/**************************************************************************** * drivers/wireless/ieee80211/bcm43xxx/bcmf_ioctl.h * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of Broadcom nor the names of other contributors to * this software may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software may not be used as a standalone product, and may only * be used as incorporated in your product or device that incorporates * Broadcom wireless connectivity products and solely for the purpose of * enabling the functionalities of such Broadcom products. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /* Custom OID/ioctl definitions for * Broadcom 802.11abg Networking Device Driver */ #ifndef __DRIVERS_WIRELESS_IEEE80211_BCM43XXX_BCMF_IOCTL_H #define __DRIVERS_WIRELESS_IEEE80211_BCM43XXX_BCMF_IOCTL_H /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include #include typedef uint16_t wl_chanspec_t; typedef uint16_t chanspec_t; #define ACTION_FRAME_SIZE 1040 typedef struct wl_action_frame { struct ether_addr da; uint16_t len; uint32_t packet_id; uint8_t data[ACTION_FRAME_SIZE]; } wl_action_frame_t; typedef struct ssid_info { uint8_t ssid_len; uint8_t ssid[32]; } ssid_info_t; typedef struct cnt_rx { uint32_t cnt_rxundec; uint32_t cnt_rxframe; } cnt_rx_t; #define MCSSET_LEN 16 typedef struct wl_bss_info { uint32_t version; /* version field */ uint32_t length; /* byte length of data in this record, */ /* starting at version and including IEs */ struct ether_addr BSSID; uint16_t beacon_period; /* units are Kusec */ uint16_t capability; /* Capability information */ uint8_t ssid_len; uint8_t SSID[32]; struct { uint32_t count; /* # rates in this set */ uint8_t rates[16]; /* rates in 500kbps units w/hi bit set if basic */ } rateset; /* supported rates */ wl_chanspec_t chanspec; /* chanspec for bss */ uint16_t atim_window; /* units are Kusec */ uint8_t dtim_period; /* DTIM period */ int16_t RSSI; /* receive signal strength (in dBm) */ int8_t phy_noise; /* noise (in dBm) */ uint8_t n_cap; /* BSS is 802.11N Capable */ uint32_t nbss_cap; /* 802.11N BSS Capabilities (based on HT_CAP_*) */ uint8_t ctl_ch; /* 802.11N BSS control channel number */ uint32_t reserved32[1]; /* Reserved for expansion of BSS properties */ uint8_t flags; /* flags */ uint8_t reserved[3]; /* Reserved for expansion of BSS properties */ uint8_t basic_mcs[MCSSET_LEN]; /* 802.11N BSS required MCS set */ uint16_t ie_offset; /* offset at which IEs start, from beginning */ uint32_t ie_length; /* byte length of Information Elements */ int16_t SNR; /* average SNR of during frame reception */ /* Add new fields here */ /* variable length Information Elements */ } wl_bss_info_t; #define DOT11_CAP_ESS 0x0001 #define DOT11_CAP_IBSS 0x0002 #define DOT11_CAP_PRIVACY 0x0010 typedef struct wlc_ssid { uint32_t ssid_len; uint8_t SSID[32]; } wlc_ssid_t; #define WL_BSSTYPE_INFRA 1 #define WL_BSSTYPE_INDEP 0 #define WL_BSSTYPE_ANY 2 #define WL_SCANFLAGS_PASSIVE 0x01 #define WL_SCANFLAGS_PROHIBITED 0x04 typedef struct wl_scan_params { wlc_ssid_t ssid; struct ether_addr bssid; int8_t bss_type; int8_t scan_type; int32_t nprobes; int32_t active_time; int32_t passive_time; int32_t home_time; int32_t channel_num; uint16_t channel_list[1]; } wl_scan_params_t; #define WL_SCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE (64) #define WL_SCAN_PARAMS_COUNT_MASK (0x0000ffff) #define WL_SCAN_PARAMS_NSSID_SHIFT (16) #define WL_SCAN_ACTION_START (1) #define WL_SCAN_ACTION_CONTINUE (2) #define WL_SCAN_ACTION_ABORT (3) #define ISCAN_REQ_VERSION (1) typedef struct wl_iscan_params { uint32_t version; uint16_t action; uint16_t scan_duration; wl_scan_params_t params; } wl_iscan_params_t; #define WL_ISCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE (offsetof(wl_iscan_params_t, params) + sizeof(wlc_ssid_t)) typedef struct wl_scan_results { uint32_t buflen; uint32_t version; uint32_t count; wl_bss_info_t bss_info[1]; } wl_scan_results_t; #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE (12) #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_SUCCESS (0) #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_PARTIAL (1) #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_PENDING (2) #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_ABORTED (3) #define WL_SCAN_RESULTS_NO_MEM (4) #define ESCAN_REQ_VERSION 1 typedef struct wl_escan_params { uint32_t version; uint16_t action; uint16_t sync_id; wl_scan_params_t params; } wl_escan_params_t; #define WL_ESCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE (offsetof(wl_escan_params_t, params) + sizeof(wlc_ssid_t)) typedef struct wl_escan_result { uint32_t buflen; uint32_t version; uint16_t sync_id; uint16_t bss_count; wl_bss_info_t bss_info[1]; } wl_escan_result_t; #define WL_ESCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE (sizeof(wl_escan_result_t) - sizeof(wl_bss_info_t)) typedef struct wl_iscan_results { uint32_t status; wl_scan_results_t results; } wl_iscan_results_t; #define WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE \ (WL_SCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE + offsetof(wl_iscan_results_t, results)) #define WL_MAXRATES_IN_SET 16 /* max # of rates in a rateset */ typedef struct wl_rateset { uint32_t count; /* # rates in this set */ uint8_t rates[WL_MAXRATES_IN_SET]; /* rates in 500kbps units w/hi bit set if basic */ } wl_rateset_t; typedef struct wl_uint32_list { uint32_t count; uint32_t element[1]; } wl_uint32_list_t; /* scan params for extended join */ typedef struct wl_join_scan_params { uint8_t scan_type; /* 0 use default, active or passive scan */ uint8_t pad[3]; int32_t nprobes; /* -1 use default, number of probes per channel */ int32_t active_time; /* -1 use default, dwell time per channel for * active scanning */ int32_t passive_time; /* -1 use default, dwell time per channel * for passive scanning */ int32_t home_time; /* -1 use default, dwell time for the home channel * between channel scans */ } wl_join_scan_params_t; /** used for association with a specific BSSID and chanspec list */ typedef struct wl_assoc_params { struct ether_addr bssid; /* 00:00:00:00:00:00: broadcast scan */ uint16_t bssid_cnt; /* 0: use chanspec_num, and the single bssid, * otherwise count of chanspecs in chanspec_list * AND paired bssids following chanspec_list * also, chanspec_num has to be set to zero * for bssid list to be used */ int32_t chanspec_num; /* 0: all available channels, * otherwise count of chanspecs in chanspec_list */ chanspec_t chanspec_list[1]; /* list of chanspecs */ } wl_assoc_params_t; /** used for association to a specific BSSID and channel */ typedef wl_assoc_params_t wl_join_assoc_params_t; /** extended join params */ typedef struct wl_extjoin_params { wlc_ssid_t ssid; /* {0, ""}: wildcard scan */ wl_join_scan_params_t scan; wl_join_assoc_params_t assoc; /* optional field, but it must include the fixed portion * of the wl_join_assoc_params_t struct when it does * present. */ } wl_extjoin_params_t; #define WL_EXTJOIN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE \ (offset(wl_extjoin_params_t, assoc) + WL_JOIN_ASSOC_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE) #define NRATE_MCS_INUSE (0x00000080) #define NRATE_RATE_MASK (0x0000007f) #define NRATE_STF_MASK (0x0000ff00) #define NRATE_STF_SHIFT (8) #define NRATE_OVERRIDE (0x80000000) #define NRATE_OVERRIDE_MCS_ONLY (0x40000000) #define NRATE_SGI_MASK (0x00800000) #define NRATE_SGI_SHIFT (23) #define NRATE_LDPC_CODING (0x00400000) #define NRATE_LDPC_SHIFT (22) #define NRATE_BCMC_OVERRIDE (0x00200000) #define NRATE_BCMC_SHIFT (21) #define NRATE_STF_SISO (0) #define NRATE_STF_CDD (1) #define NRATE_STF_STBC (2) #define NRATE_STF_SDM (3) #define ANTENNA_NUM_1 (1) #define ANTENNA_NUM_2 (2) #define ANTENNA_NUM_3 (3) #define ANTENNA_NUM_4 (4) #define ANT_SELCFG_AUTO (0x80) #define ANT_SELCFG_MASK (0x33) #define ANT_SELCFG_MAX (4) #define ANT_SELCFG_TX_UNICAST (0) #define ANT_SELCFG_RX_UNICAST (1) #define ANT_SELCFG_TX_DEF (2) #define ANT_SELCFG_RX_DEF (3) typedef struct { uint8_t ant_config[ANT_SELCFG_MAX]; uint8_t num_antcfg; } wlc_antselcfg_t; #define HIGHEST_SINGLE_STREAM_MCS (7) #define WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ (4) typedef struct wl_country { int8_t country_abbrev[WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ]; int32_t rev; int8_t ccode[WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ]; } wl_country_t; typedef struct wl_channels_in_country { uint32_t buflen; uint32_t band; int8_t country_abbrev[WLC_CNTRY_BUF_SZ]; uint32_t count; uint32_t channel[1]; } wl_channels_in_country_t; typedef struct wl_country_list { uint32_t buflen; uint32_t band_set; uint32_t band; uint32_t count; int8_t country_abbrev[1]; } wl_country_list_t; #define WL_NUM_RPI_BINS 8 #define WL_RM_TYPE_BASIC 1 #define WL_RM_TYPE_CCA 2 #define WL_RM_TYPE_RPI 3 #define WL_RM_FLAG_PARALLEL (1<<0) #define WL_RM_FLAG_LATE (1<<1) #define WL_RM_FLAG_INCAPABLE (1<<2) #define WL_RM_FLAG_REFUSED (1<<3) typedef struct wl_rm_req_elt { int8_t type; int8_t flags; wl_chanspec_t chanspec; uint32_t token; uint32_t tsf_h; uint32_t tsf_l; uint32_t dur; } wl_rm_req_elt_t; typedef struct wl_rm_req { uint32_t token; uint32_t count; void *cb; void *cb_arg; wl_rm_req_elt_t req[1]; } wl_rm_req_t; #define WL_RM_REQ_FIXED_LEN offsetof(wl_rm_req_t, req) typedef struct wl_rm_rep_elt { int8_t type; int8_t flags; wl_chanspec_t chanspec; uint32_t token; uint32_t tsf_h; uint32_t tsf_l; uint32_t dur; uint32_t len; uint8_t data[1]; } wl_rm_rep_elt_t; #define WL_RM_REP_ELT_FIXED_LEN 24 #define WL_RPI_REP_BIN_NUM 8 typedef struct wl_rm_rpi_rep { uint8_t rpi[WL_RPI_REP_BIN_NUM]; int8_t rpi_max[WL_RPI_REP_BIN_NUM]; } wl_rm_rpi_rep_t; typedef struct wl_rm_rep { uint32_t token; uint32_t len; wl_rm_rep_elt_t rep[1]; } wl_rm_rep_t; #define WL_RM_REP_FIXED_LEN 8 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_OFF 0 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP1 1 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_TKIP 2 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_WEP128 3 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_CCM 4 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_OCB_MSDU 5 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_AES_OCB_MPDU 6 #define CRYPTO_ALGO_NALG 7 #define WSEC_GEN_MIC_ERROR 0x0001 #define WSEC_GEN_REPLAY 0x0002 #define WSEC_GEN_ICV_ERROR 0x0004 #define WL_SOFT_KEY (1 << 0) #define WL_PRIMARY_KEY (1 << 1) #define WL_KF_RES_4 (1 << 4) #define WL_KF_RES_5 (1 << 5) #define WL_IBSS_PEER_GROUP_KEY (1 << 6) #define DOT11_MAX_KEY_SIZE 32 typedef struct wl_wsec_key { uint32_t index; uint32_t len; uint8_t data[DOT11_MAX_KEY_SIZE]; uint32_t pad_1[18]; uint32_t algo; uint32_t flags; uint32_t pad_2[2]; int32_t pad_3; int32_t iv_initialized; int32_t pad_4; struct { uint32_t hi; uint16_t lo; } rxiv; uint32_t pad_5[2]; struct ether_addr ea; } wl_wsec_key_t; #define WSEC_MIN_PSK_LEN 8 #define WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN 64 #define WSEC_PASSPHRASE (1<<0) typedef struct { uint16_t key_len; uint16_t flags; uint8_t key[WSEC_MAX_PSK_LEN]; } wsec_pmk_t; #define OPEN_AUTH 0x0000 #define SHARED_AUTH 0x0001 #define WEP_ENABLED 0x0001 #define TKIP_ENABLED 0x0002 #define AES_ENABLED 0x0004 #define WSEC_SWFLAG 0x0008 #define SES_OW_ENABLED 0x0040 #define WPA_AUTH_DISABLED 0x0000 #define WPA_AUTH_NONE 0x0001 #define WPA_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED 0x0002 #define WPA_AUTH_PSK 0x0004 #define WPA2_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED 0x0040 #define WPA2_AUTH_PSK 0x0080 #define BRCM_AUTH_PSK 0x0100 #define BRCM_AUTH_DPT 0x0200 #define WPA_AUTH_PFN_ANY 0xffffffff #define MAXPMKID 16 #define WPA2_PMKID_LEN 16 typedef struct _pmkid { struct ether_addr BSSID; uint8_t PMKID[WPA2_PMKID_LEN]; } pmkid_t; typedef struct _pmkid_list { uint32_t npmkid; pmkid_t pmkid[1]; } pmkid_list_t; typedef struct _pmkid_cand { struct ether_addr BSSID; uint8_t preauth; } pmkid_cand_t; typedef struct _pmkid_cand_list { uint32_t npmkid_cand; pmkid_cand_t pmkid_cand[1]; } pmkid_cand_list_t; typedef struct wl_led_info { uint32_t index; uint32_t behavior; uint8_t activehi; } wl_led_info_t; struct wl_dot11_assoc_req { uint16_t capability; uint16_t listen; }; struct wl_dot11_assoc_resp { uint16_t capability; uint16_t status; uint16_t aid; }; typedef struct wl_assoc_info { uint32_t req_len; uint32_t resp_len; uint32_t flags; struct wl_dot11_assoc_req req; struct ether_addr reassoc_bssid; struct wl_dot11_assoc_resp resp; } wl_assoc_info_t; #define WLC_ASSOC_REQ_IS_REASSOC 0x01 typedef struct { uint32_t byteoff; uint32_t nbytes; uint16_t buf[1]; } srom_rw_t; typedef struct { uint32_t source; uint32_t byteoff; uint32_t nbytes; } cis_rw_t; #define WLC_CIS_DEFAULT 0 #define WLC_CIS_SROM 1 #define WLC_CIS_OTP 2 typedef struct { uint32_t byteoff; uint32_t val; uint32_t size; uint32_t band; } rw_reg_t; #define WL_ATTEN_APP_INPUT_PCL_OFF 0 #define WL_ATTEN_PCL_ON 1 #define WL_ATTEN_PCL_OFF 2 typedef struct { uint16_t auto_ctrl; uint16_t bb; uint16_t radio; uint16_t txctl1; } atten_t; struct wme_tx_params_s { uint8_t short_retry; uint8_t short_fallback; uint8_t long_retry; uint8_t long_fallback; uint16_t max_rate; }; typedef struct wme_tx_params_s wme_tx_params_t; #define WL_WME_TX_PARAMS_IO_BYTES (sizeof(wme_tx_params_t) * AC_COUNT) #define WL_PWRIDX_PCL_OFF -2 #define WL_PWRIDX_PCL_ON -1 #define WL_PWRIDX_LOWER_LIMIT -2 #define WL_PWRIDX_UPPER_LIMIT 63 typedef struct { uint32_t val; struct ether_addr ea; uint16_t pad; } scb_val_t; #define BCM_MAC_STATUS_INDICATION (0x40010200L) typedef struct { uint16_t ver; uint16_t len; uint16_t cap; uint32_t flags; uint32_t idle; struct ether_addr ea; wl_rateset_t rateset; uint32_t in; uint32_t listen_interval_inms; uint32_t tx_pkts; uint32_t tx_failures; uint32_t rx_ucast_pkts; uint32_t rx_mcast_pkts; uint32_t tx_rate; uint32_t rx_rate; } sta_info_t; #define WL_OLD_STAINFO_SIZE offsetof(sta_info_t, tx_pkts) #define WL_STA_VER 2 #define WL_STA_BRCM 0x1 #define WL_STA_WME 0x2 #define WL_STA_ABCAP 0x4 #define WL_STA_AUTHE 0x8 #define WL_STA_ASSOC 0x10 #define WL_STA_AUTHO 0x20 #define WL_STA_WDS 0x40 #define WL_STA_WDS_LINKUP 0x80 #define WL_STA_PS 0x100 #define WL_STA_APSD_BE 0x200 #define WL_STA_APSD_BK 0x400 #define WL_STA_APSD_VI 0x800 #define WL_STA_APSD_VO 0x1000 #define WL_STA_N_CAP 0x2000 #define WL_STA_SCBSTATS 0x4000 #define WL_WDS_LINKUP WL_STA_WDS_LINKUP typedef struct channel_info { int32_t hw_channel; int32_t target_channel; int32_t scan_channel; } channel_info_t; struct mac_list { uint32_t count; struct ether_addr ea[1]; }; typedef struct get_pktcnt { uint32_t rx_good_pkt; uint32_t rx_bad_pkt; uint32_t tx_good_pkt; uint32_t tx_bad_pkt; uint32_t rx_ocast_good_pkt; } get_pktcnt_t; typedef struct wl_ioctl { uint32_t cmd; void *buf; uint32_t len; uint8_t set; uint32_t used; uint32_t needed; } wl_ioctl_t; typedef struct wlc_rev_info { uint32_t vendorid; uint32_t deviceid; uint32_t radiorev; uint32_t chiprev; uint32_t corerev; uint32_t boardid; uint32_t boardvendor; uint32_t boardrev; uint32_t driverrev; uint32_t ucoderev; uint32_t bus; uint32_t chipnum; uint32_t phytype; uint32_t phyrev; uint32_t anarev; } wlc_rev_info_t; #define WL_REV_INFO_LEGACY_LENGTH 48 #define WL_BRAND_MAX 10 typedef struct wl_instance_info { uint32_t instance; int8_t brand[WL_BRAND_MAX]; } wl_instance_info_t; typedef struct wl_txfifo_sz { uint8_t fifo; uint8_t size; } wl_txfifo_sz_t; #define WLC_IOV_NAME_LEN 30 typedef struct wlc_iov_trx_s { uint8_t module; uint8_t type; int8_t name[WLC_IOV_NAME_LEN]; } wlc_iov_trx_t; #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_WPA_AUTH "bsscfg:wpa_auth" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_WSEC "bsscfg:wsec" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_SSID "bsscfg:ssid" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_EVENT_MSGS "bsscfg:event_msgs" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_CUR_ETHERADDR "bsscfg:cur_etheraddr" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_ACTFRAME "bsscfg:actframe" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_ACTION_FRAME "bsscfg:wifiaction" #define IOVAR_STR_BSSCFG_VENDOR_IE "bsscfg:vndr_ie" #define IOVAR_STR_BSS "bss" #define IOVAR_STR_BSS_RATESET "bss_rateset" #define IOVAR_STR_CSA "csa" #define IOVAR_STR_AMPDU_TID "ampdu_tid" #define IOVAR_STR_APSTA "apsta" #define IOVAR_STR_ALLMULTI "allmulti" #define IOVAR_STR_COUNTRY "country" #define IOVAR_STR_EVENT_MSGS "event_msgs" #define IOVAR_STR_ESCAN "escan" #define IOVAR_STR_SUP_WPA "sup_wpa" #define IOVAR_STR_CUR_ETHERADDR "cur_etheraddr" #define IOVAR_STR_QTXPOWER "qtxpower" #define IOVAR_STR_MCAST_LIST "mcast_list" #define IOVAR_STR_PM2_SLEEP_RET "pm2_sleep_ret" #define IOVAR_STR_PM_LIMIT "pm_limit" #define IOVAR_STR_LISTEN_INTERVAL_BEACON "bcn_li_bcn" #define IOVAR_STR_LISTEN_INTERVAL_DTIM "bcn_li_dtim" #define IOVAR_STR_LISTEN_INTERVAL_ASSOC "assoc_listen" #define IOVAR_PSPOLL_PERIOD "pspoll_prd" #define IOVAR_STR_VENDOR_IE "vndr_ie" #define IOVAR_STR_TX_GLOM "bus:txglom" #define IOVAR_STR_ACTION_FRAME "wifiaction" #define IOVAR_STR_AC_PARAMS_STA "wme_ac_sta" #define IOVAR_STR_COUNTERS "counters" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_ADD "pkt_filter_add" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_DELETE "pkt_filter_delete" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_ENABLE "pkt_filter_enable" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_MODE "pkt_filter_mode" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_LIST "pkt_filter_list" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_STATS "pkt_filter_stats" #define IOVAR_STR_PKT_FILTER_CLEAR_STATS "pkt_filter_clear_stats" #define IOVAR_STR_DUTY_CYCLE_CCK "dutycycle_cck" #define IOVAR_STR_DUTY_CYCLE_OFDM "dutycycle_ofdm" #define IOVAR_STR_MKEEP_ALIVE "mkeep_alive" #define IOVAR_STR_VERSION "ver" #define IOVAR_STR_SUP_WPA2_EAPVER "sup_wpa2_eapver" #define IOVAR_STR_ROAM_OFF "roam_off" #define IOVAR_STR_CLOSEDNET "closednet" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_DISC "p2p_disc" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_DEV "p2p_dev" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_IFADD "p2p_ifadd" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_IFDEL "p2p_ifdel" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_IFUPD "p2p_ifupd" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_SCAN "p2p_scan" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_STATE "p2p_state" #define IOVAR_STR_P2P_SSID "p2p_ssid" #define IOVAR_STR_NRATE "nrate" #define IOVAR_STR_BGRATE "bg_rate" #define IOVAR_STR_ARATE "a_rate" #define IOVAR_STR_NMODE "nmode" #define IOVAR_STR_MAX_ASSOC "maxassoc" #define IOVAR_STR_2G_MULTICAST_RATE "2g_mrate" #define IOVAR_STR_MPC "mpc" #define IOVAR_STR_AMPDU_BA_WINDOW_SIZE "ampdu_ba_wsize" #define IOVAR_STR_AMPDU_MPDU "ampdu_mpdu" #define IOVAR_STR_AMPDU_RX_FACTOR "ampdu_rx_factor" #define IOVAR_STR_MIMO_BW_CAP "mimo_bw_cap" #define IOVAR_STR_CLMLOAD "clmload" #define IOVAR_STR_CLVER "clmver" #define IOVAR_STR_JOIN "join" #define IOVAR_STR_GPIOOUT "gpioout" #define IOVAR_STR_CCGPIOCTRL "ccgpioctrl" #define IOVAR_STR_CCGPIOIN "ccgpioin" #define IOVAR_STR_CCGPIOOUT "ccgpioout" #define IOVAR_STR_CCGPIOPUTEN "ccgpioputen" #define WLC_IOCTL_MAGIC ( 0x14e46c77 ) #define WLC_IOCTL_VERSION ( 1 ) #define WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN ( 256 ) #define WLC_IOCTL_MEDLEN ( 1536 ) #define WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN ( 8192 ) #define WLC_GET_MAGIC ( (uint32_t) 0 ) #define WLC_GET_VERSION ( (uint32_t) 1 ) #define WLC_UP ( (uint32_t) 2 ) #define WLC_DOWN ( (uint32_t) 3 ) #define WLC_GET_LOOP ( (uint32_t) 4 ) #define WLC_SET_LOOP ( (uint32_t) 5 ) #define WLC_DUMP ( (uint32_t) 6 ) #define WLC_GET_MSGLEVEL ( (uint32_t) 7 ) #define WLC_SET_MSGLEVEL ( (uint32_t) 8 ) #define WLC_GET_PROMISC ( (uint32_t) 9 ) #define WLC_SET_PROMISC ( (uint32_t) 10 ) #define WLC_GET_RATE ( (uint32_t) 12 ) #define WLC_GET_INSTANCE ( (uint32_t) 14 ) #define WLC_GET_INFRA ( (uint32_t) 19 ) #define WLC_SET_INFRA ( (uint32_t) 20 ) #define WLC_GET_AUTH ( (uint32_t) 21 ) #define WLC_SET_AUTH ( (uint32_t) 22 ) #define WLC_GET_BSSID ( (uint32_t) 23 ) #define WLC_SET_BSSID ( (uint32_t) 24 ) #define WLC_GET_SSID ( (uint32_t) 25 ) #define WLC_SET_SSID ( (uint32_t) 26 ) #define WLC_RESTART ( (uint32_t) 27 ) #define WLC_GET_CHANNEL ( (uint32_t) 29 ) #define WLC_SET_CHANNEL ( (uint32_t) 30 ) #define WLC_GET_SRL ( (uint32_t) 31 ) #define WLC_SET_SRL ( (uint32_t) 32 ) #define WLC_GET_LRL ( (uint32_t) 33 ) #define WLC_SET_LRL ( (uint32_t) 34 ) #define WLC_GET_PLCPHDR ( (uint32_t) 35 ) #define WLC_SET_PLCPHDR ( (uint32_t) 36 ) #define WLC_GET_RADIO ( (uint32_t) 37 ) #define WLC_SET_RADIO ( (uint32_t) 38 ) #define WLC_GET_PHYTYPE ( (uint32_t) 39 ) #define WLC_DUMP_RATE ( (uint32_t) 40 ) #define WLC_SET_RATE_PARAMS ( (uint32_t) 41 ) #define WLC_GET_KEY ( (uint32_t) 44 ) #define WLC_SET_KEY ( (uint32_t) 45 ) #define WLC_GET_REGULATORY ( (uint32_t) 46 ) #define WLC_SET_REGULATORY ( (uint32_t) 47 ) #define WLC_GET_PASSIVE_SCAN ( (uint32_t) 48 ) #define WLC_SET_PASSIVE_SCAN ( (uint32_t) 49 ) #define WLC_SCAN ( (uint32_t) 50 ) #define WLC_SCAN_RESULTS ( (uint32_t) 51 ) #define WLC_DISASSOC ( (uint32_t) 52 ) #define WLC_REASSOC ( (uint32_t) 53 ) #define WLC_GET_ROAM_TRIGGER ( (uint32_t) 54 ) #define WLC_SET_ROAM_TRIGGER ( (uint32_t) 55 ) #define WLC_GET_ROAM_DELTA ( (uint32_t) 56 ) #define WLC_SET_ROAM_DELTA ( (uint32_t) 57 ) #define WLC_GET_ROAM_SCAN_PERIOD ( (uint32_t) 58 ) #define WLC_SET_ROAM_SCAN_PERIOD ( (uint32_t) 59 ) #define WLC_EVM ( (uint32_t) 60 ) #define WLC_GET_TXANT ( (uint32_t) 61 ) #define WLC_SET_TXANT ( (uint32_t) 62 ) #define WLC_GET_ANTDIV ( (uint32_t) 63 ) #define WLC_SET_ANTDIV ( (uint32_t) 64 ) #define WLC_GET_CLOSED ( (uint32_t) 67 ) #define WLC_SET_CLOSED ( (uint32_t) 68 ) #define WLC_GET_MACLIST ( (uint32_t) 69 ) #define WLC_SET_MACLIST ( (uint32_t) 70 ) #define WLC_GET_RATESET ( (uint32_t) 71 ) #define WLC_SET_RATESET ( (uint32_t) 72 ) #define WLC_LONGTRAIN ( (uint32_t) 74 ) #define WLC_GET_BCNPRD ( (uint32_t) 75 ) #define WLC_SET_BCNPRD ( (uint32_t) 76 ) #define WLC_GET_DTIMPRD ( (uint32_t) 77 ) #define WLC_SET_DTIMPRD ( (uint32_t) 78 ) #define WLC_GET_SROM ( (uint32_t) 79 ) #define WLC_SET_SROM ( (uint32_t) 80 ) #define WLC_GET_WEP_RESTRICT ( (uint32_t) 81 ) #define WLC_SET_WEP_RESTRICT ( (uint32_t) 82 ) #define WLC_GET_COUNTRY ( (uint32_t) 83 ) #define WLC_SET_COUNTRY ( (uint32_t) 84 ) #define WLC_GET_PM ( (uint32_t) 85 ) #define WLC_SET_PM ( (uint32_t) 86 ) #define WLC_GET_WAKE ( (uint32_t) 87 ) #define WLC_SET_WAKE ( (uint32_t) 88 ) #define WLC_GET_FORCELINK ( (uint32_t) 90 ) #define WLC_SET_FORCELINK ( (uint32_t) 91 ) #define WLC_FREQ_ACCURACY ( (uint32_t) 92 ) #define WLC_CARRIER_SUPPRESS ( (uint32_t) 93 ) #define WLC_GET_PHYREG ( (uint32_t) 94 ) #define WLC_SET_PHYREG ( (uint32_t) 95 ) #define WLC_GET_RADIOREG ( (uint32_t) 96 ) #define WLC_SET_RADIOREG ( (uint32_t) 97 ) #define WLC_GET_REVINFO ( (uint32_t) 98 ) #define WLC_GET_UCANTDIV ( (uint32_t) 99 ) #define WLC_SET_UCANTDIV ( (uint32_t) 100 ) #define WLC_R_REG ( (uint32_t) 101 ) #define WLC_W_REG ( (uint32_t) 102 ) #define WLC_GET_MACMODE ( (uint32_t) 105 ) #define WLC_SET_MACMODE ( (uint32_t) 106 ) #define WLC_GET_MONITOR ( (uint32_t) 107 ) #define WLC_SET_MONITOR ( (uint32_t) 108 ) #define WLC_GET_GMODE ( (uint32_t) 109 ) #define WLC_SET_GMODE ( (uint32_t) 110 ) #define WLC_GET_LEGACY_ERP ( (uint32_t) 111 ) #define WLC_SET_LEGACY_ERP ( (uint32_t) 112 ) #define WLC_GET_RX_ANT ( (uint32_t) 113 ) #define WLC_GET_CURR_RATESET ( (uint32_t) 114 ) #define WLC_GET_SCANSUPPRESS ( (uint32_t) 115 ) #define WLC_SET_SCANSUPPRESS ( (uint32_t) 116 ) #define WLC_GET_AP ( (uint32_t) 117 ) #define WLC_SET_AP ( (uint32_t) 118 ) #define WLC_GET_EAP_RESTRICT ( (uint32_t) 119 ) #define WLC_SET_EAP_RESTRICT ( (uint32_t) 120 ) #define WLC_SCB_AUTHORIZE ( (uint32_t) 121 ) #define WLC_SCB_DEAUTHORIZE ( (uint32_t) 122 ) #define WLC_GET_WDSLIST ( (uint32_t) 123 ) #define WLC_SET_WDSLIST ( (uint32_t) 124 ) #define WLC_GET_ATIM ( (uint32_t) 125 ) #define WLC_SET_ATIM ( (uint32_t) 126 ) #define WLC_GET_RSSI ( (uint32_t) 127 ) #define WLC_GET_PHYANTDIV ( (uint32_t) 128 ) #define WLC_SET_PHYANTDIV ( (uint32_t) 129 ) #define WLC_AP_RX_ONLY ( (uint32_t) 130 ) #define WLC_GET_TX_PATH_PWR ( (uint32_t) 131 ) #define WLC_SET_TX_PATH_PWR ( (uint32_t) 132 ) #define WLC_GET_WSEC ( (uint32_t) 133 ) #define WLC_SET_WSEC ( (uint32_t) 134 ) #define WLC_GET_PHY_NOISE ( (uint32_t) 135 ) #define WLC_GET_BSS_INFO ( (uint32_t) 136 ) #define WLC_GET_PKTCNTS ( (uint32_t) 137 ) #define WLC_GET_LAZYWDS ( (uint32_t) 138 ) #define WLC_SET_LAZYWDS ( (uint32_t) 139 ) #define WLC_GET_BANDLIST ( (uint32_t) 140 ) #define WLC_GET_BAND ( (uint32_t) 141 ) #define WLC_SET_BAND ( (uint32_t) 142 ) #define WLC_SCB_DEAUTHENTICATE ( (uint32_t) 143 ) #define WLC_GET_SHORTSLOT ( (uint32_t) 144 ) #define WLC_GET_SHORTSLOT_OVERRIDE ( (uint32_t) 145 ) #define WLC_SET_SHORTSLOT_OVERRIDE ( (uint32_t) 146 ) #define WLC_GET_SHORTSLOT_RESTRICT ( (uint32_t) 147 ) #define WLC_SET_SHORTSLOT_RESTRICT ( (uint32_t) 148 ) #define WLC_GET_GMODE_PROTECTION ( (uint32_t) 149 ) #define WLC_GET_GMODE_PROTECTION_OVERRIDE ( (uint32_t) 150 ) #define WLC_SET_GMODE_PROTECTION_OVERRIDE ( (uint32_t) 151 ) #define WLC_UPGRADE ( (uint32_t) 152 ) #define WLC_GET_IGNORE_BCNS ( (uint32_t) 155 ) #define WLC_SET_IGNORE_BCNS ( (uint32_t) 156 ) #define WLC_GET_SCB_TIMEOUT ( (uint32_t) 157 ) #define WLC_SET_SCB_TIMEOUT ( (uint32_t) 158 ) #define WLC_GET_ASSOCLIST ( (uint32_t) 159 ) #define WLC_GET_CLK ( (uint32_t) 160 ) #define WLC_SET_CLK ( (uint32_t) 161 ) #define WLC_GET_UP ( (uint32_t) 162 ) #define WLC_OUT ( (uint32_t) 163 ) #define WLC_GET_WPA_AUTH ( (uint32_t) 164 ) #define WLC_SET_WPA_AUTH ( (uint32_t) 165 ) #define WLC_GET_UCFLAGS ( (uint32_t) 166 ) #define WLC_SET_UCFLAGS ( (uint32_t) 167 ) #define WLC_GET_PWRIDX ( (uint32_t) 168 ) #define WLC_SET_PWRIDX ( (uint32_t) 169 ) #define WLC_GET_TSSI ( (uint32_t) 170 ) #define WLC_GET_SUP_RATESET_OVERRIDE ( (uint32_t) 171 ) #define WLC_SET_SUP_RATESET_OVERRIDE ( (uint32_t) 172 ) #define WLC_GET_PROTECTION_CONTROL ( (uint32_t) 178 ) #define WLC_SET_PROTECTION_CONTROL ( (uint32_t) 179 ) #define WLC_GET_PHYLIST ( (uint32_t) 180 ) #define WLC_ENCRYPT_STRENGTH ( (uint32_t) 181 ) #define WLC_DECRYPT_STATUS ( (uint32_t) 182 ) #define WLC_GET_KEY_SEQ ( (uint32_t) 183 ) #define WLC_GET_SCAN_CHANNEL_TIME ( (uint32_t) 184 ) #define WLC_SET_SCAN_CHANNEL_TIME ( (uint32_t) 185 ) #define WLC_GET_SCAN_UNASSOC_TIME ( (uint32_t) 186 ) #define WLC_SET_SCAN_UNASSOC_TIME ( (uint32_t) 187 ) #define WLC_GET_SCAN_HOME_TIME ( (uint32_t) 188 ) #define WLC_SET_SCAN_HOME_TIME ( (uint32_t) 189 ) #define WLC_GET_SCAN_NPROBES ( (uint32_t) 190 ) #define WLC_SET_SCAN_NPROBES ( (uint32_t) 191 ) #define WLC_GET_PRB_RESP_TIMEOUT ( (uint32_t) 192 ) #define WLC_SET_PRB_RESP_TIMEOUT ( (uint32_t) 193 ) #define WLC_GET_ATTEN ( (uint32_t) 194 ) #define WLC_SET_ATTEN ( (uint32_t) 195 ) #define WLC_GET_SHMEM ( (uint32_t) 196 ) #define WLC_SET_SHMEM ( (uint32_t) 197 ) #define WLC_SET_WSEC_TEST ( (uint32_t) 200 ) #define WLC_SCB_DEAUTHENTICATE_FOR_REASON ( (uint32_t) 201 ) #define WLC_TKIP_COUNTERMEASURES ( (uint32_t) 202 ) #define WLC_GET_PIOMODE ( (uint32_t) 203 ) #define WLC_SET_PIOMODE ( (uint32_t) 204 ) #define WLC_SET_ASSOC_PREFER ( (uint32_t) 205 ) #define WLC_GET_ASSOC_PREFER ( (uint32_t) 206 ) #define WLC_SET_ROAM_PREFER ( (uint32_t) 207 ) #define WLC_GET_ROAM_PREFER ( (uint32_t) 208 ) #define WLC_SET_LED ( (uint32_t) 209 ) #define WLC_GET_LED ( (uint32_t) 210 ) #define WLC_GET_INTERFERENCE_MODE ( (uint32_t) 211 ) #define WLC_SET_INTERFERENCE_MODE ( (uint32_t) 212 ) #define WLC_GET_CHANNEL_QA ( (uint32_t) 213 ) #define WLC_START_CHANNEL_QA ( (uint32_t) 214 ) #define WLC_GET_CHANNEL_SEL ( (uint32_t) 215 ) #define WLC_START_CHANNEL_SEL ( (uint32_t) 216 ) #define WLC_GET_VALID_CHANNELS ( (uint32_t) 217 ) #define WLC_GET_FAKEFRAG ( (uint32_t) 218 ) #define WLC_SET_FAKEFRAG ( (uint32_t) 219 ) #define WLC_GET_PWROUT_PERCENTAGE ( (uint32_t) 220 ) #define WLC_SET_PWROUT_PERCENTAGE ( (uint32_t) 221 ) #define WLC_SET_BAD_FRAME_PREEMPT ( (uint32_t) 222 ) #define WLC_GET_BAD_FRAME_PREEMPT ( (uint32_t) 223 ) #define WLC_SET_LEAP_LIST ( (uint32_t) 224 ) #define WLC_GET_LEAP_LIST ( (uint32_t) 225 ) #define WLC_GET_CWMIN ( (uint32_t) 226 ) #define WLC_SET_CWMIN ( (uint32_t) 227 ) #define WLC_GET_CWMAX ( (uint32_t) 228 ) #define WLC_SET_CWMAX ( (uint32_t) 229 ) #define WLC_GET_WET ( (uint32_t) 230 ) #define WLC_SET_WET ( (uint32_t) 231 ) #define WLC_GET_PUB ( (uint32_t) 232 ) #define WLC_GET_KEY_PRIMARY ( (uint32_t) 235 ) #define WLC_SET_KEY_PRIMARY ( (uint32_t) 236 ) #define WLC_GET_ACI_ARGS ( (uint32_t) 238 ) #define WLC_SET_ACI_ARGS ( (uint32_t) 239 ) #define WLC_UNSET_CALLBACK ( (uint32_t) 240 ) #define WLC_SET_CALLBACK ( (uint32_t) 241 ) #define WLC_GET_RADAR ( (uint32_t) 242 ) #define WLC_SET_RADAR ( (uint32_t) 243 ) #define WLC_SET_SPECT_MANAGMENT ( (uint32_t) 244 ) #define WLC_GET_SPECT_MANAGMENT ( (uint32_t) 245 ) #define WLC_WDS_GET_REMOTE_HWADDR ( (uint32_t) 246 ) #define WLC_WDS_GET_WPA_SUP ( (uint32_t) 247 ) #define WLC_SET_CS_SCAN_TIMER ( (uint32_t) 248 ) #define WLC_GET_CS_SCAN_TIMER ( (uint32_t) 249 ) #define WLC_MEASURE_REQUEST ( (uint32_t) 250 ) #define WLC_INIT ( (uint32_t) 251 ) #define WLC_SEND_QUIET ( (uint32_t) 252 ) #define WLC_KEEPALIVE ( (uint32_t) 253 ) #define WLC_SEND_PWR_CONSTRAINT ( (uint32_t) 254 ) #define WLC_UPGRADE_STATUS ( (uint32_t) 255 ) #define WLC_CURRENT_PWR ( (uint32_t) 256 ) #define WLC_GET_SCAN_PASSIVE_TIME ( (uint32_t) 257 ) #define WLC_SET_SCAN_PASSIVE_TIME ( (uint32_t) 258 ) #define WLC_LEGACY_LINK_BEHAVIOR ( (uint32_t) 259 ) #define WLC_GET_CHANNELS_IN_COUNTRY ( (uint32_t) 260 ) #define WLC_GET_COUNTRY_LIST ( (uint32_t) 261 ) #define WLC_GET_VAR ( (uint32_t) 262 ) #define WLC_SET_VAR ( (uint32_t) 263 ) #define WLC_NVRAM_GET ( (uint32_t) 264 ) #define WLC_NVRAM_SET ( (uint32_t) 265 ) #define WLC_NVRAM_DUMP ( (uint32_t) 266 ) #define WLC_REBOOT ( (uint32_t) 267 ) #define WLC_SET_WSEC_PMK ( (uint32_t) 268 ) #define WLC_GET_AUTH_MODE ( (uint32_t) 269 ) #define WLC_SET_AUTH_MODE ( (uint32_t) 270 ) #define WLC_GET_WAKEENTRY ( (uint32_t) 271 ) #define WLC_SET_WAKEENTRY ( (uint32_t) 272 ) #define WLC_NDCONFIG_ITEM ( (uint32_t) 273 ) #define WLC_NVOTPW ( (uint32_t) 274 ) #define WLC_OTPW ( (uint32_t) 275 ) #define WLC_IOV_BLOCK_GET ( (uint32_t) 276 ) #define WLC_IOV_MODULES_GET ( (uint32_t) 277 ) #define WLC_SOFT_RESET ( (uint32_t) 278 ) #define WLC_GET_ALLOW_MODE ( (uint32_t) 279 ) #define WLC_SET_ALLOW_MODE ( (uint32_t) 280 ) #define WLC_GET_DESIRED_BSSID ( (uint32_t) 281 ) #define WLC_SET_DESIRED_BSSID ( (uint32_t) 282 ) #define WLC_DISASSOC_MYAP ( (uint32_t) 283 ) #define WLC_GET_NBANDS ( (uint32_t) 284 ) #define WLC_GET_BANDSTATES ( (uint32_t) 285 ) #define WLC_GET_WLC_BSS_INFO ( (uint32_t) 286 ) #define WLC_GET_ASSOC_INFO ( (uint32_t) 287 ) #define WLC_GET_OID_PHY ( (uint32_t) 288 ) #define WLC_SET_OID_PHY ( (uint32_t) 289 ) #define WLC_SET_ASSOC_TIME ( (uint32_t) 290 ) #define WLC_GET_DESIRED_SSID ( (uint32_t) 291 ) #define WLC_GET_CHANSPEC ( (uint32_t) 292 ) #define WLC_GET_ASSOC_STATE ( (uint32_t) 293 ) #define WLC_SET_PHY_STATE ( (uint32_t) 294 ) #define WLC_GET_SCAN_PENDING ( (uint32_t) 295 ) #define WLC_GET_SCANREQ_PENDING ( (uint32_t) 296 ) #define WLC_GET_PREV_ROAM_REASON ( (uint32_t) 297 ) #define WLC_SET_PREV_ROAM_REASON ( (uint32_t) 298 ) #define WLC_GET_BANDSTATES_PI ( (uint32_t) 299 ) #define WLC_GET_PHY_STATE ( (uint32_t) 300 ) #define WLC_GET_BSS_WPA_RSN ( (uint32_t) 301 ) #define WLC_GET_BSS_WPA2_RSN ( (uint32_t) 302 ) #define WLC_GET_BSS_BCN_TS ( (uint32_t) 303 ) #define WLC_GET_INT_DISASSOC ( (uint32_t) 304 ) #define WLC_SET_NUM_PEERS ( (uint32_t) 305 ) #define WLC_GET_NUM_BSS ( (uint32_t) 306 ) #define WLC_GET_WSEC_PMK ( (uint32_t) 318 ) #define WLC_GET_RANDOM_BYTES ( (uint32_t) 319 ) #define WLC_LAST ( (uint32_t) 320 ) #define CMN_IOCTL_OFF 0x180 #define WL_OID_BASE 0xFFE41420 #define OID_WL_GETINSTANCE (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_INSTANCE) #define OID_WL_GET_FORCELINK (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_FORCELINK) #define OID_WL_SET_FORCELINK (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_SET_FORCELINK) #define OID_WL_ENCRYPT_STRENGTH (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_ENCRYPT_STRENGTH) #define OID_WL_DECRYPT_STATUS (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_DECRYPT_STATUS) #define OID_LEGACY_LINK_BEHAVIOR (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_LEGACY_LINK_BEHAVIOR) #define OID_WL_NDCONFIG_ITEM (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_NDCONFIG_ITEM) #define OID_STA_CHANSPEC (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_CHANSPEC) #define OID_STA_NBANDS (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_NBANDS) #define OID_STA_GET_PHY (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_OID_PHY) #define OID_STA_SET_PHY (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_SET_OID_PHY) #define OID_STA_ASSOC_TIME (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_SET_ASSOC_TIME) #define OID_STA_DESIRED_SSID (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_DESIRED_SSID) #define OID_STA_SET_PHY_STATE (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_SET_PHY_STATE) #define OID_STA_SCAN_PENDING (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_SCAN_PENDING) #define OID_STA_SCANREQ_PENDING (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_SCANREQ_PENDING) #define OID_STA_GET_ROAM_REASON (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_PREV_ROAM_REASON) #define OID_STA_SET_ROAM_REASON (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_SET_PREV_ROAM_REASON) #define OID_STA_GET_PHY_STATE (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_PHY_STATE) #define OID_STA_INT_DISASSOC (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_INT_DISASSOC) #define OID_STA_SET_NUM_PEERS (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_SET_NUM_PEERS) #define OID_STA_GET_NUM_BSS (WL_OID_BASE + WLC_GET_NUM_BSS) #define WL_DECRYPT_STATUS_SUCCESS 1 #define WL_DECRYPT_STATUS_FAILURE 2 #define WL_DECRYPT_STATUS_UNKNOWN 3 #define WLC_UPGRADE_SUCCESS 0 #define WLC_UPGRADE_PENDING 1 #define WL_RADIO_SW_DISABLE (1<<0) #define WL_RADIO_HW_DISABLE (1<<1) #define WL_RADIO_MPC_DISABLE (1<<2) #define WL_RADIO_COUNTRY_DISABLE (1<<3) #define WL_TXPWR_OVERRIDE (1U<<31) #define WL_PHY_PAVARS_LEN (6) #define WL_DIAG_INTERRUPT (1) #define WL_DIAG_LOOPBACK (2) #define WL_DIAG_MEMORY (3) #define WL_DIAG_LED (4) #define WL_DIAG_REG (5) #define WL_DIAG_SROM (6) #define WL_DIAG_DMA (7) #define WL_DIAGERR_SUCCESS (0) #define WL_DIAGERR_FAIL_TO_RUN (1) #define WL_DIAGERR_NOT_SUPPORTED (2) #define WL_DIAGERR_INTERRUPT_FAIL (3) #define WL_DIAGERR_LOOPBACK_FAIL (4) #define WL_DIAGERR_SROM_FAIL (5) #define WL_DIAGERR_SROM_BADCRC (6) #define WL_DIAGERR_REG_FAIL (7) #define WL_DIAGERR_MEMORY_FAIL (8) #define WL_DIAGERR_NOMEM (9) #define WL_DIAGERR_DMA_FAIL (10) #define WL_DIAGERR_MEMORY_TIMEOUT (11) #define WL_DIAGERR_MEMORY_BADPATTERN (12) #define WLC_BAND_AUTO (0) #define WLC_BAND_5G (1) #define WLC_BAND_2G (2) #define WLC_BAND_ALL (3) #define WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_2G (0) #define WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_5GL (1) #define WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_5GM (2) #define WL_CHAN_FREQ_RANGE_5GH (3) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_A (0) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_B (1) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_G (2) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_N (4) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_LP (5) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_SSN (6) #define WLC_PHY_TYPE_NULL (0xf) #define WLC_MACMODE_DISABLED (0) #define WLC_MACMODE_DENY (1) #define WLC_MACMODE_ALLOW (2) #define GMODE_LEGACY_B (0) #define GMODE_AUTO (1) #define GMODE_ONLY (2) #define GMODE_B_DEFERRED (3) #define GMODE_PERFORMANCE (4) #define GMODE_LRS (5) #define GMODE_MAX (6) #define WLC_PLCP_AUTO (-1) #define WLC_PLCP_SHORT (0) #define WLC_PLCP_LONG (1) #define WLC_PROTECTION_AUTO (-1) #define WLC_PROTECTION_OFF (0) #define WLC_PROTECTION_ON (1) #define WLC_PROTECTION_MMHDR_ONLY (2) #define WLC_PROTECTION_CTS_ONLY (3) #define WLC_PROTECTION_CTL_OFF (0) #define WLC_PROTECTION_CTL_LOCAL (1) #define WLC_PROTECTION_CTL_OVERLAP (2) #define WLC_N_PROTECTION_OFF (0) #define WLC_N_PROTECTION_OPTIONAL (1) #define WLC_N_PROTECTION_20IN40 (2) #define WLC_N_PROTECTION_MIXEDMODE (3) #define WLC_N_PREAMBLE_MIXEDMODE (0) #define WLC_N_PREAMBLE_GF (1) #define WLC_N_BW_20ALL (0) #define WLC_N_BW_40ALL (1) #define WLC_N_BW_20IN2G_40IN5G (2) #define WLC_N_TXRX_CHAIN0 (0) #define WLC_N_TXRX_CHAIN1 (1) #define WLC_N_SGI_20 (0x01) #define WLC_N_SGI_40 (0x02) #define PM_OFF (0) #define PM_MAX (1) #define PM_FAST (2) #define INTERFERE_NONE (0) #define NON_WLAN (1) #define WLAN_MANUAL (2) #define WLAN_AUTO (3) #define AUTO_ACTIVE (1 << 7) typedef struct wl_aci_args { int32_t enter_aci_thresh; int32_t exit_aci_thresh; int32_t usec_spin; int32_t glitch_delay; uint16_t nphy_adcpwr_enter_thresh; uint16_t nphy_adcpwr_exit_thresh; uint16_t nphy_repeat_ctr; uint16_t nphy_num_samples; uint16_t nphy_undetect_window_sz; uint16_t nphy_b_energy_lo_aci; uint16_t nphy_b_energy_md_aci; uint16_t nphy_b_energy_hi_aci; } wl_aci_args_t; #define WL_ACI_ARGS_LEGACY_LENGTH 16 typedef struct { int32_t npulses; int32_t ncontig; int32_t min_pw; int32_t max_pw; uint16_t thresh0; uint16_t thresh1; uint16_t blank; uint16_t fmdemodcfg; int32_t npulses_lp; int32_t min_pw_lp; int32_t max_pw_lp; int32_t min_fm_lp; int32_t max_deltat_lp; int32_t min_deltat; int32_t max_deltat; uint16_t autocorr; uint16_t st_level_time; uint16_t t2_min; uint32_t version; } wl_radar_args_t; #define WL_RADAR_ARGS_VERSION 1 #define WL_RADAR_DETECTOR_OFF 0 #define WL_RADAR_DETECTOR_ON 1 #define WL_RADAR_SIMULATED 2 #define WL_RSSI_ANT_VERSION 1 #define WL_RSSI_ANT_MAX 4 typedef struct { uint32_t version; uint32_t count; int8_t rssi_ant[WL_RSSI_ANT_MAX]; } wl_rssi_ant_t; #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_IDLE 0 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_PREISM_CAC 1 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_ISM 2 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_CSA 3 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_POSTISM_CAC 4 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_PREISM_OOC 5 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATE_POSTISM_OOC 6 #define WL_DFS_CACSTATES 7 typedef struct { uint32_t state; uint32_t duration; wl_chanspec_t chanspec_cleared; uint16_t pad; } wl_dfs_status_t; #define NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES 12 typedef struct { uint8_t txpwr_band_max[NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES]; uint8_t txpwr_limit[NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES]; uint8_t txpwr_local_max; uint8_t txpwr_local_constraint; uint8_t txpwr_chan_reg_max; uint8_t txpwr_target[2][NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES]; uint8_t txpwr_est_pout[2]; uint8_t txpwr_opo[NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES]; uint8_t txpwr_bphy_cck_max[NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES]; uint8_t txpwr_bphy_ofdm_max; uint8_t txpwr_aphy_max[NUM_PWRCTRL_RATES]; int8_t txpwr_antgain[2]; uint8_t txpwr_est_pout_gofdm; } tx_power_legacy_t; #define WL_TX_POWER_RATES 45 #define WL_TX_POWER_CCK_FIRST 0 #define WL_TX_POWER_CCK_NUM 4 #define WL_TX_POWER_OFDM_FIRST 4 #define WL_TX_POWER_OFDM_NUM 8 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS_SISO_NUM 8 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS20_FIRST 12 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS20_NUM 16 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS40_FIRST 28 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS40_NUM 17 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS20SISO_NUM 8 #define WL_TX_POWER_MCS40_LAST 44 #define WL_TX_POWER_F_ENABLED 1 #define WL_TX_POWER_F_HW 2 #define WL_TX_POWER_F_MIMO 4 #define WL_TX_POWER_F_SISO 8 #define WL_TX_POWER_F_40M_CAP 16 typedef struct { uint32_t flags; wl_chanspec_t chanspec; wl_chanspec_t local_chanspec; uint8_t local_max; uint8_t local_constraint; int8_t antgain[2]; uint8_t rf_cores; uint8_t est_pout[4]; uint8_t est_pout_cck; uint8_t user_limit[WL_TX_POWER_RATES]; uint8_t reg_limit[WL_TX_POWER_RATES]; uint8_t board_limit[WL_TX_POWER_RATES]; uint8_t target[WL_TX_POWER_RATES]; } tx_power_t; typedef struct tx_inst_power { uint8_t txpwr_est_pout[2]; uint8_t txpwr_est_pout_gofdm; } tx_inst_power_t; #define WLC_MEASURE_TPC 1 #define WLC_MEASURE_CHANNEL_BASIC 2 #define WLC_MEASURE_CHANNEL_CCA 3 #define WLC_MEASURE_CHANNEL_RPI 4 #define SPECT_MNGMT_OFF 0 #define SPECT_MNGMT_LOOSE_11H 1 #define SPECT_MNGMT_STRICT_11H 2 #define SPECT_MNGMT_STRICT_11D 3 #define SPECT_MNGMT_LOOSE_11H_D 4 #define WL_CHAN_VALID_HW (1 << 0) #define WL_CHAN_VALID_SW (1 << 1) #define WL_CHAN_BAND_5G (1 << 2) #define WL_CHAN_RADAR (1 << 3) #define WL_CHAN_INACTIVE (1 << 4) #define WL_CHAN_PASSIVE (1 << 5) #define WL_CHAN_RESTRICTED (1 << 6) #define WL_BTC_DISABLE 0 #define WL_BTC_ENABLE (1 << 0) #define WL_BTC_PREMPT (1 << 1) #define WL_BTC_PARTIAL (1 << 2) #define WL_BTC_DEFAULT (1 << 3) #define WL_BTC_HYBRID (WL_BTC_ENABLE | WL_BTC_PARTIAL) #define WL_INF_BTC_DISABLE 0 #define WL_INF_BTC_ENABLE 1 #define WL_INF_BTC_AUTO 3 #define WL_BTC_DEFWIRE 0 #define WL_BTC_2WIRE 2 #define WL_BTC_3WIRE 3 #define WL_BTC_4WIRE 4 #define WL_BTC_FLAG_PREMPT (1 << 0) #define WL_BTC_FLAG_BT_DEF (1 << 1) #define WL_BTC_FLAG_ACTIVE_PROT (1 << 2) #define WL_BTC_FLAG_SIM_RSP (1 << 3) #define WL_BTC_FLAG_PS_PROTECT (1 << 4) #define WL_BTC_FLAG_SIM_TX_LP (1 << 5) #define WL_BTC_FLAG_ECI (1 << 6) #define WL_ERROR_VAL 0x00000001 #define WL_TRACE_VAL 0x00000002 #define WL_PRHDRS_VAL 0x00000004 #define WL_PRPKT_VAL 0x00000008 #define WL_INFORM_VAL 0x00000010 #define WL_TMP_VAL 0x00000020 #define WL_OID_VAL 0x00000040 #define WL_RATE_VAL 0x00000080 #define WL_ASSOC_VAL 0x00000100 #define WL_PRUSR_VAL 0x00000200 #define WL_PS_VAL 0x00000400 #define WL_TXPWR_VAL 0x00000800 #define WL_PORT_VAL 0x00001000 #define WL_DUAL_VAL 0x00002000 #define WL_WSEC_VAL 0x00004000 #define WL_WSEC_DUMP_VAL 0x00008000 #define WL_LOG_VAL 0x00010000 #define WL_NRSSI_VAL 0x00020000 #define WL_LOFT_VAL 0x00040000 #define WL_REGULATORY_VAL 0x00080000 #define WL_PHYCAL_VAL 0x00100000 #define WL_RADAR_VAL 0x00200000 #define WL_MPC_VAL 0x00400000 #define WL_APSTA_VAL 0x00800000 #define WL_DFS_VAL 0x01000000 #define WL_BA_VAL 0x02000000 #define WL_MBSS_VAL 0x04000000 #define WL_CAC_VAL 0x08000000 #define WL_AMSDU_VAL 0x10000000 #define WL_AMPDU_VAL 0x20000000 #define WL_FFPLD_VAL 0x40000000 #define WL_DPT_VAL 0x00000001 #define WL_SCAN_VAL 0x00000002 #define WL_WOWL_VAL 0x00000004 #define WL_COEX_VAL 0x00000008 #define WL_RTDC_VAL 0x00000010 #define WL_BTA_VAL 0x00000040 #define WL_LED_NUMGPIO 16 #define WL_LED_OFF 0 #define WL_LED_ON 1 #define WL_LED_ACTIVITY 2 #define WL_LED_RADIO 3 #define WL_LED_ARADIO 4 #define WL_LED_BRADIO 5 #define WL_LED_BGMODE 6 #define WL_LED_WI1 7 #define WL_LED_WI2 8 #define WL_LED_WI3 9 #define WL_LED_ASSOC 10 #define WL_LED_INACTIVE 11 #define WL_LED_ASSOCACT 12 #define WL_LED_NUMBEHAVIOR 13 #define WL_LED_BEH_MASK 0x7f #define WL_LED_AL_MASK 0x80 #define WL_NUMCHANNELS 64 #define WL_NUMCHANSPECS 100 #define WL_WDS_WPA_ROLE_AUTH 0 #define WL_WDS_WPA_ROLE_SUP 1 #define WL_WDS_WPA_ROLE_AUTO 255 #define WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN ((WLC_E_LAST + 7) / 8) #define VNDR_IE_CMD_LEN 4 #define VNDR_IE_BEACON_FLAG 0x1 #define VNDR_IE_PRBRSP_FLAG 0x2 #define VNDR_IE_ASSOCRSP_FLAG 0x4 #define VNDR_IE_AUTHRSP_FLAG 0x8 #define VNDR_IE_PRBREQ_FLAG 0x10 #define VNDR_IE_ASSOCREQ_FLAG 0x20 #define VNDR_IE_CUSTOM_FLAG 0x100 #define VNDR_IE_INFO_HDR_LEN (sizeof(uint32_t)) struct wl_vndr_ie { uint8_t id; uint8_t len; uint8_t oui[3]; uint8_t data[1]; }; typedef struct wl_vndr_ie wl_vndr_ie_t; typedef struct { uint32_t pktflag; wl_vndr_ie_t vndr_ie_data; } vndr_ie_info_t; typedef struct { int32_t iecount; vndr_ie_info_t vndr_ie_list[1]; } vndr_ie_buf_t; typedef struct { int8_t cmd[VNDR_IE_CMD_LEN]; vndr_ie_buf_t vndr_ie_buffer; } vndr_ie_setbuf_t; #define WL_JOIN_PREF_RSSI 1 #define WL_JOIN_PREF_WPA 2 #define WL_JOIN_PREF_BAND 3 #define WLJP_BAND_ASSOC_PREF 255 #define WL_WPA_ACP_MCS_ANY "\x00\x00\x00\x00" struct tsinfo_arg { uint8_t octets[3]; }; #define NFIFO 6 #define WL_CNT_T_VERSION 6 #define WL_CNT_EXT_T_VERSION 1 typedef struct { uint16_t version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */ uint16_t length; /* length of entire structure */ /* transmit stat counters */ uint32_t txframe; /* tx data frames */ uint32_t txbyte; /* tx data bytes */ uint32_t txretrans; /* tx mac retransmits */ uint32_t txerror; /* tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */ uint32_t txctl; /* tx management frames */ uint32_t txprshort; /* tx short preamble frames */ uint32_t txserr; /* tx status errors */ uint32_t txnobuf; /* tx out of buffers errors */ uint32_t txnoassoc; /* tx discard because we're not associated */ uint32_t txrunt; /* tx runt frames */ uint32_t txchit; /* tx header cache hit (fastpath) */ uint32_t txcmiss; /* tx header cache miss (slowpath) */ /* transmit chip error counters */ uint32_t txuflo; /* tx fifo underflows */ uint32_t txphyerr; /* tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */ uint32_t txphycrs; /* PR8861/8963 counter */ /* receive stat counters */ uint32_t rxframe; /* rx data frames */ uint32_t rxbyte; /* rx data bytes */ uint32_t rxerror; /* rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */ uint32_t rxctl; /* rx management frames */ uint32_t rxnobuf; /* rx out of buffers errors */ uint32_t rxnondata; /* rx non data frames in the data channel errors */ uint32_t rxbadds; /* rx bad DS errors */ uint32_t rxbadcm; /* rx bad control or management frames */ uint32_t rxfragerr; /* rx fragmentation errors */ uint32_t rxrunt; /* rx runt frames */ uint32_t rxgiant; /* rx giant frames */ uint32_t rxnoscb; /* rx no scb error */ uint32_t rxbadproto; /* rx invalid frames */ uint32_t rxbadsrcmac; /* rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */ uint32_t rxbadda; /* rx frames tossed for invalid da */ uint32_t rxfilter; /* rx frames filtered out */ /* receive chip error counters */ uint32_t rxoflo; /* rx fifo overflow errors */ uint32_t rxuflo[NFIFO]; /* rx dma descriptor underflow errors */ uint32_t d11cnt_txrts_off; /* d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */ uint32_t d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /* d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */ uint32_t d11cnt_txnocts_off; /* d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */ /* misc counters */ uint32_t dmade; /* tx/rx dma descriptor errors */ uint32_t dmada; /* tx/rx dma data errors */ uint32_t dmape; /* tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */ uint32_t reset; /* reset count */ uint32_t tbtt; /* cnts the TBTT int's */ uint32_t txdmawar; /* # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */ uint32_t pkt_callback_reg_fail; /* callbacks register failure */ /* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */ uint32_t txallfrm; /* total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS, * Control Management (includes retransmissions) */ uint32_t txrtsfrm; /* number of RTS sent out by the MAC */ uint32_t txctsfrm; /* number of CTS sent out by the MAC */ uint32_t txackfrm; /* number of ACK frames sent out */ uint32_t txdnlfrm; /* Not used */ uint32_t txbcnfrm; /* beacons transmitted */ uint32_t txfunfl[8]; /* per-fifo tx underflows */ uint32_t txtplunfl; /* Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS * or BCN) */ uint32_t txphyerror; /* Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for * driver enqueued frames */ uint32_t rxfrmtoolong; /* Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */ uint32_t rxfrmtooshrt; /* Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */ uint32_t rxinvmachdr; /* Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not * data/control/management */ uint32_t rxbadfcs; /* number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */ uint32_t rxbadplcp; /* parity check of the PLCP header failed */ uint32_t rxcrsglitch; /* PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */ uint32_t rxstrt; /* Number of received frames with a good PLCP * (i.e. passing parity check) */ uint32_t rxdfrmucastmbss; /* Number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxcfrmucast; /* number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxrtsucast; /* number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxctsucast; /* number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxackucast; /* number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxdfrmocast; /* number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxmfrmocast; /* number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxcfrmocast; /* number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxrtsocast; /* number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */ uint32_t rxctsocast; /* number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */ uint32_t rxdfrmmcast; /* number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */ uint32_t rxmfrmmcast; /* number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */ uint32_t rxcfrmmcast; /* number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC * (unlikely to see these) */ uint32_t rxbeaconmbss; /* beacons received from member of BSS */ uint32_t rxdfrmucastobss; /* number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from * other BSS (WDS FRAME) */ uint32_t rxbeaconobss; /* beacons received from other BSS */ uint32_t rxrsptmout; /* Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames * expecting a response */ uint32_t bcntxcancl; /* transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */ uint32_t rxf0ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */ uint32_t rxf1ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t rxf2ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t txsfovfl; /* Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t pmqovfl; /* Number of PMQ overflows */ uint32_t rxcgprqfrm; /* Number of received Probe requests that made it into * the PRQ fifo */ uint32_t rxcgprsqovfl; /* Rx Probe Request Queue overflow in the AP */ uint32_t txcgprsfail; /* Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did * not get ACK */ uint32_t txcgprssuc; /* Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */ uint32_t prs_timeout; /* Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ * fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within * the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME */ uint32_t rxnack; /* XXX Number of NACKS received (Afterburner) */ uint32_t frmscons; /* XXX Number of frames completed without transmission because of an * Afterburner re-queue */ uint32_t txnack; /* XXX Number of NACKs transmitted (Afterburner) */ uint32_t txglitch_nack; /* obsolete */ uint32_t txburst; /* obsolete */ /* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */ uint32_t txfrag; /* dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */ uint32_t txmulti; /* dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */ uint32_t txfail; /* dot11FailedCount */ uint32_t txretry; /* dot11RetryCount */ uint32_t txretrie; /* dot11MultipleRetryCount */ uint32_t rxdup; /* dot11FrameduplicateCount */ uint32_t txrts; /* dot11RTSSuccessCount */ uint32_t txnocts; /* dot11RTSFailureCount */ uint32_t txnoack; /* dot11ACKFailureCount */ uint32_t rxfrag; /* dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */ uint32_t rxmulti; /* dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */ uint32_t rxcrc; /* dot11FCSErrorCount */ uint32_t txfrmsnt; /* dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */ uint32_t rxundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */ uint32_t tkipmicfaill; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */ uint32_t tkipcntrmsr; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */ uint32_t tkipreplay; /* TKIPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpfmterr; /* CCMPFormatErrors */ uint32_t ccmpreplay; /* CCMPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpundec; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */ uint32_t fourwayfail; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */ uint32_t wepundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ uint32_t wepicverr; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t decsuccess; /* DecryptSuccessCount */ uint32_t tkipicverr; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t wepexcluded; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */ uint32_t rxundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */ uint32_t tkipmicfaill_mcst; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */ uint32_t tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */ uint32_t tkipreplay_mcst; /* TKIPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpfmterr_mcst; /* CCMPFormatErrors */ uint32_t ccmpreplay_mcst; /* CCMPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpundec_mcst; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */ uint32_t fourwayfail_mcst; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */ uint32_t wepundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ uint32_t wepicverr_mcst; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t decsuccess_mcst; /* DecryptSuccessCount */ uint32_t tkipicverr_mcst; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t wepexcluded_mcst; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */ uint32_t txchanrej; /* Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */ uint32_t txexptime; /* Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */ uint32_t psmwds; /* Count PSM watchdogs */ uint32_t phywatchdog; /* Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */ /* MBSS counters, AP only */ uint32_t prq_entries_handled; /* PRQ entries read in */ uint32_t prq_undirected_entries; /* which were bcast bss & ssid */ uint32_t prq_bad_entries; /* which could not be translated to info */ uint32_t atim_suppress_count; /* TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */ uint32_t bcn_template_not_ready; /* Template marked in use on send bcn ... */ uint32_t bcn_template_not_ready_done; /* ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */ uint32_t late_tbtt_dpc; /* TBTT DPC did not happen in time */ /* per-rate receive stat counters */ uint32_t rx1mbps; /* packets rx at 1Mbps */ uint32_t rx2mbps; /* packets rx at 2Mbps */ uint32_t rx5mbps5; /* packets rx at 5.5Mbps */ uint32_t rx6mbps; /* packets rx at 6Mbps */ uint32_t rx9mbps; /* packets rx at 9Mbps */ uint32_t rx11mbps; /* packets rx at 11Mbps */ uint32_t rx12mbps; /* packets rx at 12Mbps */ uint32_t rx18mbps; /* packets rx at 18Mbps */ uint32_t rx24mbps; /* packets rx at 24Mbps */ uint32_t rx36mbps; /* packets rx at 36Mbps */ uint32_t rx48mbps; /* packets rx at 48Mbps */ uint32_t rx54mbps; /* packets rx at 54Mbps */ uint32_t rx108mbps; /* packets rx at 108mbps */ uint32_t rx162mbps; /* packets rx at 162mbps */ uint32_t rx216mbps; /* packets rx at 216 mbps */ uint32_t rx270mbps; /* packets rx at 270 mbps */ uint32_t rx324mbps; /* packets rx at 324 mbps */ uint32_t rx378mbps; /* packets rx at 378 mbps */ uint32_t rx432mbps; /* packets rx at 432 mbps */ uint32_t rx486mbps; /* packets rx at 486 mbps */ uint32_t rx540mbps; /* packets rx at 540 mbps */ /* pkteng rx frame stats */ uint32_t pktengrxducast; /* unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */ uint32_t pktengrxdmcast; /* multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */ uint32_t rfdisable; /* count of radio disables */ uint32_t bphy_rxcrsglitch; /* PHY count of bphy glitches */ uint32_t txmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi transmit */ uint32_t rxmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi received */ uint32_t txmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc transmit */ uint32_t rxmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc received */ } wl_cnt_ver_six_t; typedef struct { uint16_t version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */ uint16_t length; /* length of entire structure */ /* transmit stat counters */ uint32_t txframe; /* tx data frames */ uint32_t txbyte; /* tx data bytes */ uint32_t txretrans; /* tx mac retransmits */ uint32_t txerror; /* tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */ uint32_t txctl; /* tx management frames */ uint32_t txprshort; /* tx short preamble frames */ uint32_t txserr; /* tx status errors */ uint32_t txnobuf; /* tx out of buffers errors */ uint32_t txnoassoc; /* tx discard because we're not associated */ uint32_t txrunt; /* tx runt frames */ uint32_t txchit; /* tx header cache hit (fastpath) */ uint32_t txcmiss; /* tx header cache miss (slowpath) */ /* transmit chip error counters */ uint32_t txuflo; /* tx fifo underflows */ uint32_t txphyerr; /* tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */ uint32_t txphycrs; /* PR8861/8963 counter */ /* receive stat counters */ uint32_t rxframe; /* rx data frames */ uint32_t rxbyte; /* rx data bytes */ uint32_t rxerror; /* rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */ uint32_t rxctl; /* rx management frames */ uint32_t rxnobuf; /* rx out of buffers errors */ uint32_t rxnondata; /* rx non data frames in the data channel errors */ uint32_t rxbadds; /* rx bad DS errors */ uint32_t rxbadcm; /* rx bad control or management frames */ uint32_t rxfragerr; /* rx fragmentation errors */ uint32_t rxrunt; /* rx runt frames */ uint32_t rxgiant; /* rx giant frames */ uint32_t rxnoscb; /* rx no scb error */ uint32_t rxbadproto; /* rx invalid frames */ uint32_t rxbadsrcmac; /* rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */ uint32_t rxbadda; /* rx frames tossed for invalid da */ uint32_t rxfilter; /* rx frames filtered out */ /* receive chip error counters */ uint32_t rxoflo; /* rx fifo overflow errors */ uint32_t rxuflo[NFIFO]; /* rx dma descriptor underflow errors */ uint32_t d11cnt_txrts_off; /* d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */ uint32_t d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /* d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */ uint32_t d11cnt_txnocts_off; /* d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */ /* misc counters */ uint32_t dmade; /* tx/rx dma descriptor errors */ uint32_t dmada; /* tx/rx dma data errors */ uint32_t dmape; /* tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */ uint32_t reset; /* reset count */ uint32_t tbtt; /* cnts the TBTT int's */ uint32_t txdmawar; /* # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */ uint32_t pkt_callback_reg_fail; /* callbacks register failure */ /* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */ uint32_t txallfrm; /* total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS, * Control Management (includes retransmissions) */ uint32_t txrtsfrm; /* number of RTS sent out by the MAC */ uint32_t txctsfrm; /* number of CTS sent out by the MAC */ uint32_t txackfrm; /* number of ACK frames sent out */ uint32_t txdnlfrm; /* Not used */ uint32_t txbcnfrm; /* beacons transmitted */ uint32_t txfunfl[8]; /* per-fifo tx underflows */ uint32_t txtplunfl; /* Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS * or BCN) */ uint32_t txphyerror; /* Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for * driver enqueued frames */ uint32_t rxfrmtoolong; /* Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */ uint32_t rxfrmtooshrt; /* Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */ uint32_t rxinvmachdr; /* Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not * data/control/management */ uint32_t rxbadfcs; /* number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */ uint32_t rxbadplcp; /* parity check of the PLCP header failed */ uint32_t rxcrsglitch; /* PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */ uint32_t rxstrt; /* Number of received frames with a good PLCP * (i.e. passing parity check) */ uint32_t rxdfrmucastmbss; /* Number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxcfrmucast; /* number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxrtsucast; /* number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxctsucast; /* number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxackucast; /* number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxdfrmocast; /* number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxmfrmocast; /* number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxcfrmocast; /* number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxrtsocast; /* number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */ uint32_t rxctsocast; /* number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */ uint32_t rxdfrmmcast; /* number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */ uint32_t rxmfrmmcast; /* number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */ uint32_t rxcfrmmcast; /* number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC * (unlikely to see these) */ uint32_t rxbeaconmbss; /* beacons received from member of BSS */ uint32_t rxdfrmucastobss; /* number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from * other BSS (WDS FRAME) */ uint32_t rxbeaconobss; /* beacons received from other BSS */ uint32_t rxrsptmout; /* Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames * expecting a response */ uint32_t bcntxcancl; /* transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */ uint32_t rxf0ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */ uint32_t rxf1ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t rxf2ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t txsfovfl; /* Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t pmqovfl; /* Number of PMQ overflows */ uint32_t rxcgprqfrm; /* Number of received Probe requests that made it into * the PRQ fifo */ uint32_t rxcgprsqovfl; /* Rx Probe Request Queue overflow in the AP */ uint32_t txcgprsfail; /* Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did * not get ACK */ uint32_t txcgprssuc; /* Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */ uint32_t prs_timeout; /* Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ * fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within * the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME */ uint32_t rxnack; /* obsolete */ uint32_t frmscons; /* obsolete */ uint32_t txnack; /* obsolete */ uint32_t txglitch_nack; /* obsolete */ uint32_t txburst; /* obsolete */ /* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */ uint32_t txfrag; /* dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */ uint32_t txmulti; /* dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */ uint32_t txfail; /* dot11FailedCount */ uint32_t txretry; /* dot11RetryCount */ uint32_t txretrie; /* dot11MultipleRetryCount */ uint32_t rxdup; /* dot11FrameduplicateCount */ uint32_t txrts; /* dot11RTSSuccessCount */ uint32_t txnocts; /* dot11RTSFailureCount */ uint32_t txnoack; /* dot11ACKFailureCount */ uint32_t rxfrag; /* dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */ uint32_t rxmulti; /* dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */ uint32_t rxcrc; /* dot11FCSErrorCount */ uint32_t txfrmsnt; /* dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */ uint32_t rxundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */ uint32_t tkipmicfaill; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */ uint32_t tkipcntrmsr; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */ uint32_t tkipreplay; /* TKIPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpfmterr; /* CCMPFormatErrors */ uint32_t ccmpreplay; /* CCMPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpundec; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */ uint32_t fourwayfail; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */ uint32_t wepundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ uint32_t wepicverr; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t decsuccess; /* DecryptSuccessCount */ uint32_t tkipicverr; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t wepexcluded; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */ uint32_t txchanrej; /* Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */ uint32_t psmwds; /* Count PSM watchdogs */ uint32_t phywatchdog; /* Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */ /* MBSS counters, AP only */ uint32_t prq_entries_handled; /* PRQ entries read in */ uint32_t prq_undirected_entries; /* which were bcast bss & ssid */ uint32_t prq_bad_entries; /* which could not be translated to info */ uint32_t atim_suppress_count; /* TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */ uint32_t bcn_template_not_ready; /* Template marked in use on send bcn ... */ uint32_t bcn_template_not_ready_done; /* ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */ uint32_t late_tbtt_dpc; /* TBTT DPC did not happen in time */ /* per-rate receive stat counters */ uint32_t rx1mbps; /* packets rx at 1Mbps */ uint32_t rx2mbps; /* packets rx at 2Mbps */ uint32_t rx5mbps5; /* packets rx at 5.5Mbps */ uint32_t rx6mbps; /* packets rx at 6Mbps */ uint32_t rx9mbps; /* packets rx at 9Mbps */ uint32_t rx11mbps; /* packets rx at 11Mbps */ uint32_t rx12mbps; /* packets rx at 12Mbps */ uint32_t rx18mbps; /* packets rx at 18Mbps */ uint32_t rx24mbps; /* packets rx at 24Mbps */ uint32_t rx36mbps; /* packets rx at 36Mbps */ uint32_t rx48mbps; /* packets rx at 48Mbps */ uint32_t rx54mbps; /* packets rx at 54Mbps */ uint32_t rx108mbps; /* packets rx at 108mbps */ uint32_t rx162mbps; /* packets rx at 162mbps */ uint32_t rx216mbps; /* packets rx at 216 mbps */ uint32_t rx270mbps; /* packets rx at 270 mbps */ uint32_t rx324mbps; /* packets rx at 324 mbps */ uint32_t rx378mbps; /* packets rx at 378 mbps */ uint32_t rx432mbps; /* packets rx at 432 mbps */ uint32_t rx486mbps; /* packets rx at 486 mbps */ uint32_t rx540mbps; /* packets rx at 540 mbps */ /* pkteng rx frame stats */ uint32_t pktengrxducast; /* unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */ uint32_t pktengrxdmcast; /* multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */ uint32_t rfdisable; /* count of radio disables */ uint32_t bphy_rxcrsglitch; /* PHY count of bphy glitches */ uint32_t txexptime; /* Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */ uint32_t txmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi transmit */ uint32_t rxmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi received */ uint32_t txmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc transmit */ uint32_t rxmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc received */ uint32_t rxundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */ uint32_t tkipmicfaill_mcst; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */ uint32_t tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */ uint32_t tkipreplay_mcst; /* TKIPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpfmterr_mcst; /* CCMPFormatErrors */ uint32_t ccmpreplay_mcst; /* CCMPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpundec_mcst; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */ uint32_t fourwayfail_mcst; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */ uint32_t wepundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ uint32_t wepicverr_mcst; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t decsuccess_mcst; /* DecryptSuccessCount */ uint32_t tkipicverr_mcst; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t wepexcluded_mcst; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */ uint32_t dma_hang; /* count for stbc received */ } wl_cnt_ver_seven_t; typedef struct { uint16_t version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */ uint16_t length; /* length of entire structure */ /* transmit stat counters */ uint32_t txframe; /* tx data frames */ uint32_t txbyte; /* tx data bytes */ uint32_t txretrans; /* tx mac retransmits */ uint32_t txerror; /* tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */ uint32_t txctl; /* tx management frames */ uint32_t txprshort; /* tx short preamble frames */ uint32_t txserr; /* tx status errors */ uint32_t txnobuf; /* tx out of buffers errors */ uint32_t txnoassoc; /* tx discard because we're not associated */ uint32_t txrunt; /* tx runt frames */ uint32_t txchit; /* tx header cache hit (fastpath) */ uint32_t txcmiss; /* tx header cache miss (slowpath) */ /* transmit chip error counters */ uint32_t txuflo; /* tx fifo underflows */ uint32_t txphyerr; /* tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */ uint32_t txphycrs; /* PR8861/8963 counter */ /* receive stat counters */ uint32_t rxframe; /* rx data frames */ uint32_t rxbyte; /* rx data bytes */ uint32_t rxerror; /* rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */ uint32_t rxctl; /* rx management frames */ uint32_t rxnobuf; /* rx out of buffers errors */ uint32_t rxnondata; /* rx non data frames in the data channel errors */ uint32_t rxbadds; /* rx bad DS errors */ uint32_t rxbadcm; /* rx bad control or management frames */ uint32_t rxfragerr; /* rx fragmentation errors */ uint32_t rxrunt; /* rx runt frames */ uint32_t rxgiant; /* rx giant frames */ uint32_t rxnoscb; /* rx no scb error */ uint32_t rxbadproto; /* rx invalid frames */ uint32_t rxbadsrcmac; /* rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */ uint32_t rxbadda; /* rx frames tossed for invalid da */ uint32_t rxfilter; /* rx frames filtered out */ /* receive chip error counters */ uint32_t rxoflo; /* rx fifo overflow errors */ uint32_t rxuflo[NFIFO]; /* rx dma descriptor underflow errors */ uint32_t d11cnt_txrts_off; /* d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */ uint32_t d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /* d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */ uint32_t d11cnt_txnocts_off; /* d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */ /* misc counters */ uint32_t dmade; /* tx/rx dma descriptor errors */ uint32_t dmada; /* tx/rx dma data errors */ uint32_t dmape; /* tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */ uint32_t reset; /* reset count */ uint32_t tbtt; /* cnts the TBTT int's */ uint32_t txdmawar; /* # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */ uint32_t pkt_callback_reg_fail; /* callbacks register failure */ /* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */ uint32_t txallfrm; /* total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS, * Control Management (includes retransmissions) */ uint32_t txrtsfrm; /* number of RTS sent out by the MAC */ uint32_t txctsfrm; /* number of CTS sent out by the MAC */ uint32_t txackfrm; /* number of ACK frames sent out */ uint32_t txdnlfrm; /* Not used */ uint32_t txbcnfrm; /* beacons transmitted */ uint32_t txfunfl[6]; /* per-fifo tx underflows */ uint32_t rxtoolate; /* receive too late */ uint32_t txfbw; /* transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */ uint32_t txtplunfl; /* Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS * or BCN) */ uint32_t txphyerror; /* Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for * driver enqueued frames */ uint32_t rxfrmtoolong; /* Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */ uint32_t rxfrmtooshrt; /* Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */ uint32_t rxinvmachdr; /* Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not * data/control/management */ uint32_t rxbadfcs; /* number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */ uint32_t rxbadplcp; /* parity check of the PLCP header failed */ uint32_t rxcrsglitch; /* PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */ uint32_t rxstrt; /* Number of received frames with a good PLCP * (i.e. passing parity check) */ uint32_t rxdfrmucastmbss; /* Number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxcfrmucast; /* number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */ uint32_t rxrtsucast; /* number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxctsucast; /* number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxackucast; /* number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */ uint32_t rxdfrmocast; /* number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxmfrmocast; /* number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxcfrmocast; /* number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */ uint32_t rxrtsocast; /* number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */ uint32_t rxctsocast; /* number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */ uint32_t rxdfrmmcast; /* number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */ uint32_t rxmfrmmcast; /* number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */ uint32_t rxcfrmmcast; /* number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC * (unlikely to see these) */ uint32_t rxbeaconmbss; /* beacons received from member of BSS */ uint32_t rxdfrmucastobss; /* number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from * other BSS (WDS FRAME) */ uint32_t rxbeaconobss; /* beacons received from other BSS */ uint32_t rxrsptmout; /* Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames * expecting a response */ uint32_t bcntxcancl; /* transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */ uint32_t rxf0ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */ uint32_t rxf1ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t rxf2ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t txsfovfl; /* Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */ uint32_t pmqovfl; /* Number of PMQ overflows */ uint32_t rxcgprqfrm; /* Number of received Probe requests that made it into * the PRQ fifo */ uint32_t rxcgprsqovfl; /* Rx Probe Request Queue overflow in the AP */ uint32_t txcgprsfail; /* Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did * not get ACK */ uint32_t txcgprssuc; /* Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */ uint32_t prs_timeout; /* Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ * fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within * the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME */ uint32_t rxnack; /* obsolete */ uint32_t frmscons; /* obsolete */ uint32_t txnack; /* obsolete */ uint32_t rxback; /* blockack rxcnt */ uint32_t txback; /* blockack txcnt */ /* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */ uint32_t txfrag; /* dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */ uint32_t txmulti; /* dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */ uint32_t txfail; /* dot11FailedCount */ uint32_t txretry; /* dot11RetryCount */ uint32_t txretrie; /* dot11MultipleRetryCount */ uint32_t rxdup; /* dot11FrameduplicateCount */ uint32_t txrts; /* dot11RTSSuccessCount */ uint32_t txnocts; /* dot11RTSFailureCount */ uint32_t txnoack; /* dot11ACKFailureCount */ uint32_t rxfrag; /* dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */ uint32_t rxmulti; /* dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */ uint32_t rxcrc; /* dot11FCSErrorCount */ uint32_t txfrmsnt; /* dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */ uint32_t rxundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */ uint32_t tkipmicfaill; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */ uint32_t tkipcntrmsr; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */ uint32_t tkipreplay; /* TKIPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpfmterr; /* CCMPFormatErrors */ uint32_t ccmpreplay; /* CCMPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpundec; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */ uint32_t fourwayfail; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */ uint32_t wepundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ uint32_t wepicverr; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t decsuccess; /* DecryptSuccessCount */ uint32_t tkipicverr; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t wepexcluded; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */ uint32_t txchanrej; /* Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */ uint32_t psmwds; /* Count PSM watchdogs */ uint32_t phywatchdog; /* Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */ /* MBSS counters, AP only */ uint32_t prq_entries_handled; /* PRQ entries read in */ uint32_t prq_undirected_entries; /* which were bcast bss & ssid */ uint32_t prq_bad_entries; /* which could not be translated to info */ uint32_t atim_suppress_count; /* TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */ uint32_t bcn_template_not_ready; /* Template marked in use on send bcn ... */ uint32_t bcn_template_not_ready_done; /* ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */ uint32_t late_tbtt_dpc; /* TBTT DPC did not happen in time */ /* per-rate receive stat counters */ uint32_t rx1mbps; /* packets rx at 1Mbps */ uint32_t rx2mbps; /* packets rx at 2Mbps */ uint32_t rx5mbps5; /* packets rx at 5.5Mbps */ uint32_t rx6mbps; /* packets rx at 6Mbps */ uint32_t rx9mbps; /* packets rx at 9Mbps */ uint32_t rx11mbps; /* packets rx at 11Mbps */ uint32_t rx12mbps; /* packets rx at 12Mbps */ uint32_t rx18mbps; /* packets rx at 18Mbps */ uint32_t rx24mbps; /* packets rx at 24Mbps */ uint32_t rx36mbps; /* packets rx at 36Mbps */ uint32_t rx48mbps; /* packets rx at 48Mbps */ uint32_t rx54mbps; /* packets rx at 54Mbps */ uint32_t rx108mbps; /* packets rx at 108mbps */ uint32_t rx162mbps; /* packets rx at 162mbps */ uint32_t rx216mbps; /* packets rx at 216 mbps */ uint32_t rx270mbps; /* packets rx at 270 mbps */ uint32_t rx324mbps; /* packets rx at 324 mbps */ uint32_t rx378mbps; /* packets rx at 378 mbps */ uint32_t rx432mbps; /* packets rx at 432 mbps */ uint32_t rx486mbps; /* packets rx at 486 mbps */ uint32_t rx540mbps; /* packets rx at 540 mbps */ /* pkteng rx frame stats */ uint32_t pktengrxducast; /* unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */ uint32_t pktengrxdmcast; /* multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */ uint32_t rfdisable; /* count of radio disables */ uint32_t bphy_rxcrsglitch; /* PHY count of bphy glitches */ uint32_t bphy_badplcp; uint32_t txexptime; /* Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */ uint32_t txmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi transmit */ uint32_t rxmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi received */ uint32_t txmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc transmit */ uint32_t rxmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc received */ uint32_t rxundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ /* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */ uint32_t tkipmicfaill_mcst; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */ uint32_t tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */ uint32_t tkipreplay_mcst; /* TKIPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpfmterr_mcst; /* CCMPFormatErrors */ uint32_t ccmpreplay_mcst; /* CCMPReplays */ uint32_t ccmpundec_mcst; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */ uint32_t fourwayfail_mcst; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */ uint32_t wepundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */ uint32_t wepicverr_mcst; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t decsuccess_mcst; /* DecryptSuccessCount */ uint32_t tkipicverr_mcst; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */ uint32_t wepexcluded_mcst; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */ uint32_t dma_hang; /* count for dma hang */ uint32_t reinit; /* count for reinit */ uint32_t pstatxucast; /* count of ucast frames xmitted on all psta assoc */ uint32_t pstatxnoassoc; /* count of txnoassoc frames xmitted on all psta assoc */ uint32_t pstarxucast; /* count of ucast frames received on all psta assoc */ uint32_t pstarxbcmc; /* count of bcmc frames received on all psta */ uint32_t pstatxbcmc; /* count of bcmc frames transmitted on all psta */ uint32_t cso_passthrough; /* hw cso required but passthrough */ uint32_t cso_normal; /* hw cso hdr for normal process */ uint32_t chained; /* number of frames chained */ uint32_t chainedsz1; /* number of chain size 1 frames */ uint32_t unchained; /* number of frames not chained */ uint32_t maxchainsz; /* max chain size so far */ uint32_t currchainsz; /* current chain size */ uint32_t rxdrop20s; /* drop secondary cnt */ } wl_cnt_ver_eight_t; typedef struct { uint16_t version; uint16_t length; uint32_t rxampdu_sgi; uint32_t rxampdu_stbc; uint32_t rxmpdu_sgi; uint32_t rxmpdu_stbc; uint32_t rxmcs0_40; uint32_t rxmcs1_40; uint32_t rxmcs2_40; uint32_t rxmcs3_40; uint32_t rxmcs4_40; uint32_t rxmcs5_40; uint32_t rxmcs6_40; uint32_t rxmcs7_40; uint32_t rxmcs32_40; uint32_t txfrmsnt_20lo; uint32_t txfrmsnt_20up; uint32_t txfrmsnt_40; uint32_t rx_20ul; } wl_cnt_ext_t; #define WL_RXDIV_STATS_T_VERSION 1 typedef struct { uint16_t version; uint16_t length; uint32_t rxant[4]; } wl_rxdiv_stats_t; #define WL_DELTA_STATS_T_VERSION 1 typedef struct { uint16_t version; uint16_t length; uint32_t txframe; uint32_t txbyte; uint32_t txretrans; uint32_t txfail; uint32_t rxframe; uint32_t rxbyte; uint32_t rx1mbps; uint32_t rx2mbps; uint32_t rx5mbps5; uint32_t rx6mbps; uint32_t rx9mbps; uint32_t rx11mbps; uint32_t rx12mbps; uint32_t rx18mbps; uint32_t rx24mbps; uint32_t rx36mbps; uint32_t rx48mbps; uint32_t rx54mbps; uint32_t rx108mbps; uint32_t rx162mbps; uint32_t rx216mbps; uint32_t rx270mbps; uint32_t rx324mbps; uint32_t rx378mbps; uint32_t rx432mbps; uint32_t rx486mbps; uint32_t rx540mbps; } wl_delta_stats_t; #define WL_WME_CNT_VERSION 1 typedef struct { uint32_t packets; uint32_t bytes; } wl_traffic_stats_t; #define AC_COUNT 4 typedef struct { uint16_t version; uint16_t length; wl_traffic_stats_t tx[AC_COUNT]; wl_traffic_stats_t tx_failed[AC_COUNT]; wl_traffic_stats_t rx[AC_COUNT]; wl_traffic_stats_t rx_failed[AC_COUNT]; wl_traffic_stats_t forward[AC_COUNT]; wl_traffic_stats_t tx_expired[AC_COUNT]; } wl_wme_cnt_t; typedef struct wl_mkeep_alive_pkt { uint16_t version; /* Version for mkeep_alive */ uint16_t length; /* length of fixed parameters */ uint32_t period_msec; /* repeat interval msecs */ uint16_t len_bytes; /* packet length */ uint8_t keep_alive_id; /* 0 - 3 for N = 4 */ uint8_t data[1]; /* Packet data */ } wl_mkeep_alive_pkt_t; #define WL_MKEEP_ALIVE_VERSION 1 #define WL_MKEEP_ALIVE_FIXED_LEN offsetof(wl_mkeep_alive_pkt_t, data) #define WL_MKEEP_ALIVE_PRECISION 500 struct ampdu_tid_control { uint8_t tid; uint8_t enable; }; struct wl_msglevel2 { uint32_t low; uint32_t high; }; struct ampdu_ea_tid { struct ether_addr ea; uint8_t tid; }; struct ampdu_retry_tid { uint8_t tid; uint8_t retry; }; struct ampdu_ba_sizes { uint8_t ba_tx_wsize; uint8_t ba_rx_wsize; }; #define DPT_DISCOVERY_MANUAL 0x01 #define DPT_DISCOVERY_AUTO 0x02 #define DPT_DISCOVERY_SCAN 0x04 #define DPT_PATHSEL_AUTO 0 #define DPT_PATHSEL_DIRECT 1 #define DPT_PATHSEL_APPATH 2 #define DPT_DENY_LIST_ADD 1 #define DPT_DENY_LIST_REMOVE 2 #define DPT_MANUAL_EP_CREATE 1 #define DPT_MANUAL_EP_MODIFY 2 #define DPT_MANUAL_EP_DELETE 3 typedef struct dpt_iovar { struct ether_addr ea; uint8_t mode; uint32_t pad; } dpt_iovar_t; #define DPT_STATUS_ACTIVE 0x01 #define DPT_STATUS_AES 0x02 #define DPT_STATUS_FAILED 0x04 #define DPT_FNAME_LEN 48 typedef struct dpt_status { uint8_t status; uint8_t fnlen; uint8_t name[DPT_FNAME_LEN]; uint32_t rssi; sta_info_t sta; } dpt_status_t; typedef struct dpt_list { uint32_t num; dpt_status_t status[1]; } dpt_list_t; typedef struct dpt_fname { uint8_t len; uint8_t name[DPT_FNAME_LEN]; } dpt_fname_t; #define BDD_FNAME_LEN 32 typedef struct bdd_fname { uint8_t len; uint8_t name[BDD_FNAME_LEN]; } bdd_fname_t; struct ts_list { int32_t count; struct tsinfo_arg tsinfo[1]; }; typedef struct tspec_arg { uint16_t version; uint16_t length; uint32_t flag; struct tsinfo_arg tsinfo; uint16_t nom_msdu_size; uint16_t max_msdu_size; uint32_t min_srv_interval; uint32_t max_srv_interval; uint32_t inactivity_interval; uint32_t suspension_interval; uint32_t srv_start_time; uint32_t min_data_rate; uint32_t mean_data_rate; uint32_t peak_data_rate; uint32_t max_burst_size; uint32_t delay_bound; uint32_t min_phy_rate; uint16_t surplus_bw; uint16_t medium_time; uint8_t dialog_token; } tspec_arg_t; typedef struct tspec_per_sta_arg { struct ether_addr ea; struct tspec_arg ts; } tspec_per_sta_arg_t; typedef struct wme_max_bandwidth { uint32_t ac[AC_COUNT]; } wme_max_bandwidth_t; #define WL_WME_MBW_PARAMS_IO_BYTES (sizeof(wme_max_bandwidth_t)) #define TSPEC_ARG_VERSION 2 #define TSPEC_ARG_LENGTH 55 #define TSPEC_DEFAULT_DIALOG_TOKEN 42 #define TSPEC_DEFAULT_SBW_FACTOR 0x3000 #define TSPEC_PENDING 0 #define TSPEC_ACCEPTED 1 #define TSPEC_REJECTED 2 #define TSPEC_UNKNOWN 3 #define TSPEC_STATUS_MASK 7 #define WL_SWFL_NOHWRADIO 0x0004 #define WL_LIFETIME_MAX 0xFFFF typedef struct wl_lifetime { uint32_t ac; uint32_t lifetime; } wl_lifetime_t; typedef struct wl_chan_switch { uint8_t mode; uint8_t count; wl_chanspec_t chspec; uint8_t reg; } wl_chan_switch_t; #define WLC_ROAM_TRIGGER_DEFAULT 0 #define WLC_ROAM_TRIGGER_BANDWIDTH 1 #define WLC_ROAM_TRIGGER_DISTANCE 2 #define WLC_ROAM_TRIGGER_MAX_VALUE 2 enum { PFN_LIST_ORDER, PFN_RSSI }; #define SORT_CRITERIA_BIT 0 #define AUTO_NET_SWITCH_BIT 1 #define ENABLE_BKGRD_SCAN_BIT 2 #define IMMEDIATE_SCAN_BIT 3 #define AUTO_CONNECT_BIT 4 #define SORT_CRITERIA_MASK 0x01 #define AUTO_NET_SWITCH_MASK 0x02 #define ENABLE_BKGRD_SCAN_MASK 0x04 #define IMMEDIATE_SCAN_MASK 0x08 #define AUTO_CONNECT_MASK 0x10 #define PFN_VERSION 1 typedef struct wl_pfn_param { int32_t version; int32_t scan_freq; int32_t lost_network_timeout; int16_t flags; int16_t rssi_margin; } wl_pfn_param_t; typedef struct wl_pfn { wlc_ssid_t ssid; int32_t bss_type; int32_t infra; int32_t auth; uint32_t wpa_auth; int32_t wsec; } wl_pfn_t; #define TOE_TX_CSUM_OL 0x00000001 #define TOE_RX_CSUM_OL 0x00000002 #define TOE_ERRTEST_TX_CSUM 0x00000001 #define TOE_ERRTEST_RX_CSUM 0x00000002 #define TOE_ERRTEST_RX_CSUM2 0x00000004 struct toe_ol_stats_t { uint32_t tx_summed; uint32_t tx_iph_fill; uint32_t tx_tcp_fill; uint32_t tx_udp_fill; uint32_t tx_icmp_fill; uint32_t rx_iph_good; uint32_t rx_iph_bad; uint32_t rx_tcp_good; uint32_t rx_tcp_bad; uint32_t rx_udp_good; uint32_t rx_udp_bad; uint32_t rx_icmp_good; uint32_t rx_icmp_bad; uint32_t tx_tcp_errinj; uint32_t tx_udp_errinj; uint32_t tx_icmp_errinj; uint32_t rx_tcp_errinj; uint32_t rx_udp_errinj; uint32_t rx_icmp_errinj; }; #define ARP_OL_AGENT 0x00000001 #define ARP_OL_SNOOP 0x00000002 #define ARP_OL_HOST_AUTO_REPLY 0x00000004 #define ARP_OL_PEER_AUTO_REPLY 0x00000008 #define ARP_ERRTEST_REPLY_PEER 0x1 #define ARP_ERRTEST_REPLY_HOST 0x2 #define ARP_MULTIHOMING_MAX 8 struct arp_ol_stats_t { uint32_t host_ip_entries; uint32_t host_ip_overflow; uint32_t arp_table_entries; uint32_t arp_table_overflow; uint32_t host_request; uint32_t host_reply; uint32_t host_service; uint32_t peer_request; uint32_t peer_request_drop; uint32_t peer_reply; uint32_t peer_reply_drop; uint32_t peer_service; }; typedef struct wl_keep_alive_pkt { uint32_t period_msec; uint16_t len_bytes; uint8_t data[1]; } wl_keep_alive_pkt_t; #define WL_KEEP_ALIVE_FIXED_LEN offsetof(wl_keep_alive_pkt_t, data) typedef enum wl_pkt_filter_type { WL_PKT_FILTER_TYPE_PATTERN_MATCH } wl_pkt_filter_type_t; #define WL_PKT_FILTER_TYPE wl_pkt_filter_type_t typedef struct wl_pkt_filter_pattern { uint32_t offset; uint32_t size_bytes; uint8_t mask_and_pattern[1]; } wl_pkt_filter_pattern_t; typedef struct wl_pkt_filter { uint32_t id; uint32_t type; uint32_t negate_match; union { wl_pkt_filter_pattern_t pattern; } u; } wl_pkt_filter_t; #define WL_PKT_FILTER_FIXED_LEN offsetof(wl_pkt_filter_t, u) #define WL_PKT_FILTER_PATTERN_FIXED_LEN offsetof(wl_pkt_filter_pattern_t, mask_and_pattern) typedef struct wl_pkt_filter_enable { uint32_t id; uint32_t enable; } wl_pkt_filter_enable_t; typedef struct wl_pkt_filter_list { uint32_t num; wl_pkt_filter_t filter[1]; } wl_pkt_filter_list_t; #define WL_PKT_FILTER_LIST_FIXED_LEN offsetof(wl_pkt_filter_list_t, filter) typedef struct wl_pkt_filter_stats { uint32_t num_pkts_matched; uint32_t num_pkts_forwarded; uint32_t num_pkts_discarded; } wl_pkt_filter_stats_t; typedef struct wl_seq_cmd_ioctl { uint32_t cmd; uint32_t len; } wl_seq_cmd_ioctl_t; #define WL_SEQ_CMD_ALIGN_BYTES 4 #define WL_SEQ_CMDS_GET_IOCTL_FILTER(cmd) \ (((cmd) == WLC_GET_MAGIC) || \ ((cmd) == WLC_GET_VERSION) || \ ((cmd) == WLC_GET_AP) || \ ((cmd) == WLC_GET_INSTANCE)) #define WL_PKTENG_PER_TX_START 0x01 #define WL_PKTENG_PER_TX_STOP 0x02 #define WL_PKTENG_PER_RX_START 0x04 #define WL_PKTENG_PER_RX_WITH_ACK_START 0x05 #define WL_PKTENG_PER_TX_WITH_ACK_START 0x06 #define WL_PKTENG_PER_RX_STOP 0x08 #define WL_PKTENG_PER_MASK 0xff #define WL_PKTENG_SYNCHRONOUS 0x100 typedef struct wl_pkteng { uint32_t flags; uint32_t delay; uint32_t nframes; uint32_t length; uint8_t seqno; struct ether_addr dest; struct ether_addr src; } wl_pkteng_t; #define NUM_80211b_RATES 4 #define NUM_80211ag_RATES 8 #define NUM_80211n_RATES 32 #define NUM_80211_RATES (NUM_80211b_RATES+NUM_80211ag_RATES+NUM_80211n_RATES) typedef struct wl_pkteng_stats { uint32_t lostfrmcnt; int32_t rssi; int32_t snr; uint16_t rxpktcnt[NUM_80211_RATES + 1]; } wl_pkteng_stats_t; #define WL_WOWL_MAGIC (1 << 0) #define WL_WOWL_NET (1 << 1) #define WL_WOWL_DIS (1 << 2) #define WL_WOWL_RETR (1 << 3) #define WL_WOWL_BCN (1 << 4) #define WL_WOWL_TST (1 << 5) #define WL_WOWL_BCAST (1 << 15) #define MAGIC_PKT_MINLEN 102 typedef struct { uint32_t masksize; uint32_t offset; uint32_t patternoffset; uint32_t patternsize; } wl_wowl_pattern_t; typedef struct { uint32_t count; wl_wowl_pattern_t pattern[1]; } wl_wowl_pattern_list_t; typedef struct { uint8_t pci_wakeind; uint16_t ucode_wakeind; } wl_wowl_wakeind_t; typedef struct wl_txrate_class { uint8_t init_rate; uint8_t min_rate; uint8_t max_rate; } wl_txrate_class_t; #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_PASSIVE_DWELL_DEFAULT 100 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_PASSIVE_DWELL_MIN 5 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_PASSIVE_DWELL_MAX 1000 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVE_DWELL_DEFAULT 20 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVE_DWELL_MIN 10 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVE_DWELL_MAX 1000 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_WIDTHSCAN_INTERVAL_DEFAULT 300 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_WIDTHSCAN_INTERVAL_MIN 10 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_WIDTHSCAN_INTERVAL_MAX 900 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_CHANWIDTH_TRANSITION_DLY_DEFAULT 5 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_CHANWIDTH_TRANSITION_DLY_MIN 5 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_CHANWIDTH_TRANSITION_DLY_MAX 100 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_PASSIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL_DEFAULT 200 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_PASSIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL_MIN 200 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_PASSIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL_MAX 10000 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL_DEFAULT 20 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL_MIN 20 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVE_TOTAL_PER_CHANNEL_MAX 10000 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT 25 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD_MIN 0 #define WLC_OBSS_SCAN_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD_MAX 100 typedef struct wl_obss_scan_arg { int16_t passive_dwell; int16_t active_dwell; int16_t bss_widthscan_interval; int16_t passive_total; int16_t active_total; int16_t chanwidth_transition_delay; int16_t activity_threshold; } wl_obss_scan_arg_t; #define WL_OBSS_SCAN_PARAM_LEN sizeof(wl_obss_scan_arg_t) #define WL_MIN_NUM_OBSS_SCAN_ARG 7 #define WL_COEX_INFO_MASK 0x07 #define WL_COEX_INFO_REQ 0x01 #define WL_COEX_40MHZ_INTOLERANT 0x02 #define WL_COEX_WIDTH20 0x04 typedef struct wl_action_obss_coex_req { uint8_t info; uint8_t num; uint8_t ch_list[1]; } wl_action_obss_coex_req_t; #define MAX_RSSI_LEVELS 8 typedef struct wl_rssi_event { uint32_t rate_limit_msec; uint8_t num_rssi_levels; int8_t rssi_levels[MAX_RSSI_LEVELS]; } wl_rssi_event_t; typedef struct wl_sta_rssi { uint32_t rssi; struct ether_addr sta_addr; uint16_t foo; } wl_sta_rssi_t; #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N 0x00000001 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_STBC_TX 0x00000002 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_STBC_RX 0x00000004 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_SGI_TX 0x00000008 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_SGI_RX 0x00000010 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_AMPDU_TX 0x00000020 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_AMPDU_RX 0x00000040 #define WLFEATURE_DISABLE_11N_GF 0x00000080 #pragma pack(1) typedef struct sta_prbreq_wps_ie_hdr { struct ether_addr sta_addr; uint16_t ie_len; } sta_prbreq_wps_ie_hdr_t; typedef struct sta_prbreq_wps_ie_data { sta_prbreq_wps_ie_hdr_t hdr; uint8_t ie_data[1]; } sta_prbreq_wps_ie_data_t; typedef struct sta_prbreq_wps_ie_list { uint32_t tot_len; uint8_t ie_data_list[1]; } sta_prbreq_wps_ie_list_t; /* EDCF related items from 802.11.h */ /* ACI from 802.11.h */ #define EDCF_AIFSN_MIN 1 /* AIFSN minimum value */ #define EDCF_AIFSN_MAX 15 /* AIFSN maximum value */ #define EDCF_AIFSN_MASK 0x0f /* AIFSN mask */ #define EDCF_ACM_MASK 0x10 /* ACM mask */ #define EDCF_ACI_MASK 0x60 /* ACI mask */ #define EDCF_ACI_SHIFT 5 /* ACI shift */ #define EDCF_AIFSN_SHIFT 12 /* 4 MSB(0xFFF) in ifs_ctl for AC idx */ /* ECW from 802.11.h */ #define EDCF_ECW_MIN 0 /* cwmin/cwmax exponent minimum value */ #define EDCF_ECW_MAX 15 /* cwmin/cwmax exponent maximum value */ #define EDCF_ECW2CW(exp) ((1 << (exp)) - 1) #define EDCF_ECWMIN_MASK 0x0f /* cwmin exponent form mask */ #define EDCF_ECWMAX_MASK 0xf0 /* cwmax exponent form mask */ #define EDCF_ECWMAX_SHIFT 4 /* cwmax exponent form shift */ /* TXOP from 802.11.h */ #define EDCF_TXOP_MIN 0 /* TXOP minimum value */ #define EDCF_TXOP_MAX 65535 /* TXOP maximum value */ #define EDCF_TXOP2USEC(txop) ((txop) << 5) struct edcf_acparam { uint8_t ACI; uint8_t ECW; uint16_t TXOP; /* stored in network order (ls octet first) */ }; typedef struct edcf_acparam edcf_acparam_t; /* Stop packing structures */ #pragma pack() /* Enumerated list of event types */ typedef enum { WLC_E_NONE = -1, WLC_E_SET_SSID = 0 /* indicates status of set SSID */, WLC_E_JOIN = 1, /* differentiates join IBSS from found (WLC_E_START) IBSS */ WLC_E_START = 2, /* STA founded an IBSS or AP started a BSS */ WLC_E_AUTH = 3, /* 802.11 AUTH request */ WLC_E_AUTH_IND = 4, /* 802.11 AUTH indication */ WLC_E_DEAUTH = 5, /* 802.11 DEAUTH request */ WLC_E_DEAUTH_IND = 6, /* 802.11 DEAUTH indication */ WLC_E_ASSOC = 7, /* 802.11 ASSOC request */ WLC_E_ASSOC_IND = 8, /* 802.11 ASSOC indication */ WLC_E_REASSOC = 9, /* 802.11 REASSOC request */ WLC_E_REASSOC_IND = 10, /* 802.11 REASSOC indication */ WLC_E_DISASSOC = 11, /* 802.11 DISASSOC request */ WLC_E_DISASSOC_IND = 12, /* 802.11 DISASSOC indication */ WLC_E_QUIET_START = 13, /* 802.11h Quiet period started */ WLC_E_QUIET_END = 14, /* 802.11h Quiet period ended */ WLC_E_BEACON_RX = 15, /* BEACONS received/lost indication */ WLC_E_LINK = 16, /* generic link indication */ WLC_E_MIC_ERROR = 17, /* TKIP MIC error occurred */ WLC_E_NDIS_LINK = 18, /* NDIS style link indication */ WLC_E_ROAM = 19, /* roam attempt occurred: indicate status & reason */ WLC_E_TXFAIL = 20, /* change in dot11FailedCount (txfail) */ WLC_E_PMKID_CACHE = 21, /* WPA2 pmkid cache indication */ WLC_E_RETROGRADE_TSF = 22, /* current AP's TSF value went backward */ WLC_E_PRUNE = 23, /* AP was pruned from join list for reason */ WLC_E_AUTOAUTH = 24, /* report AutoAuth table entry match for join attempt */ WLC_E_EAPOL_MSG = 25, /* Event encapsulating an EAPOL message */ WLC_E_SCAN_COMPLETE = 26, /* Scan results are ready or scan was aborted */ WLC_E_ADDTS_IND = 27, /* indicate to host addts fail/success */ WLC_E_DELTS_IND = 28, /* indicate to host delts fail/success */ WLC_E_BCNSENT_IND = 29, /* indicate to host of beacon transmit */ WLC_E_BCNRX_MSG = 30, /* Send the received beacon up to the host */ WLC_E_BCNLOST_MSG = 31, /* indicate to host loss of beacon */ WLC_E_ROAM_PREP = 32, /* before attempting to roam */ WLC_E_PFN_NET_FOUND = 33, /* PFN network found event */ WLC_E_PFN_NET_LOST = 34, /* PFN network lost event */ WLC_E_RESET_COMPLETE = 35, WLC_E_JOIN_START = 36, WLC_E_ROAM_START = 37, WLC_E_ASSOC_START = 38, WLC_E_IBSS_ASSOC = 39, WLC_E_RADIO = 40, WLC_E_PSM_WATCHDOG = 41, /* PSM microcode watchdog fired */ WLC_E_CCX_ASSOC_START = 42, /* CCX association start */ WLC_E_CCX_ASSOC_ABORT = 43, /* CCX association abort */ WLC_E_PROBREQ_MSG = 44, /* probe request received */ WLC_E_SCAN_CONFIRM_IND = 45, WLC_E_PSK_SUP = 46, /* WPA Handshake */ WLC_E_COUNTRY_CODE_CHANGED = 47, WLC_E_EXCEEDED_MEDIUM_TIME = 48, /* WMMAC exceeded medium time */ WLC_E_ICV_ERROR = 49, /* WEP ICV error occurred */ WLC_E_UNICAST_DECODE_ERROR = 50, /* Unsupported unicast encrypted frame */ WLC_E_MULTICAST_DECODE_ERROR = 51, /* Unsupported multicast encrypted frame */ WLC_E_TRACE = 52, WLC_E_BTA_HCI_EVENT = 53, /* BT-AMP HCI event */ WLC_E_IF = 54, /* I/F change (for wlan host notification) */ WLC_E_P2P_DISC_LISTEN_COMPLETE = 55, /* P2P Discovery listen state expires */ WLC_E_RSSI = 56, /* indicate RSSI change based on configured levels */ WLC_E_PFN_SCAN_COMPLETE = 57, /* PFN completed scan of network list */ WLC_E_EXTLOG_MSG = 58, WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME = 59, /* Action frame reception */ WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_COMPLETE = 60, /* Action frame Tx complete */ WLC_E_PRE_ASSOC_IND = 61, /* assoc request received */ WLC_E_PRE_REASSOC_IND = 62, /* re-assoc request received */ WLC_E_CHANNEL_ADOPTED = 63, /* channel adopted (xxx: obsoleted) */ WLC_E_AP_STARTED = 64, /* AP started */ WLC_E_DFS_AP_STOP = 65, /* AP stopped due to DFS */ WLC_E_DFS_AP_RESUME = 66, /* AP resumed due to DFS */ WLC_E_WAI_STA_EVENT = 67, /* WAI stations event */ WLC_E_WAI_MSG = 68, /* event encapsulating an WAI message */ WLC_E_ESCAN_RESULT = 69, /* escan result event */ WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_OFF_CHAN_COMPLETE = 70, /* action frame off channel complete. NOTE - This used to be WLC_E_WAKE_EVENT */ WLC_E_PROBRESP_MSG = 71, /* probe response received */ WLC_E_P2P_PROBREQ_MSG = 72, /* P2P Probe request received */ WLC_E_DCS_REQUEST = 73, WLC_E_FIFO_CREDIT_MAP = 74, /* credits for D11 FIFOs. [AC0,AC1,AC2,AC3,BC_MC,ATIM] */ WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_RX = 75, /* Received action frame event WITH wl_event_rx_frame_data_t header */ WLC_E_WAKE_EVENT = 76, /* Wake Event timer fired, used for wake WLAN test mode */ WLC_E_RM_COMPLETE = 77, /* Radio measurement complete */ WLC_E_HTSFSYNC = 78, /* Synchronize TSF with the host */ WLC_E_OVERLAY_REQ = 79, /* request an overlay IOCTL/iovar from the host */ WLC_E_CSA_COMPLETE_IND = 80, WLC_E_EXCESS_PM_WAKE_EVENT = 81, /* excess PM Wake Event to inform host */ WLC_E_PFN_SCAN_NONE = 82, /* no PFN networks around */ WLC_E_PFN_SCAN_ALLGONE = 83, /* last found PFN network gets lost */ WLC_E_GTK_PLUMBED = 84, WLC_E_ASSOC_IND_NDIS = 85, /* 802.11 ASSOC indication for NDIS only */ WLC_E_REASSOC_IND_NDIS = 86, /* 802.11 REASSOC indication for NDIS only */ WLC_E_ASSOC_REQ_IE = 87, WLC_E_ASSOC_RESP_IE = 88, WLC_E_ASSOC_RECREATED = 89, /* association recreated on resume */ WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_RX_NDIS = 90, /* rx action frame event for NDIS only */ WLC_E_AUTH_REQ = 91, /* authentication request received */ WLC_E_TDLS_PEER_EVENT = 92, /* discovered peer, connected/disconnected peer */ WLC_E_SPEEDY_RECREATE_FAIL = 93, /* fast assoc recreation failed */ WLC_E_NATIVE = 94, /* port-specific event and payload (e.g. NDIS) */ WLC_E_PKTDELAY_IND = 95, /* event for tx pkt delay suddently jump */ WLC_E_AWDL_AW = 96, /* AWDL AW period starts */ WLC_E_AWDL_ROLE = 97, /* AWDL Master/Slave/NE master role event */ WLC_E_AWDL_EVENT = 98, /* Generic AWDL event */ WLC_E_NIC_AF_TXS = 99, /* NIC AF txstatus */ WLC_E_NIC_NIC_REPORT = 100, /* NIC period report */ WLC_E_BEACON_FRAME_RX = 101, WLC_E_SERVICE_FOUND = 102, /* desired service found */ WLC_E_GAS_FRAGMENT_RX = 103, /* GAS fragment received */ WLC_E_GAS_COMPLETE = 104, /* GAS sessions all complete */ WLC_E_P2PO_ADD_DEVICE = 105, /* New device found by p2p offload */ WLC_E_P2PO_DEL_DEVICE = 106, /* device has been removed by p2p offload */ WLC_E_WNM_STA_SLEEP = 107, /* WNM event to notify STA enter sleep mode */ WLC_E_TXFAIL_THRESH = 108, /* Indication of MAC tx failures (exhaustion of 802.11 retries) exceeding threshold(s) */ WLC_E_PROXD = 109, /* Proximity Detection event */ WLC_E_IBSS_COALESCE = 110, /* IBSS Coalescing */ WLC_E_AWDL_RX_PRB_RESP = 111, /* AWDL RX Probe response */ WLC_E_AWDL_RX_ACT_FRAME = 112, /* AWDL RX Action Frames */ WLC_E_AWDL_WOWL_NULLPKT = 113, /* AWDL Wowl nulls */ WLC_E_AWDL_PHYCAL_STATUS = 114, /* AWDL Phycal status */ WLC_E_AWDL_OOB_AF_STATUS = 115, /* AWDL OOB AF status */ WLC_E_AWDL_SCAN_STATUS = 116, /* Interleaved Scan status */ WLC_E_AWDL_AW_START = 117, /* AWDL AW Start */ WLC_E_AWDL_AW_END = 118, /* AWDL AW End */ WLC_E_AWDL_AW_EXT = 119, /* AWDL AW Extensions */ WLC_E_AWDL_PEER_CACHE_CONTROL = 120, WLC_E_CSA_START_IND = 121, WLC_E_CSA_DONE_IND = 122, WLC_E_CSA_FAILURE_IND = 123, WLC_E_CCA_CHAN_QUAL = 124, /* CCA based channel quality report */ WLC_E_BSSID = 125, /* to report change in BSSID while roaming */ WLC_E_TX_STAT_ERROR = 126, /* tx error indication */ WLC_E_BCMC_CREDIT_SUPPORT = 127, /* credit check for BCMC supported */ WLC_E_PSTA_PRIMARY_INTF_IND = 128, /* psta primary interface indication */ WLC_E_LAST = 129, /* highest val + 1 for range checking */ WLC_E_FORCE_32_BIT = 0x7ffffffe /* Force enum to be stored in 32 bit variable */ } wl_event_num_t; #define BCMF_EVENT_COUNT WLC_E_LAST #define WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET (256) #define WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET (512) /* Enumerated list of event status codes * @note : WLC_SUP values overlap other values, so it is necessary * to check the event type */ typedef enum { WLC_E_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, /* operation was successful */ WLC_E_STATUS_FAIL = 1, /* operation failed */ WLC_E_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 2, /* operation timed out */ WLC_E_STATUS_NO_NETWORKS = 3, /* failed due to no matching network found */ WLC_E_STATUS_ABORT = 4, /* operation was aborted */ WLC_E_STATUS_NO_ACK = 5, /* protocol failure: packet not ack'd */ WLC_E_STATUS_UNSOLICITED = 6, /* AUTH or ASSOC packet was unsolicited */ WLC_E_STATUS_ATTEMPT = 7, /* attempt to assoc to an auto auth configuration */ WLC_E_STATUS_PARTIAL = 8, /* scan results are incomplete */ WLC_E_STATUS_NEWSCAN = 9, /* scan aborted by another scan */ WLC_E_STATUS_NEWASSOC = 10, /* scan aborted due to assoc in progress */ WLC_E_STATUS_11HQUIET = 11, /* 802.11h quiet period started */ WLC_E_STATUS_SUPPRESS = 12, /* user disabled scanning (WLC_SET_SCANSUPPRESS) */ WLC_E_STATUS_NOCHANS = 13, /* no allowable channels to scan */ WLC_E_STATUS_CCXFASTRM = 14, /* scan aborted due to CCX fast roam */ WLC_E_STATUS_CS_ABORT = 15, /* abort channel select */ /* for WLC_SUP messages */ WLC_SUP_DISCONNECTED = 0 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_CONNECTING = 1 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_IDREQUIRED = 2 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_AUTHENTICATING = 3 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_AUTHENTICATED = 4 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE = 5 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_KEYED = 6 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_TIMEOUT = 7 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, WLC_SUP_LAST_BASIC_STATE = 8 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Extended supplicant authentication states */ WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE_WAIT_M1 = (int) WLC_SUP_AUTHENTICATED + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Waiting to receive handshake msg M1 */ WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE_PREP_M2 = (int) WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Preparing to send handshake msg M2 */ WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE_WAIT_M3 = (int) WLC_SUP_LAST_BASIC_STATE + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Waiting to receive handshake msg M3 */ WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE_PREP_M4 = 9 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Preparing to send handshake msg M4 */ WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE_WAIT_G1 = 10 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Waiting to receive handshake msg G1 */ WLC_SUP_KEYXCHANGE_PREP_G2 = 11 + WLC_SUP_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Preparing to send handshake msg G2 */ WLC_DOT11_SC_SUCCESS = 0 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Successful */ WLC_DOT11_SC_FAILURE = 1 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Unspecified failure */ WLC_DOT11_SC_CAP_MISMATCH = 10 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Cannot support all requested capabilities in the Capability Information field */ WLC_DOT11_SC_REASSOC_FAIL = 11 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Reassociation denied due to inability to confirm that association exists */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_FAIL = 12 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to reason outside the scope of this standard */ WLC_DOT11_SC_AUTH_MISMATCH = 13 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Responding station does not support the specified authentication algorithm */ WLC_DOT11_SC_AUTH_SEQ = 14 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Received an Authentication frame with authentication transaction sequence number out of expected sequence */ WLC_DOT11_SC_AUTH_CHALLENGE_FAIL = 15 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Authentication rejected because of challenge failure */ WLC_DOT11_SC_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 16 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Authentication rejected due to timeout waiting for next frame in sequence */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_BUSY_FAIL = 17 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied because AP is unable to handle additional associated stations */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_RATE_MISMATCH = 18 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting all of the data rates in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_SHORT_REQUIRED = 19 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting the Short Preamble option */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_PBCC_REQUIRED = 20 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting the PBCC Modulation option */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_AGILITY_REQUIRED = 21 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting the Channel Agility option */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_SPECTRUM_REQUIRED = 22 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied because Spectrum Management capability is required. */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_BAD_POWER_CAP = 23 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied because the info in the Power Cap element is unacceptable. */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_BAD_SUP_CHANNELS = 24 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied because the info in the Supported Channel element is unacceptable */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_SHORTSLOT_REQUIRED = 25 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting the Short Slot Time option */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_ERPBCC_REQUIRED = 26 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting the ER-PBCC Modulation option */ WLC_DOT11_SC_ASSOC_DSSOFDM_REQUIRED = 27 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to requesting station not supporting the DSS-OFDM option */ WLC_DOT11_SC_DECLINED = 37 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* request declined */ WLC_DOT11_SC_INVALID_PARAMS = 38 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* One or more params have invalid values */ WLC_DOT11_SC_INVALID_AKMP = 43 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to invalid AKMP */ WLC_DOT11_SC_INVALID_MDID = 54 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to invalid MDID */ WLC_DOT11_SC_INVALID_FTIE = 55 + WLC_DOT11_SC_STATUS_OFFSET, /* Association denied due to invalid FTIE */ WLC_E_STATUS_FORCE_32_BIT = 0x7ffffffe /* Force enum to be stored in 32 bit variable */ } wl_event_status_t; #define WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET (256) #define WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET (512) #define WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET (768) /* Enumerated list of event reason codes * @note : Several values overlap other values, so it is necessary * to check the event type */ typedef enum { /* roam reason codes */ WLC_E_REASON_INITIAL_ASSOC = 0, /* initial assoc */ WLC_E_REASON_LOW_RSSI = 1, /* roamed due to low RSSI */ WLC_E_REASON_DEAUTH = 2, /* roamed due to DEAUTH indication */ WLC_E_REASON_DISASSOC = 3, /* roamed due to DISASSOC indication */ WLC_E_REASON_BCNS_LOST = 4, /* roamed due to lost beacons */ WLC_E_REASON_FAST_ROAM_FAILED = 5, /* roamed due to fast roam failure */ WLC_E_REASON_DIRECTED_ROAM = 6, /* roamed due to request by AP */ WLC_E_REASON_TSPEC_REJECTED = 7, /* roamed due to TSPEC rejection */ WLC_E_REASON_BETTER_AP = 8, /* roamed due to finding better AP */ /* prune reason codes */ WLC_E_PRUNE_ENCR_MISMATCH = 1 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* encryption mismatch */ WLC_E_PRUNE_BCAST_BSSID = 2 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* AP uses a broadcast BSSID */ WLC_E_PRUNE_MAC_DENY = 3 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* STA's MAC addr is in AP's MAC deny list */ WLC_E_PRUNE_MAC_NA = 4 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* STA's MAC addr is not in AP's MAC allow list */ WLC_E_PRUNE_REG_PASSV = 5 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* AP not allowed due to regulatory restriction */ WLC_E_PRUNE_SPCT_MGMT = 6 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* AP does not support STA locale spectrum mgmt */ WLC_E_PRUNE_RADAR = 7 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* AP is on a radar channel of STA locale */ WLC_E_RSN_MISMATCH = 8 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* STA does not support AP's RSN */ WLC_E_PRUNE_NO_COMMON_RATES = 9 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* No rates in common with AP */ WLC_E_PRUNE_BASIC_RATES = 10 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* STA does not support all basic rates of BSS */ WLC_E_PRUNE_CCXFAST_PREVAP = 11 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* CCX FAST ROAM: prune previous AP */ WLC_E_PRUNE_CIPHER_NA = 12 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* BSS's cipher not supported */ WLC_E_PRUNE_KNOWN_STA = 13 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* AP is already known to us as a STA */ WLC_E_PRUNE_CCXFAST_DROAM = 14 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* CCX FAST ROAM: prune unqualified AP */ WLC_E_PRUNE_WDS_PEER = 15 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* AP is already known to us as a WDS peer */ WLC_E_PRUNE_QBSS_LOAD = 16 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* QBSS LOAD - AAC is too low */ WLC_E_PRUNE_HOME_AP = 17 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* prune home AP */ WLC_E_PRUNE_AP_BLOCKED = 18 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* prune blocked AP */ WLC_E_PRUNE_NO_DIAG_SUPPORT = 19 + WLC_E_PRUNE_REASON_OFFSET, /* prune due to diagnostic mode not supported */ /* WPA failure reason codes carried in the WLC_E_PSK_SUP event */ WLC_E_SUP_OTHER = 0 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Other reason */ WLC_E_SUP_DECRYPT_KEY_DATA = 1 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Decryption of key data failed */ WLC_E_SUP_BAD_UCAST_WEP128 = 2 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Illegal use of ucast WEP128 */ WLC_E_SUP_BAD_UCAST_WEP40 = 3 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Illegal use of ucast WEP40 */ WLC_E_SUP_UNSUP_KEY_LEN = 4 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Unsupported key length */ WLC_E_SUP_PW_KEY_CIPHER = 5 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Unicast cipher mismatch in pairwise key */ WLC_E_SUP_MSG3_TOO_MANY_IE = 6 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* WPA IE contains > 1 RSN IE in key msg 3 */ WLC_E_SUP_MSG3_IE_MISMATCH = 7 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* WPA IE mismatch in key message 3 */ WLC_E_SUP_NO_INSTALL_FLAG = 8 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* INSTALL flag unset in 4-way msg */ WLC_E_SUP_MSG3_NO_GTK = 9 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* encapsulated GTK missing from msg 3 */ WLC_E_SUP_GRP_KEY_CIPHER = 10 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* Multicast cipher mismatch in group key */ WLC_E_SUP_GRP_MSG1_NO_GTK = 11 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* encapsulated GTK missing from group msg 1 */ WLC_E_SUP_GTK_DECRYPT_FAIL = 12 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* GTK decrypt failure */ WLC_E_SUP_SEND_FAIL = 13 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* message send failure */ WLC_E_SUP_DEAUTH = 14 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* received FC_DEAUTH */ WLC_E_SUP_WPA_PSK_TMO = 15 + WLC_E_SUP_REASON_OFFSET, /* WPA PSK 4-way handshake timeout */ DOT11_RC_RESERVED = 0 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* d11 RC reserved */ DOT11_RC_UNSPECIFIED = 1 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Unspecified reason */ DOT11_RC_AUTH_INVAL = 2 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Previous authentication no longer valid */ DOT11_RC_DEAUTH_LEAVING = 3 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS */ DOT11_RC_INACTIVITY = 4 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Disassociated due to inactivity */ DOT11_RC_BUSY = 5 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Disassociated because AP is unable to handle all currently associated stations */ DOT11_RC_INVAL_CLASS_2 = 6 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station */ DOT11_RC_INVAL_CLASS_3 = 7 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station */ DOT11_RC_DISASSOC_LEAVING = 8 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS */ DOT11_RC_NOT_AUTH = 9 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Station requesting (re)association is not * authenticated with responding station */ DOT11_RC_BAD_PC = 10 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Unacceptable power capability element */ DOT11_RC_BAD_CHANNELS = 11 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Unacceptable supported channels element */ /* 12 is unused */ /* XXX 13-23 are WPA/802.11i reason codes defined in proto/wpa.h */ /* 32-39 are QSTA specific reasons added in 11e */ DOT11_RC_UNSPECIFIED_QOS = 32 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* unspecified QoS-related reason */ DOT11_RC_INSUFFCIENT_BW = 33 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* QAP lacks sufficient bandwidth */ DOT11_RC_EXCESSIVE_FRAMES = 34 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* excessive number of frames need ack */ DOT11_RC_TX_OUTSIDE_TXOP = 35 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* transmitting outside the limits of txop */ DOT11_RC_LEAVING_QBSS = 36 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* QSTA is leaving the QBSS (or restting) */ DOT11_RC_BAD_MECHANISM = 37 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* does not want to use the mechanism */ DOT11_RC_SETUP_NEEDED = 38 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* mechanism needs a setup */ DOT11_RC_TIMEOUT = 39 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* timeout */ DOT11_RC_MAX = 23 + WLC_E_DOT11_RC_REASON_OFFSET, /* Reason codes > 23 are reserved */ WLC_E_REASON_FORCE_32_BIT = 0x7ffffffe /* Force enum to be stored in 32 bit variable */ } wl_event_reason_t; #endif /* __DRIVERS_WIRELESS_IEEE80211_BCM43XXX_BCMF_IOCTL_H */