README ====== This README file describes the port of NuttX to the SAMA5D3-Xplained development board. This board features the Atmel SAMA5D36 microprocessor. See for further information. PARAMETER SAMA5D36 ------------------------- ------------- Pin Count 324 Max. Operating Frequency 536 MHz CPU Cortex-A5 Max I/O Pins 160 Ext Interrupts 160 USB Transceiver 3 USB Speed Hi-Speed USB Interface Host, Device SPI 6 TWI (I2C) 3 UART 7 CAN 2 LIN 4 SSC 2 Ethernet 2 SD / eMMC 3 Graphic LCD Yes Camera Interface Yes ADC channels 12 ADC Resolution (bits) 12 ADC Speed (ksps) 1000 Resistive Touch Screen Yes Crypto Engine AES/DES/ SHA/TRNG SRAM (Kbytes) 128 External Bus Interface 1 DRAM Memory DDR2/LPDDR, SDRAM/LPSDR NAND Interface Yes Temp. Range (deg C) -40 to 105 I/O Supply Class 1.8/3.3 Operating Voltage (Vcc) 1.08 to 1.32 FPU Yes MPU / MMU No/Yes Timers 6 Output Compare channels 6 Input Capture Channels 6 PWM Channels 4 32kHz RTC Yes Packages LFBGA324_A Contents ======== - Development Environment - GNU Toolchain Options - IDEs - NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain - NXFLAT Toolchain - Loading Code into SRAM with J-Link - Writing to FLASH using SAM-BA - Running NuttX from SDRAM - Buttons and LEDs - Serial Console - Networking - AT25 Serial FLASH - HSMCI Card Slots - USB Ports - USB High-Speed Device - USB High-Speed Host - SDRAM Support - NAND Support - I2C Tool - CAN Usage - SAMA5 ADC Support - SAMA5 PWM Support - RTC - Watchdog Timer - TRNG and /dev/random - I2S Audio Support - SAMA5D3-Xplained Configuration Options - Configurations - To-Do List Development Environment ======================= Several possible development environments may be use: - Linux or OSX native - Cygwin unders Windows - MinGW + MSYS under Windows - Windows native (with GNUMake from GNUWin32). All testing has been performed using Cygwin under Windows. The source has been built only using the GNU toolchain (see below). Other toolchains will likely cause problems. GNU Toolchain Options ===================== The NuttX make system will support the several different toolchain options. All testing has been conducted using the CodeSourcery GCC toolchain. To use a different toolchain, you simply need to add change to one of the following configuration options to your .config (or defconfig) file: CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery under Windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYL=y : CodeSourcery under Linux CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_ATOLLIC=y : Atollic toolchain for Windos CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_DEVKITARM=y : devkitARM under Windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : NuttX buildroot under Linux or Cygwin (default) CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIL=y : Generic GCC ARM EABI toolchain for Linux CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y : Generic GCC ARM EABI toolchain for Windows The CodeSourcery GCC toolchain is selected with CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y and setting the PATH variable appropriately. NOTE about Windows native toolchains ------------------------------------ There are several limitations to using a Windows based toolchain in a Cygwin environment. The three biggest are: 1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out 'cygpath -w' 2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them. But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect. That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic directory. If you use a\ Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of making like this: make clean_context all An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful. 3. Dependencies are not made when using Windows versions of the GCC. This is because the dependencies are generated using Windows paths which do not work with the Cygwin make. MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/ IDEs ==== NuttX is built using command-line make. It can be used with an IDE, but some effort will be required to create the project. Makefile Build -------------- Under Eclipse, it is pretty easy to set up an "empty makefile project" and simply use the NuttX makefile to build the system. That is almost for free under Linux. Under Windows, you will need to set up the "Cygwin GCC" empty makefile project in order to work with Windows (Google for "Eclipse Cygwin" - there is a lot of help on the internet). Native Build ------------ Here are a few tips before you start that effort: 1) Select the toolchain that you will be using in your .config file 2) Start the NuttX build at least one time from the Cygwin command line before trying to create your project. This is necessary to create certain auto-generated files and directories that will be needed. 3) Set up include pathes: You will need include/, arch/arm/src/sam34, arch/arm/src/common, arch/arm/src/armv7-m, and sched/. 4) All assembly files need to have the definition option -D __ASSEMBLY__ on the command line. Startup files will probably cause you some headaches. The NuttX startup file is arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_vectors.S. You may need to build NuttX one time from the Cygwin command line in order to obtain the pre-built startup object needed by an IDE. NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain ================================ A GNU GCC-based toolchain is assumed. The files */ should be modified to point to the correct path to the Cortex-M3 GCC toolchain (if different from the default in your PATH variable). If you have no Cortex-M3 toolchain, one can be downloaded from the NuttX SourceForge download site ( This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment. 1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx. cd tools ./ sama5d3-xplained/<sub-dir> 2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir> 3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so, rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot. 4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot 5. Copy the configuration file from the configs/ sub-directory to the top-level build directory: cp configs/cortexa8-eabi-defconfig-4.8.2 .config 6a. You may wish to modify the configuration before you build it. For example, it is recommended that you build the kconfig-frontends tools, generomfs, and the NXFLAT tools as well. You may also want to change the selected toolchain. These reconfigurations can all be done with make menuconfig 6b. If you chose to make the configuration with no changes, then you should still do the following to make certain that the build configuration is up-to-date: make oldconfig 7. make 8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly built binaries. See the file configs/README.txt in the buildroot source tree. That has more details PLUS some special instructions that you will need to follow if you are building a Cortex-M3 toolchain for Cygwin under Windows. NXFLAT Toolchain ================ If you are *not* using the NuttX buildroot toolchain and you want to use the NXFLAT tools, then you will still have to build a portion of the buildroot tools -- just the NXFLAT tools. The buildroot with the NXFLAT tools can be downloaded from the NuttX SourceForge download site ( This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment. 1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx. cd tools ./ sama5d3-xplained/<sub-dir> 2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir> 3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so, rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot. 4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot 5. cp configs/cortexm3-defconfig-nxflat .config 6. make oldconfig 7. make 8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly built NXFLAT binaries. NOTE: There are some known incompatibilities with 4.6.3 EABI toolchain and the NXFLAT tools. See the top-level TODO file (under "Binary loaders") for more information about this problem. If you plan to use NXFLAT, please do not use the GCC 4.6.3 EABI toochain. Loading Code into SRAM with J-Link ================================== Loading code with the Segger tools and GDB ------------------------------------------ 1) Change directories into the directory where you built NuttX. 2) Start the GDB server and wait until it is ready to accept GDB connections. 3) Then run GDB like this: $ arm-none-eabi-gdb (gdb) target remote localhost:2331 (gdb) mon reset (gdb) load nuttx (gdb) ... start debugging ... Loading code using J-Link Commander ---------------------------------- J-Link> r J-Link> loadbin <file> <address> J-Link> setpc <address of __start> J-Link> ... start debugging ... Writing to FLASH using SAM-BA ============================= Assumed starting configuration: 1. You have installed the J-Link CDC USB driver (Windows only, there is no need to install a driver on any regular Linux distribution), 2. You have the USB connected to DBGU port (J23) 3. Terminal configuration: 115200 8N1 Using SAM-BA to write to FLASH: 1. Exit the terminal emulation program and remove the USB cable from the DBGU port (J23) 2. Connect the USB cable to the device USB port (J6) 3. JP9 must open (BMS == 1) to boot from on-chip Boot ROM. 4. Press and maintain PB4 CS_BOOT button and power up the board. PB4 CS_BOOT button prevents booting from Nand or serial Flash by disabling Flash Chip Selects after having powered the board, you can release the PB4 BS_BOOT button. 5. On Windows you may need to wait for a device driver to be installed. 6. Start the SAM-BA application, selecting (1) the correct USB serial port, and (2) board = at91sama5d3-xplained. 7. The SAM-BA menu should appear. 8. Select the FLASH bank that you want to use and the address to write to and "Execute" 9. When you are finished writing to FLASH, remove the USB cable from J6 and re-connect the serial link on USB CDC / DBGU connector (J23) and re-open the terminal emulator program. 10. Power cycle the board. Running NuttX from SDRAM ======================== NuttX may be executed from SDRAM. But this case means that the NuttX binary must reside on some other media (typically NAND FLASH, Serial FLASH, or, perhaps even a TFTP server). In these cases, an intermediate bootloader such as U-Boot or Barebox must be used to configure the SAMA5D3 clocks and SDRAM and then to copy the NuttX binary into SDRAM. - NuttX Configuration - Boot sequence - NAND FLASH Memory Map - Programming the AT91Boostrap Binary - Programming U-Boot - Load NuttX with U-Boot on AT91 boards NuttX Configuration ------------------- In order to run from SDRAM, NuttX must be built at origin 0x20008000 in SDRAM (skipping over SDRAM memory used by the bootloader). The following configuration option is required: CONFIG_SAMA5_BOOT_SDRAM=y CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMSDRAM=y These options tell the NuttX code that it will be booting and running from SDRAM. In this case, the start-logic will do to things: (1) it will not configure the SAMA5D3 clocking. Rather, it will use the clock configuration as set up by the bootloader. And (2) it will not attempt to configure the SDRAM. Since NuttX is already running from SDRAM, it must accept the SDRAM configuration as set up by the bootloader. Boot sequence ------------- Reference: Several pieces of software are involved to boot a Nutt5X into SDRAM. First is the primary bootloader in ROM which is in charge to check if a valid application is present on supported media (NOR FLASH, Serial DataFlash, NAND FLASH, SD card). The boot sequence of linux4SAM is done in several steps : 1. The ROM bootloader checks if a valid application is present in FLASH and if it is the case downloads it into internal SRAM. This program is usually a second level bootloader called AT91BootStrap. 2. AT91Bootstrap is the second level bootloader. It is in charge of the hardware configuration. It downloads U-Boot / Barebox binary from FLASH to SDRAM / DDRAM and starts the third level bootloader (U-Boot / Barebox) (see 3. The third level bootloader is either U-Boot or Barebox. The third level bootloader is in charge of downloading NuttX binary from FLASH, network, SD card, etc. It then starts NuttX. 4. Then NuttX runs from SDRAM NAND FLASH Memory Map --------------------- Reference: 0x0000:0000 - 0x0003:ffff: AT91BootStrap 0x0004:0000 - 0x000b:ffff: U-Boot 0x000c:0000 - 0x000f:ffff: U-Boot environment 0x0010:0000 - 0x0017:ffff: U-Boot environement redundant 0x0018:0000 - 0x001f:ffff: Device tree (DTB) 0x0020:0000 - 0x007f:ffff: NuttX 0x0080:0000 - end: Available for use as a NAND file system Programming the AT91Boostrap Binary ----------------------------------- Reference: This section describes how to program AT91Bootstrap binary into the boot media with SAM-BA tool using NandFlash as boot media. 1. Get AT91BootStrap binaries. Build instructions are available here: A pre-built AT91BootStrap binary is available here: 2. Start the SAM-BA GUI Application: - Connect the USB Device interface to your host machine using the USB Device Cable. - Make sure that the chip can execute the SAM-BA Monitor. - Start SAM-BA GUI application. - Select the board in the drop-down menu and choose the USB connection. 3. In the SAM-BA GUI Application: - Choose the "NandFlash" tab in the SAM-BA GUI interface. - Initialize the NandFlash by choosing the "Enable NandFlash" action in the Scripts rolling menu, then press "Execute" button. - Erase the NandFlash device by choosing the "Erase All" action, then press "Execute" button. - Enable the PMECC by choosing the "Enable OS PMECC parameters" action, then press "Execute" button. PMECC Number of sectors per page: 4 Spare Size: 64 Number of ECC bits required: 4 Size of the ECC sector: 512 ECC offset: 36 - Choose "Send Boot File" action, then press Execute button to select the at91bootstrap binary file and to program the binary to the NandFlash. - Close SAM-BA, remove the USB Device cable. Programming U-Boot ------------------- Reference 1. Get U-Boot Binaries. Build instructions are available here: A pre-Built binay image is available here: 2. Start the SAM-BA GUI Application: - Connect the USB Device interface to your host machine using the USB Device Cable. - Make sure that the chip can execute the SAM-BA Monitor. - Start SAM-BA GUI application. - Select the board in the drop-down menu and choose the USB connection. 3. In the SAM-BA GUI Application: - Choose the NandFlash tab in the SAM-BA GUI interface. - Initialize the NandFlash by choosing the "Enable NandFlash" action in the Scripts rolling menu, then press Execute button. - Enable the PMECC by choosing the "Enable OS PMECC parameters" action, then press Execute button. PMECC Number of sectors per page: 4 Spare Size: 64 Number of ECC bits required: 4 Size of the ECC sector: 512 ECC offset: 36 - Press the "Send File Name" Browse button - Choose u-boot.bin binary file and press Open - Enter the proper address on media in the Address text field: 0x00040000 - Press the "Send File" button - Close SAM-BA, remove the USB Device cable. You should now be able to interrupt with U-Boot vie the DBGU interface. Load NuttX with U-Boot on AT91 boards ------------------------------------- Reference Preparing NuttX image U-Boot does not support normal binary images. Instead you have to create an uImage file with the mkimage tool which encapsulates kernel image with header information, CRC32 checksum, etc. mkimage comes in source code with U-Boot distribution and it is built during U-Boot compilation (u-boot-source-dir/tools/mkimage). There are also sites where you can download pre-built mkimage binaries. For example: See the U-Boot README file for more information. More information is also available in the mkimage man page (for example, Command to generate an uncompressed uImage file (4) : mkimage -A arm -O linux -C none -T kernel -a 20008000 -e 20008000 \ -n nuttx -d nuttx.bin uImage Where: -A arm: Set architecture to ARM -O linux: Select operating system. bootm command of u-boot changes boot method by os type. -T kernel: Set image type. -C none: Set compression type. -a 20008000: Set load address. -e 20008000: Set entry point. -n nuttx: Set image name. -d nuttx.bin: Use image data from nuttx.bin. This will generate a binary called uImage. If you have the path to mkimage in your PATH variable, then you can automatically build the uImage file by adding the following to your .config file: CONFIG_RAW_BINARY=y CONFIG_UBOOT_UIMAGE=y CONFIG_UIMAGE_LOAD_ADDRESS=0x20008000 CONFIG_UIMAGE_ENTRY_POINT=0x20008040 The uImage file can them be loaded into memory from a variety of sources (serial, SD card, JFFS2 on NAND, TFTP). STATUS: 2014-4-1: So far, I am unable to get U-Boot to execute the uImage file. I get the following error messages (in this case trying to load from an SD card): U-Boot> fatload mmc 0 0x22000000 uimage reading uimage 97744 bytes read in 21 ms (4.4 MiB/s) U-Boot> bootm 0x22000000 ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 0x22000000 ... Image Name: nuttx Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 97680 Bytes = 95.4 KiB Load Address: 20008000 Entry Point: 20008040 Verifying Checksum ... OK XIP Kernel Image ... OK FDT and ATAGS support not compiled in - hanging ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### This, however, appears to be a usable workaround: U-Boot> fatload mmc 0 0x20008000 nuttx.bin mci: setting clock 257812 Hz, block size 512 mci: setting clock 257812 Hz, block size 512 mci: setting clock 257812 Hz, block size 512 gen_atmel_mci: CMDR 00001048 ( 8) ARGR 000001aa (SR: 0c100025) Command Time Out mci: setting clock 257812 Hz, block size 512 mci: setting clock 22000000 Hz, block size 512 reading nuttx.bin 108076 bytes read in 23 ms (4.5 MiB/s) U-Boot> go 0x20008040 ## Starting application at 0x20008040 ... NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-7.2 nsh> Loading through network On a development system, it is useful to get the kernel and root file system through the network. U-Boot provides support for loading binaries from a remote host on the network using the TFTP protocol. To manage to use TFTP with U-Boot, you will have to configure a TFTP server on your host machine. Check your distribution manual or Internet resources to configure a Linux or Windows TFTP server on your host: - U-Boot documentation on a Linux host: - Another TFTP configuration reference: On the U-Boot side, you will have to setup the networking parameters: 1. Setup an Ethernet address (MAC address) Check this U-Boot network BuildRootFAQ entry to choose a proper MAC address: setenv ethaddr 00:e0:de:ad:be:ef 2. Setup IP parameters: The board ip address setenv ipaddr The server ip address where the TFTP server is running setenv serverip 3. saving Environment to flash saveenv 4. If Ethernet Phy has not been detected during former bootup, reset the board to reload U-Boot : the Ethernet address and Phy initialization shall be ok, now 5. Download the NuttX uImage and the root file system to a ram location using the U-Boot tftp command (Cf. U-Boot script capability chapter). 6. Launch NuttX issuing a bootm or boot command. If the board has both emac and gmac, you can use following to choose which one to use: setenv ethact macb0,gmacb0 setenv ethprime gmacb0 STATUS: 2014-3-30: These instructions were adapted from the Linux4SAM website but have not yet been used. Buttons and LEDs ================ Buttons ------- The following push buttons switches are available: 1. One board reset button (BP2). When pressed and released, this push button causes a power-on reset of the whole board. 2. One wakeup pushbutton that brings the processor out of Low-power mode (BP1) 3. One user pushbutton (BP3) Only the user push button (BP3) is controllable by software: - PE29. Pressing the switch connect PE29 to ground. Therefore, PE29 must be pulled high internally. When the button is pressed the SAMA5 will sense "0" is on PE29. LEDs ---- There are two LEDs on the SAMA5D3 series-CM board that can be controlled by software. A blue LED is controlled via PIO pins. A red LED normally provides an indication that power is supplied to the board but can also be controlled via software. PE23. This blue LED is pulled high and is illuminated by pulling PE23 low. PE24. The red LED is also pulled high but is driven by a transistor so that it is illuminated when power is applied even if PE24 is not configured as an output. These LEDs are not used by the board port unless CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is defined. In that case, the usage by the board port is defined in include/board.h and src/sam_leds.c. The LEDs are used to encode OS-related events as follows: SYMBOL Meaning LED state Blue Red ------------------- ----------------------- -------- -------- LED_STARTED NuttX has been started OFF OFF LED_HEAPALLOCATE Heap has been allocated OFF OFF LED_IRQSENABLED Interrupts enabled OFF OFF LED_STACKCREATED Idle stack created ON OFF LED_INIRQ In an interrupt No change LED_SIGNAL In a signal handler No change LED_ASSERTION An assertion failed No change LED_PANIC The system has crashed OFF Blinking LED_IDLE MCU is is sleep mode Not used Thus if the blue LED is statically on, NuttX has successfully booted and is, apparently, running normally. If the red is flashing at approximately 2Hz, then a fatal error has been detected and the system has halted. Serial Console ============== UARTS/USARTS ------------ CONN LABEL PIO UART/USART FUNCTION ----- ------- ----- ----------- --------------- J18 SCL0 PC30 UART0 UTXD0 J18 SDA0 PC29 UART0 URXD0 J15 1 PA31 UART1 UTXD1 J15 0 PA30 UART1 URXD1 J20 TXD3 14 PC26 UART1 URXD1 J20 RXD3 15 PC27 UART1 UTXD1 J20 TXD1 16 PD18 USART0 TXD0 J20 RXD1 17 PD17 USART0 RXD0 J20 TXD0 18 PB29 USART1 TXD1 J20 RXD0 19 PB28 USART1 RXD1 J20 SDA 20 PE19 USART3 TXD3 J20 SCL 21 PE18 USART3 RXD3 DBGU Interface -------------- The SAMA5D3 Xplained board has a dedicated serial port for debugging, which is accessible through the 6-pin male header J23. PIN PIO Usage --- ---- ----------------------------------------- 1 PE13 (available) 2 PB31 DBGU DTXD 3 PB30 DBGU DRXD 4 N/C (may be used by debug interface tool) 5 PE14 (available) 6 GND By default the DBUG is used as the NuttX serial console in all configurations (unless otherwise noted). The DBGU is available at logic levels at pins RXD and TXD of the DEBUG connector (J23). GND is available at J23 and +3.3V is available from J14 Networking ========== Networking support via the can be added to NSH by selecting the following configuration options. The SAMA5D36 supports two different Ethernet MAC peripherals: (1) The 10/100Base-T EMAC peripheral and (2) the 10/100/1000Base-T GMAC peripheral. Selecting the EMAC peripheral ----------------------------- System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC=y : Enable the EMAC peripheral System Type -> EMAC device driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_NRXBUFFERS=16 : Set aside some RS and TX buffers CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_NTXBUFFERS=4 CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYADDR=1 : KSZ9031 PHY is at address 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_AUTONEG=y : Use autonegotiation CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_RMII=y : Either MII or RMII interface should work CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR=30 : Address of PHY status register on KSZ9031 CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR_ALTCONFIG=y : Needed for KSZ9031 CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR_ALTMODE=0x7 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR_10HD=0x1 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR_100HD=0x2 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR_10FD=0x5 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC_PHYSR_100FD=0x6 : " " " " " " PHY selection. Later in the configuration steps, you will need to select the KSZ9031 PHY for EMAC (See below) Selecting the GMAC peripheral ----------------------------- System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC=y : Enable the GMAC peripheral System Type -> GMAC device driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC_NRXBUFFERS=16 : Set aside some RS and TX buffers CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC_NTXBUFFERS=4 CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC_PHYADDR=1 : KSZ8081 PHY is at address 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC_AUTONEG=y : Use autonegotiation If both EMAC and GMAC are selected, you will also need: CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC_ISETH0=y : GMAC is "eth0"; EMAC is "eth1" PHY selection. Later in the configuration steps, you will need to select the KSZ9081 PHY for GMAC (See below) Common configuration settings ----------------------------- Networking Support CONFIG_NET=y : Enable Neworking CONFIG_NET_SOCKOPTS=y : Enable socket operations CONFIG_NET_BUFSIZE=562 : Maximum packet size (MTD) 1518 is more standard CONFIG_NET_RECEIVE_WINDOW=562 : Should be the same as CONFIG_NET_BUFSIZE CONFIG_NET_TCP=y : Enable TCP/IP networking CONFIG_NET_TCPBACKLOG=y : Support TCP/IP backlog CONFIG_NET_TCP_READAHEAD_BUFSIZE=562 Read-ahead buffer size CONFIG_NET_UDP=y : Enable UDP networking CONFIG_NET_ICMP=y : Enable ICMP networking CONFIG_NET_ICMP_PING=y : Needed for NSH ping command : Defaults should be okay for other options Device drivers -> Network Device/PHY Support CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y : Enabled PHY selection CONFIG_ETH0_PHY_KSZ8081=y : Select the KSZ8081 PHY (for EMAC), OR CONFIG_ETH0_PHY_KSZ90x1=y : Select the KSZ9031 PHY (for GMAC) Application Configuration -> Network Utilities CONFIG_NETUTILS_RESOLV=y : Enable host address resolution CONFIG_NETUTILS_TELNETD=y : Enable the Telnet daemon CONFIG_NETUTILS_TFTPC=y : Enable TFTP data file transfers for get and put commands CONFIG_NETUTILS_UIPLIB=y : Network library support is needed CONFIG_NETUTILS_WEBCLIENT=y : Needed for wget support : Defaults should be okay for other options Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_TELNET=y : Enable NSH session via Telnet CONFIG_NSH_IPADDR=0x0a000002 : Select an IP address CONFIG_NSH_DRIPADDR=0x0a000001 : IP address of gateway/host PC CONFIG_NSH_NETMASK=0xffffff00 : Netmask CONFIG_NSH_NOMAC=y : Need to make up a bogus MAC address : Defaults should be okay for other options Using the network with NSH -------------------------- So what can you do with this networking support? First you see that NSH has several new network related commands: ifconfig, ifdown, ifup: Commands to help manage your network get and put: TFTP file transfers wget: HTML file transfers ping: Check for access to peers on the network Telnet console: You can access the NSH remotely via telnet. You can also enable other add on features like full FTP or a Web Server or XML RPC and others. There are also other features that you can enable like DHCP client (or server) or network name resolution. By default, the IP address of the SAMA5D3-Xplained will be and it will assume that your host is the gateway and has the IP address nsh> ifconfig eth0 HWaddr 00:e0:de:ad:be:ef at UP IPaddr: DRaddr: Mask: You can use ping to test for connectivity to the host (Careful, Window firewalls usually block ping-related ICMP traffic). On the target side, you can: nsh> ping PING 56 bytes of data 56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=7 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=8 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=10 time=0 ms 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 10100 ms NOTE: In this configuration is is normal to have packet loss > 0% the first time you ping due to the default handling of the ARP table. On the host side, you should also be able to ping the SAMA5D3-Xplained: $ ping You can also log into the NSH from the host PC like this: $ telnet Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. sh_telnetmain: Session [3] Started NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-6.31 nsh> help help usage: help [-v] [<cmd>] [ echo ifconfig mkdir mw sleep ? exec ifdown mkfatfs ping test cat exit ifup mkfifo ps umount cp free kill mkrd put usleep cmp get losetup mh rm wget dd help ls mount rmdir xd df hexdump mb mv sh Builtin Apps: nsh> NOTE: If you enable this feature, you experience a delay on booting. That is because the start-up logic waits for the network connection to be established before starting NuttX. In a real application, you would probably want to do the network bringup on a separate thread so that access to the NSH prompt is not delayed. This delay will be especially long if the board is not connected to a network. AT25 Serial FLASH ================= Connections ----------- The SAMA5D3-Xplained board supports an options Serial DataFlash connected at MN8. The SPI connection is as follows: MN8 SAMA5 ------------- ----------------------------------------------- PIN FUNCTION PIO FUNCTION --- --------- ----- ----------------------------------------- 5 SI PD11 SPI0_MOSI 2 SO PD10 SPI0_MIS0 6 SCK PD12 SPI0_SPCK 1 /CS PD13 if jumper JP6 is closed. NOTE: The MN8 is not populated on my SAMAD3 Xplained board. So, as a result, these instructions would only apply if you were to have an AT25 Serial DataFlash installed in MN8. Configuration ------------- System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI0=y : Enable SPI0 CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0=y : Enable DMA controller 0 System Type -> SPI device driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI_DMA=y : Use DMA for SPI transfers CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI_DMATHRESHOLD=4 : Don't DMA for small transfers Device Drivers -> SPI Driver Support CONFIG_SPI=y : Enable SPI support CONFIG_SPI_EXCHANGE=y : Support the exchange method Device Drivers -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) Support CONFIG_MTD=y : Enable MTD support CONFIG_MTD_AT25=y : Enable the AT25 driver CONFIG_AT25_SPIMODE=0 : Use SPI mode 0 CONFIG_AT25_SPIFREQUENCY=10000000 : Use SPI frequency 10MHz The AT25 is capable of higher SPI rates than this. I have not experimented a lot, but at 20MHz, the behavior is not the same with all CM modules. This lower rate gives more predictable performance. Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Board Selection CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_AT25_AUTOMOUNT=y : Mounts AT25 for NSH CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_AT25_FTL=y : Create block driver for FAT NOTE: that you must close JP6 in order to enable the AT25 FLASH chip select. You can then format the AT25 FLASH for a FAT file system and mount the file system at /mnt/at25 using these NSH commands: nsh> mkfatfs /dev/mtdblock0 nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/at25 Then you an use the FLASH as a normal FAT file system: nsh> echo "This is a test" >/mnt/at25/atest.txt nsh> ls -l /mnt/at25 /mnt/at25: -rw-rw-rw- 16 atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/at25/atest.txt This is a test HSMCI Card Slots ================ Physical Slots -------------- The SAMA5D3-Xplained provides a two SD memory card slots: (1) a full size SD card slot (J10), and (2) a microSD memory card slot (J11). The full size SD card slot connects via HSMCI0. The card detect discrete is available on PD17 (pulled high). The write protect discrete is tied to ground and not i savailable to software. The slot supports 8-bit wide transfer mode, but the NuttX driver currently uses only the 4-bit wide transfer mode PD17 MCI0_CD PD1 MCI0_DA0 PD2 MCI0_DA1 PD3 MCI0_DA2 PD4 MCI0_DA3 PD5 MCI0_DA4 PD6 MCI0_DA5 PD7 MCI0_DA6 PD8 MCI0_DA7 PD9 MCI0_CK PD0 MCI0_CDA PE2 PWR_MCI0 The microSD connects vi HSMCI1. The card detect discrete is available on PD18 (pulled high): PD18 MCI1_CD PB20 MCI1_DA0 PB21 MCI1_DA1 PB22 MCI1_DA2 PB23 MCI1_DA3 PB24 MCI1_CK PB19 MCI1_CDA Configuration Settings ---------------------- Enabling HSMCI support. The SAMA5D3-Xplained provides a two SD memory card slots: (1) a full size SD card slot (J10), and (2) a microSD memory card slot (J11). The full size SD card slot connects via HSMCI0; the microSD connects via HSMCI1. Support for both SD slots can be enabled with the following settings: System Type->ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI0=y : Enable HSMCI0 support CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI1=y : Enable HSMCI1 support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0=y : DMAC0 is needed by HSMCI0 CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC1=y : DMAC1 is needed by HSMCI1 System Type CONFIG_SAMA5_PIO_IRQ=y : PIO interrupts needed CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOD_IRQ=y : Card detect pins are on PIOD Device Drivers -> MMC/SD Driver Support CONFIG_MMCSD=y : Enable MMC/SD support CONFIG_MMSCD_NSLOTS=1 : One slot per driver instance CONFIG_MMCSD_HAVECARDDETECT=y : Supports card-detect PIOs CONFIG_MMCSD_MMCSUPPORT=n : Interferes with some SD cards CONFIG_MMCSD_SPI=n : No SPI-based MMC/SD support CONFIG_MMCSD_SDIO=y : SDIO-based MMC/SD support CONFIG_SDIO_DMA=y : Use SDIO DMA CONFIG_SDIO_BLOCKSETUP=y : Needs to know block sizes Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Driver needs work queue support Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Using the SD card ----------------- 1) After booting, the HSCMI devices will appear as /dev/mmcsd0 and /dev/mmcsd1. 2) If you try mounting an SD card with nothing in the slot, the mount will fail: nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd1 /mnt/sd1 nsh: mount: mount failed: 19 NSH can be configured to provide errors as strings instead of numbers. But in this case, only the error number is reported. The error numbers can be found in nuttx/include/errno.h: #define ENODEV 19 #define ENODEV_STR "No such device" So the mount command is saying that there is no device or, more correctly, that there is no card in the SD card slot. 3) Inserted the SD card. Then the mount should succeed. nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd1 /mnt/sd1 nsh> ls /mnt/sd1 /mnt/sd1: atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/sd1/atest.txt This is a test 4) Before removing the card, you must umount the file system. This is equivalent to "ejecting" or "safely removing" the card on Windows: It flushes any cached data to the card and makes the SD card unavailable to the applications. nsh> umount -t /mnt/sd1 It is now safe to remove the card. NuttX provides into callbacks that can be used by an application to automatically unmount the volume when it is removed. But those callbacks are not used in these configurations. USB Ports ========= The SAMA5D3-Xplained features three USB communication ports: * Port A Host High Speed (EHCI) and Full Speed (OHCI) multiplexed with USB Device High Speed Micro AB connector, J6 * Port B Host High Speed (EHCI) and Full Speed (OHCI) standard type A connector, J7 upper port * Port C Host Full Speed (OHCI) only standard type A connector, J7 lower port The two USB host ports (only) are equipped with 500-mA high-side power switch for self-powered and bus-powered applications. The USB device port A (J6) features a VBUS insert detection function. Port A ------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PE9 VBUS_SENSE VBus detection Note: No VBus power switch enable on port A. I think that this limits this port to a device port or as a host port for self-powered devices only. Port B ------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PE4 EN5V_USBB VBus power enable (via MN3 power switch). To the A1 pin of J7 Dual USB A connector Port C ------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PE3 EN5V_USBC VBus power enable (via MN3 power switch). To the B1 pin of J7 Dual USB A connector Both Ports B and C ------------------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PE5 OVCUR_USB Combined over-current indication from port A and B USB High-Speed Device ===================== Basic USB High-Speed Device Configuration ----------------------------------------- Support the USB high-speed device (UDPHS) driver can be enabled with these NuttX configuration settings. Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_USBDEV=y : Enable USB device support CONFIG_USBDEV_DUALSPEED=y : Device support High and Full Speed CONFIG_USBDEV_DMA=y : Device uses DMA System Type -> ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_UDPHS=y : Enable UDPHS High Speed USB device Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Mass Storage Class ------------------ The Mass Storage Class (MSC) class driver is selected for use with UDPHS: Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_USBMSC=y : Enable the USB MSC class driver CONFIG_USBMSC_EPBULKOUT=1 : Use EP1 for the BULK OUT endpoint CONFIG_USBMSC_EPBULKIN=2 : Use EP2 for the BULK IN endpoint The following setting enables an add-on that can can be used to control the USB MSC device. It will add two new NSH commands: a. msconn will connect the USB serial device and export the AT25 to the host, and b. msdis which will disconnect the USB serial device. Application Configuration -> System Add-Ons: CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC=y : Enable the USBMSC add-on CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_NLUNS=1 : One LUN CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVMINOR1=0 : Minor device zero CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVPATH1="/dev/mtdblock0" : Use a single, LUN: The AT25 : block driver. NOTES: a. To prevent file system corruption, make sure that the AT25 is un- mounted *before* exporting the mass storage device to the host: nsh> umount /mnt/at25 nsh> mscon The AT25 can be re-mounted after the mass storage class is disconnected: nsh> msdis nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/at25 b. If you change the value CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVPATH1, then you can export other file systems: "/dev/mmcsd1" will export the HSMCI1 microSD "/dev/mmcsd0" will export the HSMCI0 full-size SD slot "/dev/ram0" could even be used to export a RAM disk. But you would first have to use mkrd to create the RAM disk and mkfatfs to put a FAT file system on it. CDC/ACM Serial Device Class --------------------------- This will select the CDC/ACM serial device. Defaults for the other options should be okay. Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_CDCACM=y : Enable the CDC/ACM device CONFIG_CDCACM_BULKIN_REQLEN=768 : Default too small for high-speed The following setting enables an example that can can be used to control the CDC/ACM device. It will add two new NSH commands: a. sercon will connect the USB serial device (creating /dev/ttyACM0), and b. serdis which will disconnect the USB serial device (destroying /dev/ttyACM0). Application Configuration -> Examples: CONFIG_SYSTEM_CDCACM=y : Enable an CDC/ACM example Debugging USB Device -------------------- There is normal console debug output available that can be enabled with CONFIG_DEBUG + CONFIG_DEBUG_USB. However, USB device operation is very time critical and enabling this debug output WILL interfere with the operation of the UDPHS. USB device tracing is a less invasive way to get debug information: If tracing is enabled, the USB device will save encoded trace output in in-memory buffer; if the USB monitor is also enabled, that trace buffer will be periodically emptied and dumped to the system logging device (the serial console in this configuration): Device Drivers -> "USB Device Driver Support: CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE=y : Enable USB trace feature CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE_NRECORDS=256 : Buffer 256 records in memory CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE_STRINGS=y : (optional) Application Configuration -> NSH LIbrary: CONFIG_NSH_USBDEV_TRACE=n : No builtin tracing from NSH CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : Automatically start the USB monitor Application Configuration -> System NSH Add-Ons: CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR=y : Enable the USB monitor daemon CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_STACKSIZE=2048 : USB monitor daemon stack size CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_PRIORITY=50 : USB monitor daemon priority CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_INTERVAL=1 : Dump trace data every second CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACEINIT=y : Enable TRACE output CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACECLASS=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACETRANSFERS=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACECONTROLLER=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACEINTERRUPTS=y NOTE: If USB debug output is also enabled, both outputs will appear on the serial console. However, the debug output will be asynchronous with the trace output and, hence, difficult to interpret. USB High-Speed Host =================== OHCI Only --------- Support the USB low/full-speed OHCI host driver can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as follows: System Type -> ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS=y : USB Host High Speed System Type -> USB High Speed Host driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI=y : Low/full-speed OHCI support : Defaults for values probably OK Device Drivers CONFIG_USBHOST=y : Enable USB host support Device Drivers -> USB Host Driver Support CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y : Isochronous endpoints not used CONFIG_USBHOST_MSC=y : Enable the mass storage class driver CONFIG_USBHOST_HIDKBD=y : Enable the HID keyboard class driver Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Worker thread support is required Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization NOTE: When OHCI is selected, the SAMA5 will operate at 384MHz instead of 396MHz. This is so that the PLL generates a frequency which is a multiple of the 48MHz needed for OHCI. The delay loop calibration values that are used will be off slightly because of this. EHCI ---- Support the USB high-speed EHCI host driver can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as follows. If EHCI is enabled by itself, then only high-speed devices can be supported. If OHCI is also enabled, then all low-, full-, and high speed devices will work. System Type -> ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS=y : USB Host High Speed System Type -> USB High Speed Host driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_EHCI=y : High-speed EHCI support CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI=y : Low/full-speed OHCI support : Defaults for values probably OK for both Device Drivers CONFIG_USBHOST=y : Enable USB host support CONFIG_USBHOST_INT_DISABLE=y : Interrupt endpoints not needed CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y : Isochronous endpoints not needed Device Drivers -> USB Host Driver Support CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y : Isochronous endpoints not used CONFIG_USBHOST_MSC=y : Enable the mass storage class driver CONFIG_USBHOST_HIDKBD=y : Enable the HID keyboard class driver Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Worker thread support is required Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Mass Storage Device Usage ------------------------- Example Usage: NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-6.29 nsh> ls /dev /dev: console mtdblock0 null ttyS0 Here a USB FLASH stick is inserted. Nothing visible happens in the shell. But a new device will appear: nsh> ls /dev /dev: console mtdblock0 null sda ttyS0 nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt/sda nsh> ls -l /mnt/sda /mnt/sda: -rw-rw-rw- 8788 viminfo drw-rw-rw- 0 .Trash-1000/ -rw-rw-rw- 3378 zmodem.patch -rw-rw-rw- 1503 sz-1.log -rw-rw-rw- 613 .bashrc HID Keyboard Usage ------------------ If a (supported) USB keyboard is connected, a /dev/kbda device will appear: nsh> ls /dev /dev: console kbda mtdblock0 null ttyS0 /dev/kbda is a read-only serial device. Reading from /dev/kbda will get keyboard input as ASCII data (other encodings are possible): nsh> cat /dev/kbda Debugging USB Host ------------------ There is normal console debug output available that can be enabled with CONFIG_DEBUG + CONFIG_DEBUG_USB. However, USB host operation is very time critical and enabling this debug output might interfere with the operation of the UDPHS. USB host tracing is a less invasive way to get debug information: If tracing is enabled, the USB host will save encoded trace output in in-memory buffer; if the USB monitor is also enabled, that trace buffer will be periodically emptied and dumped to the system logging device (the serial console in this configuration): Device Drivers -> "USB Host Driver Support: CONFIG_USBHOST_TRACE=y : Enable USB host trace feature CONFIG_USBHOST_TRACE_NRECORDS=256 : Buffer 256 records in memory CONFIG_USBHOST_TRACE_VERBOSE=y : Buffer everything Application Configuration -> NSH LIbrary: CONFIG_NSH_USBDEV_TRACE=n : No builtin tracing from NSH CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : Automatically start the USB monitor Application Configuration -> System NSH Add-Ons: CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR=y : Enable the USB monitor daemon CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_STACKSIZE=2048 : USB monitor daemon stack size CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_PRIORITY=50 : USB monitor daemon priority CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_INTERVAL=1 : Dump trace data every second NOTE: If USB debug output is also enabled, both outpus will appear on the serial console. However, the debug output will be asynchronous with the trace output and, hence, difficult to interpret. SDRAM Support ============= SRAM Heap Configuration ----------------------- In these configurations, .data and .bss are retained in ISRAM. SDRAM can be initialized and included in the heap. Relevant configuration settings: System Type->ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_MPDDRC=y : Enable the DDR controller System Type->External Memory Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS=y : Tell the system that DRAM is at the DDR CS CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_SIZE=268435456 : 2Gb DRAM -> 256MB CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_LPDDR2=y : Its DDR2 CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_MT47H128M16RT=y : This is the type of DDR2 System Type->Heap Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_HEAP=y : Add the SDRAM to the heap CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_HEAP_OFFSET=0 CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_HEAP_SIZE=268435456 Memory Management CONFIG_MM_REGIONS=2 : Two heap memory regions: ISRAM and SDRAM RAM Test -------- Another thing you could do is to enable the RAM test built-in application. You can enable the NuttX RAM test that may be used to verify the external SDRAM. To do this, keep the SDRAM out of the heap so that it can be tested without crashing programs using the memory: System Type->Heap Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_HEAP=n : Don't add the SDRAM to the heap Memory Management CONFIG_MM_REGIONS=1 : One memory regions: ISRAM Then enable the RAM test built-in application: Application Configuration->System NSH Add-Ons->Ram Test CONFIG_SYSTEM_RAMTEST=y In this configuration, the SDRAM is not added to heap and so is not accessable to the applications. So the RAM test can be freely executed against the SRAM memory beginning at address 0x2000:0000 (DDR CS): nsh> ramtest -h Usage: <noname> [-w|h|b] <hex-address> <decimal-size> Where: <hex-address> starting address of the test. <decimal-size> number of memory locations (in bytes). -w Sets the width of a memory location to 32-bits. -h Sets the width of a memory location to 16-bits (default). -b Sets the width of a memory location to 8-bits. To test the entire external 256MB SRAM: nsh> ramtest -w 20000000 268435456 RAMTest: Marching ones: 20000000 268435456 RAMTest: Marching zeroes: 20000000 268435456 RAMTest: Pattern test: 20000000 268435456 55555555 aaaaaaaa RAMTest: Pattern test: 20000000 268435456 66666666 99999999 RAMTest: Pattern test: 20000000 268435456 33333333 cccccccc RAMTest: Address-in-address test: 20000000 268435456 SDRAM Data Configuration ------------------------ In these configurations, .data and .bss are retained in ISRAM by default. .data and .bss can also be retained in SDRAM using these slightly different configuration settings. In this configuration, ISRAM is used only for the Cortex-A5 page table for the IDLE thread stack. System Type->ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_MPDDRC=y : Enable the DDR controller System Type->External Memory Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS=y : Tell the system that DRAM is at the DDR CS CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_SIZE=268435456 : 2Gb DRAM -> 256GB CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_LPDDR2=y : Its DDR2 CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_MT47H128M16RT=y : This is the type of DDR2 System Type->Heap Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_ISRAM_HEAP=n : These do not apply in this case CONFIG_SAMA5_DCRS_HEAP=n System Type->Boot Memory Configuration CONFIG_RAM_START=0x20000000 : Physical address of SDRAM CONFIG_RAM_VSTART=0x20000000 : Virtual address of SDRAM CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=268435456 : Size of SDRAM CONFIG_BOOT_SDRAM_DATA=y : Data is in SDRAM Care must be used applied these RAM locations; graphics configurations may use SDRAM in an incompatible way to set aside LCD framebuffers. Memory Management CONFIG_MM_REGIONS=1 : One heap memory region: ISDRAM NAND Support ============ NAND support is only partial in that there is no file system that works with it properly. Lower-level NAND support has been developed and verified, but there is no way to use it in the current NuttX architecture other than through the raw MTD interface. NAND should still be considered a work in progress. You will not want to use NAND unless you are interested in investing a little effort, particularly in infrastructure. See the "STATUS SUMMARY" section below. NAND Support ------------ NAND Support can be added to the NSH configuration by modifying the NuttX configuration file as follows: Build Setup CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL=y : NXFFS implementation is incomplete and : not yet fully functional. System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral support CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMC=y : Make sure that the SMC is enabled Drivers -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) Support CONFIG_MTD=y : Enable MTD support CONFIG_MTD_NAND=y : Enable NAND support CONFIG_MTD_NAND_BLOCKCHECK=n : Interferes with NXFFS bad block checking CONFIG_MTD_NAND_SWECC=y : Use S/W ECC calculation Defaults for all other NAND settings should be okay System Type -> External Memory Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS3=y : Enable External CS3 memory CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS3_NAND=y : Select NAND memory type CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS3_SIZE=8388608 : Use this size CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS3_SWECC=y : Use S/W ECC calculation Defaults for ROM page table addresses should be okay Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : Use architecture-specific initialization NOTES: 1. WARNING: This will wipe out everything that you may have on the NAND FLASH! I have found that using the JTAG with no valid image on NAND or Serial FLASH is a problem: In that case, the code always ends up in the SAM-BA bootloader. My understanding is that you can enable JTAG in this case by simply entering any data on the DBG serial port. I have not tried this. Instead, I just changed to boot from Serial Flash: 2. Unfortunately, there are no appropriate NAND file system in NuttX as of this writing. The following sections discussion issues/problems with using NXFFS and FAT. PMECC ----- Hardware ECC calculation using the SAMA5D3's PMECC can be enable as follows: Drivers -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) Support CONFIG_MTD_NAND_SWECC=y : Don't use S/W ECC calculation CONFIG_MTD_NAND_HWECC=y : Use H/W ECC instead System Type -> External Memory Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS3_SWECC=n : Don't use S/W ECC calculation CONFIG_SAMA5_HAVE_PMECC=n : Use H/W ECC instead Other PMECC-related default settings should be okay. STATUS: As of the writing, NAND transfers using PMECC appear to work correctly. However, the PMECC based systems do not work as as well with FAT or NXFFS. My belief that that the FAT/NXFFS layers are inappropriate for NAND and, as a result, happen not to work with the PMECC ECC calculation. See also the "STATUS SUMMARY" section below. DMA Support ----------- DMA support can be enabled as follows: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0=y : Use DMAC0 for memory-to-memory DMA System Type -> External Memory Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_NAND_DMA=y : Use DMAC0 for NAND data transfers STATUS: DMA appears to be functional, but probably has not been exercised enough to claim that with any certainty. See also the "STATUS SUMMARY" section below. NXFFS ----- The NuttX FLASH File System (NXFFS) works well with NOR-like FLASH but does not work well with NAND (See comments below under STATUS) File Systems: CONFIG_FS_NXFFS=y : Enable the NXFFS file system Defaults for all other NXFFS settings should be okay. NOTE: NXFFS will require some significant buffering because of the large size of the NAND flash blocks. You will also need to enable SDRAM as described above. Board Selection CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_NAND_AUTOMOUNT=y : Enable FS support on NAND CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_NAND_NXFFS=y : Use the NXFFS file system Other file systems are not recommended because only NXFFS can handle bad blocks and only NXFFS performs wear-levelling. FAT --- Another option is FAT. FAT, however, is not appropriate for use with NAND: FAT will not handle bad blocks, does not perform any wear levelling, and may not conform to writing ordering requirements of NAND. Also, there appear to be issues with FAT when PMECC is enabled (see "STATUS SUMMARY" below). File Systems: CONFIG_FS_FAT=y : Enable the FAT FS CONFIG_FAT_LCNAMES=y : With lower case name support CONFIG_FAT_LFN=y : And (patented) FAT long file name support CONFIG_FS_NXFFS=n : Don't need NXFFS Defaults for all other NXFFS settings should be okay. Board Selection CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_NAND_AUTOMOUNT=y : Enable FS support on NAND CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_NAND_FTL=y : Use an flash translation layer NOTE: FTL will require some significant buffering because of the large size of the NAND flash blocks. You will also need to enable SDRAM as described above. SMART FS -------- Another option is Smart FS. Smart FS is another small file system designed to work with FLASH. Properties: It does support some wear- leveling like NXFFS, but like FAT, cannot handle bad blocks and like NXFFS, it will try to re-write erased bits. Using NAND with NXFFS --------------------- With the options CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_NAND_AUTOMOUNT=y and CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_NAND_NXFFS=y, the NAND FLASH will be mounted in the NSH start-up logic before the NSH prompt appears. There is no feedback as to whether or not the mount was successful. You can, however, see the mounted file systems using the nsh 'mount' command: nsh> mount /mnt/nand type nxffs Then NAND can be used like any other file system: nsh> echo "This is a test" >/mnt/nand/atest.txt nsh> ls -l /mnt/nand /mnt/nand: ---x--x--x 16 atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/nand/atest.txt This is a test The NAND volume can be un-mounted with this comment: nsh> umount /mnt/nand nsh> mount And re-mounted with this command: nsh> mount -t nxffs /mnt/mystuff nsh> mount /mnt/mystuff type nxffs NOTES: 1. NXFFS can be very slow. The first time that you start the system, be prepared for a wait; NXFFS will need to format the NAND volume. I have lots of debug on so I don't yet know what the optimized wait will be. But with debug ON, software ECC, and no DMA the wait is in many tens of minutes (and substantially longer if many debug options are enabled. [I don't yet have data for the more optimal cases. It will be significantly less, but still not fast.] 2. On subsequent boots, after the NXFFS file system has been created the delay will be less. When the new file system is empty, it will be very fast. But the NAND-related boot time can become substantial when there has been a lot of usage of the NAND. This is because NXFFS needs to scan the NAND device and build the in-memory dataset needed to access NAND and there is more that must be scanned after the device has been used. You may want to create a separate thread at boot time to bring up NXFFS so that you don't delay the boot-to-prompt time excessively in these longer delay cases. 3. There is another NXFFS related performance issue: When the FLASH is fully used, NXFFS will restructure the entire FLASH, the delay to restructure the entire FLASH will probably be even larger. This solution in this case is to implement an NXFSS clean-up daemon that does the job a little-at-a-time so that there is no massive clean-up when the FLASH becomes full. 4. Bad NXFFS behavior with NAND: If you restart NuttX, the files that you wrote to NAND will be gone. Why? Because the multiple writes have corrupted the NAND ECC bits. See STATUS below. NXFFS would require a major overhaul to be usable with NAND. Using NAND with FAT ------------------- If configured for FAT, the system will create block driver at /dev/mtdblock0: NuttShell (NSH) nsh> ls /dev /dev: console mtdblock0 null ttyS0 You will not that the system comes up immediately because there is not need to scan the volume in this case.. The NSH 'mkfatfs' command can be used to format a FAT file system on NAND. nsh> mkfatfs /dev/mtdblock0 This step, on the other hand, requires quite a bit of time. And the FAT file system can be mounted like: nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/nand nsh> ls /mnt/nand /mnt/nand: nsh> echo "This is a test" > /mnt/nand/atest.txt NOTE: This will take a long time because it will require reading, modifying, and re-writing the 128KB erase page! nsh> ls -l /mnt/nand /mnt/nand: -rw-rw-rw- 16 atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/fat/atest.txt This is a test NOTES: 1. Unlike NXFFS, FAT can work with NAND (at least with PMECC disabled). But there are some significant issues. 2. First, each NAND write access will cause a 256KB data transfer: It will read the entire 128KB erase block, modify it and write it back to memory. There is some caching logic so that this cached erase block can be re-used if possible and writes will be deferred as long as possible. 3. If you hit a bad block, then FAT is finished. There is no mechanism in place in FAT not to mark and skip over bad blocks. What is Needed -------------- What is needed to work with FAT properly would be another MTD layer between the FTL layer and the NAND FLASH layer. That layer would perform bad block detection and sparing so that FAT works transparently on top of the NAND. Another, less general, option would be support bad blocks within FAT. STATUS SUMMARY -------------- 1. PMECC appears to be working in that I can write a NAND block with its ECC and read the block back and verify that that is are no bit failures. However, when attempting to work with FAT, it does not work correctly: The MBR is written and read back correctly, but gets corrupted later for unknown reasons. 2. DMA works (at least with software ECC), but I have seen occasional failures. I recommend enabling DMA with caution. In NuttX, DMA will also cost two context switches (and, hence, four register state transfers). With smaller NAND page sizes (say 2KiB and below), I would expect little or no performance improvement with DMA for this reason. 3. NXFFS does not work with NAND. NAND differs from other other FLASH types several ways. For one thing, NAND requires error correction (ECC) bytes that must be set in order to work around bit failures. This affects NXFFS in two ways: a. First, write failures are not fatal. Rather, they should be tried by bad blocks and simply ignored. This is because unrecoverable bit failures will cause read failures when reading from NAND. Setting the CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL+CONFIG_NXFFS_NANDs option will enable this behavior. b. Secondly, NXFFS will write a block many times. It tries to keep bits in the erased state and assumes that it can overwrite those bits to change them from the erased to the non-erased state. This works will with NOR-like FLASH. NAND behaves this way too. But the problem with NAND is that the ECC bits cannot be re-written in this way. So once a block has been written, it cannot be modified. This behavior has NOT been fixed in NXFFS. Currently, NXFFS will attempt to re-write the ECC bits causing the ECC to become corrupted because the ECC bits cannot be overwritten without erasing the entire block. This may prohibit NXFFS from ever being used with NAND. 4. As mentioned above, FAT does work but (1) has some performance issues on writes and (2) cannot handle bad blocks. I2C Tool ======== I2C Tool. NuttX supports an I2C tool at apps/system/i2c that can be used to peek and poke I2C devices. That tool can be enabled by setting the following: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI0=y : Enable TWI0 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI1=y : Enable TWI1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI2=y : Enable TWI2 System Type -> TWI device driver options SAMA5_TWI0_FREQUENCY=100000 : Select a TWI0 frequency SAMA5_TWI1_FREQUENCY=100000 : Select a TWI1 frequency SAMA5_TWI2_FREQUENCY=100000 : Select a TWI2 frequency Device Drivers -> I2C Driver Support CONFIG_I2C=y : Enable I2C support CONFIG_I2C_TRANSFER=y : Driver supports the transfer() method CONFIG_I2C_WRITEREAD=y : Driver supports the writeread() method Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_SYSTEM_I2CTOOL=y : Enable the I2C tool CONFIG_I2CTOOL_MINBUS=0 : TWI0 has the minimum bus number 0 CONFIG_I2CTOOL_MAXBUS=2 : TWI2 has the maximum bus number 2 CONFIG_I2CTOOL_DEFFREQ=100000 : Pick a consistent frequency The I2C tool has extensive help that can be accessed as follows: nsh> i2c help Usage: i2c <cmd> [arguments] Where <cmd> is one of: Show help : ? List busses : bus List devices : dev [OPTIONS] <first> <last> Read register : get [OPTIONS] [<repititions>] Show help : help Write register: set [OPTIONS] <value> [<repititions>] Verify access : verf [OPTIONS] [<value>] [<repititions>] Where common "sticky" OPTIONS include: [-a addr] is the I2C device address (hex). Default: 03 Current: 03 [-b bus] is the I2C bus number (decimal). Default: 0 Current: 0 [-r regaddr] is the I2C device register address (hex). Default: 00 Current: 00 [-w width] is the data width (8 or 16 decimal). Default: 8 Current: 8 [-s|n], send/don't send start between command and data. Default: -n Current: -n [-i|j], Auto increment|don't increment regaddr on repititions. Default: NO Current: NO [-f freq] I2C frequency. Default: 100000 Current: 100000 NOTES: o Arguments are "sticky". For example, once the I2C address is specified, that address will be re-used until it is changed. WARNING: o The I2C dev command may have bad side effects on your I2C devices. Use only at your own risk. As an example, the I2C dev comman can be used to list all devices responding on TWI0 (the default) like this: nsh> i2c dev 0x03 0x77 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1a -- -- -- -- -- 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 39 -- -- -- 3d -- -- 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60: 60 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- nsh> Address 0x1a is the WM8904. Address 0x39 is the SIL9022A. I am not sure what is at address 0x3d and 0x60 CAN Usage ========= I planned to verify CAN using the IXXAT USB-to-CAN Compact. This section provides miscellaneous CAN-related notes, mostly to myself but perhaps of interest to others. [Unfortunately, as of this writing, I still do not have a proper CAN test bed to verify the CAN driver.] CAN Configuration ----------------- The following steps illustrate how to enable CAN0 and/or CAN1 in the NuttX configuration: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0=y : Select CAN0 and/or CAN1 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1=y Device Drivers -> CAN Driver Support CONFIG_CAN=y : (Automatically selected) CONFIG_CAN_EXTID=y : For extended, 29-bit CAN IDs System Type -> CAN Drive Support CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_BAUD=250000 : Select some BAUD for CAN0 (if enabled) CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_NRECVMB=1 : Select number of receive mailboxes (see below) CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_BAUD=250000 : Select some BAUD for CAN1 (if enabled) CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_NRECVMB=1 : Select number of receive mailboxes (see below) Receive Mailboxes and Address Filtering --------------------------------------- The SAMA5 CAN0 peripheral supports 8 mailboxes that can be used for sending and receiving messages. Note that the number of dedicated receive mailboxes (CONFIG_SAMA5_CANn_NRECVMB) was set to one in the above configuration. This could be set to any value from 1 to 3 (the upper limit of 3 is purely arbrary and can be increased with some minor code enhancement). The remainder can be configured dynamically to send CAN messages. Why would you want to use more than one receive mailbox? There are two reasons. Multiple receive mailboxes might needed to either (1) receive bursts of messages, or (2) to support multiple groups of messages filtered on message ID. You must also specify the address filtering for each dedicated receive mailbox: System Type -> CAN Drive Support CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_ADDR0 and CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_MASK0 : If CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_NRECVMB >= 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_ADDR1 and CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_MASK1 : If CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_NRECVMB >= 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_ADDR2 and CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_MASK2 : If CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0_NRECVMB >= 3 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_ADDR0 and CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_MASK0 : If CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_NRECVMB >= 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_ADDR1 and CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_MASK1 : If CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_NRECVMB >= 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_ADDR2 and CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_MASK2 : If CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1_NRECVMB >= 3 Only messages that have IDs that match the CONFIG_SAMA5_CANn_ADDRn when both the received and the configured address are masked by CONFIG_SAMA5_CANn_MASKn will be accepted. For example, if the mask is all ones, then only messasges with exact address matches will be accepted; if the mask is all zeroes than any address will be accepted. CAN connectors -------------- CAN1 and CAN2 are available via RJ-11 connectors on the SAMA5D3-Xplained. Each is wired as follows. Also shown below is the matching pins if you want connect the CAN to a device that uses an DB-9 connector (Such as the IXXAT USB-to-CAN Compact). Both connector types (as well as RJ-45) are common. +----------+ RJ-11 DB-9 | O | ----------- -------------- +------------+ | | Pin 1 3v3 Pin 1 N/C | +--+ | | o5 | Pin 2 5v Pin 2 CANL | | | | | o9 | Pin 3 N/C Pin 3 GND | +-+ +-+ | | o4 | Pin 4 CANL Pin 4 N/C | | | | | o8 | Pin 5 CANH Pin 5 N/C | |654321| | | o3 | Pin 6 N/C Pin 6 N/C | |oooooo| | | o7 | Pin 7 CANH | +------+ | | o2 | Pin 8 N/C +------------+ | o6 | Pin 9 CANV+ (N/C on IXXAT) RJ-11 Female | x1 | | | | O | +----------+ DB-9 Male SAMA5 ADC Support ================= Basic driver configuration -------------------------- ADC support can be added to the NSH configuration. However, there are no ADC input pins available to the user for ADC testing (the touchscreen ADC inputs are intended for other functionality). Because of this, there is not much motivation to enable ADC support on the SAMA5D3-Xplained. This paragraph is included here, however, for people using a custom SAMA5D3x board that requires ADC support. System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC=y : Enable ADC driver support CONFIG_SAMA5_TC0=y : Enable the Timer/counter library need for periodic sampling Drivers CONFIG_ANALOG=y : Should be automatically selected CONFIG_ADC=y : Should be automatically selected System Type -> ADC Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_CHAN0=y : These settings enable the sequencer to collect CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_CHAN1=y : Samples from ADC channels 0-3 on each trigger CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_CHAN2=y CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_CHAN3=y CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_SEQUENCER=y CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_TIOA0TRIG=y : Trigger on the TC0, channel 0 output A CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_TIOAFREQ=2 : At a frequency of 2Hz CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_TIOA_RISING=y : Trigger on the rising edge Default ADC settings (like gain and offset) may also be set if desired. System Type -> Timer/counter Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_TC0_TIOA0=y : Should be automatically selected Work queue supported is also needed: Library routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y ADC Test Example ---------------- For testing purposes, there is an ADC program at apps/examples/adc that will collect a specified number of samples. This test program can be enabled as follows: Application Configuration -> Examples -> ADC example CONFIG_EXAMPLES_ADC=y : Enables the example code CONFIG_EXAMPLES_ADC_DEVPATH="/dev/adc0" Other default settings for the ADC example should be okay. ADC DMA Support --------------- At 2Hz, DMA is not necessary nor desire-able. The ADC driver has support for DMA transfers of converted data (although that support has not been tested as of this writing). DMA support can be added by include the following in the configuration. System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC1=y : Enable DMAC1 support System Type -> ADC Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_DMA=y : Enable ADC DMA transfers CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC_DMASAMPLES=2 : Collect two sets of samples per DMA Drivers -> Analog device (ADC/DAC) support CONFIG_ADC_FIFOSIZE=16 : Driver may need a large ring buffer Application Configuration -> Examples -> ADC example CONFIG_EXAMPLES_ADC_GROUPSIZE=16 : Larger buffers in the test SAMA5 PWM Support ================= Basic driver configuration -------------------------- PWM support can be added to the NSH configuration. However, there are no PWM output pins available to the user for PWM testing. Because of this, there is not much motivation to enable PWM support on the SAMA5D3-Xplained. This paragraph is included here, however, for people using a custom SAMA5D3x board that requires PWM support. Basic driver configuration: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM=y : Enable PWM driver support Drivers CONFIG_PWM=y : Should be automatically selected PWM Channel/Output Selection ---------------------------- In order to use the PWM, you must enable one or more PWM Channels: System Type -> PWM Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHAN0=y : Enable one or more of channels 0-3 CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHAN1=y CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHAN2=y CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHAN3=y For each channel that is enabled, you must also specify the output pins to be enabled and the clocking supplied to the PWM channel. CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_FAULTINPUT=n : (not used currently) CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_OUTPUTH=y : Enable One of both of the H and L output pins CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_OUTPUTL=y Where x=0..3. Care must be taken because all PWM output pins conflict with some other usage of the pin by other devices. Furthermore, many of these pins have not been brought out to an external connector: -----+---+---+----+------+---------------- PWM PIN PER PIO I/O CONFLICTS -----+---+---+----+------+---------------- PWM0 FI B PC28 J2.30 SPI1, ISI H B PB0 --- GMAC B PA20 J1.14 LCDC, ISI L B PB1 --- GMAC B PA21 J1.16 LCDC, ISI -----+---+---+----+------+---------------- PWM1 FI B PC31 J2.36 HDMI H B PB4 --- GMAC B PA22 J1.18 LCDC, ISI L B PB5 --- GMAC B PE31 J3.20 ISI, HDMI B PA23 J1.20 LCDC, ISI -----+---+---+----+------+---------------- PWM2 FI B PC29 J2.29 UART0, ISI, HDMI H C PD5 --- HSMCI0 B PB8 --- GMAC L C PD6 --- HSMCI0 B PB9 --- GMAC -----+---+---+----+------+---------------- PWM3 FI C PD16 --- SPI0, Audio H C PD7 --- HSMCI0 B PB12 J3.7 GMAC L C PD8 --- HSMCI0 B PB13 --- GMAC -----+---+---+----+-------------------- See configs/sama5d3-xplained/include/board.h for all of the default PWM pin selections. I used PWM channel 0, pins PA20 and PA21 for testing. Clocking is addressed in the next paragraph. PWM Clock Configuration ----------------------- PWM Channels can be clocked from either a coarsely divided divided down MCK or from a custom frequency from PWM CLKA and/or CLKB. If you want to use CLKA or CLKB, you must enable and configure them. System Type -> PWM Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CLKA=y CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CLKA_FREQUENCY=3300 CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CLKB=y CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CLKB_FREQUENCY=3300 Then for each of the enabled, channels you must select the input clock for that channel: System Type -> PWM Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_CLKA=y : Pick one of MCK, CLKA, or CLKB (only) CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_CLKB=y CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_MCK=y CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM_CHANx_MCKDIV=128 : If MCK is selected, then the MCK divider must : also be provided (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512, or 1024). PWM Test Example ---------------- For testing purposes, there is an PWM program at apps/examples/pwm that will collect a specified number of samples. This test program can be enabled as follows: Application Configuration -> Examples -> PWM example CONFIG_EXAMPLES_PWM=y : Enables the example code Other default settings for the PWM example should be okay. CONFIG_EXAMPLES_PWM_DEVPATH="/dev/pwm0" CONFIG_EXAMPLES_PWM_FREQUENCY=100 Usage of the example is straightforward: nsh> pwm -h Usage: pwm [OPTIONS] Arguments are "sticky". For example, once the PWM frequency is specified, that frequency will be re-used until it is changed. "sticky" OPTIONS include: [-p devpath] selects the PWM device. Default: /dev/pwm0 Current: /dev/pwm0 [-f frequency] selects the pulse frequency. Default: 100 Hz Current: 100 Hz [-d duty] selects the pulse duty as a percentage. Default: 50 % Current: 50 % [-t duration] is the duration of the pulse train in seconds. Default: 5 Current: 5 [-h] shows this message and exits RTC === The Real Time Clock/Calendar RTC) may be enabled with these settings: System Type: CONFIG_SAMA5_RTC=y : Enable the RTC driver Drivers (these values will be selected automatically): CONFIG_RTC=y : Use the RTC for system time CONFIG_RTC_DATETIME=y : RTC supports data/time The RTC supports an alarm that may be enable with the following settings. However, there is nothing in the system that currently makes use of this alarm. Drivers: CONFIG_RTC_ALARM=y : Enable the RTC alarm Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Alarm needs work queue support Watchdog Timer ============== NSH can be configured to exercise the watchdog timer test (apps/examples/watchdog). This can be selected with the following settings in the NuttX configuration file: System Type: CONFIG_SAMA5_WDT=y : Enable the WDT peripheral : Defaults in "RTC Configuration" should be OK Drivers (this will automatically be selected): CONFIG_WATCHDOG=y : Enables watchdog timer driver support Application Configuration -> Examples CONFIG_EXAMPLES_WATCHDOG=y : Enable apps/examples/watchdog The WDT timer is driven off the slow, 32768Hz clock divided by 128. As a result, the watchdog a maximum timeout value of 16 seconds. The SAMA5 WDT may also only be programmed one time; the processor must be reset before the WDT can be reprogrammed. The SAMA5 always boots with the watchdog timer enabled at its maximum timeout (16 seconds). In the normal case where no watchdog timer driver has been configured, the watchdog timer is disabled as part of the start up logic. But, since we are permitted only one opportunity to program the WDT, we cannot disable the watchdog time if CONFIG_SAMA5_WDT=y. So, be forewarned: You have only 16 seconds to run your watchdog timer test! TRNG and /dev/random ==================== NSH can be configured to enable the SAMA5 TRNG peripheral so that it provides /dev/random. The following configuration will enable the TRNG, /dev/random, and the simple test of /dev/random at apps/examples/ranadom: System Type: CONFIG_SAMA5_TRNG=y : Enable the TRNG peripheral Drivers (automatically selected): CONFIG_DEV_RANDOM=y : Enable /dev/random Applications -> Examples CONFIG_EXAMPLES_RANDOM=y : Enable apps/examples/random CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MAXSAMPLES=64 : Default settings are probably OK CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NSAMPLES=8 I2S Audio Support ================= The SAMA5D3-Xplained has two devices on-board that can be used for verification of I2S functionality: HDMI and a WM8904 audio CODEC. As of this writing, the I2S driver is present, but there are not drivers for either the HDMI or the WM8904. WM8904 Audio CODEC Interface ---------------------------- ------------- ---------------- ----------------- WM8904 SAMA5D3 NuttX Pin Name ------------- ---------------- ----------------- 3 SDA PA30 TWD0 PIO_TWI0_D 2 SCLK PA31 TWCK0 PIO_TWI0_CK 28 MCLK PD30 PCK0 PIO_PMC_PCK0 29 BCLK/GPIO4 PC16 TK PIO_SSC0_TK "" " " PC19 RK PIO_SSC0_RK 30 LRCLK PC17 TF PIO_SSC0_TF "" " " PC20 RF PIO_SSC0_RF 31 ADCDAT PC21 RD PIO_SSC0_RD 32 DACDAT PC18 TD PIO_SSC0_TD 1 IRQ/GPIO1 PD16 INT_AUDIO N/A ------------- ---------------- ----------------- I2S Loopback Test ----------------- The I2S driver was verified using a special I2C character driver (at nuttx/drivers/audio/i2schar.c) and a test driver at apps/examples/i2schar. The I2S driver was verified in loopback mode with no audio device. [NOTE: The above statement is anticipatory: As of this writing I2S driver verification is underway and still not complete]. This section describes the modifications to the NSH configuration that were used to perform the I2S testing: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_SSCO=y : Enable SSC0 driver support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0=y : DMAC0 required by SSC0 Alternatively, SSC1 could have be used: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC1=y : Enable SSC0 driver support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC1=y : DMAC0 required by SSC0 System Type -> SSC Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC_MAXINFLIGHT=16 : Up to 16 pending DMA transfers CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_MASTER=y : Master mode CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_DATALEN=16 : 16-bit data CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_RX=y : Support a receiver CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_RX_RKINPUT=y : Receiver gets clock from RK input CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_TX=y : Support a transmitter CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_TX_MCKDIV=y : Transmitter gets clock from MCK/2 CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_MCKDIV_SAMPLERATE=48000 : Sampling at 48K samples/sec CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_TX_TKOUTPUT_XFR=y : Outputs clock on TK when transferring data CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0_LOOPBACK=y : Loopmode mode connects RD/TD and RK/TK Audio CONFIG_AUDIO=y : Audio support needed : Defaults should be okay Drivers -> Audio CONFIG_I2S=y : General I2S support CONFIG_AUDIO_DEVICES=y : Audio device support CONFIG_AUDIO_I2SCHAR=y : Build I2S character driver The following describes how I have the test application at apps/examples/i2schar configured: CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR=y CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_DEVPATH="/dev/i2schar0" CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_TX=y CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_TXBUFFERS=4 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_TXSTACKSIZE=1536 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_RX=y CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_RXBUFFERS=4 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_RXSTACKSIZE=1536 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_BUFSIZE=256 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_I2SCHAR_DEVINIT=y Board Selection CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_I2SCHAR_MINOR=0 CONFIG_SAMA5D3XPLAINED_SSC_PORT=0 : 0 or SSC0, 1 for SSC1 Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Driver needs work queue support SAMA5D3-Xplained Configuration Options ================================= CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory. This should be set to: CONFIG_ARCH="arm" CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_ARM=y CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_CORTEXA5=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP="sama5" CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code to identify the exact chip: CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_SAMA5=y and one of: CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D31=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D33=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D34=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D35=y CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the configs subdirectory and hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC. CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD="sama5d3-xplained" (for the SAMA5D3-Xplained development board) CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_SAMA5D3_XPLAINED=y CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation of delay loops CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little endian) CONFIG_RAM_SIZE - Describes the installed DRAM (SRAM in this case): CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=0x0002000 (128Kb) CONFIG_RAM_START - The physical start address of installed DRAM CONFIG_RAM_START=0x20000000 CONFIG_RAM_VSTART - The virutal start address of installed DRAM CONFIG_RAM_VSTART=0x20000000 CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO - The SAM3UF103Z supports interrupt prioritization CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO=y CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that have LEDs CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt stack in bytes. If not defined, the user task stacks will be used during interrupt handling. CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to board architecture. CONFIG_ARCH_CALIBRATION - Enables some build in instrumentation that cause a 100 second delay during boot-up. This 100 second delay serves no purpose other than it allows you to calibrate CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC. You simply use a stop watch to measure the 100 second delay then adjust CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC until the delay actually is 100 seconds. Individual subsystems can be enabled: CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU - Debug Unit CONFIG_SAMA5_PIT - Periodic Interval Timer CONFIG_SAMA5_WDT - Watchdog timer CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMC - Multi-bit ECC CONFIG_SAMA5_SMD - SMD Soft Modem CONFIG_SAMA5_USART0 - USART 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_USART1 - USART 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_USART2 - USART 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_USART3 - USART 3 CONFIG_SAMA5_UART0 - UART 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_UART1 - UART 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI0 - Two-Wire Interface 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI1 - Two-Wire Interface 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI2 - Two-Wire Interface 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI0 - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI1 - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI2 - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI0 - Serial Peripheral Interface 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI1 - Serial Peripheral Interface 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TC0 - Timer Counter 0 (ch. 0, 1, 2) CONFIG_SAMA5_TC1 - Timer Counter 1 (ch. 3, 4, 5) CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM - Pulse Width Modulation Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC - Touch Screen ADC Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0 - DMA Controller 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC1 - DMA Controller 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS - USB Host High Speed CONFIG_SAMA5_UDPHS - USB Device High Speed CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC - Gigabit Ethernet MAC CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC - Ethernet MAC CONFIG_SAMA5_LCDC - LCD Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_ISI - Image Sensor Interface CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0 - Synchronous Serial Controller 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC1 - Synchronous Serial Controller 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0 - CAN controller 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1 - CAN controller 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm CONFIG_SAMA5_AES - Advanced Encryption Standard CONFIG_SAMA5_TDES - Triple Data Encryption Standard CONFIG_SAMA5_TRNG - True Random Number Generator CONFIG_SAMA5_ARM - Performance Monitor Unit CONFIG_SAMA5_FUSE - Fuse Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_MPDDRC - MPDDR controller Some subsystems can be configured to operate in different ways. The drivers need to know how to configure the subsystem. CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOA_IRQ - Support PIOA interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOB_IRQ - Support PIOB interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOC_IRQ - Support PIOD interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOD_IRQ - Support PIOD interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOE_IRQ - Support PIOE interrupts CONFIG_USART0_ISUART - USART0 is configured as a UART CONFIG_USART1_ISUART - USART1 is configured as a UART CONFIG_USART2_ISUART - USART2 is configured as a UART CONFIG_USART3_ISUART - USART3 is configured as a UART AT91SAMA5 specific device driver settings CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the DBGU for the console and ttyDBGU CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received. This specific the size of the receive buffer CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the DBGU. CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU_PARITY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the USARTn (n=0,1,2,3) or UART m (m=4,5) for the console and ttys0 (default is the DBGU). CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received. This specific the size of the receive buffer CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART. Must be CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_BITS - The number of bits. Must be either 7 or 8. CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_PARITY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits AT91SAMA5 USB Host Configuration Pre-requisites CONFIG_USBDEV - Enable USB device support CONFIG_USBHOST - Enable USB host support CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS - Needed CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI - Enable the STM32 USB OTG FS block CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE - Worker thread support is required Options: CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_NEDS Number of endpoint descriptors CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_NTDS Number of transfer descriptors CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_TDBUFFERS Number of transfer descriptor buffers CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_TDBUFSIZE Size of one transfer descriptor buffer CONFIG_USBHOST_INT_DISABLE Disable interrupt endpoint support CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE Disable isochronous endpoint support CONFIG_USBHOST_BULK_DISABLE Disable bulk endpoint support config SAMA5_OHCI_REGDEBUG Configurations ============== Information Common to All Configurations ---------------------------------------- Each SAMA5D3-Xplained configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow: cd tools ./ sama5d3-xplained/<subdir> cd - . ./ Before sourcing the file above, you should examine it and perform edits as necessary so that TOOLCHAIN_BIN is the correct path to the directory than holds your toolchain binaries. And then build NuttX by simply typing the following. At the conclusion of the make, the nuttx binary will reside in an ELF file called, simply, nuttx. make The <subdir> that is provided above as an argument to the tools/ must be is one of the following. NOTES: 1. These configurations use the mconf-based configuration tool. To change any of these configurations using that tool, you should: a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool. See nuttx/README.txt and misc/tools/ b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the reconfiguration process. 2. Unless stated otherwise, all configurations generate console output on the DBGU (J23). 3. All of these configurations use the Code Sourcery for Windows toolchain (unless stated otherwise in the description of the configuration). That toolchain selection can easily be reconfigured using 'make menuconfig'. Here are the relevant current settings: Build Setup: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Microsoft Windows CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : Using Cygwin or other POSIX environment System Type -> Toolchain: CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y : GNU EABI toolchain for windows That same configuration will work with Atmel GCC toolchain. The only change required to use the Atmel GCC toolchain is to change the PATH variable so that those tools are selected instead of the CodeSourcery tools. Try 'which arm-none-eabi-gcc' to make sure that you are selecting the right tool. The file is available for you to use to set the PATH variable. The path in the that file may not, however, be correct for your installation. See also the "NOTE about Windows native toolchains" in the section call "GNU Toolchain Options" above. !!!WARNING!!! The first time that you type 'make', the system will configure itself based on the settings in the .config file. One of these settings can cause a lot of confusion if you configure the build in the wrong state: If you are running on Linux, make *certain* that you have CONFIG_HOST_LINUX=y *before* the first make or you will create a very corrupt configuration that may not be easy to recover from. Configuration Sub-directories ----------------------------- Summary: Some of the descriptions below are long and wordy. Here is the concise summary of the available SAMA5D3-Xplained configurations: nsh: This is another NSH configuration, not too different from the demo configuration. The nsh configuration is, however, bare bones. It is the simplest possible NSH configuration and is useful as a platform for debugging and integrating new features in isolation. There may be issues with some of these configurations. See the details before of the status of individual configurations. Now for the gory details: nsh: This configuration directory provide the NuttShell (NSH). There are two NSH configurations: nsh and demo. The difference is that nsh is intended to be a very simple NSH configuration upon which you can build further functionality. The demo configuration, on the other hand, is intended to be a rich configuration that shows many features all working together. NOTES: 1. This configuration uses the default DBGU serial console. That is easily changed by reconfiguring to (1) enable a different serial peripheral, and (2) selecting that serial peripheral as the console device. 2. By default, this configuration is set up to build on Windows under either a Cygwin or MSYS environment using a recent, Windows- native, generic ARM EABI GCC toolchain (such as the CodeSourcery toolchain). Both the build environment and the toolchain selection can easily be changed by reconfiguring: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Windows operating system CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : POSIX environment under windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery for Windows If you are running on Linux, make *certain* that you have CONFIG_HOST_LINUX=y *before* the first make or you will create a corrupt configuration that may not be easy to recover from. See the warning in the section "Information Common to All Configurations" for further information. 3. This configuration executes out of SDRAM flash and is loaded into SDRAM from NAND, Serial DataFlash, SD card or from a TFTPC sever via U-Boot or BareBox. Data also is positioned in SDRAM. I did most testing with nuttx.bin on an SD card. These are the commands that I used to boot NuttX from the SD card: U-Boot> fatload mmc 0 0x20008000 nuttx.bin U-Boot> go 0x20008040 4. This configuration has support for NSH built-in applications enabled. However, no built-in applications are selected in the base configuration. 5. This configuration has support for the FAT file system built in. However, by default, there are no block drivers initialized. The FAT file system can still be used to create RAM disks. 6. The SAMA5D3 Xplained board includes an option serial DataFlash. Support for that serial FLASH can be enabled by modifying the NuttX configuration as described above in the paragraph entitled "AT25 Serial FLASH". 7. Enabling HSMCI support. The SAMA5D3-Xplained provides a two SD memory card slots: (1) a full size SD card slot (J10), and (2) a microSD memory card slot (J11). The full size SD card slot connects via HSMCI0; the microSD connects vi HSMCI1. Support for both SD slots can be enabled with the settings provided in the paragraph entitled "HSMCI Card Slots" above. 8. Support the USB low-, high- and full-speed OHCI host driver can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as described in the section entitled "USB High-Speed Host" above. 9. Support the USB high-speed USB device driver (UDPHS) can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as described above in the section entitled "USB High-Speed Device." 10. I2C Tool. NuttX supports an I2C tool at apps/system/i2c that can be used to peek and poke I2C devices. See the discussion above under "I2C Tool" for detailed configuration settings. 11. Networking support via the can be added to NSH by modifying the configuration. See the "Networking" section above for detailed configuration settings. 12. The Real Time Clock/Calendar (RTC) may be enabled by reconfiguring NuttX. See the section entitled "RTC" above for detailed configuration settings. 13. This example can be configured to exercise the watchdog timer test (apps/examples/watchdog). See the detailed configuration settings in the section entitled "Watchdog Timer" above. 14. This example can be configured to enable the SAMA5 TRNG peripheral so that it provides /dev/random. See the section entitled "TRNG and /dev/random" above for detailed configuration information. 16. See also the sections above for additional configuration options: "CAN Usage", "SAMA5 ADC Support", "SAMA5 PWM Support", "I2S Audio Support" STATUS: See the To-Do list below To-Do List ========== 1) Neither USB OHCI nor EHCI support Isochronous endpoints. Interrupt endpoint support in the EHCI driver is untested (but works in similar EHCI drivers). 2) HSCMI TX DMA support is currently commented out. 3) GMAC has only been tested on a 10/100Base-T network. I don't have a 1000Base-T network to support additional testing.