# ############################################################################## # CMakeLists.txt # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for # additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this # file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # # ############################################################################## # ~~~ # Instructions: # - Run CMake from the user project directory: # cmake -S -B -DBOARD_CONFIG= # - NuttX will look for the nuttx-apps repository from its parent folder # i.e., ../nuttx-apps. # - A custom directory can be specified with -DNUTTX_APPS_DIR=. # - Build the user project with: # cmake --build # ~~~ # Request a version available on latest Ubuntu LTS (20.04) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) # Handle newer CMake versions correctly by setting policies if(POLICY CMP0115) # do not auto-guess extension in target_sources() cmake_policy(SET CMP0115 NEW) endif() # Avoid warning about DOWNLOAD_EXTRACT_TIMESTAMP in CMake 3.24: if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.24.0") cmake_policy(SET CMP0135 NEW) endif() # Basic CMake configuration ################################################## set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) # Setup build type (Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel Coverage). Default # to minimum size release # Use nuttx optimization configuration options, workaround for cmake build type # TODO Integration the build type with CMAKE # if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "MinSizeRel" CACHE STRING # "Build type" FORCE) endif() set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY # STRINGS "Debug;Release;RelWithDebInfo;MinSizeRel") # Process board config & directory locations ################################# set(NUTTX_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) if(NOT DEFINED BOARD_CONFIG) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please define configuration with BOARD_CONFIG") endif() find_program(KCONFIGLIB olddefconfig) if(NOT KCONFIGLIB) message( FATAL_ERROR "Kconfig environment depends on kconfiglib, Please install: $ pip install kconfiglib") endif() if(EXISTS ${BOARD_CONFIG} AND EXISTS ${BOARD_CONFIG}/defconfig) get_filename_component(NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR ${BOARD_CONFIG} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${NUTTX_DIR}) string(REPLACE "/" ";" CONFIG_ARRAY ${NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR}) list(LENGTH CONFIG_ARRAY CONFIG_ARRAY_LENGTH) if(${CONFIG_ARRAY_LENGTH} LESS 4) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please define correct board config : ${BOARD_CONFIG}") endif() math(EXPR NUTTX_CONFIG_INDEX "${CONFIG_ARRAY_LENGTH} - 1") math(EXPR NUTTX_BOARD_INDEX "${CONFIG_ARRAY_LENGTH} - 3") list(GET CONFIG_ARRAY ${NUTTX_BOARD_INDEX} NUTTX_BOARD) list(GET CONFIG_ARRAY ${NUTTX_CONFIG_INDEX} NUTTX_CONFIG) string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/(.*)/${NUTTX_CONFIG}" "\\1" NUTTX_BOARD_DIR ${NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR}) set(NUTTX_DEFCONFIG ${BOARD_CONFIG}/defconfig) else() if(BOARD_CONFIG MATCHES "/") set(MATCH_REGEX "/") else() set(MATCH_REGEX ":") endif() string(REPLACE ${MATCH_REGEX} ";" CONFIG_ARRAY ${BOARD_CONFIG}) list(LENGTH CONFIG_ARRAY CONFIG_ARRAY_LENGTH) if(${CONFIG_ARRAY_LENGTH} LESS 2) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please define correct board config : ${BOARD_CONFIG}") endif() list(GET CONFIG_ARRAY 0 NUTTX_BOARD) list(GET CONFIG_ARRAY 1 NUTTX_CONFIG) file( GLOB NUTTX_BOARD_DIR LIST_DIRECTORIES true "${NUTTX_DIR}/boards/*/*/${NUTTX_BOARD}") if(EXISTS ${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}/configs/${NUTTX_CONFIG}/defconfig) set(NUTTX_DEFCONFIG ${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}/configs/${NUTTX_CONFIG}/defconfig) endif() endif() if("${NUTTX_CONFIG}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Please define correct board config : ${NUTTX_CONFIG}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG}") message(FATAL_ERROR "No config file found at ${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG}") endif() # Generate inital .config ################################################### # This is needed right before any other configure step so that we can source # Kconfig variables into CMake variables # The following commands need these variables to be passed via environment include(nuttx_kconfig) nuttx_export_kconfig_by_value(${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG} "CONFIG_APPS_DIR") if(NOT CONFIG_APPS_DIR) if(EXISTS "${NUTTX_DIR}/../apps") set(NUTTX_APPS_DIR "${NUTTX_DIR}/../apps") elseif(EXISTS "${NUTTX_DIR}/../nuttx-apps") set(NUTTX_APPS_DIR "${NUTTX_DIR}/../nuttx-apps") else() message( WARNING "apps/nuttx-apps directory is not found, use dummy directory instead") set(NUTTX_APPS_DIR "${NUTTX_DIR}/dummy") endif() else() set(NUTTX_APPS_DIR ${CONFIG_APPS_DIR}) set(CONFIG_APPS_DIR) endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${NUTTX_APPS_DIR}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Application directory ${NUTTX_APPS_DIR} is not found") endif() get_filename_component(apps_dir ${NUTTX_APPS_DIR} NAME) set(NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${apps_dir}") # Support not having application directory if("${apps_dir}" STREQUAL "dummy") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}) file(TOUCH ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/Kconfig) endif() set(ENV{PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set(ENV{APPSDIR} ${NUTTX_APPS_DIR}) # TODO: support not having apps/ set(ENV{APPSBINDIR} ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}) # TODO: support not having apps/ set(ENV{BINDIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) # TODO: support not having apps/ set(ENV{EXTERNALDIR} dummy) # TODO set(ENV{DRIVERS_PLATFORM_DIR} dummy) # TODO set(ENV{HOST_LINUX} n) set(ENV{HOST_MACOS} n) set(ENV{HOST_WINDOWS} n) set(ENV{HOST_OTHER} n) if(APPLE) set(ENV{HOST_MACOS} y) elseif(WIN32) set(ENV{HOST_WINDOWS} y) elseif(UNIX) set(ENV{HOST_LINUX} y) set(LINUX TRUE) else() set(ENV{HOST_OTHER} y) set(OTHER_OS TRUE) endif() include(nuttx_parse_function_args) include(nuttx_add_subdirectory) include(nuttx_create_symlink) # Add apps/ to the build (if present) if(NOT EXISTS ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/Kconfig) add_subdirectory(${NUTTX_APPS_DIR} preapps) endif() nuttx_export_kconfig(${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG}) if(CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM) get_filename_component(NUTTX_BOARD_DIR ${CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM_DIR} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${NUTTX_DIR}) endif() if("${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Please define correct board : ${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS "${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt" AND NOT EXISTS "${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}/../common/CMakeLists.txt") message(FATAL_ERROR "No CMakeList.txt found at ${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}") endif() # Custom board ################################################### file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/boards/dummy) if(CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM) get_filename_component(NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR ${CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM_DIR} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${NUTTX_DIR}) else() set(NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR ${NUTTX_BOARD_DIR}) file(TOUCH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/boards/dummy/Kconfig) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/boards/dummy/Kconfig) if(CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_CUSTOM) nuttx_create_symlink(${NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR}/Kconfig ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/boards/dummy/Kconfig) else() file(TOUCH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/boards/dummy/Kconfig) endif() endif() # board platfrom driver file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/drivers) if(EXISTS ${NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR}/../drivers AND EXISTS ${NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR}/../drivers/Kconfig) nuttx_create_symlink(${NUTTX_BOARD_ABS_DIR}/../drivers ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/drivers/platform) else() file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/drivers/platform) file(TOUCH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/drivers/platform/Kconfig) endif() # board common directory if(CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_COMMON) file( GLOB NUTTX_COMMON_DIR LIST_DIRECTORIES true "${NUTTX_DIR}/boards/${CONFIG_ARCH}/${CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP}/common") endif() # Custom chip ################################################### if(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_CUSTOM) get_filename_component(NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR ${CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_CUSTOM_DIR} ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR ${NUTTX_DIR}) set(NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR ${NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR}) else() set(NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR "${NUTTX_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}/src/${CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP}") endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/dummy) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/dummy) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/dummy/Kconfig) if(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_CUSTOM) nuttx_create_symlink(${NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR}/Kconfig ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/dummy/Kconfig) else() file(TOUCH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/dummy/Kconfig) endif() endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}/src) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}/src/chip) nuttx_create_symlink(${NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}/src/chip) endif() # Unsupport custom board/chips yet, workaround if(NOT EXISTS ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/platform/board/Kconfig) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/platform/board) file(TOUCH ${NUTTX_APPS_BINDIR}/platform/board/Kconfig) endif() # Copy board defconfig into main directory and expand TODO: do also for changes # in board/config (by comparing stored defconfig to specified one) if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config OR NOT "${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG}" STREQUAL "${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG_SAVED}") message(STATUS "Initializing NuttX") configure_file(${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG} defconfig COPYONLY) configure_file(${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG} .config.compressed COPYONLY) set(ENV{KCONFIG_CONFIG} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config.compressed) # Do olddefconfig step to expand the abbreviated defconfig into normal config execute_process( COMMAND olddefconfig OUTPUT_VARIABLE KCONFIG_OUTPUT RESULT_VARIABLE KCONFIG_STATUS WORKING_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_DIR}) file(RENAME ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config.compressed ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config) set(ENV{KCONFIG_CONFIG} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config) # store original expanded .config configure_file(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config.orig COPYONLY) if(KCONFIG_STATUS AND NOT KCONFIG_STATUS EQUAL 0) message( FATAL_ERROR "Failed to initialize Kconfig configuration: ${KCONFIG_OUTPUT}") endif() set(NUTTX_DEFCONFIG_SAVED ${NUTTX_DEFCONFIG} CACHE INTERNAL "Saved defconfig path" FORCE) # Print configuration choices message(STATUS " Board: ${NUTTX_BOARD}") message(STATUS " Config: ${NUTTX_CONFIG}") message(STATUS " Appdir: ${NUTTX_APPS_DIR}") endif() # Include .cmake files ####################################################### # this exposes all Kconfig vars to CMake nuttx_export_kconfig(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.config) include(nuttx_generate_headers) include(nuttx_generate_outputs) include(nuttx_add_library) include(nuttx_add_application) include(nuttx_add_romfs) include(nuttx_add_symtab) include(nuttx_add_module) include(menuconfig) include(ExternalProject) include(FetchContent) set(FETCHCONTENT_QUIET OFF) # Setup toolchain ############################################################ # This needs to happen before project() when binaries are searched for list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}/src/cmake) set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/arch/${CONFIG_ARCH}/src/cmake/Toolchain.cmake") # Define project ############################################################# # This triggers configuration project(NuttX LANGUAGES C CXX ASM) if(WIN32) enable_language(ASM_MASM) endif() # Setup platform options (this needs to happen after project(), once the # toolchain file has been processed) include(platform) # Setup main nuttx target #################################################### add_executable(nuttx) add_dependencies(nuttx nuttx_context) if(WIN32) set_property(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT nuttx) endif() if(CONFIG_ARCH_SIM) # Create separate sim_head OBJECT library built as part of NuttX kernel It # must be separated to allow for linking against the rest of NuttX libraries add_library(sim_head OBJECT) nuttx_add_library_internal(sim_head) get_property( definitions TARGET nuttx PROPERTY NUTTX_KERNEL_DEFINITIONS) target_compile_definitions(sim_head PRIVATE ${definitions}) get_property( options TARGET nuttx PROPERTY NUTTX_KERNEL_COMPILE_OPTIONS) target_compile_options(sim_head PRIVATE ${options}) # We need the relocatable object to be first in the list of libraries to be # linked against final nuttx binary if(NOT WIN32) target_link_libraries(nuttx PRIVATE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx.rel) endif() else() # These flags apply to source files not part of the library. In sim build this # corresponds to "host" files, so we only do this on non-sim build target_compile_definitions( nuttx PRIVATE $>) target_compile_options( nuttx PRIVATE $>) endif() # Compiler options TODO: move elsewhere if("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.9) # force color for gcc > 4.9 add_compile_options(-fdiagnostics-color=always) endif() endif() if(WIN32) add_compile_options( -W2 -wd4116 # unnamed type definition in parentheses -wd4146 # unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still # unsigned -wd4244 # 'argument' : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of # data -wd4305 # 'context' : truncation from 'type1' to 'type2' ) else() add_compile_options( # system wide warnings -Wall $<$:-Wstrict-prototypes> -Wshadow -Wundef # system wide options $<$:-nostdinc++> $<$:-D__ASSEMBLY__>) endif() if(NOT CONFIG_CXX_EXCEPTION) add_compile_options($<$:-fno-exceptions> $<$:-fcheck-new>) endif() if(CONFIG_STACK_CANARIES) add_compile_options(-fstack-protector-all) endif() if(CONFIG_NDEBUG) add_compile_options(-DNDEBUG) endif() add_definitions(-D__NuttX__) set_property( TARGET nuttx APPEND PROPERTY NUTTX_KERNEL_DEFINITIONS __KERNEL__) # Recurse subdirectories ##################################################### # Each subdirectory will generate a static library if(CONFIG_OPENAMP) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/openamp/open-amp/lib/include) endif() add_subdirectory(openamp) add_subdirectory(arch) add_subdirectory(audio) add_subdirectory(binfmt) add_subdirectory(crypto) add_subdirectory(drivers) add_subdirectory(fs) add_subdirectory(graphics) add_subdirectory(libs) add_subdirectory(mm) add_subdirectory(net) add_subdirectory(sched) add_subdirectory(syscall) add_subdirectory(wireless) # This picks up the chosen board (as well as common board code) add_subdirectory(boards) # POSTBUILD -- Perform post build operations Some architectures require the use # of special tools and special handling AFTER building the NuttX binary. # Make.defs files for those architectures should override the following define # with the correct operations for that platform if(TARGET nuttx_post_build) add_custom_target(post_build ALL DEPENDS nuttx_post_build) endif() # Add apps/ to the build (if present) if(EXISTS ${NUTTX_APPS_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt) add_subdirectory(${NUTTX_APPS_DIR} apps) else() message( STATUS "Application directory not found at ${NUTTX_APPS_DIR}, skipping") endif() # Link step ################################################################## # Get linker script to use get_property(ldscript GLOBAL PROPERTY LD_SCRIPT) # Pre-compile linker script if(DEFINED PREPROCES) get_filename_component(LD_SCRIPT_NAME ${ldscript} NAME) set(LD_SCRIPT_TMP "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${LD_SCRIPT_NAME}.tmp") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${LD_SCRIPT_TMP} DEPENDS ${ldscript} COMMAND ${PREPROCES} -I${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include -I${NUTTX_CHIP_ABS_DIR} ${ldscript} > ${LD_SCRIPT_TMP} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) add_custom_target(ldscript_tmp DEPENDS ${LD_SCRIPT_TMP}) add_dependencies(nuttx ldscript_tmp) set(ldscript ${LD_SCRIPT_TMP}) endif() # Perform link # Add empty source file to nuttx target since cmake requires at least one file # and we will only be linking libraries if(CONFIG_HAVE_CXX) file(TOUCH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/empty.cxx") target_sources(nuttx PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/empty.cxx") else() file(TOUCH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/empty.c") target_sources(nuttx PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/empty.c") endif() # initialize manifest to hold all generated files file(TOUCH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx.manifest) get_property(nuttx_kernel_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY NUTTX_KERNEL_LIBRARIES) if(CONFIG_BUILD_FLAT) get_property(nuttx_system_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY NUTTX_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES) endif() get_property(nuttx_apps_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY NUTTX_APPS_LIBRARIES) get_property(nuttx_extra_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY NUTTX_EXTRA_LIBRARIES) set(nuttx_libs ${nuttx_kernel_libs} ${nuttx_system_libs} ${nuttx_apps_libs} ${nuttx_extra_libs}) if(NOT CONFIG_ARCH_SIM) # TODO: nostart/nodefault not applicable to nuttx toolchain target_link_libraries( nuttx PRIVATE ${NUTTX_EXTRA_FLAGS} -Wl,--script=${ldscript} -Wl,--start-group ${nuttx_libs} -Wl,--end-group) # generate binary outputs in different formats (.bin, .hex, etc) nuttx_generate_outputs(nuttx) if(CONFIG_UBOOT_UIMAGE) add_custom_command( OUTPUT uImage COMMAND ${MKIMAGE} -A ${CONFIG_ARCH} -O linux -C none -T kernel -a ${CONFIG_UIMAGE_LOAD_ADDRESS} -e ${CONFIG_UIMAGE_ENTRY_POINT} -n nuttx -d nuttx.bin uImage DEPENDS nuttx) add_custom_target(nuttx-uImage ALL DEPENDS uImage) # TODO: install? $(Q) if [ -w /tftpboot ] ; then \ cp -f uImage # /tftpboot/uImage; \ fi file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx.manifest uImage) endif() elseif(WIN32) target_link_options(nuttx PUBLIC /SAFESEH:NO) math(EXPR LINK_STACKSIZE "${CONFIG_SIM_STACKSIZE_ADJUSTMENT} + ${CONFIG_IDLETHREAD_STACKSIZE}" OUTPUT_FORMAT DECIMAL) target_link_options(nuttx PUBLIC /STACK:${LINK_STACKSIZE},${LINK_STACKSIZE}) set(nuttx_libs_paths) foreach(lib ${nuttx_libs}) list(APPEND nuttx_libs_paths $) endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx_all.lib COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} /OUT:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx_all.lib ${nuttx_libs_paths} DEPENDS ${nuttx_libs} VERBATIM) add_custom_target(nuttx_all-lib DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx_all.lib) add_dependencies(nuttx nuttx_all-lib) target_link_libraries(nuttx PRIVATE $ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx_all.lib) else() # On sim platform the link step is a little different. NuttX is first built # into a partially linked relocatable object nuttx.rel with no interface to # host OS. Then, the names of symbols that conflict with libc symbols are # renamed. The final nuttx binary is built by linking the host-specific # objects with the relocatable binary. # C++ global objects are constructed before main get executed, but it isn't a # good point for simulator because NuttX doesn't finish the kernel # initialization yet. So we have to skip the standard facilities and do the # construction by ourself. But how to achieve the goal? 1.Command linker # generate the default script(-verbose) 2.Replace # __init_array_start/__init_array_end with _sinit/_einit 3.Append # __init_array_start = .; __init_array_end = .; Step 2 let nxtask_startup find # objects need to construct Step 3 cheat the host there is no object to # construct Note: the destructor can be fixed in the same way. if(NOT APPLE) add_custom_command( OUTPUT nuttx.ld COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} $<$:-m32> -Wl,-verbose 2> /dev/null > nuttx-orig.ld || true COMMAND cat nuttx-orig.ld | sed -e '/====/,/====/!d\;//d' -e 's/__executable_start/_stext/g' -e 's/__init_array_start/_sinit/g' -e 's/__init_array_end/_einit/g' -e 's/__fini_array_start/_sfini/g' -e 's/__fini_array_end/_efini/g' > nuttx.ld COMMAND echo ARGS '__init_array_start = .\; __init_array_end = .\; __fini_array_start = .\; __fini_array_end = .\;' >> nuttx.ld) endif() # conflicting symbols to rename include(nuttx_redefine_symbols) # TODO: do with single function call? set(nuttx_libs_paths) foreach(lib ${nuttx_libs}) list(APPEND nuttx_libs_paths $) endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT nuttx.rel COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ARGS -r $<$:-m32> $ $<$>:-Wl,--start-group> ${nuttx_libs_paths} $<$>:-Wl,--end-group> -o nuttx.rel COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} --redefine-syms=nuttx-names.dat nuttx.rel DEPENDS ${nuttx_libs_paths} sim_head COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) add_custom_target(nuttx-rel DEPENDS nuttx.rel $<$>:nuttx.ld>) # link the final nuttx binary add_dependencies(nuttx nuttx-rel) target_link_options(nuttx PUBLIC $<$>:-T nuttx.ld> $<$:-m32>) endif() # TODO: if we use an install target a manifest may not be needed if(CONFIG_ARCH_SIM) file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/nuttx.manifest "nuttx\n") endif() # Userspace portion ########################################################## if(NOT CONFIG_BUILD_FLAT) add_executable(nuttx_user) get_property(nuttx_system_libs GLOBAL PROPERTY NUTTX_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES) get_property(user_ldscript GLOBAL PROPERTY LD_SCRIPT_USER) list(TRANSFORM user_ldscript PREPEND "-Wl,--script=") target_link_options( nuttx_user PRIVATE -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -Wl,--entry=${CONFIG_USER_ENTRYPOINT} -Wl,--undefined=${CONFIG_USER_ENTRYPOINT}) target_link_libraries( nuttx_user PRIVATE ${user_ldscript} userspace $<$>:-Wl,--start-group> ${nuttx_system_libs} gcc $<$:supc++> $<$>:-Wl,--end-group>) add_custom_command( OUTPUT User.map COMMAND ${CMAKE_NM} nuttx_user > User.map DEPENDS nuttx_user) add_custom_target(usermap ALL DEPENDS User.map) # generate binary outputs in different formats (.bin, .hex, etc) nuttx_generate_outputs(nuttx_user) # create merged .hex file ready to be flashed TODO: does not seem to be # generating a functional hex file if(CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY AND SREC_CAT) add_custom_command( OUTPUT nuttx_combined.hex COMMAND ${SREC_CAT} nuttx.hex -intel nuttx_user.hex -intel -o nuttx_combined.hex -intel DEPENDS nuttx_user nuttx) add_custom_target(nuttx-combined ALL DEPENDS nuttx_combined.hex) endif() # TODO: could also merge elf binaries endif()