

This directory holds a port of NuttX to the NXP/Freescale Sabre board
featuring the iMX 6Quad CPU.


  - Status
  - Platform Features
  - Serial Console
  - LEDs and Buttons
  - Using U-Boot to Run NuttX
  - Configurations


2016-02-28: The i.MX6Q port is just beginning. A few files have been
populated with the port is a long way from being complete or even ready to
begin any kind of testing.

2016-03-12: The i.MX6Q port is code complete including initial
implementation of logic needed for CONFIG_SMP=y  .  There is no clock
configuration logic.  This is probably not an issue if we are loaded into
SDRAM by a bootloader (because we cannot change the clocking anyway in
that case).

There is a lot of testing that could be done but, unfortunately, I still
have no i.MX6 hardware to test on.

2016-03-28: I now have a used MCIMX6Q-SDB which is similar to the target
configuration described below except that it does not have the 10.1" LVDS
display.  Next step:  Figure out how to run a copy of NuttX using U-Boot.

Platform Features

  - i.MX 6Quad or 6DualLite 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A9 processor
  - 1 GB DDR3 SDRAM up to 533 MHz (1066 MTPS) memory
  - 8 GB eMMC flash
  - 4 MB SPI NOR flash
  - 10.1" 1024 x 768 LVDS display with integrated P-cap sensing
  - HDMI connector
  - LVDS connector (for optional second display)
  - LCD expansion connector (parallel, 24-bit)
  - EPDC expansion connector (for 6DualLite only)
  - MIPI DSI connector (two data lanes, 1 GHz each)
User Interface:
  - 10.1" capacitive multitouch display
  - Buttons: power, reset, volume
Power Management:
  - Proprietary PF0100 PMIC
  - Audio codec
  - 2x digital microphones
  - 2x 3.5 mm audio ports
  - Dual 1 watt speakers
Expansion Connector:
  - Camera MIPI CSI port
  - I2C, SPI signals
  - 2x full-size SD/MMC card slots
  - 7-pin SATA data connector
  - 10/100/1000 Ethernet port
  - 1x USB 2.0 OTG port (micro USB)
  - JTAG connector (20-pin)
  - 1x Serial-to-USB connector (for JTAG)
OS Support:
  - Linux<75> and Android<69> from our company
  - Others supported via third party (QNX, Windows Embedded)
Tools Support:
  - Manufacturing tool from our company
  - IOMUX tool from our company
  - Lauterbach, ARM (DS-5), IAR and Macraigor
Additional Features:
  - Proprietary 3-axis accelerometer
  - Proprietary 3D magnetometer
  - Ambient light sensor
  - GPS receiver module
  - 2x 5MP cameras
  - Battery charger
  - Battery connectors (battery not included)

Serial Console

A DEBUG VCOM is available MICRO USB AB 5 J509.  This corresponds to UART1
from the i.MX6.  UART1 connects to J509 via the CSIO_DAT10 and CSIO_DAT11


Information Common to All Configurations
Each Sabre-6Quad configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and
can be selected as follow:

  cd tools
  ./ sabre-6quad/<subdir>
  cd -
  . ./

Before sourcing the file above, you should examine it and perform
edits as necessary so that TOOLCHAIN_BIN is the correct path to the directory
than holds your toolchain binaries.

And then build NuttX by simply typing the following.  At the conclusion of
the make, the nuttx binary will reside in an ELF file called, simply, nuttx.

  make oldconfig

The <subdir> that is provided above as an argument to the tools/
must be is one of the following.


  1. These configurations use the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
     change any of these configurations using that tool, you should:

     a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
        see additional README.txt files in the NuttX tools repository.

     b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
        reconfiguration process.

  2. Unless stated otherwise, all configurations generate console
     output on UART1 which is a available to the host PC from the USB
     micro AB as a VCOM part.

  3. All of these configurations are set up to build under Windows using the
     "GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors" that is maintained by ARM
     (unless stated otherwise in the description of the configuration).

     That toolchain selection can easily be reconfigured using
     'make menuconfig'.  Here are the relevant current settings:

     Build Setup:
       CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y               : Window environment
       CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y             : Cywin under Windows

     System Type -> Toolchain:

LEDs and Buttons

A single LED is available driven GPIO1_IO02.  On the schematic this is
USR_DEF_RED_LED signal to pin T1 (GPIO_2).  This signal is shared with
KEY_ROW6 (ALT2).  A low value illuminates the LED.

This LED is not used by the board port unless CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is
defined.  In that case, the usage by the board port is defined in
include/board.h and src/sam_autoleds.c. The LED is used to encode
OS-related events as follows:

  ------------------- ----------------------- ------
  SYMBOL              Meaning                 LED
  ------------------- ----------------------- ------
  LED_STARTED         NuttX has been started  OFF
  LED_HEAPALLOCATE    Heap has been allocated OFF
  LED_IRQSENABLED     Interrupts enabled      OFF
  LED_STACKCREATED    Idle stack created      ON
  LED_INIRQ           In an interrupt         N/C
  LED_SIGNAL          In a signal handler     N/C
  LED_ASSERTION       An assertion failed     N/C
  LED_PANIC           The system has crashed  FLASH

Thus if the LED is statically on, NuttX has successfully  booted and is,
apparently, running normally.  If the LED is flashing at approximately
2Hz, then a fatal error has been detected and the system has halted.


Using U-Boot to Run NuttX

The MCIMX6Q-SDB comes with a 8GB SD card containing the U-Boot and Android.
You simply put the SD card in the SD card slot SD3 (on the bottom of the
board next to the HDMI connect) and Android will boot.

But we need some other way to boot NuttX.  Here are some things that I have
experimented with.

Building U-Boot (Failed Attempt #1)

I have been unsuccessful getting building a working version of u-boot from
scratch.  It builds, but it does not run.  Here are the things I did:

1. Get a copy of the u-boot i.MX6 code via:


    $ git clone git://

2. Build U-Boot for the i.MX6Q Sabre using the following steps.  This
   assumes that you have the path to your arm-none-eabi- toolchain at the
   beginning of your PATH variable:

    $ cd u-boot
    $ export ARCH=arm
    $ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-
    $ make mx6qsabresd_config
    $ make

  This should create a number of files, including u-boot.imx

3. Format an SD card

  Create a FAT16 partition at an offset of about 1MB into the SD card.
  This is where we will put nuttx.bin.

4. Put U-Boot on SD.  U-boot should reside at offset 1024B of your SD
   card. To put it there, do:

    $ dd if=u-boot.imx of=/dev/<your-sd-card> bs=1k seek=1
    $ sync

  Your SD card device is typically something in /dev/sd<X> or
  /dev/mmcblk<X>. Note that you need write permissions on the SD card
  for the command to succeed, so you might need to su - as root, or use
  sudo, or do a chmod a+w as root on the SD card device node to grant
  permissions to users.

Using the Other SD Card Slot (Failed Attempt #2)

Another option is to use the version u-boot that came on the 8GB but put
NuttX on another SD card inserted in the other SD card slot at the opposite
corner of the board.

To make a long story short:  This doesn't work.  As far as I can tell,
U-Boot does not support any other other SC card except for mmc 2 with is the
boot SD card slot.

Replace Boot SD Card (Successful Attempt #3)

What if you remove the SD card after U-boot has booted, then then insert
another SD card containing the nuttx.bin image?

1. Build nuttx.bin and copy it only a FAT formated SD card.  Insert the SD
   card containing NuttX into the "other" SD card slot.  Insert the 8GB SD
   card with U-boot already on it in the normal, boot SD card slot.

2. Connect the VCOM port using the USB port next to the boot SD card slot.

3. Start a console at 11500 8N1 on the VCOM port

4. Power up the board with the 8GB SD card in place.  U-Boot will start and
   countdown before starting Linux.  Press enter to break into U-Boot before
   Linux is started.

5. Remove the 8GB U-Boot SD card; insert in its place.

6. Rescan the SD card:

  MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > mmc dev 2
  mmc2 is current device
  MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > mmc rescan
  MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > fatls mmc 2
              system volume information/
      87260   nuttx.bin

  1 file(s), 1 dir(s)

7. Then we can boot NuttX off the rescanned SD card:

     MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > fatload mmc 2 0x10800000 nuttx.bin
     reading nuttx.bin

     87260 bytes read
     MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > go 0x10800040
     ## Starting application at 0x10800040 ...

   That seems to work okay.

Use the FAT Partition on the 8GB SD Card (Untested Idea #4)

Partition 4 on the SD card is an Android FAT file system.  So one thing you
could do would be put the nuttx.bin file on that partition, then boot like:

     MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > fatload mmc 2:4 0x10800000 nuttx.bin

SD Card Image Copy (Successful Attempt #5)

You can use the 'dd' command to copy the first couple of megabytes from the
8GB SD card and copy that to another SD card.  You then have to use 'fdisk'
to fix the partition table and to add a single FAT16 partition at an offset
of 1MB or so.

1. Insert the 8GB boot SD card into your PC: Copy the first 2Mb from the SD
   card to a file:

     $ dd if=/dev/sdh of=sdh.img bs=512 count=4096

2. Remove the 8GB boot SD card and replace it with a fresh SD card.  Copy the
   saved file to the first the new SD card:

     $ dd of=/dev/sdh if=sdh.img bs=512 count=4096

3. Then make a FAT16 partition at the end of the SD card.  You will also need
   to format the partion for FAT.

4. You can put nuttx.bin here and then boot very simply with:

     MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > fatload mmc 2:1 0x10800000 nuttx.bin
     MX6Q SABRESD U-Boot > go 0x10800040

A little hokey, but not such a bad solution.

Configuration sub-directories

    This is a NuttShell (NSH) configuration that uses the NSH library
    at apps/nshlib with the start logic at apps/examples/nsh.
