Currently only Port UART0 is supported for Allwinner A64. This PR adds support for all UART Ports: UART1 to UART4. (Except R-UART, which is a special low-power UART) This is required for the upcoming LTE Modem Driver (Quectel EG25-G) for PINE64 PinePhone, which uses UART3. [(Details here)]( The code was adapted from the NuttX UART Driver for Allwinner A1X: [`a1x_serial.c`]( `arch/arm64/src/a64/a64_serial.c`: Added ports UART1 to UART4, based on [`a1x_serial.c`]( `arch/arm64/src/a64/a64_serial.h`: Added IRQs for UART1 to UART4. Moved UART Base Addresses to `a64_memorymap.h` `arch/arm64/src/a64/hardware/a64_memorymap.h`: Added UART Base Addresses for UART0 to UART4 `arch/arm64/src/a64/Kconfig`: Added UART1 to UART4 to Allwinner A64 Peripheral Selection menu `boards/arm64/a64/pinephone/configs/lcd/defconfig`, `lvgl/defconfig`, `nsh/defconfig`, `sensor/defconfig`: Fixed `UART1_SERIAL_CONSOLE` to `UART0_SERIAL_CONSOLE`