# If the 2 pass build option is selected, then this pass1 target is
# configured to be built before the pass2 target.  This pass1 target may, as an
# example, build an extra link object (CONFIG_PASS1_OBJECT) which may be an
# incremental (relative) link object, but could be a static library (archive);
# some modification to this Makefile would be required if CONFIG_PASS1_OBJECT
# is an archive.  Exactly what is performed during pass1 or what it generates
# is unknown to this makefile unless CONFIG_PASS1_OBJECT is defined.

pass1: $(USERLIBS)

pass2: $(NUTTXLIBS)

# $(BIN)
# Create the final NuttX executable in a two pass build process.  In the
# normal case, all pass1 and pass2 dependencies are created then pass1
# and pass2 targets are built.  However, in some cases, you may need to build
# pass1 dependencies and pass1 first, then build pass2 dependencies and pass2.
# in that case, execute 'make pass1 pass2' from the command line.

$(BIN): pass1 pass2
ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_2PASS),y)
	$(Q) if [ -z "$(CONFIG_PASS1_BUILDIR)" ]; then \
		echo "ERROR: CONFIG_PASS1_BUILDIR not defined"; \
		exit 1; \
	$(Q) if [ ! -d "$(CONFIG_PASS1_BUILDIR)" ]; then \
		echo "ERROR: CONFIG_PASS1_BUILDIR does not exist"; \
		exit 1; \
	$(Q) if [ ! -f "$(CONFIG_PASS1_BUILDIR)/Makefile" ]; then \
		echo "ERROR: No Makefile in CONFIG_PASS1_BUILDIR"; \
		exit 1; \
	$(Q) if [ -w /tftpboot ] ; then \
		cp -f $(BIN) /tftpboot/$(BIN).${CONFIG_ARCH}; \
	@echo "CP: $(NUTTXNAME).hex"
	@echo "CP: $(NUTTXNAME).srec"
	$(Q) $(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPYARGS) -O srec $(BIN) $(NUTTXNAME).srec
	@echo "CP: $(NUTTXNAME).bin"
	$(Q) $(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPYARGS) -O binary $(BIN) $(NUTTXNAME).bin
	@echo "MKIMAGE: uImage"
	$(Q) mkimage -A $(CONFIG_ARCH) -O linux -C none -T kernel -a $(CONFIG_UIMAGE_LOAD_ADDRESS) \
		-e $(CONFIG_UIMAGE_ENTRY_POINT) -n $(BIN) -d $(NUTTXNAME).bin uImage
	$(Q) if [ -w /tftpboot ] ; then \
		cp -f uImage /tftpboot/uImage; \

# download
# This is a helper target that will rebuild NuttX and download it to the target
# system in one step.  The operation of this target depends completely upon
# implementation of the DOWNLOAD command in the user Make.defs file.  It will
# generate an error if the DOWNLOAD command is not defined.

download: $(BIN)
	$(call DOWNLOAD, $<)

# pass1dep: Create pass1 build dependencies
# pass2dep: Create pass2 build dependencies

pass1dep: context tools/mkdeps$(HOSTEXEEXT) tools/cnvwindeps$(HOSTEXEEXT)
	$(Q) for dir in $(USERDEPDIRS) ; do \
		$(MAKE) -C $$dir TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" depend || exit; \

pass2dep: context tools/mkdeps$(HOSTEXEEXT) tools/cnvwindeps$(HOSTEXEEXT)
	$(Q) for dir in $(KERNDEPDIRS) ; do \
		$(MAKE) -C $$dir TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" EXTRAFLAGS="$(KDEFINE) $(EXTRAFLAGS)" depend || exit; \

# Configuration targets
# These targets depend on the kconfig-frontends packages.  To use these, you
# must first download and install the kconfig-frontends package from this
# location: https://bitbucket.org/nuttx/tools/downloads/.  See README.txt
# file in the NuttX tools GIT repository for additional information.

config: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-conf Kconfig

oldconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-conf --oldconfig Kconfig

olddefconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-conf --olddefconfig Kconfig

menuconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-mconf Kconfig

nconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-nconf Kconfig

qconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-qconf Kconfig

gconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-gconf Kconfig

savedefconfig: apps_preconfig
	$(Q) APPSDIR=${CONFIG_APPS_DIR} kconfig-conf --savedefconfig defconfig.tmp Kconfig
	$(Q) sed -i -e "/CONFIG_APPS_DIR=/d" defconfig.tmp
	$(Q) grep "CONFIG_ARCH=" .config >> defconfig.tmp
	$(Q) grep "^CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_" .config >> defconfig.tmp; true
	$(Q) grep "CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP=" .config >> defconfig.tmp; true
	$(Q) grep "CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD=" .config >> defconfig.tmp; true
	$(Q) grep "^CONFIG_ARCH_CUSTOM" .config >> defconfig.tmp; true
	$(Q) grep "^CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM" .config >> defconfig.tmp; true
	$(Q) export LC_ALL=C; cat defconfig.tmp | sort | uniq > sortedconfig.tmp
	$(Q) echo "#" > warning.tmp
	$(Q) echo "# This file is autogenerated: PLEASE DO NOT EDIT IT." >> warning.tmp
	$(Q) echo "#" >> warning.tmp
	$(Q) echo "# You can use \"make menuconfig\" to make any modifications to the installed .config file." >> warning.tmp
	$(Q) echo "# You can then do \"make savedefconfig\" to generate a new defconfig file that includes your" >> warning.tmp
	$(Q) echo "# modifications." >> warning.tmp
	$(Q) echo "#" >> warning.tmp
	$(Q) cat warning.tmp sortedconfig.tmp > defconfig
	$(Q) rm -f warning.tmp
	$(Q) rm -f defconfig.tmp
	$(Q) rm -f sortedconfig.tmp

# export
# The export target will package the NuttX libraries and header files into
# an exportable package.  Caveats: (1) These needs some extension for the KERNEL
# build; it needs to receive USERLIBS and create a libuser.a). (2) The logic
# in tools/mkexport.sh only supports GCC and, for example, explicitly assumes
# that the archiver is 'ar'

export: $(NUTTXLIBS)

# General housekeeping targets:  dependencies, cleaning, etc.
# depend:    Create both PASS1 and PASS2 dependencies
# clean:     Removes derived object files, archives, executables, and
#            temporary files, but retains the configuration and context
#            files and directories.
# distclean: Does 'clean' then also removes all configuration and context
#            files.  This essentially restores the directory structure
#            to its original, unconfigured stated.

depend: pass1dep pass2dep

$(foreach SDIR, $(CLEANDIRS), $(eval $(call SDIR_template,$(SDIR),clean)))

subdir_clean: $(foreach SDIR, $(CLEANDIRS), $(SDIR)_clean)
ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_2PASS),y)

clean: subdir_clean
	$(call DELFILE, $(BIN))
	$(call DELFILE, nuttx.*)
	$(call DELFILE, *.map)
	$(call DELFILE, _SAVED_APPS_config)
	$(call DELFILE, nuttx-export*.zip)
	$(call DELDIR, nuttx-export*)
	$(call DELFILE, nuttx_user*)
	$(call DELDIR, staging)
	$(call DELFILE, uImage)
	$(call CLEAN)

$(foreach SDIR, $(CLEANDIRS), $(eval $(call SDIR_template,$(SDIR),distclean)))

subdir_distclean: $(foreach SDIR, $(CLEANDIRS), $(SDIR)_distclean)

distclean: clean subdir_distclean clean_context
ifeq ($(CONFIG_BUILD_2PASS),y)
	$(call DELFILE, Make.defs)
	$(call DELFILE, defconfig)
	$(call DELFILE, defconfig.tmp-e)
	$(call DELFILE, .config)
	$(call DELFILE, .config.old)
	$(call DELFILE, .config-e)
	$(call DELFILE, .gdbinit)
	$(call DELFILE, .clean_context)
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) include/arch/board
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) include/arch/chip
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) include/arch
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) $(ARCH_SRC)/board/board
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) $(ARCH_SRC)/board
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) $(ARCH_SRC)/chip
	$(Q) $(DIRUNLINK) $(TOPDIR)/drivers/platform
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C tools -f Makefile.host TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" clean

# Application housekeeping targets.  The APPDIR variable refers to the user
# application directory.  A sample apps/ directory is included with NuttX,
# however, this is not treated as part of NuttX and may be replaced with a
# different application directory.  For the most part, the application
# directory is treated like any other build directory in this script.  However,
# as a convenience, the following targets are included to support housekeeping
# functions in the user application directory from the NuttX build directory.
# apps_preconfig: Prepare applications to be configured
# apps_clean:     Perform the clean operation only in the user application
#                 directory
# apps_distclean: Perform the distclean operation only in the user application
#                 directory.

apps_preconfig: dirlinks
ifneq ($(APPDIR),)
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C $(APPDIR) TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" preconfig

ifneq ($(APPDIR),)
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C $(APPDIR) TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" clean

ifneq ($(APPDIR),)
	$(Q) $(MAKE) -C $(APPDIR) TOPDIR="$(TOPDIR)" distclean