/**************************************************************************** * crypto/cryptodev.c * $OpenBSD: cryptodev.c,v 1.82 2014/08/18 05:11:03 dlg Exp $ * Copyright (c) 2001 Theo de Raadt * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Effort sponsored in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects * Agency (DARPA) and Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force * Materiel Command, USAF, under agreement number F30602-01-2-0537. ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /**************************************************************************** * Public Data ****************************************************************************/ extern FAR struct cryptocap *crypto_drivers; extern int crypto_drivers_num; int usercrypto = 1; /* userland may do crypto requests */ int userasymcrypto = 1; /* userland may do asymmetric crypto reqs */ int cryptodevallowsoft = 1; /* 0 is only use hardware crypto * 1 is use hardware & software crypto */ /**************************************************************************** * Private Types ****************************************************************************/ struct csession { TAILQ_ENTRY(csession) next; uint64_t sid; uint32_t ses; uint32_t cipher; FAR const struct enc_xform *txform; uint32_t mac; FAR const struct auth_hash *thash; caddr_t key; int keylen; u_char tmp_iv[EALG_MAX_BLOCK_LEN]; caddr_t mackey; int mackeylen; int error; }; struct fcrypt { TAILQ_HEAD(csessionlist, csession) csessions; int sesn; }; /**************************************************************************** * Private Function Prototypes ****************************************************************************/ /* Character driver methods */ static ssize_t cryptof_read(FAR struct file *filep, FAR char *buffer, size_t len); static ssize_t cryptof_write(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *buffer, size_t len); static int cryptof_ioctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg); static int cryptof_poll(FAR struct file *filep, struct pollfd *fds, bool setup); static int cryptof_close(FAR struct file *filep); static int cryptoopen(FAR struct file *filep); static ssize_t cryptoread(FAR struct file *filep, FAR char *buffer, size_t len); static ssize_t cryptowrite(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *buffer, size_t len); static int cryptoclose(FAR struct file *filep); static int cryptoioctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg); /**************************************************************************** * Private Data ****************************************************************************/ static const struct file_operations g_cryptofops = { NULL, /* open */ cryptof_close, /* close */ cryptof_read, /* read */ cryptof_write, /* write */ NULL, /* seek */ cryptof_ioctl, /* ioctl */ NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* truncate */ cryptof_poll /* poll */ }; static const struct file_operations g_cryptoops = { cryptoopen, /* open */ cryptoclose, /* close */ cryptoread, /* read */ cryptowrite, /* write */ NULL, /* seek */ cryptoioctl, /* ioctl */ NULL, /* mmap */ NULL, /* truncate */ NULL /* poll */ }; static struct inode g_cryptoinode = { .i_crefs = 1, .u.i_ops = &g_cryptofops }; /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ FAR struct csession *csefind(FAR struct fcrypt *, u_int); int csedelete(FAR struct fcrypt *, FAR struct csession *); FAR struct csession *cseadd(FAR struct fcrypt *, FAR struct csession *); FAR struct csession *csecreate(FAR struct fcrypt *, uint64_t, caddr_t, uint64_t, caddr_t, uint64_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, FAR const struct enc_xform *, FAR const struct auth_hash *); int csefree(FAR struct csession *); int cryptodev_op(FAR struct csession *, FAR struct crypt_op *); int cryptodev_key(FAR struct crypt_kop *); int cryptodev_dokey(FAR struct crypt_kop *kop, FAR struct crparam *kvp); int cryptodev_cb(FAR struct cryptop *); int cryptodevkey_cb(FAR struct cryptkop *); /* ARGSUSED */ static ssize_t cryptof_read(FAR struct file *filep, FAR char *buffer, size_t len) { return -EIO; } /* ARGSUSED */ static ssize_t cryptof_write(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *buffer, size_t len) { return -EIO; } /* ARGSUSED */ static int cryptof_ioctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg) { struct cryptoini cria; struct cryptoini crie; FAR struct fcrypt *fcr = filep->f_priv; FAR struct csession *cse; FAR struct session_op *sop; FAR struct crypt_op *cop; FAR const struct enc_xform *txform = NULL; FAR const struct auth_hash *thash = NULL; uint64_t sid; uint32_t ses; int error = 0; switch (cmd) { case CIOCGSESSION: sop = (FAR struct session_op *)arg; switch (sop->cipher) { case 0: break; case CRYPTO_3DES_CBC: txform = &enc_xform_3des; break; case CRYPTO_BLF_CBC: txform = &enc_xform_blf; break; case CRYPTO_CAST_CBC: txform = &enc_xform_cast5; break; case CRYPTO_AES_CBC: txform = &enc_xform_aes; break; case CRYPTO_AES_CTR: txform = &enc_xform_aes_ctr; break; case CRYPTO_AES_XTS: txform = &enc_xform_aes_xts; break; case CRYPTO_NULL: txform = &enc_xform_null; break; default: return -EINVAL; } switch (sop->mac) { case 0: break; case CRYPTO_MD5_HMAC: thash = &auth_hash_hmac_md5_96; break; case CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC: thash = &auth_hash_hmac_sha1_96; break; case CRYPTO_RIPEMD160_HMAC: thash = &auth_hash_hmac_ripemd_160_96; break; case CRYPTO_SHA2_256_HMAC: thash = &auth_hash_hmac_sha2_256_128; break; case CRYPTO_SHA2_384_HMAC: thash = &auth_hash_hmac_sha2_384_192; break; case CRYPTO_SHA2_512_HMAC: thash = &auth_hash_hmac_sha2_512_256; break; case CRYPTO_AES_128_GMAC: thash = &auth_hash_gmac_aes_128; break; default: return -EINVAL; } bzero(&crie, sizeof(crie)); bzero(&cria, sizeof(cria)); if (txform) { crie.cri_alg = txform->type; crie.cri_klen = sop->keylen * 8; if (sop->keylen > txform->maxkey || sop->keylen < txform->minkey) { error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } crie.cri_key = kmm_malloc(crie.cri_klen / 8); if (crie.cri_key == NULL) { error = -ENOMEM; goto bail; } memcpy(crie.cri_key, sop->key, crie.cri_klen / 8); if (thash) { crie.cri_next = &cria; } } if (thash) { cria.cri_alg = thash->type; cria.cri_klen = sop->mackeylen * 8; if (sop->mackeylen > thash->keysize) { error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } if (cria.cri_klen) { cria.cri_key = kmm_malloc(cria.cri_klen / 8); if (cria.cri_key == NULL) { error = -ENOMEM; goto bail; } memcpy(cria.cri_key, sop->mackey, cria.cri_klen / 8); } } error = crypto_newsession(&sid, txform ? &crie : &cria, !cryptodevallowsoft); if (error) { goto bail; } cse = csecreate(fcr, sid, crie.cri_key, crie.cri_klen, cria.cri_key, cria.cri_klen, sop->cipher, sop->mac, txform, thash); if (cse == NULL) { crypto_freesession(sid); error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } sop->ses = cse->ses; bail: if (error) { if (crie.cri_key) { explicit_bzero(crie.cri_key, crie.cri_klen / 8); kmm_free(crie.cri_key); } if (cria.cri_key) { explicit_bzero(cria.cri_key, cria.cri_klen / 8); kmm_free(cria.cri_key); } } break; case CIOCFSESSION: ses = *(FAR uint32_t *)arg; cse = csefind(fcr, ses); if (cse == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } csedelete(fcr, cse); error = csefree(cse); break; case CIOCCRYPT: cop = (FAR struct crypt_op *)arg; cse = csefind(fcr, cop->ses); if (cse == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } error = cryptodev_op(cse, cop); break; case CIOCKEY: error = cryptodev_key((FAR struct crypt_kop *)arg); break; case CIOCASYMFEAT: error = crypto_getfeat((FAR int *)arg); break; default: error = -EINVAL; } return error; } int cryptodev_op(FAR struct csession *cse, FAR struct crypt_op *cop) { FAR struct cryptop *crp = NULL; FAR struct cryptodesc *crde = NULL; FAR struct cryptodesc *crda = NULL; int error = OK; uint32_t hid; if (cop->len > 64 * 1024 - 4) { return -E2BIG; } if (cse->txform) { if (cop->len == 0 || (cop->len % cse->txform->blocksize) != 0) { return -EINVAL; } } /* number of requests, not logical and */ crp = crypto_getreq((cse->txform != NULL) + (cse->thash != NULL)); if (crp == NULL) { error = -ENOMEM; goto bail; } if (cse->thash) { crda = crp->crp_desc; if (cse->txform) crde = crda->crd_next; } else { if (cse->txform) { crde = crp->crp_desc; } else { error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } } if (crda) { crda->crd_skip = 0; crda->crd_len = cop->len; crda->crd_inject = 0; crda->crd_alg = cse->mac; crda->crd_key = cse->mackey; crda->crd_klen = cse->mackeylen * 8; if (cop->flags & COP_FLAG_UPDATE) { crda->crd_flags |= CRD_F_UPDATE; } else { crda->crd_flags &= ~CRD_F_UPDATE; } } if (crde) { if (cop->op == COP_ENCRYPT) { crde->crd_flags |= CRD_F_ENCRYPT; } else { crde->crd_flags &= ~CRD_F_ENCRYPT; } crde->crd_len = cop->len; crde->crd_inject = 0; crde->crd_alg = cse->cipher; crde->crd_key = cse->key; crde->crd_klen = cse->keylen * 8; } crp->crp_ilen = cop->len; crp->crp_buf = cop->src; crp->crp_sid = cse->sid; crp->crp_opaque = cse; if (cop->iv) { if (crde == NULL) { error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } if (!(crde->crd_flags & CRD_F_IV_EXPLICIT)) { memcpy(cse->tmp_iv, cop->iv, cse->txform->ivsize); bcopy(cse->tmp_iv, crde->crd_iv, cse->txform->ivsize); crde->crd_flags |= CRD_F_IV_EXPLICIT | CRD_F_IV_PRESENT; crde->crd_skip = 0; } } else if (crde) { crde->crd_flags |= CRD_F_IV_PRESENT; crde->crd_skip = cse->txform->blocksize; crde->crd_len -= cse->txform->blocksize; } if (cop->dst) { if (crde == NULL) { error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } crp->crp_dst = cop->dst; } if (cop->mac) { if (crda == NULL) { error = -EINVAL; goto bail; } crp->crp_mac = cop->mac; } /* try the fast path first */ crp->crp_flags = CRYPTO_F_IOV | CRYPTO_F_NOQUEUE; hid = (crp->crp_sid >> 32) & 0xffffffff; if (hid >= crypto_drivers_num) { goto dispatch; } if (crypto_drivers[hid].cc_flags & CRYPTOCAP_F_SOFTWARE) { goto dispatch; } if (crypto_drivers[hid].cc_process == NULL) { goto dispatch; } error = crypto_drivers[hid].cc_process(crp); if (error) { /* clear error */ crp->crp_etype = 0; goto dispatch; } goto processed; dispatch: crp->crp_flags = CRYPTO_F_IOV; crypto_invoke(crp); processed: if (crde && (cop->flags & COP_FLAG_UPDATE) == 0) { crde->crd_flags &= ~CRD_F_IV_EXPLICIT; } if (cse->error) { error = cse->error; goto bail; } if (crp->crp_etype != 0) { error = crp->crp_etype; goto bail; } bail: if (crp) { crypto_freereq(crp); } return error; } int cryptodev_key(FAR struct crypt_kop *kop) { FAR struct cryptkop *krp = NULL; int error = -EINVAL; int in; int out; int size; int i; if (kop->crk_iparams + kop->crk_oparams > CRK_MAXPARAM) { return -EFBIG; } in = kop->crk_iparams; out = kop->crk_oparams; switch (kop->crk_op) { case CRK_MOD_EXP: if (in == 3 && out == 1) break; return -EINVAL; case CRK_MOD_EXP_CRT: if (in == 6 && out == 1) break; return -EINVAL; case CRK_DSA_SIGN: if (in == 5 && out == 2) break; return -EINVAL; case CRK_DSA_VERIFY: if (in == 7 && out == 0) break; return -EINVAL; case CRK_DH_COMPUTE_KEY: if (in == 3 && out == 1) break; return -EINVAL; default: return -EINVAL; } krp = kmm_zalloc(sizeof *krp); krp->krp_op = kop->crk_op; krp->krp_status = kop->crk_status; krp->krp_iparams = kop->crk_iparams; krp->krp_oparams = kop->crk_oparams; krp->krp_status = 0; for (i = 0; i < CRK_MAXPARAM; i++) { krp->krp_param[i].crp_nbits = kop->crk_param[i].crp_nbits; if (kop->crk_param[i].crp_nbits > 65536) { /* XXX how big do we need to support? */ goto fail; } } for (i = 0; i < krp->krp_iparams + krp->krp_oparams; i++) { size = (krp->krp_param[i].crp_nbits + 7) / 8; if (size == 0) { continue; } krp->krp_param[i].crp_p = kmm_zalloc(size); if (i >= krp->krp_iparams) { continue; } memcpy(krp->krp_param[i].crp_p, kop->crk_param[i].crp_p, size); } error = crypto_kinvoke(krp); if (error) { goto fail; } if (krp->krp_status != 0) { error = krp->krp_status; goto fail; } for (i = krp->krp_iparams; i < krp->krp_iparams + krp->krp_oparams; i++) { size = (krp->krp_param[i].crp_nbits + 7) / 8; if (size == 0) { continue; } memcpy(kop->crk_param[i].crp_p, krp->krp_param[i].crp_p, size); } fail: if (krp) { kop->crk_status = krp->krp_status; for (i = 0; i < CRK_MAXPARAM; i++) { if (krp->krp_param[i].crp_p) { explicit_bzero(krp->krp_param[i].crp_p, (krp->krp_param[i].crp_nbits + 7) / 8); kmm_free(krp->krp_param[i].crp_p); } } kmm_free(krp); } return error; } /* ARGSUSED */ static int cryptof_poll(FAR struct file *filep, struct pollfd *fds, bool setup) { return 0; } /* ARGSUSED */ static int cryptof_close(FAR struct file *filep) { FAR struct fcrypt *fcr = filep->f_priv; FAR struct csession *cse; while ((cse = TAILQ_FIRST(&fcr->csessions))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&fcr->csessions, cse, next); (void)csefree(cse); } kmm_free(fcr); filep->f_priv = NULL; return 0; } static int cryptoopen(FAR struct file *filep) { if (usercrypto == 0) { return -ENXIO; } return 0; } static ssize_t cryptoread(FAR struct file *filep, FAR char *buffer, size_t len) { return 0; } static ssize_t cryptowrite(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *buffer, size_t len) { return len; } static int cryptoclose(FAR struct file *filep) { return 0; } static int cryptoioctl(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg) { FAR struct fcrypt *fcr; int fd; int error = 0; switch (cmd) { case CRIOGET: fcr = kmm_malloc(sizeof(struct fcrypt)); TAILQ_INIT(&fcr->csessions); fd = file_allocate(&g_cryptoinode, 0, 0, fcr, 0, true); if (fd < 0) { kmm_free(fcr); return fd; } fcr->sesn = 0; *(FAR uint32_t *)arg = fd; break; default: error = -EINVAL; break; } return error; } FAR struct csession *csefind(FAR struct fcrypt *fcr, u_int ses) { FAR struct csession *cse; TAILQ_FOREACH(cse, &fcr->csessions, next) if (cse->ses == ses) { return cse; } return NULL; } int csedelete(FAR struct fcrypt *fcr, FAR struct csession *cse_del) { FAR struct csession *cse; TAILQ_FOREACH(cse, &fcr->csessions, next) { if (cse == cse_del) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&fcr->csessions, cse, next); return 1; } } return 0; } FAR struct csession *cseadd(FAR struct fcrypt *fcr, FAR struct csession *cse) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&fcr->csessions, cse, next); cse->ses = fcr->sesn++; return cse; } FAR struct csession *csecreate(FAR struct fcrypt *fcr, uint64_t sid, caddr_t key, uint64_t keylen, caddr_t mackey, uint64_t mackeylen, uint32_t cipher, uint32_t mac, FAR const struct enc_xform *txform, FAR const struct auth_hash *thash) { FAR struct csession *cse; cse = kmm_malloc(sizeof(struct csession)); if (cse != NULL) { cse->key = key; cse->keylen = keylen / 8; cse->mackey = mackey; cse->mackeylen = mackeylen / 8; cse->sid = sid; cse->cipher = cipher; cse->mac = mac; cse->txform = txform; cse->thash = thash; cse->error = 0; cseadd(fcr, cse); } return cse; } int csefree(FAR struct csession *cse) { int error; error = crypto_freesession(cse->sid); if (cse->key) { kmm_free(cse->key); } if (cse->mackey) { kmm_free(cse->mackey); } kmm_free(cse); return error; } /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ void devcrypto_register(void) { register_driver("/dev/crypto", &g_cryptoops, 0666, NULL); swcr_init(); #ifdef CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRYPTODEV_HARDWARE hwcr_init(); #endif }