liqinhui f61dc72892 net/tcp:Add NewReno congestion control.
- NewReno congestion control algorithm is used to solve the problem
  of network congestion breakdown. NewReno congestion control includes
  slow start, collision avoidance, fast retransmission, and fast
  recovery. The implementation refers to RFC6582 and RFC5681.

- In addition, we optimize the congestion algorithm. In the conflict
  avoidance stage, the maximum congestion window max_cwnd is used to
  limit the excessive growth of cwnd and prevent network jitter
  caused by congestion. Maximum congestion window max_cwnd is updated
  with the current congestion window cwnd and the update weight is
  0.875 when an RTO timeout occurs.

Signed-off-by: liqinhui <>
2023-05-16 12:35:01 -03:00
2023-05-03 15:18:21 +02:00
2023-05-10 19:32:09 -03:00
2023-05-10 19:32:09 -03:00
2023-05-12 10:21:52 -03:00
2023-05-12 10:21:52 -03:00
2023-05-12 10:21:52 -03:00
2023-05-10 19:32:09 -03:00
2023-05-12 10:21:52 -03:00
2023-02-24 12:15:40 +08:00
2023-05-10 19:32:09 -03:00
2023-05-10 19:32:09 -03:00
2023-05-10 19:32:09 -03:00
2023-01-17 14:01:37 +08:00


Directory Structure

   `- net/
       +- arp        - Address resolution protocol (IPv4)
       +- bluetooth  - PF_BLUETOOTH socket interface
       +- devif      - Stack/device interface layer
       +- ipfrag     - Fragmentation and reassembly
       +- icmp       - Internet Control Message Protocol (IPv4)
       +- icmpv6     - Internet Control Message Protocol (IPv6)
       +- ieee802154 - PF_IEEE802154 socket interface
       +- inet       - PF_INET/PF_INET6 socket interface
       +- ipforward  - IP forwarding logic
       +- local      - Unix domain (local) sockets
       +- mld        - Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
       +- neighbor   - Neighbor Discovery Protocol (IPv6)
       +- netdev     - Socket network device interface
       +- netlink    - Netlink IPC socket interface
       +- pkt        - "Raw" packet socket support
       +- sixlowpan  - 6LoWPAN implementation
       +- socket     - BSD socket interface
       +- route      - Routing table support
       +- tcp        - Transmission Control Protocol
       +- udp        - User Datagram Protocol
       +- usrsock    - User socket API for user-space networking stack
       `- utils      - Miscellaneous utility functions

    |                     Application layer                             || usrsock daemon         |
    +-------------------------------------------------------------------++----------------+ +-----+
    |                   Socket layer (socket/)                          || /dev/usrsock   | |     |
    +-------------------------------------------------------------------++----------------+ |     |
    +------------++--------------------------------------------------++-------------------+ |     |
    |  Network   || Protocol stacks (arp, ipv6, icmp, pkt, tcp, udp) || usrsock/          | |     |
    |   Device   |+--------------------------------------------------++-------------------+ |     |
    | Interface  |+------------------------------------++---------------------------------+ |     |
    | (netdev/)  ||  Network Device Interface (devif/) || Utilities                       | |     |
    +------------++------------------------------------++---------------------------------+ |     |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+                      |     |
    |                    Network Device Drivers                      |                      | HAL |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+                      +-----+
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+
    |                    Networking Hardware                         | |  Hardware TCP/IP Stack   |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+