/**************************************************************************** * drivers/sensors/lis331dl.c * * Copyright (C) 2011 Uros Platise. All rights reserved. * * Authors: Uros Platise <uros.platise@isotel.eu> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Included Files ****************************************************************************/ #include <nuttx/config.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <nuttx/kmalloc.h> #include <nuttx/i2c/i2c_master.h> #include <nuttx/sensors/lis331dl.h> #include <nuttx/random.h> #if defined(CONFIG_I2C) && defined(CONFIG_LIS331DL) /**************************************************************************** * Pre-processor Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef CONFIG_LIS331DL_I2C_FREQUENCY # define CONFIG_LIS331DL_I2C_FREQUENCY 100000 #endif /* LIS331DL Internal Registers **********************************************/ #define ST_LIS331DL_WHOAMI 0x0F /* who am I register */ #define ST_LIS331DL_WHOAMI_VALUE 0x3B /* Valid result is 0x3B */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG1 0x20 #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_DR 0x80 /* Data-rate selection 0: 100 Hz, 1: 400 Hz */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_PD 0x40 /* Active Mode (1) / Power-down (0) */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_FS 0x20 /* Full Scale (1) +-9g or Normal Scale (0) +-2g */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_ST 0x18 /* Self test enable */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_ZEN 0x04 /* Z-Axis Enable */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_YEN 0x02 /* Y-Axis Enable */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CR1_XEN 0x01 /* X-Axis Enable */ #define ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG2 0x21 #define ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG3 0x22 #define ST_LIS331DL_HP_FILTER_RESET 0x23 #define ST_LIS331DL_STATUS_REG 0x27 /* Status Register */ #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_ZYXOR 0x80 /* OR'ed X,Y and Z data over-run */ #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_ZOR 0x40 /* individual data over-run ... */ #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_YOR 0x20 #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_XOR 0x10 #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_ZYXDA 0x08 /* OR'ed X,Y and Z data available */ #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_ZDA 0x04 /* individual data available ... */ #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_YDA 0x02 #define ST_LIS331DL_SR_XDA 0x01 #define ST_LIS331DL_OUT_X 0x29 #define ST_LIS331DL_OUT_Y 0x2B #define ST_LIS331DL_OUT_Z 0x2D /**************************************************************************** * Private Data Types ****************************************************************************/ struct lis331dl_dev_s { struct i2c_master_s *i2c; uint8_t address; struct lis331dl_vector_s a; uint8_t cr1; uint8_t cr2; uint8_t cr3; }; /**************************************************************************** * Private Functions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_access * * Description: * LIS331DL Access with range check * * Input Parameters: * dev LIS331 DL Private Structure * subaddr LIS331 Sub Address * buf Pointer to buffer, either for read or write access * length When >0 it denotes read access, when <0 it denotes write access * of -length * * Returned Value: * Returns actual length of data on success or negative value on error. * ****************************************************************************/ static int lis331dl_access(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s *dev, uint8_t subaddr, FAR uint8_t *buf, int length) { uint16_t flags; int retval; if (length > 0) { flags = I2C_M_READ; } else { flags = I2C_M_NOSTART; length = -length; } /* Check valid address ranges and set auto address increment flag */ if (subaddr == 0x0f) { if (length > 1) { length = 1; } } else if (subaddr >= 0x20 && subaddr < 0x24) { if (length > (0x24 - subaddr)) { length = 0x24 - subaddr; } } else if (subaddr >= 0x27 && subaddr < 0x2e) { if (length > (0x2e - subaddr)) { length = 0x2e - subaddr; } } else if (subaddr >= 0x30 && subaddr < 0x40) { if (length > (0x40 - subaddr)) { length = 0x40 - subaddr; } } else { return -EFAULT; } if (length > 1) { subaddr |= 0x80; } /* Create message and send */ struct i2c_msg_s msgv[2] = { { .frequency = CONFIG_LIS331DL_I2C_FREQUENCY, .addr = dev->address, .flags = 0, .buffer = &subaddr, .length = 1 }, { .frequency = CONFIG_LIS331DL_I2C_FREQUENCY, .addr = dev->address, .flags = flags, .buffer = buf, .length = length } }; retval = I2C_TRANSFER(dev->i2c, msgv, 2); if (retval >= 0) { return length; } return retval; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_readregs ****************************************************************************/ static int lis331dl_readregs(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s *dev) { if (lis331dl_access(dev, ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG1, &dev->cr1, 3) != 3) { return ERROR; } return OK; } /**************************************************************************** * Public Functions ****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_init ****************************************************************************/ FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s *lis331dl_init(FAR struct i2c_master_s *i2c, uint16_t address) { FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s *dev; uint8_t retval; DEBUGASSERT(i2c); DEBUGASSERT(address); dev = kmm_malloc(sizeof(struct lis331dl_dev_s)); if (dev == NULL) { return NULL; } memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct lis331dl_dev_s)); dev->i2c = i2c; dev->address = address; /* Probe device */ if (lis331dl_access(dev, ST_LIS331DL_WHOAMI, &retval, 1) > 0) { /* Check chip identification, in the future several more compatible parts * may be added here. */ if (retval == ST_LIS331DL_WHOAMI_VALUE) { /* Copy LIS331DL registers to our private structure and power-up device */ if (lis331dl_readregs(dev) == OK && lis331dl_powerup(dev) == OK) { /* Normal exit point */ return dev; } } } /* Error exit */ kmm_free(dev); return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_deinit ****************************************************************************/ int lis331dl_deinit(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev) { DEBUGASSERT(dev); lis331dl_powerdown(dev); kmm_free(dev); return OK; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_powerup ****************************************************************************/ int lis331dl_powerup(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev) { dev->cr1 = ST_LIS331DL_CR1_PD | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_ZEN | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_YEN | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_XEN; dev->cr2 = 0; dev->cr3 = 0; if (lis331dl_access(dev, ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG1, &dev->cr1, -3) == 3) { return OK; } return ERROR; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_powerdown ****************************************************************************/ int lis331dl_powerdown(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev) { dev->cr1 = ST_LIS331DL_CR1_ZEN | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_YEN | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_XEN; dev->cr2 = 0; dev->cr3 = 0; if (lis331dl_access(dev, ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG1, &dev->cr1, -3) == 3) { return OK; } return ERROR; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_setconversion ****************************************************************************/ int lis331dl_setconversion(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev, bool full, bool fast) { dev->cr1 = ST_LIS331DL_CR1_PD | (full ? ST_LIS331DL_CR1_FS : 0) | (fast ? ST_LIS331DL_CR1_DR : 0) | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_ZEN | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_YEN | ST_LIS331DL_CR1_XEN; if (lis331dl_access(dev, ST_LIS331DL_CTRL_REG1, &dev->cr1, -1) == 1) { return OK; } return ERROR; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_getprecision ****************************************************************************/ int lis331dl_getprecision(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev) { if (dev->cr1 & ST_LIS331DL_CR1_FS) { return 9200/127; /* typ. 9.2g full scale */ } return 2300/127; /* typ. 2.3g full scale */ } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_getsamplerate ****************************************************************************/ int lis331dl_getsamplerate(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev) { if (dev->cr1 & ST_LIS331DL_CR1_DR) { return 400; } return 100; } /**************************************************************************** * Name: lis331dl_getreadings ****************************************************************************/ FAR const struct lis331dl_vector_s * lis331dl_getreadings(FAR struct lis331dl_dev_s * dev) { uint8_t retval[7]; DEBUGASSERT(dev); if (lis331dl_access(dev, ST_LIS331DL_STATUS_REG, retval, 7) == 7) { /* If result is not yet ready, return NULL */ if (!(retval[0] & ST_LIS331DL_SR_ZYXDA)) { return NULL; } /* Feed sensor data to entropy pool */ add_sensor_randomness((retval[2] << 16) ^ (retval[4] << 8) ^ (retval[6] << 0)); dev->a.x = retval[2]; dev->a.y = retval[4]; dev->a.z = retval[6]; return &dev->a; } return NULL; } #endif /* CONFIG_I2C && CONFIG_LIS331DL */