likun17 71876ae098 lib_libvscanf.c:Add buffer data type conversion interface.
Signed-off-by: likun17 <>
2024-09-19 11:44:47 +08:00
2024-04-11 10:45:44 +08:00
2024-08-20 13:50:15 +08:00
2023-05-01 11:24:41 +03:00
2023-04-19 02:48:39 +08:00


This function is mainly used to output the contents of the input structure. Supports standard formats for printf and scanf. For detailed parameters, see:

  • special:
    1. Float use %hf, "%f" or "%lf" is double, "%Lf" is long double.
    2. The char array is specified with %.xs. for example: "char t[30]" is specified with "%.30s", char a [20] - " %.20s "
    3. "%u" is unsigned int.
    4. "%d" is int.
    5. When using %f to format a double data type, the double is truncated to 6 decimal places by default.
    6. It is recommended that the "char[]" array be placed at the end of the structure to prevent parameter configuration errors such as "%.20s" from causing problems in parsing the entire buffer.
  • demo
    1. struct:
    struct test
      uint8_t a;
      uint16_t b;
      uint32_t c;
      int8_t d;
      int16_t e;
      int32_t f;
      float g;
      double h;
      char i[32];
      uint64_t j;
      int64_t k;
      char l;
      unsigned char m;
      short int n;
      unsigned short int o;
      int p;
      unsigned int q;
      long r;
      unsigned long s;
      long long t;
      unsigned long long u;
      size_t v;
      long double w;
    1. format string:
    const char* sg = "           uint8_t:[%hhu]\n" \
                     "          uint16_t:[%hu]\n" \
                     "          uint32_t:[%u]\n" \
                     "            int8_t:[%hhd]\n" \
                     "           int16_t:[%hd]\n" \
                     "           int32_t:[%d]\n" \
                     "             float:[%hf]\n" \
                     "            double:[%f]\n" \
                     "            char[]:[%.32s]\n" \
                     "          uint64_t:[%lu]\n" \
                     "           int64_t:[%ld]\n" \
                     "              char:[%hhd]\n" \
                     "     unsigned char:[%hhu]\n" \
                     "         short int:[%hd]\n" \
                     "unsigned short int:[%hu]\n" \
                     "               int:[%d]\n" \
                     "      unsigned int:[%u]\n" \
                     "              long:[%ld]\n" \
                     "     unsigned long:[%lu]\n" \
                     "         long long:[%lld]\n" \
                     "unsigned long long:[%llu]\n" \
                     "            size_t:[%uz]\n" \
                     "       long double:[%Lf]\n";
    1. use:
    • output to terminal:
     struct lib_stdoutstream_s stdoutstream;
     lib_stdoutstream(&stdoutstream, stdout);
     lib_bsprintf(&stdoutstream.common, sv, &test_v);
     lib_bsprintf(&stdoutstream.common, sg, &test_g);
     struct lib_rawoutstream_s rawoutstream;
     struct lib_bufferedoutstream_s outstream;
     lib_rawoutstream(&rawoutstream, STDOUT_FILENO);
     lib_bufferedoutstream(&outstream, &rawoutstream.common);
     lib_bsprintf(&outstream.common, sv, &test_v);
     lib_bsprintf(&outstream.common, sg, &test_g);


This function adds a formatted standard scanf string to the structure(lib_bscanf).

  • special:

    1. Please use %lf for double precision, "%hf" or "%f" for float, long double ("%Lf") is not supported.
    2. Please use %hhd or %hhu for a single char or unsigned char.
    3. Use %hd or %hu for short int or unsigned short int.
    4. When using %s or %c, please specify the length of the char array, such as %32s, %32c.
    5. %s will check the string for spaces. When there are spaces in the string, it will be truncated. If you want to use string with spaces, please use %{length}c, but make sure that the length of the string can fill the array, otherwise an error will occur.
    6. %[] collection and %n are not supported.
  • demo

    1. struct: Same as above
    2. format string:
    #define TOSTR(str)   #str
    #define TONNAME(name) TOSTR(name)
    #define v_uint8_t    97
    #define v_uint16_t   19299
    #define v_uint32_t   22155
    #define v_l_double   -9299.9299929912122464755474
    char bflag[] = "%hhu%hu%u%hhd%hd%d%f%lf%32s%llu%lld%hhd%hhu%hd%hu%d%u%ld%lu%lld%llu%zu%ld";
    char binput[] = TONNAME(v_uint8_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_uint16_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_uint32_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_int8_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_int16_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_int32_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_float) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_double) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_char_arr) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_uint64_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_int64_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_char) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_u_char) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_s_int) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_u_s_int) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_int) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_u_int) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_long) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_u_long) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_l_l) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_u_l_l) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_size_t) \
                   " " TONNAME(v_l_double);
    1. use:
    struct test vg;
    ret = lib_bscanf(binput, bflag, &vg);