yinshengkai 996be8f2cf sched/cpuload: use perf to implement cpuload without relying on external timers

Signed-off-by: yinshengkai <>
2023-08-04 10:58:54 -07:00

421 lines
16 KiB

* sched/sched/sched.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <nuttx/arch.h>
#include <nuttx/queue.h>
#include <nuttx/kmalloc.h>
#include <nuttx/spinlock.h>
* Pre-processor Definitions
#define PIDHASH(pid) ((pid) & (g_npidhash - 1))
/* These are macros to access the current CPU and the current task on a CPU.
* These macros are intended to support a future SMP implementation.
* NOTE: this_task() for SMP is implemented in sched_thistask.c
# define current_task(cpu) ((FAR struct tcb_s *)g_assignedtasks[cpu].head)
# define this_cpu() up_cpu_index()
# define current_task(cpu) ((FAR struct tcb_s *)g_readytorun.head)
# define this_cpu() (0)
# define this_task() (current_task(this_cpu()))
#define is_idle_task(t) ((t)->pid < CONFIG_SMP_NCPUS)
/* This macro returns the running task which may different from this_task()
* during interrupt level context switches.
#define running_task() \
(up_interrupt_context() ? g_running_tasks[this_cpu()] : this_task())
/* List attribute flags */
#define TLIST_ATTR_PRIORITIZED (1 << 0) /* Bit 0: List is prioritized */
#define TLIST_ATTR_INDEXED (1 << 1) /* Bit 1: List is indexed by CPU */
#define TLIST_ATTR_RUNNABLE (1 << 2) /* Bit 2: List includes running tasks */
#define TLIST_ATTR_OFFSET (1 << 3) /* Bit 3: Pointer of task list is offset */
#define __TLIST_ATTR(s) g_tasklisttable[s].attr
#define __TLIST_HEAD(t) \
(TLIST_ISOFFSET((t)->task_state) ? (FAR dq_queue_t *)((FAR uint8_t *)((t)->waitobj) + \
(uintptr_t)g_tasklisttable[(t)->task_state].list) : g_tasklisttable[(t)->task_state].list)
# define TLIST_HEAD(t,c) \
((TLIST_ISINDEXED((t)->task_state)) ? (&(__TLIST_HEAD(t))[c]) : __TLIST_HEAD(t))
# define TLIST_HEAD(t) __TLIST_HEAD(t)
# define CRITMONITOR_PANIC(fmt, ...) \
do \
{ \
_alert(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
PANIC(); \
} \
# define CRITMONITOR_PANIC(fmt, ...) _alert(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* Public Type Definitions
/* This structure defines an element of the g_tasklisttable[]. This table
* is used to map a task_state enumeration to the corresponding task list.
struct tasklist_s
DSEG dq_queue_t *list; /* Pointer to the task list */
uint8_t attr; /* List attribute flags */
* Public Data
/* Declared in nx_start.c ***************************************************/
/* The state of a task is indicated both by the task_state field of the TCB
* and by a series of task lists. All of these tasks lists are declared
* below. Although it is not always necessary, most of these lists are
* prioritized so that common list handling logic can be used (only the
* g_readytorun, the g_pendingtasks, and the g_waitingforsemaphore lists
* need to be prioritized).
/* This is the list of all tasks that are ready to run. This is a
* prioritized list with head of the list holding the highest priority
* (unassigned) task. In the non-SMP case, the head of this list is the
* currently active task and the tail of this list, the lowest priority
* task, is always the IDLE task.
extern dq_queue_t g_readytorun;
/* In order to support SMP, the function of the g_readytorun list changes,
* The g_readytorun is still used but in the SMP case it will contain only:
* - Only tasks/threads that are eligible to run, but not currently running,
* and
* - Tasks/threads that have not been assigned to a CPU.
* Otherwise, the TCB will be retained in an assigned task list,
* g_assignedtasks. As its name suggests, on 'g_assignedtasks queue for CPU
* 'n' would contain only tasks/threads that are assigned to CPU 'n'. Tasks/
* threads would be assigned a particular CPU by one of two mechanisms:
* - (Semi-)permanently through an RTOS interfaces such as
* pthread_attr_setaffinity(), or
* - Temporarily through scheduling logic when a previously unassigned task
* is made to run.
* Tasks/threads that are assigned to a CPU via an interface like
* pthread_attr_setaffinity() would never go into the g_readytorun list, but
* would only go into the g_assignedtasks[n] list for the CPU 'n' to which
* the thread has been assigned. Hence, the g_readytorun list would hold
* only unassigned tasks/threads.
* Like the g_readytorun list in in non-SMP case, each g_assignedtask[] list
* is prioritized: The head of the list is the currently active task on this
* CPU. Tasks after the active task are ready-to-run and assigned to this
* CPU. The tail of this assigned task list, the lowest priority task, is
* always the CPU's IDLE task.
extern dq_queue_t g_assignedtasks[CONFIG_SMP_NCPUS];
/* g_running_tasks[] holds a references to the running task for each cpu.
* It is valid only when up_interrupt_context() returns true.
extern FAR struct tcb_s *g_running_tasks[CONFIG_SMP_NCPUS];
/* This is the list of all tasks that are ready-to-run, but cannot be placed
* in the g_readytorun list because: (1) They are higher priority than the
* currently active task at the head of the g_readytorun list, and (2) the
* currently active task has disabled pre-emption.
extern dq_queue_t g_pendingtasks;
/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a signal */
extern dq_queue_t g_waitingforsignal;
/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocking waiting for a page fill */
extern dq_queue_t g_waitingforfill;
/* This is the list of all tasks that have been stopped
extern dq_queue_t g_stoppedtasks;
/* This the list of all tasks that have been initialized, but not yet
* activated. NOTE: This is the only list that is not prioritized.
extern dq_queue_t g_inactivetasks;
/* This is the value of the last process ID assigned to a task */
extern volatile pid_t g_lastpid;
/* The following hash table is used for two things:
* 1. This hash table greatly speeds the determination of a new unique
* process ID for a task, and
* 2. Is used to quickly map a process ID into a TCB.
extern FAR struct tcb_s **g_pidhash;
extern volatile int g_npidhash;
/* This is a table of task lists. This table is indexed by the task stat
* enumeration type (tstate_t) and provides a pointer to the associated
* static task list (if there is one) as well as a a set of attribute flags
* indicating properties of the list, for example, if the list is an
* ordered list or not.
extern const struct tasklist_s g_tasklisttable[NUM_TASK_STATES];
/* This is the total number of clock tick counts. Essentially the
* 'denominator' for all CPU load calculations.
extern volatile uint32_t g_cpuload_total;
/* Declared in sched_lock.c *************************************************/
/* Pre-emption is disabled via the interface sched_lock(). sched_lock()
* works by preventing context switches from the currently executing tasks.
* This prevents other tasks from running (without disabling interrupts) and
* gives the currently executing task exclusive access to the (single) CPU
* resources. Thus, sched_lock() and its companion, sched_unlock(), are
* used to implement some critical sections.
* In the single CPU case, Pre-emption is disabled using a simple lockcount
* in the TCB. When the scheduling is locked, the lockcount is incremented;
* when the scheduler is unlocked, the lockcount is decremented. If the
* lockcount for the task at the head of the g_readytorun list has a
* lockcount > 0, then pre-emption is disabled.
* No special protection is required since only the executing task can
* modify its lockcount.
/* In the multiple CPU, SMP case, disabling context switches will not give a
* task exclusive access to the (multiple) CPU resources (at least without
* stopping the other CPUs): Even though pre-emption is disabled, other
* threads will still be executing on the other CPUS.
* There are additional rules for this multi-CPU case:
* 1. There is a global lock count 'g_cpu_lockset' that includes a bit for
* each CPU: If the bit is '1', then the corresponding CPU has the
* scheduler locked; if '0', then the CPU does not have the scheduler
* locked.
* 2. Scheduling logic would set the bit associated with the cpu in
* 'g_cpu_lockset' when the TCB at the head of the g_assignedtasks[cpu]
* list transitions has 'lockcount' > 0. This might happen when
* sched_lock() is called, or after a context switch that changes the
* TCB at the head of the g_assignedtasks[cpu] list.
* 3. Similarly, the cpu bit in the global 'g_cpu_lockset' would be cleared
* when the TCB at the head of the g_assignedtasks[cpu] list has
* 'lockcount' == 0. This might happen when sched_unlock() is called, or
* after a context switch that changes the TCB at the head of the
* g_assignedtasks[cpu] list.
* 4. Modification of the global 'g_cpu_lockset' must be protected by a
* spinlock, 'g_cpu_schedlock'. That spinlock would be taken when
* sched_lock() is called, and released when sched_unlock() is called.
* This assures that the scheduler does enforce the critical section.
* NOTE: Because of this spinlock, there should never be more than one
* bit set in 'g_cpu_lockset'; attempts to set additional bits should
* be cause the CPU to block on the spinlock. However, additional bits
* could get set in 'g_cpu_lockset' due to the context switches on the
* various CPUs.
* 5. Each the time the head of a g_assignedtasks[] list changes and the
* scheduler modifies 'g_cpu_lockset', it must also set 'g_cpu_schedlock'
* depending on the new state of 'g_cpu_lockset'.
* 5. Logic that currently uses the currently running tasks lockcount
* instead uses the global 'g_cpu_schedlock'. A value of SP_UNLOCKED
* means that no CPU has pre-emption disabled; SP_LOCKED means that at
* least one CPU has pre-emption disabled.
extern volatile spinlock_t g_cpu_schedlock;
/* Used to keep track of which CPU(s) hold the IRQ lock. */
extern volatile spinlock_t g_cpu_locksetlock;
extern volatile cpu_set_t g_cpu_lockset;
/* Used to lock tasklist to prevent from concurrent access */
extern volatile spinlock_t g_cpu_tasklistlock;
#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
* Public Function Prototypes
int nxthread_create(FAR const char *name, uint8_t ttype, int priority,
FAR void *stack_addr, int stack_size, main_t entry,
FAR char * const argv[], FAR char * const envp[]);
/* Task list manipulation functions */
bool nxsched_add_readytorun(FAR struct tcb_s *rtrtcb);
bool nxsched_remove_readytorun(FAR struct tcb_s *rtrtcb, bool merge);
bool nxsched_add_prioritized(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, DSEG dq_queue_t *list);
void nxsched_merge_prioritized(FAR dq_queue_t *list1, FAR dq_queue_t *list2,
uint8_t task_state);
bool nxsched_merge_pending(void);
void nxsched_add_blocked(FAR struct tcb_s *btcb, tstate_t task_state);
void nxsched_remove_blocked(FAR struct tcb_s *btcb);
int nxsched_set_priority(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, int sched_priority);
bool nxsched_reprioritize_rtr(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, int priority);
/* Priority inheritance support */
int nxsched_reprioritize(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, int sched_priority);
# define nxsched_reprioritize(tcb,sched_priority) \
/* Support for tickless operation */
unsigned int nxsched_cancel_timer(void);
void nxsched_resume_timer(void);
void nxsched_reassess_timer(void);
# define nxsched_cancel_timer() (0)
# define nxsched_resume_timer()
# define nxsched_reassess_timer()
/* Scheduler policy support */
uint32_t nxsched_process_roundrobin(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, uint32_t ticks,
bool noswitches);
int nxsched_initialize_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
int nxsched_start_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
int nxsched_stop_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
int nxsched_reset_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
int nxsched_resume_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
int nxsched_suspend_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
uint32_t nxsched_process_sporadic(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, uint32_t ticks,
bool noswitches);
void nxsched_sporadic_lowpriority(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
void nxsched_suspend(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
FAR struct tcb_s *this_task(void);
int nxsched_select_cpu(cpu_set_t affinity);
int nxsched_pause_cpu(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
# define nxsched_islocked_global() spin_islocked(&g_cpu_schedlock)
# define nxsched_islocked_tcb(tcb) nxsched_islocked_global()
# define nxsched_select_cpu(a) (0)
# define nxsched_pause_cpu(t) (-38) /* -ENOSYS */
# define nxsched_islocked_tcb(tcb) ((tcb)->lockcount > 0)
/* CPU load measurement support */
void nxsched_process_taskload_ticks(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, uint32_t ticks);
void nxsched_process_cpuload_ticks(uint32_t ticks);
#define nxsched_process_cpuload() nxsched_process_cpuload_ticks(1)
/* Critical section monitor */
void nxsched_critmon_preemption(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, bool state);
void nxsched_critmon_csection(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb, bool state);
void nxsched_resume_critmon(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
void nxsched_suspend_critmon(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
/* TCB operations */
bool nxsched_verify_tcb(FAR struct tcb_s *tcb);
#endif /* __SCHED_SCHED_SCHED_H */