# For a description of the syntax of this configuration file,
# see misc/tools/kconfig-language.txt.


config STM3240G_LCD
	bool "Support STM3240G-EVAL LCD"
	default y
	depends on LCD && STM32_FSMC
		Enable support for the LCD on the STM3240G-EVAL board.  See additional,
		LCD-common settings in the drivers/lcd Kconfig file.

if STM3240G_LCD

	int "LCD data shift"
	default 5
		When reading 16-bit gram data, there appears to be a shift in the returned
		data.  This value fixes the offset.  Default 5.

config STM3240G_ILI9320_DISABLE
	bool "Disable LCD_ILI9320 (and LCD_ILI9321) support"
	default n
		The LCD driver dynamically selects the LCD based on the reported LCD
		ID value.  However, code size can be reduced by suppressing support for
		individual LCDs using this option.

config STM3240G_ILI9325_DISABLE
	bool "Disable LCD_ILI9325 support"
	default n
		The LCD driver dynamically selects the LCD based on the reported LCD
		ID value.  However, code size can be reduced by suppressing support for
		individual LCDs using this option

endif # STM3240G_LCD


	int "Board initialization thread priority"
	default 196
		If BOARD_INITIALIZE initialize is defined, then the function
		board_initialize() will be called to perform board-specific
		initialization. board_initialize() runs on the IDLE thread.
		Depending on the features that are enabled, this  board
		initialization logic may need to start a kernel thread that has
		more capability than the IDLE thread.  This setting then provides
		the priority of the board initialization thread.

		NOTE:  STM3240G_BOARDINIT_PRIO should have a relatively high
		priority to assure that board level initialization completes
		before the application requires the initialized board services.
		Default: 196

	int "Board initialization thread Size"
	default 2048
		If BOARD_INITIALIZE initialize is defined, then the function
		board_initialize() will be called to perform board-specific
		initialization. board_initialize() runs on the IDLE thread.
		Depending on the features that are enabled, this  board
		initialization logic may need to start a kernel thread that has
		more capability than the IDLE thread.  This setting then provides
		the size of the stack to use with the initialization kernel thread.