 * drivers/mtd/sst39vf.c
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
 * ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>

#include <nuttx/clock.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/signal.h>
#include <nuttx/fs/ioctl.h>
#include <nuttx/mtd/mtd.h>

 * Pre-processor Definitions

/* Configuration */

#  error "The FLASH base address was not provided (CONFIG_SST39VF_BASE_ADDRESS)"

/* MAP SST39VF address to a 16-bit bus address */

#define SST39VF_ADDR(addr) \
  (volatile FAR uint16_t *)(CONFIG_SST39VF_BASE_ADDRESS | (addr << 1))

/* Timing */

#define SST39VF_TBP_USEC    10  /* Word-Program Time (max); 7uS typical */
#define SST39VF_TIDA_NSEC   150 /* Software ID Access and Exit Time (max) */
#define SST39VF_TSE_MSEC    25  /* Sector-Erase 25 ms (max); 18 ms typical */
#define SST39VF_TBE_MSEC    25  /* Block-Erase 25 ms (max); 18 ms typical */
#define SST39VF_TSCE_MSEC   50  /* Chip-Erase 50 ms (max);  */

#define WORDWRITE_TIMEOUT   0x080000000

/* IDs */


 * Private Types

/* This describes one chip in the SST39VF family */

struct sst39vf_chip_s
  uint16_t chipid;     /* ID of the chip */
  uint16_t nsectors;   /* Number of erase-ablesectors */
  uint32_t sectorsize; /* Size of one sector */

/* This type holds one FLASH address and one 16-bit FLASH data value */

struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s
  uintptr_t address;
  uint16_t data;

/* This type represents the state of the MTD device.  The struct mtd_dev_s
 * must appear at the beginning of the definition so that you can freely
 * cast between pointers to struct mtd_dev_s and struct sst39vf_dev_s.

struct sst39vf_dev_s
  struct mtd_dev_s mtd;
  FAR const struct sst39vf_chip_s *chip;

 * Private Function Prototypes

/* Low Level Helpers */

static inline void
sst39vf_flashwrite(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo);
static inline uint16_t sst39vf_flashread(uintptr_t address);
static void sst39vf_writeseq(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo,
                             int nseq);
static int sst39vf_chiperase(FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv);
static int sst39vf_sectorerase(FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv,
                               uintptr_t sectaddr);
static int sst39vf_writeword(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo);

/* MTD driver methods */

static int sst39vf_erase(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t startblock,
                         size_t nblocks);
static ssize_t sst39vf_bread(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev,
                              off_t startblock, size_t nblocks,
                            FAR uint8_t *buf);
static ssize_t sst39vf_bwrite(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t startblock,
                             size_t nblocks, FAR const uint8_t *buf);
static ssize_t sst39vf_read(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t offset,
                           size_t nbytes, FAR uint8_t *buffer);
static int sst39vf_ioctl(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, int cmd,
                         unsigned long arg);

 * Private Data

static const struct sst39vf_chip_s g_sst39vf1601 =
  0x234b,                   /* chipid */
  512,                      /* nsectors */
  4 * 1024                  /* sectorsize */

static const struct sst39vf_chip_s g_sst39vf1602 =
  0x234a,                   /* chipid */
  512,                      /* nsectors */
  4 * 1024                  /* sectorsize */

static const struct sst39vf_chip_s g_sst39vf3201 =
  0x235b,                   /* chipid */
  1024,                     /* nsectors */
  4 * 1024                  /* sectorsize */

static const struct sst39vf_chip_s g_sst39vf3202 =
  0x235a,                   /* chipid */
  1024,                     /* nsectors */
  4 * 1024                  /* sectorsize */

/* This structure holds the state of the MTD driver */

static struct sst39vf_dev_s g_sst39vf =
    sst39vf_erase,          /* erase method */
    sst39vf_bread,          /* bread method */
    sst39vf_bwrite,         /* bwrte method */
    sst39vf_read,           /* read method */
    NULL,                   /* write method */
    sst39vf_ioctl,          /* ioctl method */
  NULL                      /* Chip */

/* Command sequences */

static const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s g_wordprogram[3] =
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055
    0x5555, 0x00a0

static const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s g_sectorerase[5] =
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055
    0x5555, 0x0080
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055

static const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s g_chiperase[6] =
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055
    0x5555, 0x0080
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055
    0x5555, 0x0010

static const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s g_swid_entry[3] =
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055
    0x5555, 0x0090

static const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s g_swid_exit[3] =
    0x5555, 0x00aa
    0x2aaa, 0x0055
    0x5555, 0x00f0

 * Private Functions

 * Name: sst39vf_flashwrite
 * Description:
 *   Write one value to FLASH

static inline void
sst39vf_flashwrite(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo)
  volatile uint16_t *addr = SST39VF_ADDR(wrinfo->address);
  *addr = wrinfo->data;

 * Name: sst39vf_flashread
 * Description:
 *   Read one value from FLASH

static inline uint16_t sst39vf_flashread(uintptr_t address)
  return *SST39VF_ADDR(address);

 * Name: sst39vf_writeseq
 * Description:
 *   Write a sequence of values to FLASH

static void sst39vf_writeseq(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo,
                             int nseq)
  while (nseq--)

 * Name: sst39vf_checktoggle
 * Description:
 *   Check for bit toggle
 *   "Toggle Bits (DQ6 and DQ2). During the internal Program or Erase
 *    operation, any consecutive attempts to read DQ6 will produce
 *    alternating 1s and 0s, i.e., toggling between 1 and 0. When
 *    the internal Program or Erase operation is completed, the DQ6 bit
 *    will stop toggling. The device is then ready for the next operation.
 *    For Sector-, Block-, or Chip-Erase, the toggle bit (DQ6) is valid
 *    after the rising edge of sixth WE# (or CE#) pulse.  DQ6 will be set to
 *    1 if a Read operation is attempted on an Erase-Suspended
 *    Sector/Block. If Program operation is initiated in a sector/block not
 *    selected in Erase-Suspend mode, DQ6 will toggle.
 *   "An additional Toggle Bit is available on DQ2, which can be used in
 *    conjunction with DQ6 to check whether a particular sector is being
 *    actively erased or erase-suspended. ... The Toggle Bit (DQ2) is valid
 *    after the rising edge of the last WE# (or CE#) pulse of Write
 *    operation."

static bool sst39vf_checktoggle(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo)
  uint16_t value1;
  uint16_t value2;

  value1 = sst39vf_flashread(wrinfo->address);
  value2 = sst39vf_flashread(wrinfo->address);

  return (value1 == value2);

 * Name: sst39vf_waittoggle
 * Description:
 *   Wait until the data is no longer toggling.

static int sst39vf_waittoggle(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo,
                              uint32_t retries)
  while (retries-- > 0)
      if (sst39vf_checktoggle(wrinfo))
          return OK;

  return -ETIMEDOUT;

 * Name: sst39vf_chiperase
 * Description:
 *   Erase the entire chip
 *   "The SST39VF160x/320x provide a Chip-Erase operation, which allows the
 *    user to erase the entire memory array to the 1 state. This is
 *    useful when the entire device must be quickly erased.  The Chip-Erase
 *    operation is initiated by executing a six-byte command sequence with
 *    Chip-Erase command (10H) at address 5555H in the last byte sequence.
 *    The Erase operation begins with the rising edge of the sixth WE# or
 *    CE#, whichever occurs first. During the Erase operation, the only valid
 *    read is Toggle Bit or Data# Polling... Any commands issued during the
 *    Chip-Erase operation are ignored. When WP# is low, any attempt to
 *    Chip-Erase will be ignored. During the command sequence, WP# should
 *    be statically held high or low."

static int sst39vf_chiperase(FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv)
#if 0
  struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s wrinfo;
  clock_t start;
  clock_t elapsed;

  /* Send the sequence to erase the chip */

  sst39vf_writeseq(g_chiperase, 6);

  /* Use the data toggle delay method.  The typical delay is 40 MSec. The
   * maximum is 50 MSec.  So using the data toggle delay method should give
   * better chip erase performance by about 10MS.

#if 0
  wrinfo.address = CONFIG_SST39VF_BASE_ADDRESS;
  wrinfo.data    = 0xffff;

  start = clock_systime_ticks();
  while (delay < MSEC2TICK(SST39VF_TSCE_MSEC))
      /* Check if the erase is complete */

      if (sst39vf_checktoggle(&wrinfo))
          return OK;

      /* No, check if the timeout has elapsed */

      elapsed = clock_systime_ticks() - start;
      if (elapsed > MSEC2TICK(SST39VF_TSCE_MSEC))
          return -ETIMEDOUT;

      /* No, wait one system clock tick */

  /* Delay the maximum amount of time for the chip erase to complete. */

  nxsig_usleep(SST39VF_TSCE_MSEC * USEC_PER_MSEC);

  return OK;

 * Name: sst39vf_sectorerase
 * Description:
 *   Erase the entire chip
 *  "... The Sector-Erase operation is initiated by executing a six-byte
 *   command sequence with Sector-Erase command (30H) and sector address
 *   (SA) in the last bus cycle.
 *   The sector ... address is latched on the falling edge of the sixth
 *   WE# pulse, while the command (30H or 50H) is latched on the rising edge
 *   of the sixth WE# pulse. The internal Erase operation begins after the
 *   sixth WE# pulse. The End-of-Erase operation can be determined using
 *   either Data# Polling or Toggle Bit methods."

static int sst39vf_sectorerase(FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv,
                               uintptr_t sectaddr)
  struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s wrinfo;
#if 0
  clock_t start;
  clock_t elapsed;

  /* Set up the sector address */

  wrinfo.address = sectaddr;
  wrinfo.data    = 0x0030;

  /* Send the sequence to erase the chip */

  sst39vf_writeseq(g_sectorerase, 5);

  /* Use the data toggle delay method.  The typical delay is 18 MSec. The
   * maximum is 25 MSec.  With a 10 MS system timer resolution, this is
   * the difference of waiting 20MS vs. 20MS.  So using the data toggle
   * delay method should give better write performance by about 10MS per
   * block.

#if 0
  start = clock_systime_ticks();
  while (delay < MSEC2TICK(SST39VF_TSE_MSEC))
      /* Check if the erase is complete */

      if (sst39vf_checktoggle(&wrinfo))
          return OK;

      /* No, check if the timeout has elapsed */

      elapsed = clock_systime_ticks() - start;
      if (elapsed > MSEC2TICK(SST39VF_TSE_MSEC))
          return -ETIMEDOUT;

      /* No, wait one system clock tick */

  /* Delay the maximum amount of time for the sector erase to complete. */

  nxsig_usleep(SST39VF_TSE_MSEC * USEC_PER_MSEC);

  return OK;

 * Name: sst39vf_writeword
 * Description:
 *   Write one 16-bit word to FLASH
 *  "The SST39VF160x/320x are programmed on a word-by-word basis. Before
 *   programming, the sector where the word exists must be fully erased. The
 *   rogram operation is accomplished in three steps. The first step is the
 *   three-byte load sequence for Software Data Protection. The second step
 *   is to load word address and word data. During the Word-Program operation
 *   , the addresses are latched on the falling edge of either CE# or WE#,
 *   whichever occurs last. The data is latched on the rising edge of either
 *   CE# or WE#, whichever occurs first. The third step is the internal
 *   Program operation which is initiated after the rising edge of the
 *   fourth WE# or CE#, whichever occurs first. The Program operation, once
 *   initiated, will be completed within 10s. .... During the Program
 *   operation, the only valid reads are Data# Polling and Toggle Bit.
 *   During the internal Program operation, the host is free to perform
 *   additional tasks. Any commands issued during the internal Program
 *   operation are ignored.  During the command sequence, WP# should be
 *   statically held high or low."

static int sst39vf_writeword(FAR const struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s *wrinfo)
  /* Send the sequence to write the word to the chip */

  sst39vf_writeseq(g_wordprogram, 3);

  /* Use the data toggle delay method.  The typical delay is 7 usec; the
   * maximum is 10 usec.

  return sst39vf_waittoggle(wrinfo, WORDWRITE_TIMEOUT);

 * Name: sst39vf_erase
 * Description:
 *   Erase several blocks, each of the size previously reported (i.e., one
 *   SST39VF sector).

static int sst39vf_erase(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t startblock,
                        size_t nblocks)
  FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv = (FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *)dev;
  uintptr_t address;
  int ret;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && priv->chip && startblock < priv->chip->nsectors);

  for (address = startblock * priv->chip->sectorsize;
       nblocks > 0;
       nblocks--, address += priv->chip->sectorsize)
      /* Clear the sector */

      ret = sst39vf_sectorerase(priv, address >> 1);
      if (ret < 0)
          return ret;

  return OK;

 * Name: sst39vf_bread
 * Description:
 *   Read the specified number of blocks into the user provided buffer.

static ssize_t sst39vf_bread(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t startblock,
                             size_t nblocks, FAR uint8_t *buf)
  FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv = (FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *)dev;
  FAR const uint8_t *source;
  size_t nbytes;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && priv->chip && startblock < priv->chip->nsectors);

  /* Get the source address and the size of the transfer */

  source = (FAR const uint8_t *)
           SST39VF_ADDR(startblock * priv->chip->sectorsize >> 1);
  nbytes = nblocks * priv->chip->sectorsize;

  /* Copy the data to the user buffer */

  memcpy(buf, source, nbytes);
  return nblocks;

 * Name: sst39vf_bwrite
 * Description:
 *   Write the specified number of blocks from the user provided buffer.

static ssize_t sst39vf_bwrite(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t startblock,
                              size_t nblocks, FAR const uint8_t *buf)
  FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv = (FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *)dev;
  struct sst39vf_wrinfo_s wrinfo;
  FAR const uint16_t *source = (FAR const uint16_t *)buf;
  size_t nwords;
  int ret;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && priv->chip && ((uintptr_t)buf & 1) == 0 &&
              startblock < priv->chip->nsectors);

  /* Get the destination address and the size of the transfer */

  wrinfo.address = (uintptr_t)(startblock * priv->chip->sectorsize >> 1);
  nwords = nblocks * (priv->chip->sectorsize >> 1);

  /* Copy the data to the user buffer */

  while (nwords-- > 0)
      wrinfo.data = *source++;
      ret = sst39vf_writeword(&wrinfo);
      if (ret < 0)
          return ret;

      wrinfo.address += sizeof(uint8_t);

  return nblocks;

 * Name: sst39vf_read
 * Description:
 *   Read the specified number of bytes to the user provided buffer.

static ssize_t sst39vf_read(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev, off_t offset,
                            size_t nbytes, FAR uint8_t *buffer)
  FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv = (FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *)dev;
  FAR const uint8_t *source;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && priv->chip &&
              offset < priv->chip->nsectors * priv->chip->sectorssize);

  /* Get the source address and the size of the transfer */

  source = (FAR const uint8_t *)SST39VF_ADDR(offset >> 1);

  /* Copy the data to the user buffer */

  memcpy(buffer, source, nbytes);
  return nbytes;

 * Name: sst39vf_ioctl

static int sst39vf_ioctl(FAR struct mtd_dev_s *dev,
                         int cmd, unsigned long arg)
  FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *priv = (FAR struct sst39vf_dev_s *)dev;
  int ret = -ENOTTY;

  DEBUGASSERT(priv && priv->chip);

  switch (cmd)
          FAR struct mtd_geometry_s *geo = (FAR struct mtd_geometry_s *)arg;
          if (geo)
              /* Populate the geometry structure with information need to
               * know the capacity and how to access the device.

              geo->blocksize    = priv->chip->sectorsize;
              geo->erasesize    = priv->chip->sectorsize;
              geo->neraseblocks = priv->chip->nsectors;
              ret               = OK;

      case BIOC_XIPBASE:
          FAR void **ppv = (FAR void **)arg;
          if (ppv)
              /* Return the base address of FLASH memory */

              *ppv = (FAR void *)CONFIG_SST39VF_BASE_ADDRESS;
              ret  = OK;

      case BIOC_PARTINFO:
          FAR struct partition_info_s *info =
            (FAR struct partition_info_s *)arg;
          if (info != NULL)
              info->numsectors  = priv->chip->nsectors;
              info->sectorsize  = priv->chip->sectorsize;
              info->startsector = 0;
              info->parent[0]   = '\0';
              ret               = OK;

            /* Erase the entire chip */

            return sst39vf_chiperase(priv);

        ret = -ENOTTY; /* Bad command */

  return ret;

 * Public Functions

 * Name: sst39vf_initialize
 * Description:
 *   Create and initialize an MTD device instance assuming an SST39VF NOR
 *   FLASH device at the configured address in memory.  MTD devices are not
 *   registered in the file system, but are created as instances that can
 *   be bound to other functions (such as a block or character driver front
 *   end).

FAR struct mtd_dev_s *sst39vf_initialize(void)
  uint16_t manufacturer;
  uint16_t chipid;

  DEBUGASSERT(g_sst39vf.chip == NULL);

  /* Issue the software entry command sequence */

  sst39vf_writeseq(g_swid_entry, 3);

  /* Read the manufacturer and chip ID */

  manufacturer = sst39vf_flashread(0x0000);
  chipid = sst39vf_flashread(0x0001);

  /* Issue the software exit sequence */

  sst39vf_writeseq(g_swid_exit, 3);

  /* Now see if we can support the part */

  finfo("Manufacturer: %02x\n", manufacturer);
  finfo("Chip ID:      %04x\n", chipid);

  if (manufacturer != SST_MANUFACTURER_ID)
      ferr("ERROR: Unrecognized manufacturer: %02x\n", manufacturer);
      return NULL;
  else if (chipid == g_sst39vf1601.chipid)
      g_sst39vf.chip = &g_sst39vf1601;
  else if (chipid == g_sst39vf1602.chipid)
      g_sst39vf.chip = &g_sst39vf1602;
  else if (chipid == g_sst39vf3201.chipid)
      g_sst39vf.chip = &g_sst39vf3201;
  else if (chipid == g_sst39vf3202.chipid)
      g_sst39vf.chip = &g_sst39vf3202;
      ferr("ERROR: Unrecognized chip ID: %04x\n", chipid);
      return NULL;

  /* Return the state structure as the MTD device */

  return (FAR struct mtd_dev_s *)&g_sst39vf;