raiden00pl 6dfe1bf58c Documentation: port warnings_filter Sphinx extension from Zephyr
ignore known warnings:

/home/raiden00/git/RTOS/nuttx/nuttx/Documentation/reference/os/netdev.rst:61: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined at reference/os/netdev:39.
Declaration is '.. c:struct:: net_driver_s'.
/home/raiden00/git/RTOS/nuttx/nuttx/Documentation/reference/user/07_signals.rst:180: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined at reference/user/structures:112.
Declaration is '.. c:struct:: sigaction'.
2023-11-28 09:18:29 -08:00

7 lines
261 B

# Each line should contain the regular expression of a known Sphinx warning
# that should be filtered out
# Function and (enum or struct) name
.*Duplicate C declaration.*\n.*'\.\. c:.*:: net_driver_s'.*
.*Duplicate C declaration.*\n.*'\.\. c:.*:: sigaction'.*