280 lines
9.0 KiB
280 lines
9.0 KiB
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
ENTRY( bl602_start )
__EM_SIZE = DEFINED(ble_controller_init) ? 8K : 0K;
rom (rxai!w) : ORIGIN = 0x21015000, LENGTH = 44K
flash (rxai!w) : ORIGIN = 0x23000000, LENGTH = 4M
ram_tcm (wxa) : ORIGIN = 0x4200C000, LENGTH = (16K + 16K + 48K + 64K + 64K + 8K - __EM_SIZE) /*put itcm with dtam and also OCRAM*/
ram_wifi (wxa) : ORIGIN = 0x42042000 - __EM_SIZE, LENGTH = (8K + 104K - 64K - 8K) /*leave 8K left for BLE*/
__stack_size = DEFINED(__stack_size) ? __stack_size : 2K;
BOOT2_PT_ADDR = 0x42049C00;
BOOT2_FLASHCFG_ADDR = 0x42049c18;
.init :
KEEP (*(SORT_NONE(.init)))
} > flash
.text :
*(.text.unlikely .text.unlikely.*)
*(.text.startup .text.startup.*)
*(.text .text.*)
} > flash
.rodata :
*(.rodata .rodata.*)
/* static cli cmds */
. = ALIGN(4);
_bl_static_cli_cmds_start = .;
_bl_static_cli_cmds_end = .;
/* static fw attribute entry */
. = ALIGN(4);
_bl_static_fw_cfg_entry_start = .;
_bl_static_fw_cfg_entry_end = .;
/* static blog code1 */
. = ALIGN(4);
_bl_static_blogcomponent_code_start = .;
_bl_static_blogcomponent_code_end = .;
/* static blog code2 */
. = ALIGN(4);
_bl_static_blogfile_code_start = .;
_bl_static_blogfile_code_end = .;
/* static blog code3 */
. = ALIGN(4);
_bl_static_blogpri_code_start = .;
_bl_static_blogpri_code_end = .;
/*Framework table section, use ALIGN here to avoid fill section*/
. = ALIGN(4);
_rom_framework_audio_device_start = .;
_rom_framework_audio_device_end = .;
} > flash
/*put wifibss in the first place*/
.wifibss (NOLOAD) :
PROVIDE( __wifi_bss_start = ADDR(.wifibss) );
PROVIDE( __wifi_bss_end = ADDR(.wifibss) + SIZEOF(.wifibss) );
. = ALIGN(16);
} > ram_wifi
PROVIDE( _heap_wifi_start = . );
PROVIDE( _heap_wifi_size = ORIGIN(ram_wifi) + LENGTH(ram_wifi) - _heap_wifi_start );
.romdata :
/*always put freetos under global_pointer with the following order. No change!*/
PROVIDE( __global_pointer_head$ = . );
PROVIDE( __global_pointer$ = . + 0x7F0 );
. = . + 0x498;
} > ram_tcm AT > flash
.data :
PROVIDE( _data_load = LOADADDR(.data) );
PROVIDE( _data_run = ADDR(.data) );
PROVIDE( _data_run_end = ADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data));
*(.data .data.*)
*(.sdata .sdata.*)
. = ALIGN(8);
*(.srodata .srodata.*)
. = ALIGN(8);
_net_buf_pool_list = .;
_bt_gatt_service_static_list_start = .;
_bt_gatt_service_static_list_end = .;
_bt_l2cap_fixed_chan_list_start = .;
_bt_l2cap_fixed_chan_list_end = .;
} > ram_tcm AT > flash
.boot2 (NOLOAD) :
PROVIDE ( __boot2_pt_addr_start = . );
PROVIDE ( __boot2_pt_addr_end = . );
PROVIDE ( __boot2_flash_cfg_start = . );
PROVIDE ( __boot2_flash_cfg_end = . );
} > ram_tcm
.bss (NOLOAD) :
PROVIDE( __bss_start = ADDR(.bss) );
PROVIDE( __bss_end = ADDR(.bss) + SIZEOF(.bss) );
PROVIDE( _sbss = __bss_start );
PROVIDE( _ebss = __bss_end );
*(.bss .bss.*)
} > ram_tcm
PROVIDE( _heap_start = . );
PROVIDE( _heap_size = ADDR(.stack) - _heap_start );
.stack ORIGIN(ram_tcm) + LENGTH(ram_tcm) - __stack_size (NOLOAD) :
. = . + __stack_size;
PROVIDE( _sp_main = . );
__freertos_irq_stack_top = .;
} >ram_tcm
/*SYMOBOL used in code*/
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_cli_cmds_start = _bl_static_cli_cmds_start );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_cli_cmds_end = _bl_static_cli_cmds_end );
/*CFG FW used in code*/
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_cfg_entry_start = _bl_static_fw_cfg_entry_start );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_cfg_entry_end = _bl_static_fw_cfg_entry_end );
/* blog */
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_blogcomponent_code_start = _bl_static_blogcomponent_code_start );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_blogcomponent_code_end = _bl_static_blogcomponent_code_end );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_blogfile_code_start = _bl_static_blogfile_code_start );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_blogfile_code_end = _bl_static_blogfile_code_end );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_blogpri_code_start = _bl_static_blogpri_code_start );
PROVIDE( _ld_bl_static_blogpri_code_end = _bl_static_blogpri_code_end );
PROVIDE( _ld_ram_size0 = LENGTH(flash) );
PROVIDE( _ld_ram_addr0 = ORIGIN(flash) );
PROVIDE( _ld_ram_size1 = LENGTH(ram_tcm) );
PROVIDE( _ld_ram_addr1 = ORIGIN(ram_tcm) );
PROVIDE( _ld_ram_size2 = LENGTH(ram_wifi) );
PROVIDE( _ld_ram_addr2 = ORIGIN(ram_wifi) );
/*BOOT2 sections*/
PROVIDE ( __boot2_pt_addr_src = BOOT2_PT_ADDR );
PROVIDE ( __boot2_flash_cfg_src = BOOT2_FLASHCFG_ADDR );
PROVIDE(xTaskGetTickCount = 0x0000000021017694);
PROVIDE(xTaskGetTickCountFromISR = 0x00000000210176aa);
PROVIDE(pvPortMalloc = 0x0000000021019662);
PROVIDE(vPortFree = 0x000000002101973a);
PROVIDE(vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR = 0x00000000210188e8);
PROVIDE(vTaskSwitchContext = 0x0000000021017a04);
PROVIDE(ulTaskNotifyTake = 0x0000000021018548);
PROVIDE(vTaskExitCritical = 0x00000000210183f4);
PROVIDE(vTaskEnterCritical = 0x00000000210183e4);
PROVIDE(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle = 0x0000000021018152);
PROVIDE(xQueueSemaphoreTake = 0x0000000021015ce8);
PROVIDE(xQueueGenericSend = 0x0000000021015834);
PROVIDE(xQueueGenericSendFromISR = 0x0000000021015a4c);
PROVIDE(xTaskCreateStatic = 0x00000000210170a2);
PROVIDE(xTaskCreate = 0x000000002101713a);
PROVIDE(xQueueCreateMutex = 0x0000000021015a1c);
PROVIDE(xQueueCreateMutexStatic = 0x0000000021015994);
PROVIDE(vQueueDelete = 0x00000000210161d8);
PROVIDE(xQueueGenericCreateStatic = 0x00000000210156c2);
PROVIDE(xQueueGenericCreate = 0x0000000021015744);
PROVIDE(xQueueReceive = 0x0000000021015b8a);
PROVIDE(uxQueueMessagesWaiting = 0x0000000021016168);
PROVIDE(vTaskDelay = 0x00000000210179c6);
PROVIDE(vTaskDelayUntil = 0x0000000021017952);
PROVIDE(xPortGetFreeHeapSize = 0x00000000210197ce);
PROVIDE(vTaskList = 0x0000000021018408);
PROVIDE(xTimerGenericCommand = 0x0000000021018bec);
PROVIDE(xTimerCreateTimerTask = 0x0000000021018a9e);
PROVIDE(xTimerCreate = 0x0000000021018af6);
PROVIDE(xTimerCreateStatic = 0x0000000021018b66);
PROVIDE(xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic = 0x00000000210157c2);
PROVIDE(xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore = 0x0000000021015800);
PROVIDE(pTrapNetCounter = __global_pointer_head$);
PROVIDE(TrapNetCounter = __global_pointer_head$ + 0x58);
PROVIDE(vEventGroupDelete = 0x00000000210153be);
PROVIDE(xEventGroupWaitBits = 0x0000000021015086);
PROVIDE(xEventGroupCreateStatic = 0x0000000021015000);
PROVIDE(xEventGroupSetBits = 0x00000000210151e0);
PROVIDE(xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic = 0x00000000210165c0);
PROVIDE(xStreamBufferReceive = 0x00000000210169ae);
PROVIDE(xStreamBufferSend = 0x00000000210167a8);
PROVIDE(pvTimerGetTimerID = 0x0000000021018fd4);
PROVIDE(xTaskGenericNotify = 0x00000000210186be);
PROVIDE(xTaskGenericNotifyFromISR = 0x00000000210187de);
PROVIDE(xQueueGiveMutexRecursive = 0x00000000210159c8);
PROVIDE(xQueueTakeMutexRecursive = 0x0000000021015e70);
PROVIDE(xTaskGetTickCount2 = 0x000000002101769a);
PROVIDE(xQueueGiveFromISR = 0x0000000021015b0e);
PROVIDE(vTaskDelete = 0x00000000210171b6);
PROVIDE(uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark = 0x0000000021018110);
PROVIDE(pcTaskGetName = 0x00000000210176b6);
PROVIDE(vTaskStartScheduler = 0x0000000021017610);
PROVIDE(vPortDefineHeapRegions = 0x00000000210197da);
PROVIDE( _ld_symbol_rom_framework_audio_device_start = _rom_framework_audio_device_start);
PROVIDE( _ld_symbol_rom_framework_audio_device_end = _rom_framework_audio_device_end);