YAMAMOTO Takashi 09f3a1ec8e tcp_send_buffered: throttle IOB allocations for send
Consider a bi-directional TCP connection:

1. we use all IOBs for tx queue
2. we advertize zero recv window because we have no free IOBs
3. if the peer tcp does the same thing,
   both sides advertize zero window and can not drain the tx queue.

For a similar stall to happen, the peer doesn't need to be
a naive tcp implementation like nuttx. A naive application blocking
on send() without draining its read buffer is enough.
(Probably such an application should be fixed to drain rx even
when tx is full. However, it's another story.)

This commit avoids the situation by prevent tx from grabbing
the all IOBs in the first place. (assuming CONFIG_IOB_THROTTLE > 0)
2021-07-14 15:08:18 +08:00
2021-07-12 16:30:37 -03:00
2021-07-05 06:20:52 -05:00
2021-03-21 21:51:14 +01:00
2021-07-12 16:30:37 -03:00
2021-07-06 01:44:55 -05:00


Directory Structure

   `- net/
       +- arp        - Address resolution protocol (IPv4)
       +- bluetooth  - PF_BLUETOOTH socket interface
       +- devif      - Stack/device interface layer
       +- icmp       - Internet Control Message Protocol (IPv4)
       +- icmpv6     - Internet Control Message Protocol (IPv6)
       +- ieee802154 - PF_IEEE802154 socket interface
       +- inet       - PF_INET/PF_INET6 socket interface
       +- ipforward  - IP forwarding logic
       +- local      - Unix domain (local) sockets
       +- mld        - Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)
       +- neighbor   - Neighbor Discovery Protocol (IPv6)
       +- netdev     - Socket network device interface
       +- netlink    - Netlink IPC socket interface
       +- pkt        - "Raw" packet socket support
       +- sixlowpan  - 6LoWPAN implementation
       +- socket     - BSD socket interface
       +- route      - Routing table support
       +- tcp        - Transmission Control Protocol
       +- udp        - User Datagram Protocol
       +- usrsock    - User socket API for user-space networking stack
       `- utils      - Miscellaneous utility functions

    |                     Application layer                             || usrsock daemon         |
    +-------------------------------------------------------------------++----------------+ +-----+
    |                   Socket layer (socket/)                          || /dev/usrsock   | |     |
    +-------------------------------------------------------------------++----------------+ |     |
    +------------++--------------------------------------------------++-------------------+ |     |
    |  Network   || Protocol stacks (arp, ipv6, icmp, pkt, tcp, udp) || usrsock/          | |     |
    |   Device   |+--------------------------------------------------++-------------------+ |     |
    | Interface  |+------------------------------------++---------------------------------+ |     |
    | (netdev/)  ||  Network Device Interface (devif/) || Utilities                       | |     |
    +------------++------------------------------------++---------------------------------+ |     |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+                      |     |
    |                    Network Device Drivers                      |                      | HAL |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+                      +-----+
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+
    |                    Networking Hardware                         | |  Hardware TCP/IP Stack   |
    +----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------+