cuiziwei 4ec7af779d nuttx/boards:init_array.* needs to be executed in order
When I try to set priorities in certain programs, such as init_priority(HIGH_PRIORITY), I've noticed that during linking, there's no guarantee that the programs will be compiled in the sequence I've specified based on priority. This has led to some runtime errors in my program.

I realized that in the ld file, when initializing dynamic arrays, there's no assurance of initializing init_array.* before init_array. This has resulted in runtime errors in the program. Consequently, I've rearranged the init_array.* in the ld file of NuttX to be placed before init_array and added a SORT operation to init_array.* to ensure accurate initialization based on priorities during linking.
2023-08-29 22:54:37 +08:00

1. Download and install toolchain

  $ curl

2. Download and install openocd

  Download hpmicro sdk_env, openocd in the path: sdk_env/tools/openocd

3. Configure and build NuttX

  $ mkdir ./nuttxspace
  $ cd ./nuttxspace
  $ git clone nuttx
  $ git clone apps
  $ cd nuttx
  $ make distclean
  $ ./tools/ hpm6750evk2:nsh
  $ make menuconfig
  $ make V=1

  Note: make menuconfig to config toolchain
    To switch GNU riscv64 toolchain to GNU riscv32 toolchain, the following option must be selected:

    System Type  --->
        Toolchain Selection   --->
            [ ] Generic GNU RV64 toolchain
            [x] Generic GNU RV32 toolchain

    Make sure HPMicro GNU riscv32 toolchain have been installed and be found in PATH.

4. Debug the nuttx with openocd and run

  $ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0

  When using fireDAP, command as follows. Those cfg files in the path: sdk_env/hpm_sdk/boards/openocd.
  $ openocd -f probes/cmsis_dap.cfg -f soc/hpm6750-single-core.cfg -f boards/hpm6750evk2.cfg

  $ riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb ./nuttx
  (gdb) target extended-remote [ip_addr]:3333
  (gdb) load
  (gdb) c