c2b0006dcd net/tcp: implement the fast retransmit
RFC2001: TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit,
         and Fast Recovery Algorithms


3.  Fast Retransmit
  Modifications to the congestion avoidance algorithm were proposed in
  1990 [3].  Before describing the change, realize that TCP may
  generate an immediate acknowledgment (a duplicate ACK) when an out-
  of-order segment is received (Section of [1], with a note
  that one reason for doing so was for the experimental fast-
  retransmit algorithm).  This duplicate ACK should not be delayed.
  The purpose of this duplicate ACK is to let the other end know that a
  segment was received out of order, and to tell it what sequence
  number is expected.

  Since TCP does not know whether a duplicate ACK is caused by a lost
  segment or just a reordering of segments, it waits for a small number
  of duplicate ACKs to be received.  It is assumed that if there is
  just a reordering of the segments, there will be only one or two
  duplicate ACKs before the reordered segment is processed, which will
  then generate a new ACK.  If three or more duplicate ACKs are
  received in a row, it is a strong indication that a segment has been
  lost.  TCP then performs a retransmission of what appears to be the
  missing segment, without waiting for a retransmission timer to

Change-Id: Ie2cbcecab507c3d831f74390a6a85e0c5c8e0652
Signed-off-by: <>
2020-12-01 11:36:10 -06:00
2020-08-22 17:37:21 -06:00
2020-06-15 08:07:19 -06:00
2020-06-15 08:07:19 -06:00
2020-10-20 01:45:06 -07:00
2020-10-01 15:28:51 +08:00
2020-06-15 08:07:19 -06:00


Directory Structure

   `- net/
       +- arp        - Address resolution protocol (IPv4)
       +- bluetooth  - PF_BLUETOOTH socket interface
       +- devif      - Stack/device interface layer
       +- icmp       - Internet Control Message Protocol (IPv4)
       +- icmpv6     - Internet Control Message Protocol (IPv6)
       +- ieee802154 - PF_IEEE802154 socket interface
       +- inet       - PF_INET/PF_INET6 socket interface
       +- ipforward  - IP forwarding logic
       +- local      - Unix domain (local) sockets
       +- mld        - Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
       +- neighbor   - Neighbor Discovery Protocol (IPv6)
       +- netdev     - Socket network device interface
       +- netlink    - Netlink IPC socket interface
       +- pkt        - "Raw" packet socket support
       +- sixlowpan  - 6LoWPAN implementation
       +- socket     - BSD socket interface
       +- route      - Routing table support
       +- tcp        - Transmission Control Protocol
       +- udp        - User Datagram Protocol
       +- usrsock    - User socket API for user-space networking stack
       `- utils      - Miscellaneous utility functions

    |                     Application layer                             || usrsock daemon         |
    +-------------------------------------------------------------------++----------------+ +-----+
    |                   Socket layer (socket/)                          || /dev/usrsock   | |     |
    +-------------------------------------------------------------------++----------------+ |     |
    +------------++--------------------------------------------------++-------------------+ |     |
    |  Network   || Protocol stacks (arp, ipv6, icmp, pkt, tcp, udp) || usrsock/          | |     |
    |   Device   |+--------------------------------------------------++-------------------+ |     |
    | Interface  |+------------------------------------++---------------------------------+ |     |
    | (netdev/)  ||  Network Device Interface (devif/) || Utilities                       | |     |
    +------------++------------------------------------++---------------------------------+ |     |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+                      |     |
    |                    Network Device Drivers                      |                      | HAL |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+                      +-----+
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+
    |                    Networking Hardware                         | |  Hardware TCP/IP Stack   |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+