# ############################################################################## # cmake/nuttx_mkversion.cmake # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for # additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this # file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # # ############################################################################## set(VERSION_H ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/nuttx/version.h) if(EXISTS ${VERSION_H}) return() endif() execute_process( COMMAND git -C ${NUTTX_DIR} describe --match "nuttx-*" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE NUTTX_VERSION RESULT_VARIABLE VERSION_STATUS) if(${VERSION_STATUS} AND NOT ${VERSION_STATUS} EQUAL 0) set(NUTTX_VERSION "0.0.0") else() string(REPLACE "-" ";" NUTTX_VERSION ${NUTTX_VERSION}) list(GET NUTTX_VERSION 1 NUTTX_VERSION) endif() string(REPLACE "." ";" NUTTX_CHECK_VERSION ${NUTTX_VERSION}) list(LENGTH NUTTX_CHECK_VERSION NUTTX_VERSION_LENGTH) if(${NUTTX_VERSION_LENGTH} LESS 3) execute_process( COMMAND git -C ${NUTTX_DIR} -c "versionsort.suffix=-" tag --sort=v:refname WORKING_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE NUTTX_VERSION_LIST RESULT_VARIABLE VERSION_STATUS) if(${VERSION_STATUS} EQUAL 0) string(REPLACE "\n" ";" NUTTX_VERSION_LIST ${NUTTX_VERSION_LIST}) foreach(version ${NUTTX_VERSION_LIST}) string(REGEX MATCH "nuttx-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" NUTTX_CHECK_VERSION ${version}) if(NUTTX_CHECK_VERSION) string(REPLACE "-" ";" NUTTX_VERSION ${NUTTX_CHECK_VERSION}) list(GET NUTTX_VERSION 1 NUTTX_VERSION) endif() endforeach() endif() endif() execute_process( COMMAND git -C ${NUTTX_DIR} log --oneline -1 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD RESULT_VARIABLE VERSION_STATUS) if(${VERSION_STATUS} AND NOT ${VERSION_STATUS} EQUAL 0) set(NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD) else() string(REPLACE " " ";" NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD ${NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD}) list(GET NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD 0 NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD) execute_process( COMMAND git -C ${NUTTX_DIR} diff-index --name-only HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${NUTTX_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD_DIRTY) if(NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD_DIRTY) set(NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD ${NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD}-dirty) endif() endif() file(WRITE ${VERSION_H} "/* version.h -- Autogenerated! Do not edit. */\n\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#ifndef __INCLUDE_NUTTX_VERSION_H\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define __INCLUDE_NUTTX_VERSION_H\n\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define CONFIG_VERSION_STRING \"${NUTTX_VERSION}\"\n") string(REPLACE "." ";" NUTTX_VERSION ${NUTTX_VERSION}) list(GET NUTTX_VERSION 0 NUTTX_VERSION_MAJOR) list(GET NUTTX_VERSION 1 NUTTX_VERSION_MINOR) list(GET NUTTX_VERSION 2 NUTTX_VERSION_PATCH) file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define CONFIG_VERSION_MAJOR ${NUTTX_VERSION_MAJOR}\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define CONFIG_VERSION_MINOR ${NUTTX_VERSION_MINOR}\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define CONFIG_VERSION_PATCH ${NUTTX_VERSION_PATCH}\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define CONFIG_VERSION_BUILD \"${NUTTX_VERSION_BUILD}\"\n\n") file( APPEND ${VERSION_H} "#define CONFIG_VERSION ((CONFIG_VERSION_MAJOR << 16) | \\ (CONFIG_VERSION_MINOR << 8) | \\ (CONFIG_VERSION_PATCH))\n") file(APPEND ${VERSION_H} "\n#endif /* __INCLUDE_NUTTX_VERSION_H */\n")