2015-01-07 06:23:24 -06:00

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This README file discuss discusses the port of NuttX to the Texas
Instruments DK-TM4C129X Connected Development Kit.
The Tiva™ C Series TM4C129X Connected Development Kit highlights
the 120-MHz Tiva C Series TM4C129XNCZAD ARM® Cortex™-M4 based
microcontroller, including an integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC +
PHY as well as many other key features.
- Color LCD interface
- USB 2.0 OTG | Host | Device port
- TI wireless EM connection
- BoosterPack and BoosterPack XL interfaces
- Quad SSI-supported 512-Mbit Flash memory
- MicroSD slot
- Expansion interface headers: MCU high-speed USB ULPI port,
Ethernet RMII and MII ports External peripheral interface for
memories, parallel peripherals, and other system functions.
- In-Circuit Debug Interface (ICDI)
- Using OpenOCD and GDB with ICDI
- Development Environment
- GNU Toolchain Options
- IDEs
- NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain
- NuttX OABI "buildroot" Toolchain
- NXFLAT Toolchain
- Buttons and LEDs
- Serial Console
- Networking Support
- Temperature Sensor
- DK-TM4129X Configuration Options
- Configurations
Using OpenOCD and GDB with ICDI
Building OpenOCD under Cygwin:
Refer to configs/olimex-lpc1766stk/README.txt
Installing OpenOCD in Linux:
sudo apt-get install openocd
You can also build openocd from its source:
git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd
cd openocd
Helper Scripts:
I have been using the on-board In-Circuit Debug Interface (ICDI) interface.
OpenOCD requires a configuration file. I keep the one I used last here:
However, the "correct" configuration script to use with OpenOCD may
change as the features of OpenOCD evolve. So you should at least
compare that dk-tm4c129x.cfg file with configuration files in
/usr/share/openocd/scripts. As of this writing, the configuration
files of interest were:
There is also a script on the tools/ directory that I use to start
the OpenOCD daemon on my system called oocd.sh. That script will
probably require some modifications to work in another environment:
- Possibly the value of OPENOCD_PATH and TARGET_PATH
- It assumes that the correct script to use is the one at
Starting OpenOCD
If you are in the top-level NuttX build directlory then you should
be able to start the OpenOCD daemon like:
oocd.sh $PWD
The relative path to the oocd.sh script is configs/dk-tm4c129x/tools,
but that should have been added to your PATH variable when you sourced
the setenv.sh script.
Note that OpenOCD needs to be run with administrator privileges in
some environments (sudo).
Connecting GDB
Once the OpenOCD daemon has been started, you can connect to it via
GDB using the following GDB command:
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
NOTE: The name of your GDB program may differ. For example, with the
CodeSourcery toolchain, the ARM GDB would be called arm-none-eabi-gdb.
After starting GDB, you can load the NuttX ELF file:
(gdb) symbol-file nuttx
(gdb) monitor reset
(gdb) monitor halt
(gdb) load nuttx
1. Loading the symbol-file is only useful if you have built NuttX to
include debug symbols (by setting CONFIG_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=y in the
.config file).
2. The MCU must be halted prior to loading code using 'mon reset'
as described below.
OpenOCD will support several special 'monitor' commands. These
GDB commands will send comments to the OpenOCD monitor. Here
are a couple that you will need to use:
(gdb) monitor reset
(gdb) monitor halt
1. The MCU must be halted using 'mon halt' prior to loading code.
2. Reset will restart the processor after loading code.
3. The 'monitor' command can be abbreviated as just 'mon'.
Development Environment
Either Linux or Cygwin on Windows can be used for the development environment.
The source has been built only using the GNU toolchain (see below). Other
toolchains will likely cause problems. Testing was performed using the Cygwin
GNU Toolchain Options
The NuttX make system has been modified to support the following different
toolchain options.
1. The NuttX buildroot Toolchain (default, see below),
2. The CodeSourcery GNU toolchain,
3. The devkitARM GNU toolchain,
4. The Atollic toolchain, or
5. The Code Red toolchain
All testing has been conducted using the Buildroot toolchain for Cygwin/Linux.
To use a different toolchain, you simply need to add one of the following
configuration options to your .config (or defconfig) file:
CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : NuttX buildroot under Linux or Cygwin (default)
CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery under Windows or Cygwin
CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_DEVKITARM=y : The Atollic toolchain under Windows or Cygwin
CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_CODEREDW=y : The Code Red toolchain under Windows
CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_CODEREDL=y : The Code Red toolchain under Linux
CONFIG_ARMV7M_OABI_TOOLCHAIN=y : If you use an older, OABI buildroot toolchain
If you change the default toolchain, then you may also have to modify the PATH in
the setenv.h file if your make cannot find the tools.
NOTE: the CodeSourcery (for Windows), Atollic, devkitARM, and Code Red (for Windows)
toolchains are Windows native toolchains. The CodeSourcey (for Linux) and NuttX
buildroot toolchains are Cygwin and/or Linux native toolchains. There are several
limitations to using a Windows based toolchain in a Cygwin environment. The three
biggest are:
1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are
performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility
but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out 'cygpath -w'
2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links
are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these
problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them.
But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit
a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect.
That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic
directory. If you use a Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of
making like this:
make clean_context all
An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful.
3. Dependencies are not made when using Windows versions of the GCC. This is
because the dependencies are generated using Windows pathes which do not
work with the Cygwin make.
MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/mknulldeps.sh
NOTE 1: The CodeSourcery toolchain (2009q1) did not work with default optimization
level of -Os (See Make.defs). It will work with -O0, -O1, or -O2, but not with
-Os. I have not seen this problem with current toolchains.
NOTE 2: The devkitARM toolchain includes a version of MSYS make. Make sure that
the paths to Cygwin's /bin and /usr/bin directories appear BEFORE the devkitARM
path or will get the wrong version of make.
NuttX is built using command-line make. It can be used with an IDE, but some
effort will be required to create the project.
Makefile Build
Under Eclipse, it is pretty easy to set up an "empty makefile project" and
simply use the NuttX makefile to build the system. That is almost for free
under Linux. Under Windows, you will need to set up the "Cygwin GCC" empty
makefile project in order to work with Windows (Google for "Eclipse Cygwin" -
there is a lot of help on the internet).
Native Build
Here are a few tips before you start that effort:
1) Select the toolchain that you will be using in your .config file
2) Start the NuttX build at least one time from the Cygwin command line
before trying to create your project. This is necessary to create
certain auto-generated files and directories that will be needed.
3) Set up include paths: You will need include/, arch/arm/src/tiva,
arch/arm/src/common, arch/arm/src/armv7-m, and sched/.
4) All assembly files need to have the definition option -D __ASSEMBLY__
on the command line.
Startup files will probably cause you some headaches. The NuttX startup file
is arch/arm/src/tiva/tiva_vectors.S.
NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain
A GNU GCC-based toolchain is assumed. The files */setenv.sh should
be modified to point to the correct path to the Cortex-M3 GCC toolchain (if
different from the default in your PATH variable).
If you have no Cortex-M3 toolchain, one can be downloaded from the NuttX
SourceForge download site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/nuttx/files/buildroot/).
This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment.
1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx.
cd tools
./configure.sh dk-tm4c129x/<sub-dir>
2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir>
3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may
have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so,
rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot.
4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot
5. cp configs/cortexm3-eabi-defconfig-4.6.3 .config
6. make oldconfig
7. make
8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes
the path to the newly built binaries.
See the file configs/README.txt in the buildroot source tree. That has more
details PLUS some special instructions that you will need to follow if you
are building a Cortex-M3 toolchain for Cygwin under Windows.
NOTE: Unfortunately, the 4.6.3 EABI toolchain is not compatible with the
the NXFLAT tools. See the top-level TODO file (under "Binary loaders") for
more information about this problem. If you plan to use NXFLAT, please do not
use the GCC 4.6.3 EABI toochain; instead use the GCC 4.3.3 OABI toolchain.
See instructions below.
NuttX OABI "buildroot" Toolchain
The older, OABI buildroot toolchain is also available. To use the OABI
1. When building the buildroot toolchain, either (1) modify the cortexm3-eabi-defconfig-4.6.3
configuration to use EABI (using 'make menuconfig'), or (2) use an exising OABI
configuration such as cortexm3-defconfig-4.3.3
2. Modify the Make.defs file to use the OABI conventions:
+CROSSDEV = arm-nuttx-elf-
+ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mtune=cortex-m3 -march=armv7-m -mfloat-abi=soft
+NXFLATLDFLAGS2 = $(NXFLATLDFLAGS1) -T$(TOPDIR)/binfmt/libnxflat/gnu-nxflat-gotoff.ld -no-check-sections
-CROSSDEV = arm-nuttx-eabi-
-ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft
-NXFLATLDFLAGS2 = $(NXFLATLDFLAGS1) -T$(TOPDIR)/binfmt/libnxflat/gnu-nxflat-pcrel.ld -no-check-sections
NXFLAT Toolchain
If you are *not* using the NuttX buildroot toolchain and you want to use
the NXFLAT tools, then you will still have to build a portion of the buildroot
tools -- just the NXFLAT tools. The buildroot with the NXFLAT tools can
be downloaded from the NuttX SourceForge download site
This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment.
1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx.
cd tools
./configure.sh dk-tm4c129x/<sub-dir>
2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir>
3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may
have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so,
rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot.
4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot
5. cp configs/cortexm3-defconfig-nxflat .config
6. make oldconfig
7. make
8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes
the path to the newly builtNXFLAT binaries.
Buttons and LEDs
There are three push buttons on the board.
--- ------------ -----------------
Pin Pin Function Jumper
--- ------------ -----------------
PP1 Select SW4 J37 pins 1 and 2
PN3 Up SW2 J37 pins 3 and 4
PE5 Down SW3 J37 pins 5 and 6
--- ------------ -----------------
The development board has one tri-color user LED.
--- ------------ -----------------
Pin Pin Function Jumper
--- ------------ -----------------
PN5 Red LED J36 pins 1 and 2
PQ4 Blue LED J36 pins 3 and 4
PQ7 Green LED J36 pins 5 and 6
--- ------------ -----------------
If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is not defined, this LED is not used by the NuttX
logic. APIs are provided to support application control of the LED in
that case (in include/board.h and src/tm4c_userleds.c).
If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is defined then the usage of the LEDs by Nuttx is
defined in include/board.h and src/tm4c_autoleds.c. The LEDs are used to
encode OS-related events as follows:
SYMBOL Meaning LED state
------------------- ----------------------- -------- --------
LED_STARTED NuttX has been started Blue
LED_HEAPALLOCATE Heap has been allocated (No change)
LED_IRQSENABLED Interrupts enabled (No change)
LED_STACKCREATED Idle stack created Green
LED_INIRQ In an interrupt (No change)
LED_SIGNAL In a signal handler (No change)
LED_ASSERTION An assertion failed (No change)
LED_PANIC The system has crashed Blinking OFF/RED
LED_IDLE MCU is is sleep mode (Not used)
Thus if the LED is GREEN then NuttX has successfully booted and is,
apparently, running normally. If the LED is flashing OFF/RED at
approximately 2Hz, then a fatal error has been detected and the
system has halted.
Serial Console
By default, all configurations use UART0 which connects to the USB VCOM
on the DEBUG port on the TM4C123 ICDI interface:
However, if you use an external RS232 driver, then other options are
available. If your serial terminal loses connection with the USB serial
port each time you power cycle the board, the VCOM option can be very
UART0 TTL level signals are also available at J3 (also at J1):
DEBUG_TX - J3, pin 13. Labelled PA1
DEBUG_RX - J3, pin 15. Labelled PA0
Remove the jumper between pins 13-14 and 15-16 to disconnect UART0 from
the TM4C123 ICDI chip; Connect your external RS-232 driver at pins 13
and 16. 5v, 3.3v, AND GND are arvailable nearby at J10.
Networking Support
Networking support via the can be added to NSH by selecting the following
configuration options.
Selecting the EMAC peripheral
System Type -> SAM34 Peripheral Support
CONFIG_TIVA_ETHERNET=y : Enable the EMAC peripheral
System Type -> EMAC device driver options
CONFIG_TIVA_EMAC_NRXDESC=8 : Set aside some RX and TX descriptors/buffers
CONFIG_TIVA_AUTONEG=y : Use autonegotiation
CONFIG_TIVA_BOARDMAC=y : Use the MAC address in the FLASH USER0/1 registers
Networking Support
CONFIG_NET=y : Enable Neworking
CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET=y : Support Ethernet data link
CONFIG_NET_NOINTS=y : Should operative at non-interrupt level
CONFIG_NET_SOCKOPTS=y : Enable socket operations
CONFIG_NET_MULTIBUFFER=y : Multi-packet buffer option required
CONFIG_NET_ETH_MTU=590 : Maximum packet size (MTU) 1518 is more standard
CONFIG_NET_ARP_IPIN=y : Enable ARP address harvesting
CONFIG_NET_ARP_SEND=y : Send ARP request before sending data
CONFIG_NET_TCP=y : Enable TCP/IP networking
CONFIG_NET_TCP_READAHEAD=y : Support TCP read-ahead
CONFIG_NET_TCP_WRITE_BUFFERS=y : Support TCP write-buffering
CONFIG_NET_TCP_READAHEAD_BUFSIZE=536 Read-ahead buffer size
CONFIG_NET_UDP=y : Enable UDP networking
CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST=y : Needed for DNS name resolution
CONFIG_NET_ICMP=y : Enable ICMP networking
CONFIG_NET_ICMP_PING=y : Needed for NSH ping command
: Defaults should be okay for other options
f Application Configuration -> Network Utilities
CONFIG_NETUTILS_DNSCLIENT=y : Enable host address resolution
CONFIG_NETUTILS_TELNETD=y : Enable the Telnet daemon
CONFIG_NETUTILS_TFTPC=y : Enable TFTP data file transfers for get and put commands
CONFIG_NETUTILS_NETLIB=y : Network library support is needed
CONFIG_NETUTILS_WEBCLIENT=y : Needed for wget support
: Defaults should be okay for other options
Application Configuration -> NSH Library
CONFIG_NSH_TELNET=y : Enable NSH session via Telnet
CONFIG_NSH_IPADDR=0x0a000002 : Select a fixed IP address
CONFIG_NSH_DRIPADDR=0x0a000001 : IP address of gateway/host PC
CONFIG_NSH_NETMASK=0xffffff00 : Netmask
CONFIG_NSH_NOMAC=y : Need to make up a bogus MAC address
: Defaults should be okay for other options
You can also enable enable the DHCPC client for networks that use
dynamically assigned address:
Application Configuration -> Network Utilities
CONFIG_NETUTILS_DHCPC=y : Enables the DHCP client
Networking Support
CONFIG_NET_UDP=y : Depends on broadcast UDP
Application Configuration -> NSH Library
CONFIG_NSH_DHCPC=y : Tells NSH to use DHCPC, not
: the fixed addresses
Using the network with NSH
So what can you do with this networking support? First you see that
NSH has several new network related commands:
ifconfig, ifdown, ifup: Commands to help manage your network
get and put: TFTP file transfers
wget: HTML file transfers
ping: Check for access to peers on the network
Telnet console: You can access the NSH remotely via telnet.
You can also enable other add on features like full FTP or a Web
Server or XML RPC and others. There are also other features that
you can enable like DHCP client (or server) or network name
By default, the IP address of the SAM4E-EK will be and
it will assume that your host is the gateway and has the IP address
nsh> ifconfig
eth0 HWaddr 00:e0:de:ad:be:ef at UP
IPaddr: DRaddr: Mask:
You can use ping to test for connectivity to the host (Careful,
Window firewalls usually block ping-related ICMP traffic). On the
target side, you can:
nsh> ping
PING 56 bytes of data
56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=7 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=8 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=0 ms
56 bytes from icmp_seq=10 time=0 ms
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 10100 ms
NOTE: In this configuration is is normal to have packet loss > 0%
the first time you ping due to the default handling of the ARP
On the host side, you should also be able to ping the SAM4E-EK:
$ ping
You can also log into the NSH from the host PC like this:
$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
sh_telnetmain: Session [3] Started
NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-6.31
nsh> help
help usage: help [-v] [<cmd>]
[ echo ifconfig mkdir mw sleep
? exec ifdown mkfatfs ping test
cat exit ifup mkfifo ps umount
cp free kill mkrd put usleep
cmp get losetup mh rm wget
dd help ls mount rmdir xd
df hexdump mb mv sh
Builtin Apps:
NOTE: If you enable this networking as described above, you will
experience a delay on booting NSH. That is because the start-up logic
waits for the network connection to be established before starting
NuttX. In a real application, you would probably want to do the
network bringup on a separate thread so that access to the NSH prompt
is not delayed.
This delay will be especially long if the board is not connected to
a network. On the order of minutes! You will probably think that
NuttX has crashed! And then, when it finally does come up after
numerous timeouts and retries, the network will not be available --
even if the network cable is plugged in later.
The long delays can be eliminated by using a separate the network
initialization thread discussed below. Recovering after the network
becomes available requires the network monitor feature, also discussed
Network Initialization Thread
There is a configuration option enabled by CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_THREAD
that will do the NSH network bring-up asynchronously in parallel on
a separate thread. This eliminates the (visible) networking delay
altogether. This current implementation, however, has some limitations:
- If no network is connected, the network bring-up will fail and
the network initialization thread will simply exit. There are no
retries and no mechanism to know if the network initialization was
successful (it could perform a network Ioctl to see if the link is
up and it now, keep trying, but it does not do that now).
- Furthermore, there is currently no support for detecting loss of
network connection and recovery of the connection (similarly, this
thread could poll periodically for network status, but does not).
Both of these shortcomings could be eliminated by enabling the network
Network Monitor
By default the network initialization thread will bring-up the network
then exit, freeing all of the resources that it required. This is a
good behavior for systems with limited memory.
If the CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_MONITOR option is selected, however, then the
network initialization thread will persist forever; it will monitor the
network status. In the event that the network goes down (for example, if
a cable is removed), then the thread will monitor the link status and
attempt to bring the network back up. In this case the resources
required for network initialization are never released.
- CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_THREAD as described above.
interrupts. This is true whether the TM4C internal PHY is used or
if an external PHY is used. If this option is selected, then support
for the PHY interrupt will be built in and the following additional
settings will be automatically selected:
CONFIG_NETDEV_PHY_IOCTL. Enable PHY IOCTL commands in the Ethernet
device driver. Special IOCTL commands must be provided by the Ethernet
driver to support certain PHY operations that will be needed for link
management. There operations are not complex and are implemented for
the Atmel SAMA5 family.
CONFIG_ARCH_PHY_INTERRUPT. This is not a user selectable option.
Rather, it is set when you select a board that supports PHY
interrupts. In most architectures, the PHY interrupt is not
associated with the Ethernet driver at all; the Tiva architecture is
an exception. For most other architectures, the PHY interrupt is
provided via some board-specific GPIO. In any event, the board-
specific logic must provide support for the PHY interrupt. To do
this, the board logic must do two things: (1) It must provide the
function arch_phy_irq() as described and prototyped in the
nuttx/include/nuttx/arch.h, and (2) it must select
CONFIG_ARCH_PHY_INTERRUPT in the board configuration file to
advertise that it supports arch_phy_irq().
And a few other things: UDP support is required (CONFIG_NET_UDP) and
signals must not be disabled (CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS).
Given those prerequisites, the network monitor can be selected with these
additional settings.
System Type -> Tiva Ethernet Configuration
CONFIG_TIVA_PHY_INTERRUPTS=y : Enable PHY interrupt support
CONFIG_ARCH_PHY_INTERRUPT=y : (auto-selected)
CONFIG_NETDEV_PHY_IOCTL=y : (auto-selected)
Application Configuration -> NSH Library -> Networking Configuration
CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_THREAD : Enable the network initialization thread
CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_MONITOR=y : Enable the network monitor
CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_RETRYMSEC=2000 : Configure the network monitor as you like
Temperature Sensor
TMP-1000 Temperature Sensor Driver
Support for the on-board TMP-100 temperature sensor is available. This
uses the driver for the compatible LM-75 part. To set up the temperature
sensor, add the following to the NuttX configuration file:
System Type -> Tiva/Stellaris Peripheral Selection
Drivers -> I2C Support
Drivers -> Sensors
Applications -> NSH Library
Then you can implement logic like the following to use the temperature sensor:
#include <nuttx/sensors/lm75.h>
#include <arch/board/board.h>
ret = tiva_tmp100_initialize("/dev/temp"); /* Register the temperature sensor */
fd = open("/dev/temp", O_RDONLY); /* Open the temperature sensor device */
ret = ioctl(fd, SNIOC_FAHRENHEIT, 0); /* Select Fahrenheit */
bytesread = read(fd, buffer, 8*sizeof(b16_t)); /* Read (8) temperature samples */
More complex temperature sensor operations are also available. See the IOCTL
commands enumerated in include/nuttx/sensors/lm75.h. Also read the descriptions
of the tiva_tmp100_initialize() and tiva_tmp100_attach() interfaces in the
arch/board/board.h file (sames as configs/dk-tm4c129x/include/board.h).
NSH Command Line Application
There is a tiny NSH command line application at examples/system/lm75 that
will read the current temperature from an LM75 compatible temperature sensor
and print the temperature on stdout in either units of degrees Fahrenheit or
Centigrade. This tiny command line application is enabled with the following
configuration options:
Applications -> NSH Library
Applications -> System Add-Ons
DK-TM4129X Configuration Options
CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory. This should
be set to:
CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code:
CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code:
CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory
CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code to identify the exact
CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the configs subdirectory and
hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC.
CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD=dk-tm4c129x (for the DK-TM4129X)
CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code
CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation
of delay loops
CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little
CONFIG_RAM_SIZE - Describes the installed DRAM (SRAM in this case):
CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=0x00008000 (32Kb)
CONFIG_RAM_START - The start address of installed DRAM
CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that
have LEDs
CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt
stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt
stack in bytes. If not defined, the user task stacks will be
used during interrupt handling.
CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions
CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to board architecture.
CONFIG_ARCH_CALIBRATION - Enables some build in instrumentation that
cause a 100 second delay during boot-up. This 100 second delay
serves no purpose other than it allows you to calibratre
CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC. You simply use a stop watch to measure
the 100 second delay then adjust CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC until
the delay actually is 100 seconds.
There are configurations for disabling support for interrupts GPIO ports.
Only GPIOP and GPIOQ pins can be used as interrupting sources on the
TM4C129X. Additional interrupt support can be disabled if desired to
reduce memory footprint.
TM4C129X specific device driver settings
CONFIG_UARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the UARTn for the
console and ttys0 (default is the UART0).
CONFIG_UARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received.
This specific the size of the receive buffer
CONFIG_UARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before
being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer
CONFIG_UARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART. Must be
CONFIG_UARTn_BITS - The number of bits. Must be either 7 or 8.
CONFIG_UARTn_PARTIY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity
CONFIG_UARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits
CONFIG_TIVA_SSI0 - Select to enable support for SSI0
CONFIG_TIVA_SSI1 - Select to enable support for SSI1
CONFIG_SSI_POLLWAIT - Select to disable interrupt driven SSI support.
Poll-waiting is recommended if the interrupt rate would be to
high in the interrupt driven case.
CONFIG_SSI_TXLIMIT - Write this many words to the Tx FIFO before
emptying the Rx FIFO. If the SPI frequency is high and this
value is large, then larger values of this setting may cause
Rx FIFO overrun errors. Default: half of the Tx FIFO size (4).
CONFIG_TIVA_ETHERNET - This must be set (along with CONFIG_NET)
to build the Tiva Ethernet driver
CONFIG_TIVA_ETHLEDS - Enable to use Ethernet LEDs on the board.
CONFIG_TIVA_BOARDMAC - If the board-specific logic can provide
a MAC address (via tiva_ethernetmac()), then this should be selected.
CONFIG_TIVA_ETHHDUPLEX - Set to force half duplex operation
CONFIG_TIVA_ETHNOAUTOCRC - Set to suppress auto-CRC generation
CONFIG_TIVA_ETHNOPAD - Set to suppress Tx padding
CONFIG_TIVA_MULTICAST - Set to enable multicast frames
CONFIG_TIVA_PROMISCUOUS - Set to enable promiscuous mode
CONFIG_TIVA_BADCRC - Set to enable bad CRC rejection.
CONFIG_TIVA_DUMPPACKET - Dump each packet received/sent to the console.
Each DK-TM4129X configuration is maintained in a
sub-directory and can be selected as follow:
cd tools
./configure.sh dk-tm4c129x/<subdir>
cd -
. ./setenv.sh
Where <subdir> is one of the following:
Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at apps/examples/nsh. The
configuration enables the serial VCOM interfaces on UART0. Support for
builtin applications is enabled, but in the base configuration no
builtin applications are selected.
1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool. To
change this configuration using that tool, you should:
a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool. See nuttx/README.txt
and misc/tools/
b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
reconfiguration process.
2. By default, this configuration uses the CodeSourcery toolchain
for Windows and builds under Cygwin (or probably MSYS). That
can easily be reconfigured, of course.
CONFIG_HOST_LINUX=y : Linux (Cygwin under Windows okay too).
CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : Buildroot (arm-nuttx-elf-gcc)
CONFIG_RAW_BINARY=y : Output formats: ELF and raw binary
3. Default stack sizes are large and should really be tuned to reduce
the RAM footprint:
4. This configuration has the network enabled by default. This can be
easily disabled or reconfigured (See see the network related
configuration settings above in the section entitled "Networking").
By default, this configuration assumes a 10.0.0.xx network. It
uses a fixed IP address of and assumes that the host is
at and that the host provides the default router. The
network mask is These address can be changed by
modifying the settings in the configuration. DHCPC can be enabled
be modifying this default configuration (See the "Networking"
section above).
The network initialization thread is enabled in this example. NSH
will create a separate thread when it starts to initialize the
network. This eliminates start-up delays to bring the network. This
feature may be disabled by reverting the configuration described above
under "Network Initialization Thread"
The persistent network monitor thread is also available in this
configuration. The network monitor will monitor changes in the
link status and gracefully take the network down when the link is
lost (for example, if the cable is disconnected) and bring the
network back up when the link becomes available again (for example,
if the cable is reconnected. The paragraph "Network Monitor" above
for additional information.
5. I2C6 and support for the on-board TMP-100 temperature sensor are
enabled. Also enabled is the NSH 'temp' command that will show the
current temperature on the command line like:
nsh> temp
80.60 degrees Fahrenheit
[80.6 F in January. I love living in Costa Rica1]
The default units is degrees Fahrenheit, but that is easily
reconfigured. See the discussin above in the paragraph entitled
"Temperature Sensor".