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System Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents
- adb - ADB daemon application
- argtable3 - ARGTABLE3 library
- cachespeed - CACHE Speed Test
- cle - EMACS-like Command Line Editor
- coredump - Coredump tool capture system status
- critmon - Critcal Section Monitor
- cu - CU minimal serial terminal
- dd - system 'dd' command
- dhcp6c - DHCP IPv6 Address Renewal
- dhcpc - DHCP Address Renewal
- dumpstack - dumpstack tool for show the task backtrace
- fastboot - fastbootd
- fdt - fdt utility tools
- gcov - gcov tool
- gdbstub - GDBSTUB
- hexed - Hex editor
- hex2bin - Intel HEX to binary conversion
- hostname - 'hostname' command
- input - input tool
- iptables - 'iptables' command
- lm75 - LM75 Temperature
- lzf - LZF compression tool
- mdio - PHY MDIO tool
- memstress - memory stress test
- netdb - netdb interface
- ntpc - NTP Daemon Commands
- nxcamera - NxCamera video test application
- nxlooper - NxLooper audio test application
- nxrecorder - NxRecorder pcm raw data Recorder
- ping - ICMP 'ping' command
- ping6 - ICMPv6 'ping6' command
- popen - popen()/pclose() Functions
- ptpd - PTP daemon commands
- ramspeed - RAM Speed Test
- ramtest - RAM Test
- readline - readline() Support
- sched_note - Scheduler monitor
- setlogmask - 'setlogmask' command
- stackmonitor - Stack Monitor
- system - System Command
- taskset - Taskset Command
- tcpdump - tcpdump command
- tee - Tee Command
- telnet - Telnet chat daemon
- telnetd - Telnet daemon application
- ubloxmodem - u-blox modem configuration tool
- uniqueid - 'uniqueid' command
- uorb - uorb(micro object request broker)
- vi - VI Work-Alike Text Editor
- ofloader - Open flash loader
- zlib - zlib data compression library