Otherwise, after the rx error occur, the tx output will be
out of sequence, for example:
normal log:
[ 30.163000] 12345678abcdefgh
[ 30.666000] 12345678abcdefgh
[ 31.169000] 12345678abcdefgh
[ 31.672000] 12345678abcdefgh
[ 32.175000] 12345678abcdefgh
[ 32.678000] 12345678abcdefgh
[ 33.181000] 12345678abcdefgh
error log:
he 7 .20]0003 127456c8abgdefch
gde [6.707002] 16345b78afcde
fghe10010] 5234a678ebcd
77 713 00]41238567dabchefgd
che 7 .21]0003 127456c8abgdefch
gde [8.709002] 16345b78afcde
Signed-off-by: wangbowen6 <wangbowen6@xiaomi.com>