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SiLabs EFM32
SiLabs EFM32 Gecko
This is a port for the Silicon Laboratories' EFM32
*Gecko* family. Board support is available for the following:
#. **SiLabs EFM32 Gecko Starter Kit (EFM32-G8XX-STK)**. The Gecko
Starter Kit features:
- EFM32G890F128 MCU with 128 kB flash and 16 kB RAM
- 32.768 kHz crystal (LXFO) and 32 MHz crystal (HXFO)
- Advanced Energy Monitoring
- Touch slider
- 4x40 LCD
- 4 User LEDs
- 2 pushbutton switches
- Reset button and a switch to disconnect the battery.
- On-board SEGGER J-Link USB emulator
- ARM 20 pin JTAG/SWD standard Debug in/out connector
**STATUS**. The basic port is verified and available now. This
includes on-board LED and button support and a serial console
available on LEUART0. A single configuration is available using the
NuttShell NSH and the LEUART0 serial console. DMA and USART-based SPI
supported are included, but not fully tested.
Refer to the EFM32 Gecko Starter Kit
`README.txt <>`__
file for further information.
#. **Olimex EFM32G880F120-STK**. This board features:
- EFM32G880F128 with 128 kB flash and 16 kB RAM
- 32.768 kHz crystal (LXFO) and 32 MHz crystal (HXFO)
- LCD custom display
- DEBUG connector with ARM 2x10 pin layout for programming/debugging
- UEXT connector
- EXT extension connector
- RS232 connector and driver
- Four user buttons
- Buzzer
**STATUS**. The board support is complete but untested because of
tool-related issues. An OpenOCD compatible, SWD debugger would be
required to make further progress in testing.
Refer to the Olimex EFM32G880F120-STK
`README.txt <>`__
for further information.
SiLabs EFM32 Giant Gecko
This is a port for the Silicon Laboratories'
EFM32 *Giant Gecko* family. This board features the EFM32GG990F1024 MCU
with 1 MB flash and 128 kB RAM.
Board support is available for the following:
- **SiLabs EFM32 Giant Gecko Starter Kit t (EFM32GG-STK3700)**. The
Gecko Starter Kit features:
- EFM32GG990F1024 MCU with 1 MB flash and 128 kB RAM
- 32.768 kHz crystal (LXFO) and 48 MHz crystal (HXFO)
- 32 MB NAND flash
- Advanced Energy Monitoring
- Touch slider
- 8x20 LCD
- 2 user LEDs
- 2 user buttons
- USB interface for Host/Device/OTG
- Ambient light sensor and inductive-capacitive metal sensor
- EFM32 OPAMP footprint
- 20 pin expansion header
- Breakout pads for easy access to I/O pins
- Power sources (USB and CR2032 battery)
- Backup Capacitor for RTC mode
- Integrated Segger J-Link USB debugger/emulator
- The basic board support for the *Giant Gecko* was introduced int
the NuttX source tree in NuttX-7.6. A verified configuration was
available for the basic NuttShell (NSH) using LEUART0 for the
serial console.
- Development of USB support is in started, but never completed.
- Reset Management Unit (RMU) was added Pierre-noel Bouteville in