configs/pic32mz-starterkit README =============================== This README file discusses the port of NuttX to the Microchip PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity (EC) Starter Kit. There are two configurations of the starter kit: 1) The PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity Starter Kit based on the PIC32MZ2048ECH144-I/PH chip (DM320006), and 2) The PIC32MZ Embedded Connectivity Starter Kit based on the PIC32MZ2048ECM144-I/PH w/Crypto Engine (DM320006-C) See for further information. Key features of the PIC32MZ Starter Kit include; * On-board crystal or oscillator for precision microcontroller clocking (24 MHz). * 32 kHz oscillator for RTCC and Timer1 (optional). * Three push button switches for user-defined inputs. * Three user-defined indicator LEDs. * USB Type A receptacle connectivity for PIC32 host-based applications. * USB Type micro-AB receptacle for OTG and USB device connectivity for PIC32 OTG/device-based applications. * Daughter board connectors for flexible Ethernet PHY options. * 50 MHz Ethernet PHY oscillator. * External 4 GB SQI memory for expanded memory applications. * PIC24FJ256GB106 USB microcontroller for on-board debugging. * USB connectivity for on-board debugger communications. * Regulated +3.3V power supply for powering the starter kit through USB or expansion board. * Connector for various expansion boards. The PIC32MZ starter kit comes complete with a LAN8740 PHY daughter board. Contents ======== On Board Debug Support Creating Compatible NuttX HEX files Serial Console LEDs Configurations On Board Debug Support ====================== The starter kit includes a PIC24FJ256GB106 USB microcontroller that provides debugger connectivity over USB. The PIC24FJ256GB106 is hard-wired to the PIC32 device to provide protocol translation through the I/O pins of the PIC24FJ256GB106 to the ICSP™ pins of the PIC32 device. If MPLAB® REAL ICE™ or MPLAB ICD 3 is used with the starter kit, disconnect the onboard debugger from the PIC32 device by removing the jumper JP2. When the on-board debugger is required, replace the jumper JP2. When the jumper JP2 is installed, pin 1 must be connected to pin 3 and pin 2 must be connected to pin 4. Creating Compatible NuttX HEX files =================================== Intel Hex Format Files: ----------------------- When NuttX is built it will produce two files in the top-level NuttX directory: 1) nuttx - This is an ELF file, and 2) nuttx.hex - This is an Intel Hex format file. This is controlled by the setting CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY in the .config file. The PICkit tool wants an Intel Hex format file to burn into FLASH. However, there is a problem with the generated nutt.hex: The tool expects the nuttx.hex file to contain physical addresses. But the nuttx.hex file generated from the top-level make will have address in the KSEG0 and KSEG1 regions. tools/pic32mx/mkpichex: ---------------------- There is a simple tool in the NuttX tools/pic32mx directory that can be used to solve both issues with the nuttx.hex file. But, first, you must build the tool: cd tools/pic32mx make Now you will have an excecutable file call mkpichex (or mkpichex.exe on Cygwin). This program will take the nutt.hex file as an input, it will convert all of the KSEG0 and KSEG1 addresses to physical address, and it will write the modified file, replacing the original nuttx.hex. To use this file, you need to do the following things: . ./ # Source Among other this, this script # will add the NuttX tools/pic32mx directory to your # PATH variable make # Build nuttx and nuttx.hex mkpichex $PWD # Convert addresses in nuttx.hex. $PWD is the path # to the top-level build directory. It is the only # required input to mkpichex. Serial Console ============== To be provided LEDs and Buttons ================ LEDs ---- The PIC32MZ Ethernet Starter kit has 3 user LEDs labelled LED1-3 on the board: PIN LED Notes --- ----- ------------------------- RH0 LED1 High illuminates (RED) RH1 LED3 High illuminates (YELLOW) RH2 LED2 High illuminates (GREEN) If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is defined, then NuttX will control these LEDs as follows: ON OFF ------------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- LED1 LED2 LED3 LED1 LED2 LED3 ------------------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- LED_STARTED 0 OFF OFF OFF --- --- --- LED_HEAPALLOCATE 1 ON OFF N/C --- --- --- LED_IRQSENABLED 2 OFF ON N/C --- --- --- LED_STACKCREATED 3 ON ON N/C --- --- --- LED_INIRQ 4 N/C N/C ON N/C N/C OFF LED_SIGNAL 4 N/C N/C ON N/C N/C OFF LED_ASSERTION 4 N/C N/C ON N/C N/C OFF LED_PANIC 5 ON N/C N/C OFF N/C N/C Buttons ------- The PIC32MZ Ethernet Starter kit has 3 user push buttons labelled SW1-3 on the board: PIN LED Notes ---- ---- ------------------------- RB12 SW1 Active-low RB13 SW2 Active-low RB14 SW3 Active-low The switches do not have any debounce circuitry and require internal pull- up resistors. When Idle, the switches are pulled high (+3.3V), and they are grounded when pressed. Configurations ============== Each PIC32MZ configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow: cd tools ./ pic32mz-starterkit/<subdir> cd - . ./ Where <subdir> is one of the following: nsh: This is the NuttShell (NSH) using the NSH startup logic at apps/examples/nsh. NOTES: 1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool. To change this configurations using that tool, you should: a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool. See nuttx/README.txt and misc/tools/ b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the reconfiguration process. 2. Serial Output The OS test produces all of its test output on the serial console. This configuration has UART1 enabled as a serial console. I have been unable to get this UART work on the MEB. But on the Expansion I/O board, this maps to RX = J11 pin 41 and TX = J11 pin 43