ligd 1552e52e14 signal: fix group signal can't dispatch some parent group twice

static void *pthread(void *arg)

void test (int argc, char *argv[])
  pthread_create(&pthread0, &attr, pthread, argv[1]);
  pthread_create(&pthread1, &attr, pthread, argv[2]);

only one pthread system() returnd, othres hanged


As we known, system() will create a new task called:
system -c XX

The example:
parent group               child groups

pthread0 -> waitpid() -> system -c ps -> exit() -> nxtask_signalparent()
pthread1 -> waitpid() -> system -c ls -> exit() -> nxtask_signalparent()

Each child group exit with function nxtask_signalparent(),

As we expect:

system -c ps will signal pthread0
system -c ls will signal pthread1

But actually:

system -c ps will signal pthread0/1
system -c ls will signal pthread0/1

As the spec, we know, this behavior is normal:

So for this situation, when the signo is SIGCHLD, we broadcast.

Signed-off-by: ligd <>
2023-08-03 03:35:59 -07:00
2023-07-15 23:32:36 +08:00