Dave Marples 970295d0fe i.MXRT USDHC: This change completes SDIO support for IMXRT, and also adds support for WiFi using the AP6212A module based on Simon Piriou's rather excellent work. The patch should also address DavidS's concern about width setting for USDHC1 & 2.
Testing of the WiFi is minimal so far but functionality is proven. I'm specifically not happy that the driver doesn't recover elegantly from a DMA data checksum failure, but that is an issue that can be dealt with in due course ... I'm trying to get the rest of the interfaces fleshed out and the hardware proven so it can go for pre-production build. I _think_ there's only Bluetooth and USB-device left to implement now.
2019-07-28 16:20:33 -06:00
2019-05-21 18:57:54 -06:00
2019-05-21 18:57:54 -06:00