README ====== This directory holds NuttX board support for the TI LaunchXL-CC1310. This board features the CC1310F128 part with 128Kb of FLASH and 20Kb of SRAM. Contents ======== o Status o Serial Console o LEDs and Buttons o Using J-Link Status ====== 2019-01-21: Fragmentary board support in place. The initial intent of this board support is simply to assist in the CC13x0 architecture development. Serious board development will occur later. At present, the CC13x0 does not even compile error-free: Compilation of cc14x0_rom.c fails because the DDI0 OSC header file has not yet been ported. Serial Console ============== The on-board XDS110 Debugger provide a USB virtual serial console using UART0 (PA0/U0RX and PA1/U0TX). A J-Link debugger is used (see below), then the RXD/TXD jumper pins can be used to support a serial console through appropriate TTL level adapater (RS-232 or USB serial). LEDs and Buttons ================ LEDs ---- Buttons ------- Using J-Link ============ Reference When shipped, the TI CC1310 LaunchPad evaluation board is configured to be used with the on-board debug probe. In order to use it with J-Link, the on-board debug probe needs to be isolated to make sure that it does not drive the debug signals. This can be done by removing some jumpers next to the XDS110 Out / CC1310 In connector [RXD, TXD, RST, TMS, TCK, TDO, TDI, SWO]. After isolating the on-board probe, the CC130F128 device can be debugged using J-Link. The J-Link needs to be connected to the board using the micro JTAG connector marked "In". I use the Olimex ARM-JTAG-20-10 to interface with the board: NOTE: When connecting the J-Link GDB server, the interface must be set to JTAG, not SWD as you might expect. The RXD/TXD pins. PA0/U0RX and PA1/U0TX, can then support a Serial console using the appropriate TTL adapter (TTL to RS-232 or TTL to USB serial).