Florian Olbrich b1e625eacb Added initialization code and Kconfig entries to set up the LIS3DSH accelerometer
driver on STM32F4Discovery rev. C boards and attach the associated interrupt callback.

Added the argument parameter (FAR void *arg) to the interrupt handler provided by the LIS3DSH
driver to fit the definition for ISRs in xcpt_t.

Changed the check for working queue availability in lis3dsh interrupt handler to use work_available()
and not crash in case of an overrun.
2017-09-14 20:03:28 +02:00
2015-02-12 12:21:05 -06:00


The ADXL345 accelerometer can operate in I2C or SPI mode. To operate in I2C
mode just connect the CS pin to Vddi/o.

In order to operate in SPI mode CS need to use connected to microcontroller,
it cannot leave unconnected.

In SPI mode it works with clock polarity (CPOL) = 1 and clock phase (CPHA) = 1.


This driver has support only for MPL115A1 (SPI), but support to MPL115A2 (I2C) can
be added easily.