zhuyanlin cfcff5f570 libc:machine:xtensa:add xtensa libc implement

Signed-off-by: zhuyanlin <zhuyanlin1@xiaomi.com>
2021-11-06 07:39:27 -05:00

180 lines
4.1 KiB

* libs/libc/machine/xtensa/arch_memset.S
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include "xtensa_asm.h"
#include <arch/chip/core-isa.h>
#include <arch/xtensa/xtensa_abi.h>
* Public Functions
/* void *memset (void *dst, int c, size_t length)
The algorithm is as follows:
Create a word with c in all byte positions.
If the destination is aligned, set 16B chunks with a loop, and then
finish up with 8B, 4B, 2B, and 1B stores conditional on the length.
If the destination is unaligned, align it by conditionally
setting 1B and/or 2B and then go to aligned case.
This code tries to use fall-through branches for the common
case of an aligned destination (except for the branches to
the alignment labels). */
/* Byte-by-byte set. */
.section .text
.begin schedule
.local .Lbyteset
.local .Ldst1mod2
.local .Ldst2mod4
.align 4
.global memset
.type memset, @function
/* a2 = dst, a3 = c, a4 = length */
/* Duplicate character into all bytes of word. */
extui a3, a3, 0, 8
slli a7, a3, 8
or a3, a3, a7
slli a7, a3, 16
or a3, a3, a7
mov a5, a2 // copy dst so that a2 is return value
/* Check if dst is unaligned. */
bbsi.l a2, 0, .Ldst1mod2
bbsi.l a2, 1, .Ldst2mod4
j .Ldstaligned
.Ldst1mod2: // dst is only byte aligned
/* Do short sizes byte-by-byte. */
bltui a4, 8, .Lbyteset
/* Set 1 byte. */
s8i a3, a5, 0
addi a5, a5, 1
addi a4, a4, -1
/* Now retest if dst is aligned. */
bbci.l a5, 1, .Ldstaligned
.Ldst2mod4: // dst has 16-bit alignment
/* Do short sizes byte-by-byte. */
bltui a4, 8, .Lbyteset
/* Set 2 bytes. */
s16i a3, a5, 0
addi a5, a5, 2
addi a4, a4, -2
/* dst is now aligned; fall through to main algorithm */
/* Get number of loop iterations with 16B per iteration. */
srli a7, a4, 4
/* Destination is word-aligned. */
loopnez a7, 2f
beqz a7, 2f
slli a6, a7, 4
add a6, a6, a5 // a6 = end of last 16B chunk
/* Set 16 bytes per iteration. */
1: s32i a3, a5, 0
s32i a3, a5, 4
s32i a3, a5, 8
s32i a3, a5, 12
addi a5, a5, 16
bltu a5, a6, 1b
/* Set any leftover pieces smaller than 16B. */
2: bbci.l a4, 3, 3f
/* Set 8 bytes. */
s32i a3, a5, 0
s32i a3, a5, 4
addi a5, a5, 8
3: bbci.l a4, 2, 4f
/* Set 4 bytes. */
s32i a3, a5, 0
addi a5, a5, 4
4: bbci.l a4, 1, 5f
/* Set 2 bytes. */
s16i a3, a5, 0
addi a5, a5, 2
5: bbci.l a4, 0, 6f
/* Set 1 byte. */
s8i a3, a5, 0
6: RET(16)
/* Skip bytes to get proper alignment for three-byte loop */
loopnez a4, 2f
beqz a4, 2f
add a6, a5, a4 // a6 = ending address
1: s8i a3, a5, 0
addi a5, a5, 1
bltu a5, a6, 1b
2: RET(16)
.end schedule
.size memset, . - memset