 * libs/libc/fixedmath/lib_fixedmath.c
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
 * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <fixedmath.h>


 * Pre-processor Definitions

 * Private Type Declarations

 * Private Function Prototypes

 * Public Data

 * Private Data

 * Name: fixsign

static void fixsign(b16_t *parg1, b16_t *parg2, bool *pnegate)
  bool negate = false;
  b16_t arg;

  arg = *parg1;
  if (arg < 0)
      *parg1 = -arg;
      negate = true;

  arg = *parg2;
  if (arg < 0)
      *parg2 = -arg;
      negate ^= true;

  *pnegate = negate;

 * Name: adjustsign

static b16_t adjustsign(b16_t result, bool negate)
  /* If the product is negative, then we overflowed */

  if (result < 0)
      if (result)
          return b16MIN;
          return b16MAX;

  /* correct the sign of the result */

  if (negate)
      return -result;
  return result;

 * Public Functions

 * Name: b16mulb16

b16_t b16mulb16(b16_t m1, b16_t m2)
  bool negate;
  b16_t product;

  fixsign(&m1, &m2, &negate);
  product = (b16_t)ub16mulub16((ub16_t)m1, (ub16_t)m2);
  return adjustsign(product, negate);

 * Name: ub16mulub16

ub16_t ub16mulub16(ub16_t m1, ub16_t m2)
  /* Let:
   *   m1 = m1i*2**16 + m1f                                            (b16)
   *   m2 = m2i*2**16 + m2f                                            (b16)
   * Then:
   *  m1*m2 = (m1i*m2i)*2**32 + (m1i*m2f + m2i*m1f)*2**16 + m1f*m2f    (b32)
   *        = (m1i*m2i)*2**16 + (m1i*m2f + m2i*m1f) + m1f*m2f*2**-16   (b16)
   *        = a*2**16 + b + c*2**-16

  uint32_t m1i = ((uint32_t)m1 >> 16);
  uint32_t m2i = ((uint32_t)m1 >> 16);
  uint32_t m1f = ((uint32_t)m1 & 0x0000ffff);
  uint32_t m2f = ((uint32_t)m2 & 0x0000ffff);

  return (m1i*m2i << 16) + m1i*m2f + m2i*m1f + (((m1f*m2f) + b16HALF) >> 16);

 * Name: b16sqr

b16_t b16sqr(b16_t a)
  b16_t sq;

  /* The result is always positive.  Just take the absolute value */

  if (a < 0)
      a = -a;

  /* Overflow occurred if the result is negative */

  sq = (b16_t)ub16sqr(a);
  if (sq < 0)
      sq = b16MAX;

  return sq;

 * Name: b16divb16

ub16_t ub16sqr(ub16_t a)
  /* Let:
   *   m = mi*2**16 + mf                                               (b16)
   * Then:
   *  m*m = (mi*mi)*2**32 + 2*(m1*m2)*2**16 + mf*mf                    (b32)
   *      = (mi*mi)*2**16 + 2*(mi*mf)       + mf*mf*2**-16             (b16)

  uint32_t mi = ((uint32_t)a >> 16);
  uint32_t mf = ((uint32_t)a & 0x0000ffff);

  return (mi*mi << 16) + (mi*mf << 1) + ((mf*mf + b16HALF) >> 16);

 * Name: b16divb16

b16_t b16divb16(b16_t num, b16_t denom)
  bool  negate;
  b16_t quotient;

  fixsign(&num, &denom, &negate);
  quotient = (b16_t)ub16divub16((ub16_t)num, (ub16_t)denom);
  return adjustsign(quotient, negate);

 * Name: ub16divub16

ub16_t ub16divub16(ub16_t num, ub16_t denom)
  uint32_t term1;
  uint32_t numf;
  uint32_t product;

  /* Let:
   *   num = numi*2**16 + numf                                         (b16)
   *   den = deni*2**16 + denf                                         (b16)
   * Then:
   *  num/den = numi*2**16 / den + numf / den                          (b0)
   *          = numi*2**32 / den + numf*2**16 /den                     (b16)

  /* Check for overflow in the first part of the quotient */

  term1 = ((uint32_t)num & 0xffff0000) / denom;
  if (term1 >= 0x00010000)
      return ub16MAX; /* Will overflow */

  /* Finish the division */

  numf    = num - term1 * denom;
  term1 <<= 16;
  product = term1 + (numf + (denom >> 1)) / denom;

  /* Check for overflow */

  if (product < term1)
      return ub16MAX; /* Overflowed */

  return product;
