Xiang Xiao 54b886ca0d boards: Add -fno-common to ARCHCFLAGS and ARCHCXXFLAGS
since elf loader can't handle SHN_COMMON

Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <>
2022-02-23 22:00:32 +08:00


  This directory holds NuttX board support for the TI LaunchXL-CC1312R1.


  o Status
  o Serial Console
  o LEDs and Buttons
  o Version 1 or 2?
  o Running from SRAM
  o Using J-Link


  2018-12-03:  Fragmentary board support in place.  The initial intent
    of this board support is simply to assist in the CC13xx architecture
    development.  Serious board development will occur later.  Board
    support is missing LED and button support.
  2019-02-10:  Figured out how to connect J-Link and began debug.
  2019-02-12:  A little progress.  I do make it all the way into NSH, but
    with no console input.
  2019-02-13:  NSH is now fully functional.
  2019-02-17:  My plan was to include develop an IEEE 802.15.4 driver
    using the interface code for the Cortex-M0 co-processor.  Unfortunately,
    that interface code is a part of the TI153STACK.  The source for that
    stack is included in the SDK.  However, it looks like the licensing on
    that code will prevent that (it is not BSD compatible).  That is a shame;
    I only want the Cortex-M0 interface, not TI's stack (NuttX has its own
    IEEE 802.15.4 stack).

    NOTE:  This does not prevent you as an end-user from using the TI154STACK;
    it only prevents me from re-distributing any part of it.

Serial Console

  The on-board XDS110 Debugger provide a USB virtual serial console using
  UART0 (DIO2_RXD and DIO3_TXD).

  A J-Link debugger is used (see below), then the RXD/TXD jumper pins can
  be used to support a serial console through these same pins via an
  appropriate TTL level adapter (RS-232 or USB serial).

LEDs and Buttons


  The LaunchXL-cc1312R1 has two LEDs controlled by software:  DIO7_GLED (CR1)
  and DIO6_RLED (CR2).  A high output value illuminates an LED.

    DIO7_GLED  CR1  High output illuminuates
    DIO6_RLED  CR2  High output illuminuates

  If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is not defined, then the user can control the LEDs in
  any way.  The definitions provided in the board.h header file can be used
  to access individual LEDs.

  These LEDs are not used by the board port unless CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is
  defined.  In that case, the usage by the board port is defined in
  include/board.h and src/cc1312_autoleds.c. The LEDs are used to encode
  OS-related events as follows:

    SYMBOL              Meaning                  LED state
                                                GLED   RLED
    ------------------ ------------------------ ------ ------
    LED_STARTED        NuttX has been started   OFF    OFF
    LED_HEAPALLOCATE   Heap has been allocated  OFF    ON
    LED_IRQSENABLED    Interrupts enabled       OFF    ON
    LED_STACKCREATED   Idle stack created       ON     OFF
    LED_INIRQ          In an interrupt          N/C    GLOW
    LED_SIGNAL         In a signal handler      N/C    GLOW
    LED_ASSERTION      An assertion failed      N/C    GLOW
    LED_PANIC          The system has crashed   OFF    Blinking
    LED_IDLE           MCU is is sleep mode      Not used

  Thus iF GLED is statically on, NuttX has successfully booted and is,
  apparently, running normally.  A soft glow of the RLED means that the
  board is taking interrupts.   If GLED is off and GLED is flashing at
  approximately 2Hz, then a fatal error has been detected and the system
  has halted.


  The LaunchXL-CC1312R1 has two push-puttons:

  DIO13_BTN1  SW1  Low input sensed when depressed
  DIO14_BTN2  SW2  Low input sensed when depressed

Version 1 or 2?

  Two versions of the CC1312R1 are supported selected by CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_CC13XX_V1
  or CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_CC13XX_V2.  How can you tell which one you have?
  Perhaps you can tell by the markings on the chip, but I do not have the
  secret decoder ring necessary to do that.

  What you can do is enable CONFIG_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS.  The firmware can
  determine which version you have by looking at register contents.  The
  firmware will assert if you select the wrong version.  If that occurs,
  switch to the other version and the assertion should go away.

Running from SRAM

  The LaunchXL-CC1312R1 port supports execution from RAM.  Execution from
  SRAM as a "safe" way to bring up a new board port without concern about
  borking the board because of a bad FLASH image.

  if CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMFLASH=y is set in the configuration, then the code
  will build to run from FLASH.  Otherwise (presumably CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMSRAM=y)
  the code will build to run from SRAM.  This is determined by the Make.defs
  file in the scripts/ sub-directory.  Based on those configuration
  settings, either scripts/flash.ld or sram.ld will be selected as the
  linker script file to be used.

Using J-Link

  Reference (for the CC1310 but also
  applies to the CC1312R1):

  When shipped, the TI CC1312R1 LaunchPad evaluation board is configured to be
  used with the on-board debug probe.  In order to use it with J-Link, the
  on-board debug probe needs to be isolated to make sure that it does not
  drive the debug signals.  This can be done by removing some jumpers next
  to the XDS110 Out / CC1310 In connector [RXD, TXD, RST, TMS, TCK, TDO, TDI,
  SWO].  After isolating the on-board probe, the CC1312R1 device can be
  debugged using J-Link.  The J-Link needs to be connected to the board
  using the micro JTAG connector marked "Target In".

  I use the Olimex ARM-JTAG-20-10 to interface with the board:

  NOTE:  When connecting the J-Link GDB server, the interface must be set to
  JTAG, not SWD as you might expect.

  The RXD/TXD pins, DIO2_RXD and DIO3_TXD, can then support a Serial console
  using the appropriate TTL adapter (TTL to RS-232 or TTL to USB serial).

  One odd behavior that I have found is after a reset from the J-Link, the
  SP and PC registers are not automatically set and I had to manually set
  them as shown below:

    (gdb) target remote localhost:2331
    (gdb) mon reset
    (gdb) mon halt
    (gdb) file nuttx
    (gdb) mon memu32 0
    Reading from address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20001950)
    (gdb) mon memu32 4
    Reading from address 0x00000004 (Data = 0x00000139)
    (gdb) mon reg sp 0x20001950
    Writing register (SP = 0x20001950)
    (gdb) mon reg pc 0x00000139
    Writing register (PC = 0x00000139)
    (gdb) n
    232       cc13xx_trim_device();