 * libs/libc/string/lib_vikmemcpy.c
 * This is version of the optimized memcpy by Daniel Vik, adapted to the
 * NuttX environment.
 *   Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Daniel Vik
 * Adaptations include:
 * - File name change
 * - Use of types defined in stdint.h
 * - Integration with the NuttX configuration system
 * - Other cosmetic changes for consistency with NuttX coding standards
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
 * damages arising from the use of this software.
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
 * purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
 * redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
 *    must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you
 *    use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
 *    use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
 *    product documentation would be appreciated but is not
 *    required.
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
 *    must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 *    distribution.
 * Description: Implementation of the standard library function memcpy.
 *              This implementation of memcpy() is ANSI-C89 compatible.
 * The following configuration options can be set:
 *     Uses processor with big endian addressing. Default is little endian.
 *     Use pre increment of pointers. Default is post increment of pointers.
 *     Copying data using array indexing. Using this option, disables the
 *   CONFIG_MEMCPY_64BIT - Compiles memcpy for 64 bit architectures

 * Configuration definitions.


 * Included Files

#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <nuttx/compiler.h>

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

 * Pre-processor Definitions

/* Can't support CONFIG_MEMCPY_64BIT if the platform does not have 64-bit
 * integer types.


/* Remove definitions when CONFIG_MEMCPY_INDEXED_COPY is defined */


/* Definitions for pre and post increment of pointers */


#  define START_VAL(x)            (x)--
#  define INC_VAL(x)              *++(x)
#  define CAST_TO_U8(p, o)        ((uint8_t*)p + o + TYPE_WIDTH)
#  define WHILE_DEST_BREAK        (TYPE_WIDTH - 1)
#  define PRE_LOOP_ADJUST         - (TYPE_WIDTH - 1)
#  define PRE_SWITCH_ADJUST       + 1


#  define START_VAL(x)
#  define INC_VAL(x)              *(x)++
#  define CAST_TO_U8(p, o)        ((uint8_t*)p + o)
#  define WHILE_DEST_BREAK        0


/* Definitions for endian-ness */


#  define SHL <<
#  define SHR >>


#  define SHL >>
#  define SHR <<

#endif /* CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG */

 * Macros for copying words of  different alignment.
 * Uses incremening pointers.

#define CP_INCR()                         \
{                                         \
  INC_VAL(dstN) = INC_VAL(srcN);          \

#define CP_INCR_SH(shl, shr)              \
{                                         \
  dstWord       = srcWord SHL shl;        \
  srcWord       = INC_VAL(srcN);          \
  dstWord      |= srcWord SHR shr;        \
  INC_VAL(dstN) = dstWord;                \

 * Macros for copying words of  different alignment.
 * Uses array indexes.

#define CP_INDEX(idx)                     \
{                                         \
  dstN[idx] = srcN[idx];                  \

#define CP_INDEX_SH(x, shl, shr)          \
{                                         \
  dstWord   = srcWord SHL shl;            \
  srcWord   = srcN[x];                    \
  dstWord  |= srcWord SHR shr;            \
  dstN[x]   = dstWord;                    \

 * Macros for copying words of different alignment.
 * Uses incremening pointers or array indexes depending on
 * configuration.


#  define CP(idx)               CP_INDEX(idx)
#  define CP_SH(idx, shl, shr)  CP_INDEX_SH(idx, shl, shr)

#  define INC_INDEX(p, o)       ((p) += (o))


#  define CP(idx)               CP_INCR()
#  define CP_SH(idx, shl, shr)  CP_INCR_SH(shl, shr)

#  define INC_INDEX(p, o)


#define COPY_REMAINING(count)                                     \
{                                                                 \
  START_VAL(dst8);                                                \
  START_VAL(src8);                                                \
  switch (count)                                                  \
    {                                                             \
    case 7: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 6: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 5: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 4: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 3: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 2: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 1: INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);                        \
    case 0:                                                       \
    default: break;                                               \
    }                                                             \

#define COPY_NO_SHIFT()                                           \
{                                                                 \
  uintn* dstN = (uintn*)(dst8 PRE_LOOP_ADJUST);                   \
  uintn* srcN = (uintn*)(src8 PRE_LOOP_ADJUST);                   \
  size_t length = count / TYPE_WIDTH;                             \
  while (length & 7)                                              \
    {                                                             \
      CP_INCR();                                                  \
      length--;                                                   \
    }                                                             \
  length /= 8;                                                    \
  while (length--)                                                \
    {                                                             \
      CP(0);                                                      \
      CP(1);                                                      \
      CP(2);                                                      \
      CP(3);                                                      \
      CP(4);                                                      \
      CP(5);                                                      \
      CP(6);                                                      \
      CP(7);                                                      \
      INC_INDEX(dstN, 8);                                         \
      INC_INDEX(srcN, 8);                                         \
    }                                                             \
  src8 = CAST_TO_U8(srcN, 0);                                     \
  dst8 = CAST_TO_U8(dstN, 0);                                     \
  COPY_REMAINING(count & (TYPE_WIDTH - 1));                       \
  return dest;                                                    \

#define COPY_SHIFT(shift)                                         \
{                                                                 \
  uintn* dstN  = (uintn*)((((uintptr_t)dst8) PRE_LOOP_ADJUST) &   \
                           ~(TYPE_WIDTH - 1));                    \
  uintn* srcN  = (uintn*)((((uintptr_t)src8) PRE_LOOP_ADJUST) &   \
                           ~(TYPE_WIDTH - 1));                    \
  size_t length  = count / TYPE_WIDTH;                            \
  uintn srcWord = INC_VAL(srcN);                                  \
  uintn dstWord;                                                  \
  while (length & 7)                                              \
    {                                                             \
      CP_INCR_SH(8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));            \
      length--;                                                   \
    }                                                             \
  length /= 8;                                                    \
  while (length--)                                                \
    {                                                             \
      CP_SH(0, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(1, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(2, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(3, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(4, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(5, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(6, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      CP_SH(7, 8 * shift, 8 * (TYPE_WIDTH - shift));              \
      INC_INDEX(dstN, 8);                                         \
      INC_INDEX(srcN, 8);                                         \
    }                                                             \
  src8 = CAST_TO_U8(srcN, (shift - TYPE_WIDTH));                  \
  dst8 = CAST_TO_U8(dstN, 0);                                     \
  COPY_REMAINING(count & (TYPE_WIDTH - 1));                       \
  return dest;                                                    \

 * Type Definitions

typedef uint64_t            uintn;
#  define TYPE_WIDTH        8L
typedef uint32_t            uintn;
#  define TYPE_WIDTH        4L

 * Public Functions

 * Name: memcpy
 * Description:
 *   Copies count bytes from src to dest. No overlap check is performed.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   dest        - pointer to destination buffer
 *   src         - pointer to source buffer
 *   count       - number of bytes to copy
 * Returned Value:
 *   A pointer to destination buffer

FAR void *memcpy(FAR void *dest, FAR const void *src, size_t count)
  FAR uint8_t *dst8 = (FAR uint8_t *)dest;
  FAR uint8_t *src8 = (FAR uint8_t *)src;

  if (count < 8)
      return dest;


  while (((uintptr_t)dst8 & (TYPE_WIDTH - 1)) != WHILE_DEST_BREAK)
      INC_VAL(dst8) = INC_VAL(src8);

  switch ((((uintptr_t)src8) PRE_SWITCH_ADJUST) & (TYPE_WIDTH - 1))
    case 0: COPY_NO_SHIFT(); break;
    case 1: COPY_SHIFT(1);   break;
    case 2: COPY_SHIFT(2);   break;
    case 3: COPY_SHIFT(3);   break;
#if TYPE_WIDTH > 4
    case 4: COPY_SHIFT(4);   break;
    case 5: COPY_SHIFT(5);   break;
    case 6: COPY_SHIFT(6);   break;
    case 7: COPY_SHIFT(7);   break;

  return dest;