2020-03-03 08:30:49 -06:00

467 lines
15 KiB

* arch/renesas/src/rx65n/rx65n_icu.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Pre-processor Definitions
/* Interrupt Request Enable Register 08 (IER08) */
/* Interrupt Request Enable/Disable(IENn) */
#define _00_ICU_IRQ0_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _01_ICU_IRQ0_ENABLE (0x01u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ1_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _02_ICU_IRQ1_ENABLE (0x02u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ2_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _04_ICU_IRQ2_ENABLE (0x04u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ3_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _08_ICU_IRQ3_ENABLE (0x08u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ4_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _10_ICU_IRQ4_ENABLE (0x10u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ5_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _20_ICU_IRQ5_ENABLE (0x20u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ6_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _40_ICU_IRQ6_ENABLE (0x40u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ7_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _80_ICU_IRQ7_ENABLE (0x80u)
/* Interrupt Request Enable Register 09 (IER09) */
/* Interrupt Request Enable/Disable(IENn) */
#define _00_ICU_IRQ8_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _01_ICU_IRQ8_ENABLE (0x01u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ9_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _02_ICU_IRQ9_ENABLE (0x02u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ10_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _04_ICU_IRQ10_ENABLE (0x04u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ11_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _08_ICU_IRQ11_ENABLE (0x08u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ12_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _10_ICU_IRQ12_ENABLE (0x10u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ13_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _20_ICU_IRQ13_ENABLE (0x20u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ14_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _40_ICU_IRQ14_ENABLE (0x40u)
#define _00_ICU_IRQ15_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _80_ICU_IRQ15_ENABLE (0x80u)
/* Interrupt Source Priority Register n (IPRn) */
/* Interrupt Priority Level Select (IPR[3:0]) */
#define _00_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL0 (0x00u)
#define _01_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL1 (0x01u)
#define _02_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL2 (0x02u)
#define _03_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL3 (0x03u)
#define _04_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL4 (0x04u)
#define _05_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL5 (0x05u)
#define _06_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL6 (0x06u)
#define _07_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL7 (0x07u)
#define _08_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL8 (0x08u)
#define _09_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL9 (0x09u)
#define _0A_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL10 (0x0au)
#define _0B_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL11 (0x0bu)
#define _0C_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL12 (0x0cu)
#define _0D_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL13 (0x0du)
#define _0E_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL14 (0x0eu)
#define _0F_ICU_PRIORITY_LEVEL15 (0x0fu)
/* Fast Interrupt Set Register (FIR) */
/* Fast Interrupt Enable (FIEN) */
#define _0000_ICU_FAST_INTERRUPT_DISABLE (0x0000u)
#define _8000_ICU_FAST_INTERRUPT_ENABLE (0x8000u)
/* IRQ Control Register i (IRQCRi) (i = 0 to 15) */
/* IRQ Detection Sense Select (IRQMD[1:0]) */
#define _00_ICU_IRQ_EDGE_LOW_LEVEL (0x00u)
#define _04_ICU_IRQ_EDGE_FALLING (0x04u)
#define _08_ICU_IRQ_EDGE_RISING (0x08u)
#define _0C_ICU_IRQ_EDGE_BOTH (0x0cu)
/* IRQ Pin Digital Filter Enable Register 0 (IRQFLTE0) */
/* Digital Filter Enable (FLTEN0n) */
#define _00_ICU_IRQn_FILTER_DISABLE (0x00u)
#define _01_ICU_IRQ0_FILTER_ENABLE (0x01u)
#define _02_ICU_IRQ1_FILTER_ENABLE (0x02u)
#define _04_ICU_IRQ2_FILTER_ENABLE (0x04u)
#define _08_ICU_IRQ3_FILTER_ENABLE (0x08u)
#define _10_ICU_IRQ4_FILTER_ENABLE (0x10u)
#define _20_ICU_IRQ5_FILTER_ENABLE (0x20u)
#define _40_ICU_IRQ6_FILTER_ENABLE (0x40u)
#define _80_ICU_IRQ7_FILTER_ENABLE (0x80u)
/* IRQ Pin Digital Filter Enable Register 1 (IRQFLTE1) */
/* Digital Filter Enable (FLTEN8~15) */
#define _01_ICU_IRQ8_FILTER_ENABLE (0x01u)
#define _02_ICU_IRQ9_FILTER_ENABLE (0x02u)
#define _04_ICU_IRQ10_FILTER_ENABLE (0x04u)
#define _08_ICU_IRQ11_FILTER_ENABLE (0x08u)
#define _10_ICU_IRQ12_FILTER_ENABLE (0x10u)
#define _20_ICU_IRQ13_FILTER_ENABLE (0x20u)
#define _40_ICU_IRQ14_FILTER_ENABLE (0x40u)
#define _80_ICU_IRQ15_FILTER_ENABLE (0x80u)
/* IRQ Pin Digital Filter Setting Register 0 (IRQFLTC0) */
/* IRQn Digital Filter Sampling Clock (FCLKSELn) */
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ0_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0001_ICU_IRQ0_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0001u)
#define _0002_ICU_IRQ0_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0002u)
#define _0003_ICU_IRQ0_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0003u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ1_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0004_ICU_IRQ1_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0004u)
#define _0008_ICU_IRQ1_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0008u)
#define _000C_ICU_IRQ1_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x000cu)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ2_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0010_ICU_IRQ2_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0010u)
#define _0020_ICU_IRQ2_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0020u)
#define _0030_ICU_IRQ2_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0030u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ3_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0040_ICU_IRQ3_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0040u)
#define _0080_ICU_IRQ3_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0080u)
#define _00C0_ICU_IRQ3_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x00c0u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ4_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0100_ICU_IRQ4_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0100u)
#define _0200_ICU_IRQ4_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0200u)
#define _0300_ICU_IRQ4_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0300u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ5_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0400_ICU_IRQ5_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0400u)
#define _0800_ICU_IRQ5_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0800u)
#define _0C00_ICU_IRQ5_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0c00u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ6_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _1000_ICU_IRQ6_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x1000u)
#define _2000_ICU_IRQ6_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x2000u)
#define _3000_ICU_IRQ6_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x3000u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ7_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _4000_ICU_IRQ7_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x4000u)
#define _8000_ICU_IRQ7_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x8000u)
#define _C000_ICU_IRQ7_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0xc000u)
/* IRQ Pin Digital Filter Setting Register 0 (IRQFLTC1) */
/* IRQn Digital Filter Sampling Clock (FCLKSEL8~15) */
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ8_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0001_ICU_IRQ8_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0001u)
#define _0002_ICU_IRQ8_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0002u)
#define _0003_ICU_IRQ8_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0003u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ9_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0004_ICU_IRQ9_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0004u)
#define _0008_ICU_IRQ9_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0008u)
#define _000C_ICU_IRQ9_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x000cu)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ10_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0010_ICU_IRQ10_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0010u)
#define _0020_ICU_IRQ10_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0020u)
#define _0030_ICU_IRQ10_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0030u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ11_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0040_ICU_IRQ11_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0040u)
#define _0080_ICU_IRQ11_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0080u)
#define _00C0_ICU_IRQ11_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x00c0u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ12_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0100_ICU_IRQ12_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0100u)
#define _0200_ICU_IRQ12_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0200u)
#define _0300_ICU_IRQ12_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0300u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ13_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _0400_ICU_IRQ13_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x0400u)
#define _0800_ICU_IRQ13_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x0800u)
#define _0C00_ICU_IRQ13_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x0c00u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ14_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _1000_ICU_IRQ14_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x1000u)
#define _2000_ICU_IRQ14_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x2000u)
#define _3000_ICU_IRQ14_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x3000u)
#define _0000_ICU_IRQ15_FILTER_PCLK (0x0000u)
#define _4000_ICU_IRQ15_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x4000u)
#define _8000_ICU_IRQ15_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x8000u)
#define _C000_ICU_IRQ15_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0xc000u)
/* NMI Pin Interrupt Control Register (NMICR) */
/* NMI Detection Set (NMIMD) */
#define _00_ICU_NMI_EDGE_FALLING (0x00u)
#define _08_ICU_NMI_EDGE_RISING (0x08u)
/* NMI Pin Digital Filter Setting Register (NMIFLTC) */
/* NMI Digital Filter Sampling Clock (NFCLKSEL[1:0]) */
#define _00_ICU_NMI_FILTER_PCLK (0x00u)
#define _01_ICU_NMI_FILTER_PCLK_8 (0x01u)
#define _02_ICU_NMI_FILTER_PCLK_32 (0x02u)
#define _03_ICU_NMI_FILTER_PCLK_64 (0x03u)
/* EXDMAC Activation Peripheral Interrupt Select Register (SELEXDR) */
/* EXDMAC0 Activation Peripheral Interrupt Select (SELEXD0) */
#define _00_ICU_EXDMAC0_SLIBR144 (0x00u)
#define _01_ICU_EXDMAC0_SLIAR208 (0x01u)
/* EXDMAC1 Activation Peripheral Interrupt Select (SELEXD1) */
#define _00_ICU_EXDMAC1_SLIBR145 (0x00u)
#define _02_ICU_EXDMAC1_SLIAR209 (0x02u)
* Public Function Prototypes
* Name: r_icu_create
* Description:
* Initializes ICU
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_create(void);
* Name: r_icu_irq8_start
* Description:
* Enables IRQ8
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_irq8_start(void);
* Name: r_icu_irq8_stop
* Description:
* Disables IRQ8
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_irq8_stop(void);
* Name: r_icu_irq9_start
* Description:
* Enables IRQ9
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_irq9_start(void);
* Name: r_icu_irq9_stop
* Description:
* Disables IRQ9
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_irq9_stop(void);
* Name: r_config_icu_software_start
* Description:
* Enable Software Interrupt
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_config_icu_software_start(void);
* Name: r_config_icu_softwareinterrupt_generate
* Description:
* Generate software interrupt
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_config_icu_softwareinterrupt_generate(void);
* Name: r_config_icu_software_stop
* Description:
* Disable S/W Interrupt
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_config_icu_software_stop(void);
* Name: r_config_icu_software2_start
* Description:
* Enable S/W Interrupt2
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_config_icu_software2_start(void);
* Name: r_config_icu_softwareinterrupt2_generate
* Description:
* Generate software interrupt 2
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_config_icu_softwareinterrupt2_generate(void);
* Name: r_config_icu_software2_stop
* Description:
* Disable software interrupt 2
* Input Parameters:
* None
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_config_icu_software2_stop(void);
* Name: r_icu_irqisfallingedge
* Description:
* Detect if falling edge interrupt is triggered
* Input Parameters:
* irqno - irq number
* Returned Value:
* 1 is returned on success
uint8_t r_icu_irqisfallingedge(const uint8_t irq_no);
* Name: r_icu_irqsetfallingedge
* Description:
* Sets or unsets falling edge triggered
* Input Parameters:
* irqno - irq number
* set_f_edge - value that has to be set for falling edge
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_irqsetfallingedge(const uint8_t irq_no, const uint8_t set_f_edge);
* Name: r_icu_irqsetfallingedge
* Description:
* Sets or unsets falling edge triggered
* Input Parameters:
* irqno - irq number
* set_r_edge - value that has to be set for rising edge
* Returned Value:
* None
void r_icu_irqsetrisingedge(const uint8_t irq_no, const uint8_t set_r_edge);
#endif /* __ARCH_RENESAS_SRC_RX65N_RX65N_ICU_H */