/**************************************************************************** * include/errno.h * * Copyright (C) 2007-2009, 2011 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved. * Author: Gregory Nutt <gnutt@nuttx.org> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __INCLUDE_ERRNO_H #define __INCLUDE_ERRNO_H /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include <nuttx/compiler.h> /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ /* How can we access the errno variable? */ #if !defined(CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED) && !defined(CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL) /* Flat build */ # if defined(CONFIG_LIB_SYSCALL) && !defined(__KERNEL__) /* We still might be using system calls in user code. If so, then * user code will have no direct access to the errno variable. */ # undef __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS # else /* Flat build with no system calls OR internal kernel logic... There * is direct access. */ # define __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS 1 # endif #elif defined(CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED) # if defined(__KERNEL__) /* Kernel portion of protected build. Kernel code has direct access */ # define __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS 1 # else /* User portion of protected build. Application code has only indirect * access */ # undef __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS # endif #elif defined(CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL) && !defined(__KERNEL__) # if defined(__KERNEL__) /* Kernel build. Kernel code has direct access */ # define __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS 1 # else /* User libraries for the kernel. Only indirect access from user * libraries */ # undef __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS # endif #endif /* Convenience/compatibility definition. * * For a flat, all kernel-mode build, the error can be read and written * from all code using a simple pointer. */ #ifdef __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS # define errno *get_errno_ptr() # define set_errno(e) do { errno = (int)(e); } while (0) # define get_errno(e) errno #else /* We doing separate user-/kernel-mode builds, then the errno has to be * a little differently. In kernel-mode, the TCB errno value can still be * read and written using a pointer from code executing within the * kernel. * * But in user-mode, the errno can only be read using the name 'errno'. * The non-standard API set_errno() must explicitly be used from user- * mode code in order to set the errno value. * * The same is true of the case where we have syscalls enabled but this * is not a kernel build, then we really have no option but to use the * set_errno() accessor function explicitly, even from OS logic! */ # define errno get_errno() #endif /* __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS */ /* Definitions of error numbers and the string that would be * returned by strerror(). */ #define EPERM 1 #define EPERM_STR "Operation not permitted" #define ENOENT 2 #define ENOENT_STR "No such file or directory" #define ESRCH 3 #define ESRCH_STR "No such process" #define EINTR 4 #define EINTR_STR "Interrupted system call" #define EIO 5 #define EIO_STR "I/O error" #define ENXIO 6 #define ENXIO_STR "No such device or address" #define E2BIG 7 #define E2BIG_STR "Arg list too long" #define ENOEXEC 8 #define ENOEXEC_STR "Exec format error" #define EBADF 9 #define EBADF_STR "Bad file number" #define ECHILD 10 #define ECHILD_STR "No child processes" #define EAGAIN 11 #define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN #define EAGAIN_STR "Try again" #define ENOMEM 12 #define ENOMEM_STR "Out of memory" #define EACCES 13 #define EACCES_STR "Permission denied" #define EFAULT 14 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EFAULT_STR "Bad address" #define ENOTBLK 15 #define ENOTBLK_STR "Block device required" #define EBUSY 16 #define EBUSY_STR "Device or resource busy" #define EEXIST 17 #define EEXIST_STR "File exists" #define EXDEV 18 #define EXDEV_STR "Cross-device link" #define ENODEV 19 #define ENODEV_STR "No such device" #define ENOTDIR 20 #define ENOTDIR_STR "Not a directory" #define EISDIR 21 #define EISDIR_STR "Is a directory" #define EINVAL 22 #define EINVAL_STR "Invalid argument" #define ENFILE 23 #define ENFILE_STR "File table overflow" #define EMFILE 24 #define EMFILE_STR "Too many open files" #define ENOTTY 25 #define ENOTTY_STR "Not a typewriter" #define ETXTBSY 26 #define ETXTBSY_STR "Text file busy" #define EFBIG 27 #define EFBIG_STR "File too large" #define ENOSPC 28 #define ENOSPC_STR "No space left on device" #define ESPIPE 29 #define ESPIPE_STR "Illegal seek" #define EROFS 30 #define EROFS_STR "Read-only file system" #define EMLINK 31 #define EMLINK_STR "Too many links" #define EPIPE 32 #define EPIPE_STR "Broken pipe" #define EDOM 33 #define EDOM_STR "Math argument out of domain of func" #define ERANGE 34 #define ERANGE_STR "Math result not representable" #define ENOMSG 35 #define ENOMSG_STR "No message of desired type" #define EIDRM 36 #define EIDRM_STR "Identifier removed" #define ECHRNG 37 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ECHRNG_STR "Channel number out of range" #define EL2NSYNC 38 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EL2NSYNC_STR "Level 2 not synchronized" #define EL3HLT 39 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EL3HLT_STR "Level 3 halted" #define EL3RST 40 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EL3RST_STR "Level 3 reset" #define ELNRNG 41 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELNRNG_STR "Link number out of range" #define EUNATCH 42 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EUNATCH_STR "Protocol driver not attached" #define ENOCSI 43 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ENOCSI_STR "No CSI structure available" #define EL2HLT 44 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EL2HLT_STR "Level 2 halted" #define EDEADLK 45 #define EDEADLK_STR "Resource deadlock would occur" #define ENOLCK 46 #define ENOLCK_STR "No record locks available" #define EBADE 50 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EBADE_STR "Invalid exchange" #define EBADR 51 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EBADR_STR "Invalid request descriptor" #define EXFULL 52 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EXFULL_STR "Exchange full" #define ENOANO 53 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ENOANO_STR "No anode" #define EBADRQC 54 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EBADRQC_STR "Invalid request code" #define EBADSLT 55 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EBADSLT_STR "Invalid slot" #define EDEADLOCK 56 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EDEADLOCK_STR "File locking deadlock error" #define EBFONT 57 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EBFONT_STR "Bad font file format" #define ENOSTR 60 #define ENOSTR_STR "Device not a stream" #define ENODATA 61 #define ENODATA_STR "No data available" #define ETIME 62 #define ETIME_STR "Timer expired" #define ENOSR 63 #define ENOSR_STR "Out of streams resources" #define ENONET 64 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ENONET_STR "Machine is not on the network" #define ENOPKG 65 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ENOPKG_STR "Package not installed" #define EREMOTE 66 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EREMOTE_STR "Object is remote" #define ENOLINK 67 #define ENOLINK_STR "Link has been severed" #define EADV 68 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EADV_STR "Advertise error" #define ESRMNT 69 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ESRMNT_STR "Srmount error" #define ECOMM 70 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ECOMM_STR "Communication error on send" #define EPROTO 71 #define EPROTO_STR "Protocol error" #define EMULTIHOP 74 #define EMULTIHOP_STR "Multihop attempted" #define ELBIN 75 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELBIN_STR "Inode is remote" #define EDOTDOT 76 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EDOTDOT_STR "RFS specific error" #define EBADMSG 77 #define EBADMSG_STR "Not a data message" #define EFTYPE 79 #define EFTYPE_STR "Inappropriate file type or format" #define ENOTUNIQ 80 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ENOTUNIQ_STR "Name not unique on network" #define EBADFD 81 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EBADFD_STR "File descriptor in bad state" #define EREMCHG 82 /* Linux errno extension */ #define EREMCHG_STR "Remote address changed" #define ELIBACC 83 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELIBACC_STR "Can not access a needed shared library" #define ELIBBAD 84 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELIBBAD_STR "Accessing a corrupted shared library" #define ELIBSCN 85 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELIBSCN_STR ".lib section in a.out corrupted" #define ELIBMAX 86 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELIBMAX_STR "Attempting to link in too many shared libraries" #define ELIBEXEC 87 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ELIBEXEC_STR "Cannot exec a shared library directly" #define ENOSYS 88 #define ENOSYS_STR "Function not implemented" #define ENMFILE 89 /* Cygwin */ #define ENMFILE_STR "No more files" #define ENOTEMPTY 90 #define ENOTEMPTY_STR "Directory not empty" #define ENAMETOOLONG 91 #define ENAMETOOLONG_STR "File name too long" #define ELOOP 92 #define ELOOP_STR "Too many symbolic links encountered" #define EOPNOTSUPP 95 #define EOPNOTSUPP_STR "Operation not supported on transport endpoint" #define EPFNOSUPPORT 96 #define EPFNOSUPPORT_STR "Protocol family not supported" #define ECONNRESET 104 #define ECONNRESET_STR "Connection reset by peer" #define ENOBUFS 105 #define ENOBUFS_STR "No buffer space available" #define EAFNOSUPPORT 106 #define EAFNOSUPPORT_STR "Address family not supported by protocol" #define EPROTOTYPE 107 #define EPROTOTYPE_STR "Protocol wrong type for socket" #define ENOTSOCK 108 #define ENOTSOCK_STR "Socket operation on non-socket" #define ENOPROTOOPT 109 #define ENOPROTOOPT_STR "Protocol not available" #define ESHUTDOWN 110 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ESHUTDOWN_STR "Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown" #define ECONNREFUSED 111 #define ECONNREFUSED_STR "Connection refused" #define EADDRINUSE 112 #define EADDRINUSE_STR "Address already in use" #define ECONNABORTED 113 #define ECONNABORTED_STR "Software caused connection abort" #define ENETUNREACH 114 #define ENETUNREACH_STR "Network is unreachable" #define ENETDOWN 115 #define ENETDOWN_STR "Network is down" #define ETIMEDOUT 116 #define ETIMEDOUT_STR "Connection timed out" #define EHOSTDOWN 117 #define EHOSTDOWN_STR "Host is down" #define EHOSTUNREACH 118 #define EHOSTUNREACH_STR "No route to host" #define EINPROGRESS 119 #define EINPROGRESS_STR "Operation now in progress" #define EALREADY 120 #define EALREADY_STR "Socket already connected" #define EDESTADDRREQ 121 #define EDESTADDRREQ_STR "Destination address required" #define EMSGSIZE 122 #define EMSGSIZE_STR "Message too long" #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 123 #define EPROTONOSUPPORT_STR "Protocol not supported" #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 124 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT_STR "Socket type not supported" #define EADDRNOTAVAIL 125 #define EADDRNOTAVAIL_STR "Cannot assign requested address" #define ENETRESET 126 #define ENETRESET_STR "Network dropped connection because of reset" #define EISCONN 127 #define EISCONN_STR "Transport endpoint is already connected" #define ENOTCONN 128 #define ENOTCONN_STR "Transport endpoint is not connected" #define ETOOMANYREFS 129 #define ETOOMANYREFS_STR "Too many references: cannot splice" #define EPROCLIM 130 #define EPROCLIM_STR "Limit would be exceeded by attempted fork" #define EUSERS 131 #define EUSERS_STR "Too many users" #define EDQUOT 132 #define EDQUOT_STR "Quota exceeded" #define ESTALE 133 #define ESTALE_STR "Stale NFS file handle" #define ENOTSUP 134 #define ENOTSUP_STR "Not supported" #define ENOMEDIUM 135 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ENOMEDIUM_STR "No medium found" #define ENOSHARE 136 /* Cygwin */ #define ENOSHARE_STR "No such host or network path" #define ECASECLASH 137 /* Cygwin */ #define ECASECLASH_STR "Filename exists with different case" #define EILSEQ 138 #define EILSEQ_STR "Illegal byte sequence" #define EOVERFLOW 139 #define EOVERFLOW_STR "Value too large for defined data type" #define ECANCELED 140 #define ECANCELED_STR "Operation cancelled" #define ENOTRECOVERABLE 141 #define ENOTRECOVERABLE_STR "State not recoverable" #define EOWNERDEAD 142 #define EOWNERDEAD_STR "Previous owner died" #define ESTRPIPE 143 /* Linux errno extension */ #define ESTRPIPE_STR "Streams pipe error" #define __ELASTERROR 2000 /* Users can add values starting here */ /**************************************************************************** * Public Type Definitions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Public Function Prototypes ****************************************************************************/ #undef EXTERN #if defined(__cplusplus) #define EXTERN extern "C" extern "C" { #else #define EXTERN extern #endif /* Return a pointer to the thread specific errno. NOTE: When doing a * kernel-/user-mode build, this function can only be used within the * kernel-mode space. * * In the user-mode space, set_errno() and get_errno() are always available, * either as macros or via syscalls. */ FAR int *get_errno_ptr(void); #ifndef __DIRECT_ERRNO_ACCESS void set_errno(int errcode); int get_errno(void); #endif #undef EXTERN #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* __INCLUDE_ERRNO_H */