RGMP stands for RTOS and GPOS on Multi-Processor. RGMP is a project for
running GPOS and RTOS simultaneously on multi-processor platforms. You can
port your favorite RTOS to RGMP together with an unmodified Linux to form a
hybrid operating system. This makes your application able to use both RTOS
and GPOS features.
See http://rgmp.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page for further
information about RGMP.
Build Instructions
1. Download RGMP from rgmp.svn.sourceforge.net:
cd <rgmp-dir>
svn co https://rgmp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rgmp/trunk rgmp
2. Configure NuttX. For example, for the RGMP NSH configuration, do the
cd <nuttx-dir>
cd tools
./configure.sh rgmp/nsh
cd ..
3. Edit Make.defs so that it can determine the include paths to the RGMP
installation directory. I made this change to <nuttx-dir>/Make.defs:
--- configs/rgmp/nsh/Make.defs 2011-05-12 11:19:26.527273500 -0600
+++ ./Make.defs 2011-05-12 12:52:42.847364700 -0600
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
include ${TOPDIR}/.config
+RGMP_INST_DIR := /home/patacongo/projects/rgmp/rgmp/rtos
NOTE: This needs to be better integrated with the RGMP build process. If
you follow the above instructions, NuttX for RGMP will compile error-free
but will fail at link time:
LD: nuttx.exe
ld: cannot open linker script file /home/patacongo/projects/rgmp/rgmp/rtos/etc/x86.ld: No such file or directory