" I used cd nuttx cmake -B build -DBOARD_CONFIG=stm32f401rc-rs485:nsh -GNinja to config and when following the instruction in this official websites I found the command to use cmake to build the target is wrong. which is "cmake --build build -t menuconfig" also wrong the output dir "build/nuttx". and by the way, In my practice I find the bin file and elf file is not in build/nuttx but in build/. So I changed these. But I'm not 100% sure that my fix is right as I'm a beginner, but what I fix works fine in my computer. This is my first PR to the public doc. My fix maybe totally wrong as I am not get into the nuttx, just following the instruction and encountered some mistakes. thx for reviewing "
Apache NuttX is a real-time operating system (RTOS) with an emphasis on standards compliance and small footprint. Scalable from 8-bit to 64-bit microcontroller environments, the primary governing standards in NuttX are POSIX and ANSI standards. Additional standard APIs from Unix and other common RTOSs (such as VxWorks) are adopted for functionality not available under these standards, or for functionality that is not appropriate for deeply-embedded environments (such as fork()).
For brevity, many parts of the documentation will refer to Apache NuttX as simply NuttX.
Getting Started
First time on NuttX? Read the Getting Started guide! If you don't have a board available, NuttX has its own simulator that you can run on terminal.
You can find the current NuttX documentation on the Documentation Page.
Alternatively, you can build the documentation yourself by following the Documentation Build Instructions.
The old NuttX documentation is still available in the Apache wiki.
Supported Boards
NuttX supports a wide variety of platforms. See the full list on the Supported Platforms page.
If you wish to contribute to the NuttX project, read the Contributing guidelines for information on Git usage, coding standard, workflow and the NuttX principles.
The code in this repository is under either the Apache 2 license, or a license compatible with the Apache 2 license. See the License Page for more information.