Alin Jerpelea ccff570e6f drivers: nxstyle fixes
nxstyle fixes to pass the CI.

Signed-off-by: Alin Jerpelea <>
2021-03-04 18:32:27 -08:00

273 lines
9.4 KiB

* drivers/lcd/ft80x.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* Definitions for the FTDI FT80x GUI
* References:
* - Document No.:
* FT_000792, "FT800 Embedded Video Engine", Datasheet Version 1.1,
* Clearance No.:
* FTDI# 334, Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
* - Document No.:
* FT_000986, "FT801 Embedded Video Engine Datasheet", Version 1.0,
* Clearance No.:
* FTDI#376, Future Technology Devices International Ltd.
* - Some definitions derive from FTDI sample code.
#ifndef __DRIVERS_LCD_FT80X_H
#define __DRIVERS_LCD_FT80X_H
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <nuttx/signal.h>
#include <nuttx/wqueue.h>
* Public Types
/* Host write command
* For a SPI write command write transaction, the host writes a zero bit
* followed by a one bit, followed by the 5-bit command, followed by two
* bytes of zero. All data is streamed with a single chip select.
* I2C data format is equivalent (with obvious differences in bus protocol)
struct ft80x_hostwrite_s
uint8_t cmd; /* Bits 6-7: 01, Bits 0-5: command */
uint8_t pad1; /* Zero */
uint8_t pad2; /* Zero */
/* For SPI memory read transaction, the host sends two zero bits, followed
* by the 22-bit address. This is followed by a dummy byte. After the dummy
* byte, the FT80x responds to each host byte with read data bytes.
* For I2C memory read transaction, bytes are packed in the I2C protocol
* as follow:
* [start] <DEVICE ADDRESS + write bit>
* <00b+Address[21:16]>
* <Address[15:8]>
* <Address[7:0]>
* [restart] <DEVICE ADDRESS + read bit>
* <Read data byte 0>
* ....
* <Read data byte n> [stop]
struct ft80x_spiread_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 00, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
uint8_t dummy; /* Dummy byte */
struct ft80x_i2cread_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 00, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
/* For SPI memory write transaction, the host sends a '1' bit and '0' bit,
* followed by the 22-bit address. This is followed by the write data.
* For I2C memory write transaction, bytes are packed in the I2C protocol
* as follow:
* [start] <DEVICE ADDRESS + write bit>
* <10b,Address[21:16]>
* <Address[15:8]>
* <Address[7:0]>
* <Write data byte 0>
* ....
* <Write data byte n> [stop]
struct ft80x_spiwrite_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 10, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
/* Write data follows */
struct ft80x_spiwrite8_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 10, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
uint8_t data; /* 8-bit data follows */
struct ft80x_spiwrite16_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 10, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
uint8_t data[2]; /* 16-bit data follows */
struct ft80x_spiwrite32_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 10, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
uint8_t data[4]; /* 32-bit data follows */
struct ft80x_i2cwrite_s
uint8_t addrh; /* Bits 6-7: 10, Bits 0-5: Address[21:16] */
uint8_t addrm; /* Address[15:8] */
uint8_t addrl; /* Address[7:0] */
/* Write data follows */
/* This structure describes one signal notification */
struct ft80x_eventinfo_s
struct sigevent event; /* Describe the way a task is to be notified */
struct sigwork_s work; /* Work for SIGEV_THREAD */
bool enable; /* True: enable notification; false: disable */
int16_t pid; /* Send the notification to this task */
/* This structure describes the overall state of the FT80x driver */
struct spi_dev_s; /* Forward reference */
struct i2c_master_s; /* Forward reference */
struct ft80x_dev_s
/* Cached interface instances */
FAR struct spi_dev_s *spi; /* Cached SPI device reference */
FAR struct i2c_master_s *i2c; /* Cached SPI device reference */
FAR const struct ft80x_config_s *lower; /* Cached lower half instance */
/* Internal driver logic */
struct work_s intwork; /* Support back end interrupt processing */
uint32_t frequency; /* Effective frequency */
sem_t exclsem; /* Mutual exclusion semaphore */
uint8_t crefs; /* Number of open references */
bool unlinked; /* True if the driver has been unlinked */
/* Event notification support */
struct ft80x_eventinfo_s notify[FT80X_INT_NEVENTS];
* Public Functions Definitions
* Name: ft80x_host_command
* Description:
* Send a host command to the FT80x
* FFor a SPI write command write transaction, the host writes a zero bit
* followed by a one bit, followed by the 5-bit command, followed by two
* bytes of zero. All data is streamed with a single chip select.
void ft80x_host_command(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint8_t cmd);
* Name: ft80x_read_memory
* Description:
* Read from FT80X memory
* For SPI memory read transaction, the host sends two zero bits, followed
* by the 22-bit address. This is followed by a dummy byte. After the dummy
* byte, the FT80x responds to each host byte with read data bytes.
void ft80x_read_memory(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr,
FAR void *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Name: ft80x_read_byte, ft80x_read_hword, ft80x_read_word
* Description:
* Read an 8-, 16-, or 32-bt bit value from FT80X memory
* For SPI memory read transaction, the host sends two zero bits, followed
* by the 22-bit address. This is followed by a dummy byte. After the dummy
* byte, the FT80x responds to each host byte with read data bytes.
uint8_t ft80x_read_byte(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr);
uint16_t ft80x_read_hword(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr);
uint32_t ft80x_read_word(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr);
* Name: ft80x_write_memory
* Description:
* Write to FT80X memory
* For SPI memory write transaction, the host sends a '1' bit and '0' bit,
* followed by the 22-bit address. This is followed by the write data.
void ft80x_write_memory(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr,
FAR const void *buffer, size_t buflen);
* Name: ft80x_write_byte, ft80x_write_hword, ft80x_write_word
* Description:
* Write an 8-, 16-, or 32-bt bit value to FT80X memory
* For SPI memory write transaction, the host sends a '1' bit and '0' bit,
* followed by the 22-bit address. This is followed by the write data.
void ft80x_write_byte(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr,
uint8_t data);
void ft80x_write_hword(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr,
uint16_t data);
void ft80x_write_word(FAR struct ft80x_dev_s *priv, uint32_t addr,
uint32_t data);
#endif /* __DRIVERS_LCD_FT80X_H */