* Serial Fixed interrupt storm
The target would randomly hang in the serial isr.
The priv->ie and the hardware were inconsistent.
The isr used the priv->ie to gate offloading
the RX data. Bang! Hung.
imxrt_disableuartint(priv, &ie);
ret = imxrt_setup(dev);
/* Restore the interrupt state */
imxrt_restoreuartint(priv, ie);
interrupt-> Of no return
priv->ie = ie;
On a fast cpu with FIFO, this will not work
with out proper protections.
* Serial: Conditionally enable 9 bit mode
* armv7-mi/mpu.hi: Restructure API
Preserve the existing API and enabled better granualriy on
* Enable MPU for non protected builds to set cache
* mpuinit use symbolic values for addresses
* Allow DTCM on HEAP
* allocateheap Fix Coding style