Fix Mixed Case errors reported by nxstyle Signed-off-by: Alin Jerpelea <>
623 lines
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* include/nuttx/wireless/cc1101.h
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
* ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Included Files
#include <nuttx/config.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <nuttx/wqueue.h>
#include <nuttx/semaphore.h>
#include <nuttx/spi/spi.h>
* Pre-Processor Declarations
/* Present maximum packet length */
#define CC1101_FIFO_SIZE 64
/* General Purpose, Test Output Pin Options */
/* CC1101 General Purpose Pins */
#define CC1101_PIN_GDO0 2
#define CC1101_PIN_GDO1 1
#define CC1101_PIN_GDO2 0
/* Associated to the RX FIFO: Asserts when RX FIFO is filled at or above
* the RX FIFO threshold. De-asserts when RX FIFO is drained below the
* same threshold.
#define CC1101_GDO_RXFIFO_THR 0x00
/* Associated to the RX FIFO: Asserts when RX FIFO is filled at or above
* the RX FIFO threshold or the end of packet is reached. De-asserts when
* the RX FIFO is empty.
#define CC1101_GDO_RXFIFO_THREND 0x01
/* Associated to the TX FIFO: Asserts when the TX FIFO is filled at or
* above the TX FIFO threshold. De-asserts when the TX FIFO is below the
* same threshold.
#define CC1101_GDO_TXFIFO_THR 0x02
/* Associated to the TX FIFO: Asserts when TX FIFO is full. De-asserts
* when the TX FIFO is drained below theTX FIFO threshold.
#define CC1101_GDO_TXFIFO_FULL 0x03
/* Asserts when the RX FIFO has overflowed. De-asserts when the FIFO has
* been flushed.
#define CC1101_GDO_RXFIFO_OVR 0x04
/* Asserts when the TX FIFO has underflowed. De-asserts when the FIFO is
* flushed.
#define CC1101_GDO_TXFIFO_UNR 0x05
/* Asserts when sync word has been sent / received, and de-asserts at the
* end of the packet. In RX, the pin will de-assert when the optional
* address check fails or the RX FIFO overflows. In TX the pin will
* de-assert if the TX FIFO underflows.
#define CC1101_GDO_SYNC 0x06
/* Asserts when a packet has been received with CRC OK. De-asserts when
* the first byte is read from the RX FIFO.
#define CC1101_GDO_PKTRCV_CRCOK 0x07
/* Preamble Quality Reached. Asserts when the PQI is above the programmed
* PQT value.
#define CC1101_GDO_PREAMBLE 0x08
/* Clear channel assessment. High when RSSI level is below threshold
* (dependent on the current CCA_MODE setting).
#define CC1101_GDO_CHCLEAR 0x09
/* Lock detector output. The PLL is in lock if the lock detector output
* has a positive transition or is constantly logic high. To check for
* PLL lock the lock detector output should be used as an interrupt for
* the MCU.
#define CC1101_GDO_LOCK 0x0A
/* Serial Clock. Synchronous to the data in synchronous serial mode.
* In RX mode, data is set up on the falling edge by CC1101 when GDOx_INV=0.
* In TX mode, data is sampled by CC1101 on the rising edge of the serial
* clock when GDOx_INV=0.
#define CC1101_GDO_SSCLK 0x0B
/* Serial Synchronous Data Output. Used for synchronous serial mode. */
#define CC1101_GDO_SSDO 0x0C
/* Serial Data Output. Used for asynchronous serial mode. */
#define CC1101_GDO_ASDO 0x0D
/* Carrier sense. High if RSSI level is above threshold. */
#define CC1101_GDO_CARRIER 0x0E
/* CRC_OK. The last CRC comparison matched. Cleared when entering or
* restarting RX mode.
#define CC1101_GDO_CRCOK 0x0F
/* RX_HARD_DATA[1]. Can be used together with RX_SYMBOL_TICK for
* alternative serial RX output.
#define CC1101_GDO_RXOUT1 0x16
/* RX_HARD_DATA[0]. Can be used together with RX_SYMBOL_TICK for
* alternative serial RX output.
#define CC1101_GDO_RXOUT0 0x17
/* PA_PD. Note: PA_PD will have the same signal level in SLEEP and TX
* states. To control an external PA or RX/TX switch in applications
* where the SLEEP state is used it is recommended to use GDOx_CFGx=0x2F
* instead.
#define CC1101_GDO_PA_PD 0x1b
/* LNA_PD. Note: LNA_PD will have the same signal level in SLEEP and RX
* states. To control an external LNA or RX/TX switch in applications
* where the SLEEP state is used it is recommended to use GDOx_CFGx=0x2F
* instead.
#define CC1101_GDO_LNA_PD 0x1c
/* RX_SYMBOL_TICK. Can be used together with RX_HARD_DATA for alternative
* serial RX output.
#define CC1101_GDO_RXSYMTICK 0x1d
#define CC1101_GDO_WOR_EVNT0 0x24
#define CC1101_GDO_WOR_EVNT1 0x25
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK32K 0x27
#define CC1101_GDO_CHIP_RDYn 0x29
#define CC1101_GDO_XOSC_STABLE 0x2B
/* GDO0_Z_EN_N. When this output is 0, GDO0 is configured as input
* (for serial TX data).
#define CC1101_GDO_GDO0_Z_EN_N 0x2D
/* High impedance (3-state). */
#define CC1101_GDO_HIZ 0x2e
/* HW to 0 (HW1 achieved by setting GDOx_INV=1). Can be used to control
* an external LNA/PA or RX/TX switch.
#define CC1101_GDO_HW 0x2f
/* There are 3 GDO pins, but only one CLK_XOSC/n can be selected as an
* output at any time. If CLK_XOSC/n is to be monitored on one of the
* GDO pins, the other two GDO pins must be configured to values less
* than 0x30. The GDO0 default value is CLK_XOSC/192. To optimize RF
* performance, these signals should not be used while the radio is
* in RX or TX mode.
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC1 0x30
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC1_5 0x31
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC2 0x32
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC3 0x33
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC4 0x34
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC6 0x35
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC8 0x36
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC12 0x37
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC16 0x38
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC24 0x39
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC32 0x3a
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC48 0x3b
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC64 0x3c
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC96 0x3d
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC128 0x3e
#define CC1101_GDO_CLK_XOSC192 0x3f
* Public Data Types
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
#undef EXTERN
#if defined(__cplusplus)
# define EXTERN extern "C"
extern "C"
# define EXTERN extern
typedef CODE int (*wait_cc1101_ready)(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev,
struct cc1101_dev_s;
struct cc1101_ops_s
CODE void (*wait)(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, uint32_t);
CODE void (*irq)(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, bool enable);
CODE void (*pwr)(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, bool enable);
enum cc1101_status
struct cc1101_dev_s
const struct c1101_rfsettings_s *rfsettings;
struct spi_dev_s *spi;
struct cc1101_ops_s ops;
enum cc1101_status status;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t channel;
uint8_t power;
uint32_t dev_id; /* SPI device Id */
uint32_t gdo; /* GDO for interrupt */
uint32_t isr_pin; /* ISR Pin */
uint32_t miso_pin; /* MISO Pin */
struct work_s irq_work; /* Interrupt handling "bottom half" */
uint8_t nopens; /* The number of times the device has been opened */
sem_t devsem; /* Ensures exclusive access to this structure */
uint8_t *rx_buffer; /* Circular RX buffer. [pipe# / pkt_len] [packet data...] */
uint16_t fifo_len; /* Number of bytes stored in fifo */
uint16_t nxt_read; /* Next read index */
uint16_t nxt_write; /* Next write index */
sem_t sem_rx_buffer; /* Protect access to rx fifo */
sem_t sem_rx; /* Wait for availability of received data */
sem_t sem_tx; /* Wait for availability of send data */
FAR struct pollfd *pfd; /* Polled file descr (or NULL if any) */
/* The RF Settings includes only those fields required to configure
* the RF radio. Other configuration fields depended on this driver
* are configured by the cc1101_init().
* REVISIT: Upper case field names violates the NuttX coding standard.
struct c1101_rfsettings_s
uint8_t FIFOTHR; /* FIFOTHR */
uint8_t SYNC1; /* SYNC1 */
uint8_t SYNC0; /* SYNC0 */
uint8_t PKTLEN; /* PKTLEN */
uint8_t PKTCTRL0; /* Packet Automation Control */
uint8_t PKTCTRL1; /* Packet Automation Control */
uint8_t ADDR; /* ADDR */
uint8_t CHANNR; /* CHANNR */
uint8_t FSCTRL1; /* Frequency synthesizer control. */
uint8_t FSCTRL0; /* Frequency synthesizer control. */
uint8_t FREQ2; /* Frequency control word, high byte. */
uint8_t FREQ1; /* Frequency control word, middle byte. */
uint8_t FREQ0; /* Frequency control word, low byte. */
uint8_t MDMCFG4; /* Modem configuration. */
uint8_t MDMCFG3; /* Modem configuration. */
uint8_t MDMCFG2; /* Modem configuration. */
uint8_t MDMCFG1; /* Modem configuration. */
uint8_t MDMCFG0; /* Modem configuration. */
uint8_t DEVIATN; /* Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled). */
/* GAP */
uint8_t FOCCFG; /* Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration. */
uint8_t BSCFG; /* Bit synchronization Configuration. */
uint8_t AGCCTRL2; /* AGC control. */
uint8_t AGCCTRL1; /* AGC control. */
uint8_t AGCCTRL0; /* AGC control. */
/* GAP */
uint8_t FREND1; /* Front end RX configuration. */
uint8_t FREND0; /* Front end RX configuration. */
uint8_t FSCAL3; /* Frequency synthesizer calibration. */
uint8_t FSCAL2; /* Frequency synthesizer calibration. */
uint8_t FSCAL1; /* Frequency synthesizer calibration. */
uint8_t FSCAL0; /* Frequency synthesizer calibration. */
uint8_t CHMIN; /* Channel Range definition MIN .. */
uint8_t CHMAX; /* .. and MAX */
uint8_t PAMAX; /* at given maximum output power */
/* Power Table, for ramp-up/down and ASK modulation defined for
* output power values as:
* PA = {-30, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10} [dBm]
uint8_t PA[8];
* RF Configuration Database
/* TODO Recalculate ERP in maximum power level */
/* 868 MHz, GFSK, 100 kbps, ISM Region 1 (Europe only)
* ISM Region 1 (Europe) only, Band 868–870 MHz
* Frequency bands for non-specific short range devices in Europe:
* Frequency ERP Duty Cycle Bandwidth Remarks
* 868 – 868.6 MHz +14 dBm < 1% No limits
* 868.7 – 869.2 MHz +14 dBm < 0.1% No limits
* 869.3 – 869.4 MHz +10 dBm No limits < 25 kHz Appropriate access
* protocol required 869.4 – 869.65 MHz +27 dBm < 10% < 25 kHz
* Channels may be combined to one high speed channel 869.7 -870 MHz +7
* dBm No limits No limits
* Frequency Band For License-Free Specific Applications in Europe
* Frequency Application ERP Duty Cycle Bandwidth
* 868.6 – 868.7 MHz Alarms +10 dBm < 0.1% 25 kHz(1)
* 869.2 – 869.25 MHz Social Alarms +10 dBm < 0.1% 25 kHz
* 869.25 – 869.3 MHz Alarms +10 dBm < 0.1% 25 kHz
* 869.65 -869.7 MHz Alarms +14 dBm < 10% 25 kHz
* 863 – 865 MHz Radio Microphones +10 dBm No limits 200 kHz
* 863 -865 MHz Wireless Audio Applications +10 dBm No limits 300 kHz
* Duty Cycle Limit Total On Time Maximum On Time of Minimum
* Off Time of Within One Hour One Transmission Two Transmission <
* 0.1% 3.6 seconds 0.72 seconds 0.72 seconds < 1% 36
* seconds 3.6 seconds 1.8 seconds < 10% 360
* seconds 36 seconds 3.6 seconds
* Reference: TI Application Report: swra048.pdf, May 2005
* ISM-Band and Short Range Device Regulatory Compliance Overview
EXTERN const struct c1101_rfsettings_s
/* 905 MHz, GFSK, 250 kbps, ISM Region 2 (America only)
* ISM Region 2 (America) only, Band 902–928 MHz
* Cordless phones 1 W
* Microwave ovens 750 W
* Industrial heaters 100 kW
* Military radar 1000 kW
EXTERN const struct c1101_rfsettings_s
EXTERN const struct c1101_rfsettings_s
* Public Function Prototypes
FAR int cc1101_init2(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
* Initialize Chipcon CC1101 Chip.
* After initialization CC1101 is ready to listen, receive and transmit
* messages on the default channel 0 at given RF configuration.
* Input Parameters:
* spi SPI Device Structure
* isrpin Select the CC1101_PIN_GDOx used to signal interrupts
* rfsettings Pointer to default RF Settings loaded at boot time.
* Returned Value:
* Pointer to newly allocated CC1101 structure or NULL on error with errno
* set.
* Possible errno as set by this function on error:
* - ENODEV: When device addressed is not compatible or it is not a CC1101
* - EFAULT: When there is no device
* - ENOMEM: Out of kernel memory to allocate the device
* - EBUSY: When device is already addressed by other device driver (not yet
* supported by low-level driver)
struct cc1101_dev_s *cc1101_init(
FAR struct spi_dev_s *spi, uint32_t isr_pin, uint32_t miso_pin,
FAR const struct c1101_rfsettings_s *rfsettings, wait_cc1101_ready wait);
** Deinitialize Chipcon CC1101 Chip
* Input Parameters:
* dev Device to CC1101 device structure, as returned by the cc1101_init()
* Returned Value:
* OK On success
int cc1101_deinit(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
* Power up device, start conversion. Returns zero on success.
int cc1101_powerup(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
* Power down device, stop conversion. Returns zero on success.
int cc1101_powerdown(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
* Set Multi Purpose Output Function. Returns zero on success.
int cc1101_setgdo(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev,
uint8_t pin,
uint8_t function);
* Set RF settings. Use one from the database above.
int cc1101_setrf(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev,
FAR const struct c1101_rfsettings_s *settings);
* Set Channel.
* Note that regulatory check is made and sending may be prohibited.
* Returned Value:
* 0 On success, sending and receiving is allowed.
* 1 Only receive mode is allowed.
* <0 On error.
int cc1101_setchannel(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, uint8_t channel);
* Set Output Power
* Input Parameters:
* power Value from 0 - 8, where 0 means power off, and values
* from 1 .. 8 denote the following output power in dBm:
* {-30, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10} [dBm]
* If power is above the regulatory limit (defined by the RF settings)
* it is limited.
* Returned Value:
* Actual output power in range from 0..8.
uint8_t cc1101_setpower(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, uint8_t power);
* Convert RSSI as obtained from CC1101 to [dBm]
int cc1101_calc_rssi_dbm(int rssi);
* Enter receive mode and wait for a packet.
* If transmission is in progress, receive mode is entered upon its
* completion. As long cc1101_idle() is not called, each transmission
* returns to receive mode.
* Input Parameters:
* dev Device to CC1101 structure
* Returned Value:
* Zero on success.
int cc1101_receive(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
* Read received packet
* If size of buffer is too small then the remaining part of data can
* be discarded by the driver.
* Packet contains raw data, including the two bytes:
* - RSSI and
* - LQI
* appended at the end of the message.
* To inquery about the data pending size you the following:
* - pass buf=NULL and size > 0, returns pending data packet size
* - pass buf=NULL and size = 0, returns maximum data packet size
* NOTE: messages length are typically defined by the MAC, transmit/
* receive windows at some rate.
int cc1101_read(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, FAR uint8_t *buf, size_t size);
* Write data to be send, using the cc1101_send()
* Input Parameters:
* dev Device to CC1101 structure
* buf Pointer to data.
* size Size must be within limits, otherwise data is truncated.
* Present driver limitation supports a single cc1101_write()
* prioer cc1101_send() is called.
int cc1101_write(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev, FAR const uint8_t *buf,
size_t size);
* Send data previously written using cc1101_write()
* Input Parameters:
* dev Device to CC1101 structure
* Returned Value:
* Zero on success.
int cc1101_send(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
* Enter idle state (after reception and transmission completes).
* Returned Value:
* Zero on success.
int cc1101_idle(FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
int cc1101_register(FAR const char *path, FAR struct cc1101_dev_s *dev);
void cc1101_isr_process(FAR void *arg);
int cc1101_isr(int irq, FAR void *context, FAR void *arg);
#undef EXTERN
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
#endif /* __INCLUDE_NUTTX_WIRELESS_CC1101_H */