================================ NX Cursor Support (``NXCURSOR``) ================================ .. c:function:: int nxcursor_enable(NXHANDLE hnd, bool enable) Enable/disable presentation of the cursor. The disabled cursor still exits and still may be controlled, but is not visible on the display. :param hnd: The server handle returned by :c:func:`nx_connect`. :param enable: The new cursor position :return: OK on success; ERROR on failure with errno set appropriately. .. c:function:: int nxcursor_setimage(NXHANDLE hnd, FAR const struct nx_cursorimage_s *image) Set the cursor image. The image is provided a a 2-bits-per-pixel image. The two bit incoding is as following: - 00: The transparent background. - 01: Color1: The main color of the cursor. - 10: Color2: The color of any border. - 11: Color3: A blend color for better imaging (fake anti-aliasing). **NOTE:** The NX logic will reference the user image buffer repeatedly. That image buffer must persist for as long as the NX server connection persists. :param hnd: The server handle returned by :c:func:`nx_connect` :param image: An instance of ``struct struct nx_cursorimage_s`` that describes the cursor image. See ``<nuttx/nx/nxcursor.h>`` for the full description of this structure. :return: OK on success; ERROR on failure with errno set appropriately. .. c:function:: int nxcursor_setposition(NXHANDLE hnd, FAR const struct nxgl_point_s *pos) Move the cursor to the specified position. :param hnd: The server handle returned by :c:func:`nx_connect` :param pos: The new cursor position :return: OK on success; ERROR on failure with errno set appropriately.