 * drivers/lcd/pcf8833.h
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/* Definitions for the Phillips PCF8833 LCD controller
 * References:
 * "Data Sheet, PCF8833 STN RGB 132x132x3 driver," Phillips, 2003 Feb 14.

#ifndef __DRIVERS_LCD_PCF8833_H
#define __DRIVERS_LCD_PCF8833_H

 * Included Files

 * Pre-processor Definitions

/* Pixel format codes */

#define PCF8833_FMT_8BPS  (2)
#define PCF8833_FMT_12BPS (3)
#define PCF8833_FMT_16BPS (5)

/* LCD Commands */

#define PCF8833_NOP       0x00 /* No operation; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_SWRESET   0x01 /* Software reset ; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_BSTROFF   0x02 /* Booster voltage off; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_BSTRON    0x03 /* Booster voltage on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_RDDIDIF   0x04 /* Read display identification; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_RDDST     0x09 /* Read display status; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_SLEEPIN   0x10 /* Sleep_IN; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_SLEEPOUT  0x11 /* Sleep_OUT; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_PTLON     0x12 /* Partial mode on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_NORON     0x13 /* Normal Display mode on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_INVOFF    0x20 /* Display inversion off; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_INVON     0x21 /* Display inversion on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_DALO      0x22 /* All pixel off; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_DAL       0x23 /* All pixel on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_SETCON    0x25 /* Set contrast; Data: (1) contrast */
#define PCF8833_DISPOFF   0x28 /* Display off; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_DISPON    0x29 /* Display on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_CASET     0x2a /* Column address set; Data: (1) X start (2) X end  */
#define PCF8833_PASET     0x2b /* Page address set Data: (1) Y start (2) Y end */
#define PCF8833_RAMWR     0x2c /* Memory write; Data: (1) write data */
#define PCF8833_RGBSET    0x2d /* Colour set; Data: (1-8) red tones, (9-16) green tones, (17-20) blue tones */
#define PCF8833_PTLAR     0x30 /* Partial area; Data: (1) start address (2) end address */
#define PCF8833_VSCRDEF   0x33 /* Vertical scroll definition; Data: (1) top fixed, (2) scrol area, (3) bottom fixed */
#define PCF8833_TEOFF     0x34 /* Tearing line off; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_TEON      0x35 /* Tearing line on;  Data: (1) don't care */
#define PCF8833_MADCTL    0x36 /* Memory data access control; Data: (1) access control settings */
#define PCF8833_SEP       0x37 /* Set Scroll Entry Point; Data: (1) scroll entry point */
#define PCF8833_IDMOFF    0x38 /* Idle mode off; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_IDMON     0x39 /* Idle mode on; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_COLMOD    0x3a /* Interface pixel format; Data: (1) color interface format */
#define PCF8833_SETVOP    0xb0 /* Set VOP; Data: (1) VOP5-8 (2) VOP0-4 */
#define PCF8833_BRS       0xb4 /* Bottom Row Swap; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_TRS       0xb6 /* Top Row Swap; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_FINV      0xb9 /* Super Frame INVersion; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_DOR       0xba /* Data ORder; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_TCDFE     0xbd /* Enable/disable DF temp comp; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_TCVOPE    0xbf /* Enable or disable VOP temp comp; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_EC        0xc0 /* Internal or external oscillator; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_SETMUL    0xc2 /* Set multiplication factor; Data: (1) Multiplication factor */
#define PCF8833_TCVOPAB   0xc3 /* Set TCVOP slopes A and B; Data: (1) SLB and SLA */
#define PCF8833_TCVOPCD   0xc4 /* Set TCVOP slopes C and D; Data: (1) SLD and SLC */
#define PCF8833_TCDF      0xc5 /* Set divider frequency; Data: Divider factor in region (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D */
#define PCF8833_DF8COLOR  0xc6 /* Set divider frequency 8-colour mode; Data: (1) DF80-6 */
#define PCF8833_SETBS     0xc7 /* Set bias system; Data: (1) Bias systems */
#define PCF8833_RDTEMP    0xc8 /* Temperature read back; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_NLI       0xc9 /* N-Line Inversion; Data: (1) NLI time slots invervsion */
#define PCF8833_RDID1     0xda /* Read ID1; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_RDID2     0xdb /* Read ID2; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_RDID3     0xdc /* Read ID3; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_SFD       0xef /* Select factory defaults; Data: none */
#define PCF8833_ECM       0xf0 /* Enter Calibration mode; Data: (1) Calibration control settings */
#define PCF8833_OTPSHTIN  0xf1 /* Shift data in OTP shift registers; Data: Any number of bytes */

/* Memory data access control (MADCTL) bit definitions */

#define MADCTL_RGB        (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: BGR */
#define MADCTL_LAO        (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: Line address order bottom to top */
#define MADCTL_V          (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: Vertical RAM write; in Y direction */
#define MADCTL_MX         (1 << 6) /* Bit 6: Mirror X */
#define MADCTL_MY         (1 << 7) /* Bit 7: Mirror Y */

/* PCF8833 status register bit definitions */

/* CMD format: RDDST command followed by four status bytes: */

/* Byte 1: D31 d30 D29 D28 D27 D26 --- --- */

#define PCF8833_ST_RGB              (1 <<  2) /* Bit 2: D26 - RGB/BGR order */
#define PCF8833_ST_LINEADDR         (1 <<  3) /* Bit 3: D27 - Line address order */
#define PCF8833_ST_ADDRMODE         (1 <<  4) /* Bit 4: D28 - Vertical/horizontal addressing mode */
#define PCF8833_ST_XADDR            (1 <<  5) /* Bit 5: D29 - X address order */
#define PCF8833_ST_YADDR            (1 <<  6) /* Bit 6: D30 - Y address order */
#define PCF8833_ST_BOOSTER          (1 <<  7) /* Bit 7: D31 - Booster voltage status */

/* Byte 2: --- D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16 */

#define PCF8833_ST_NORMAL           (1 <<  0) /* Bit 0: D16 - Normal display mode */
#define PCF8833_ST_SLEEPIN          (1 <<  1) /* Bit 1: D17 - Sleep in selected */
#define PCF8833_ST_PARTIAL          (1 <<  2) /* Bit 2: D18 - Partial mode on */
#define PCF8833_ST_IDLE             (1 <<  3) /* Bit 3: D19 - Idle mode selected */
#define PCF8833_ST_PIXELFMT_SHIFT   (4)       /* Bits 4-6: D20-D22 - Interface pixel format */

/* Byte 3: D15 -- D13 D12 D11 D10 D9  --- */

#define PCF8833_ST_TEARING          (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: D9 - Tearing effect on */
#define PCF8833_ST_DISPLAYON        (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: D10 - Display on */
#define PCF8833_ST_PIXELSOFF        (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: D11 - All pixels off */
#define PCF8833_ST_PIXELSON         (1 << 4) /* Bit 4: D12 - All pixels on */
#define PCF8833_ST_INV              (1 << 5) /* Bit 5: D13 - Display inversion */
#define PCF8833_ST_VSCROLL          (1 << 7) /* Bit 6: D15 - Vertical scroll mode */

/* Byte 4: All zero */

#endif /* __DRIVERS_LCD_PCF8833_H */